What is happening, and what are you expecting to see?
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what I want to do is to have every possible combination of every element of the array in place. I want a string like 24e51b8, which is the combination of all the first elements of each sub array.
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The next number should be 25e51b8, which is the same first elements of each array, except now I'm on the second choice of the second sub-array
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it seems like you are asking for a specific solution to a problem, instead of asking about your problem. This often leads to bad solutions and increases frustration for you and those trying to help you. More: http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/66378
I'd like to know why you want to do this.
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Radar, ok sure. I have a list of hex numbers with 7 "digits". For each position of the 7 digit long number I have calculated what are the possible values. Now I want to build a list of all the possible hex values of this 7 digit long number
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so in the gist I gave you, the first sub array contains the possible hex digit values for the first character of a 7 digit long hex number
the 2nd for the 2nd digit, etc
Oh I see.
I don't know of a magical way to do that. I'd need to tinker for a bit.
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I've been busting my head for a couple of hours, but then again I haven't programmed any serious algorithm for a while
so I'm stuck
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I thought maybe recursion is best in a case like this
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Just starting writing my first program in Ruby, I am very pleased
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careta: yeah, I don't know how to do that. Sorry.
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However I do have a question. I have an array of hashes. I want to get every hash in the array that has a specific key:value pair. What is the best way to do that?
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krobzaur: .select
Radar: thanks
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if I have a string like "abc123", is there a trivial way to only keep the numbers? as in to return either 123 or "123"?
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found it
"abc123".gsub(/\D/, '')
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hi! how do I use =~ to return the position of a regex pattern in a str?
200 bits to the first person who answers
joking, that's only worth like 6 cents
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why not use index?
amincd: example string and regex?
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ok I figured it out
position_var = str_var =~ regex_pattern
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and the str_var and regex_pattern are interchangeable
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in terms of order
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shevy: "abc123[/\d+/]
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er plus missing "
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careta: did you get it working ? http://pastie.org/10585119 does what you want i think but its very ugly, im sure im missing something
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does anyone know of a good tutorial for using ncurses with ruby?
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Scriptonaut: I just found a "ncurses tutorial" and followed that. It's pretty much the same since the ncurses libs in ruby are just wrappers.
awesome, would you mind linking?
the problem is, I don't have much experience with curses in general
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edj: it's the first — and only ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — Ruby book I've read
edj: are you listening to the soundtrack?
ja: i would but im in the middle of peaky blinders
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ja: how long did it take to go through?
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edj: i had never heard of that show. looks cool though. how highly would you recommend/rate it?
edj: uhh, a week or so, and then another two weeks for me to truly begin grasping ruby's metaprogramming
ja: its dark, 20s gangsters, well done, 9/10 for my taste.
ja: yea im kind of eh with metaprograming
ja: is this good for it?
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sounds great! and 20s even, jeez
edj: I'd say so, yeah
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ja: alright ill order the paperback and get to work on it in the meantime
ja: thank you
although the examples are a bit weird and although his parenthesis style is odd (`foo( args )` — I think it's for newcomer clarity), it's the best programming book I've ever seen
no problem
but remember I warned you it's weird ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm weird
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actually ill have to get to work on it tommorow. its my bed time
but thank you so much
see you later
right on!
see you around, edj
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pontiki, havenwood: updated. moved it from Range to Regexp (where the procs can now be proper class methods), implemented anchor: argument. seems the generated regex was correct yesterday already :) (tested for 0-9999)
though, I only did the positive tests, not the negative ones
oh, lol, and I fucked up @ anchor
forgot to wrap it into a group
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updated :)
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what editor is good for ruby?
jackcom: I support sublime.
how about eclipse?
No idea
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jackcom I can't write C# possibly save for hello world example. I am semi-idling, mostly learning from some .pdf unrelated to computers/programming
ok good
shevy: :) hello
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Has anybody tried Ruby + Electron here before?
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Opal could be an option but I have a Sequel dependency which makes it non-trivial.
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not saying opal+electron is trivial...
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Hello. I'm looking for an effortless-in-coding, easy-to-use, rather fast storage for an IRC bot, so it can store RSS feeds, user memos, definition of words, some statistics. I originally thought of using SQLite, however as far as I see it's not the easiest way around. What would you suggest? Most effortless way would be to use some key/val storage for me
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marahin: what troubles did you have with sqlite?
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apeiros, not really troubles, but it's not as effortless as I would want it to be!
effortless in coding? echo factoid >> database.txt
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marahin: *sob*, ok, let me rephrase that: what was too much effort about it for you?
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In order to make it effortless, I would have to define some methods that would make it effortless to store data under key, receive it under value :)
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why do you have a key if you use the value to receive it? o0
apeiros, writing raw-SQL syntax! But really now, it's not that I can't do that. I'm really asking here because I wonder what's usually being used around with this kind of cases
apeiros, I got it wrong, sorry
marahin: sequel allows you to use sqlite and you don't have to use raw sql.
oh. I'll check it out, thank you
depending on what you do, maybe also take a look at PStore (stdlib)
if you just want key/value store, gdbm is easier
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and hi zenspider :) long time since I've last seen you
hi zenspider
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hey hey. yeah. I've been ... busy. ;)
heh, don't I know it :D
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linocisco: You?
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I have a weird question... both lines seem to be synonymous to one another (same output) https://gist.github.com/shevegen/0704695f43cee60d5b62 - but I assume that the first variant will always be faster right?
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Method invocation is much slower than parse-time concatenation.
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this is funny because rubocop pointed to that
perhaps I should let the autocop run and correct every offending line of code
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Perhaps you should sprinkle a little anarchism into your daily routine.
I have this expectation: expect(Haml::Compiler).to receive(:new).with(include ugly: true).and_call_original
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It fails because the argument passed to ::new is not a Hash, but something else. Now, if I'd write ..receive(:new){|opts| ...}, how can I call the original implementation from that block?
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Ox0dea, do you know me?
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linocisco: I know that you've endeavored to learn Ruby via the Koans, which seems to me to be a sufficient amount of knowledge of you for current purposes. Please ask your question.
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Ox0dea, I have no idea what ruby koans is . I am just looking for daily ruby exercise that can help me learn ruby quicker
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Koans are ruby exercises that can help you learn ruby quicker.
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is there a faster way of checking the number of consonants in a string than just using straight up regex?
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>> 'is there a faster way of checking the number of consonants in a string than just using straight up regex?'.each_char.inject(0) { |a,b| 'aeiou'.include?(b) ? a : a + 1 }
>> 'is there a faster way of checking the number of consonants in a string than just using straight up regex?'.each_char.inject(0) { |a,b| ' aeiou'.include?(b) ? a : a + 1 }
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havenwood holy?
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havenwood awesome, i had no idea String had its own magic #count method
but then there's punctuation and stuff.
banister: aye! :)
probably have to actually use consonants in the string to compare.
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Can arrays hold only one type of data or can you mix them
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>> 'is there a faster way of checking the number of consonants in a string than just using straight up regex?'.each_char.count { |a| 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'.include?(a) }
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to adapt .count 'a-z', '^aeiou' to include uppercase
i would just need to add the upper case characters to the second string
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Diabolik: downcase.count
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Diabolik: if you only care about ASCII chars
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Diabolik: or: 'a-zA-Z', '^aeiouAEIOU'
it's just ASCII chars anyways
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>> 'is there a faster way of checking the number of consonants in a string than just using straight up regex?'.each_char.count { |a| 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'.include?(a.downcase) }
Say I have a string like "SELECT * FROM users" and I would like to replace the word users in it, but only if it is preceded by the word "FROM", could I still do that with gsub?
bougyman: The problem is that we allow users to run sql against their own database. I haven't found a nice way to parse sql in ruby and change it programmatically.
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So you are sticking "user" input in SQL statements.
I am not sure what you mean. AFAIK I don't "stick" user input in SQL statements but rather let users execute arbitrary sql statements.
apeiros: Good question! I was thinking of trying to support arbitrary ranges. :O Really enjoyed looking at your code, thank you!!
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havenwood: butbutbut… I don't want to wait seeing your code until you support arbitrary ranges! :(
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apeiros: Mine is in a state of shambles but I have code to share. I'll put something together to share later today since I have to relocate right now.
huzzah! ok havenwood :)
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how can i modify this to a) optimize it and b) allow for nil?
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Diabolik: why do you once use .scan and once .count?
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Diabolik: although a Hash is obviously an object, are hash keys "properties"? sure the assignment isn't asking you to create your own class?
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and I'm not sure why you'd want to allow for nil, but a common way to deal with edge-cases like that is early return: `def …; return {"vowels" => 0, …} unless words; …`
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last but not least: "vowels" and "consonants" should be symbols there IMO.
apeiros i agree but im matching the test spec
apeiros my problem is when i run this test
Test.assert_equals(get_count(nil),{"vowels"=>0,"consonants"=>0},'Should return 5 vowel and 0 consonants')
i get
`get_count': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
from `
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Diabolik: you're mixing up stuff there.
make sure you actually paste the right error with the right code.
because 0 for 1 says you are not passing an argument. but the code you show does pass an argument.
ah ofc
Test.assert_equals(get_count(),{"vowels"=>0,"consonants"=>0},'Should return 0 vowel and 0 consonants')
good. and that'd be because your get_count requires an argument. the argument isn't optional.
foo(nil) is not the same as foo()
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so it should be def get_count(*words)?
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Diabolik: You could also just use the empty string as the default argument.
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Diabolik: that makes get_count accept *any number* of arguments. that's almost certainly not what you want.
Diabolik: you probably want a default value for the single argument it takes.
(Somebody else tell Diabolik he should use a default argument.)
Ox0dea: if it should take nil (IMO bad, but well…), then the default should IMO be nil too.
IMO it shouldn't have a default value either. get_count() is silly.
either this is homework or a horrible spec.
(even with as homework it's a horrible spec - shouldn't use bad code to teach)
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Perhaps the intent of the exercise is to teach defensive programming.
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exploding early at nonsensical input is a perfectly sane defense.
swallowing all kinds of shit is rather silly defense.
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hi all
hi linocisco
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I have install ruby. Can I still install rbenv?
I have install ruby 1.9 using apt-get install ruby on ubuntu. Can I still install rbenv?
linocisco: look at the rbenv website and see what they say?
I think people who do this don't realize they're on camera.
apeiros, thanks.
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hi all
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before installation of RVM, i installed ruby on ubuntu using apt-get install ruby and which installed 1.9 automatically.
G'day folks.
apeiros its not homework
its on codewars
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when I install rvm using \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby. it installed rvm with ruby version 2.2.1 in specific directory. and I can't find version 1.9 using rvm use 1.9
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linocisco: For system Ruby: rvm use system
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linocisco: If you're looking for a switcher lighter than RVM use chruby not rbenv.
havenwood, I was not aware of that
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havenwood, i m not using rbenv, i am using rvm
linocisco: I only mention it because you said rbenv earlier then RVM.
linocisco: with rvm, you generally use rvm to install your ruby. not apt.
i.e., rvm install ruby-2.2.3; rvm use 2.2.3 --default
havenwood, yes. it was right.. but I didn't install rbenv which installation is complicated
linocisco: Use the command apeiros showed above to install 2.2.3 and set it as the RVM default Ruby.
apeiros, yes. I see. I installed ruby simply via apt-get install ruby first before I know other options
linocisco: To switch back to system Ruby: rvm use system
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havenwood, that is easier
havenwood, apeiros thanks all
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havenwood, apeiros some_guy = { :name => "Tony", :age => 21 } is not working in version 1.9
havenwood, apeiros now.ok with version 2.2.3 which is latest
linocisco: "not working" is a useless problem description
Kis3k1: in general, try to use pry (or irb) to answer such questions.
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alright, thanks
IMO ?<char> literals is syntax which you should know about, but not use.
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Postel's Principle
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oh weird
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postel's law. one of my pet peeves.
not because it's wrong, but because it's almost always applied/understood wrongly
how do you mean
yeah, kinda like scripture
postel's law (robustness principle) is "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others"
and some people take it as "your stuff must be able to deal with every kind of incoming crap".
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though, actually I do strongly disagree with one of its parts, specifically the "silently discard invalid input". I'm a fan of "explode early and loudly". With some (rare) exceptions.
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hear hear
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ah, somehow omitted to send a line. re "some people take it as":
that's one of the reasons i don't refer to it as a law
apeiros: i saw that here...
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and that's not what it means. postel clarified that he meant "within the spec". i.e. implement the whole spec for incoming. but only use what's necessary for outgoing.
and pretty specifically at that for the TCP spec
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apeiros: It may be incredibly naive, but hey at least I have 501500 passing assertions! :P
Is there any tool that will visualize all subclasses of a given class? trying to trace through a new-to-me app with a pile of inheritance everywhere. basically just want it to output a pyramid of sorts
not sure whether I added my tiny pathetic test code to the gist
crankharder: So not #ancestors but #ancestry_tree?
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sounded like #descendants (if that existed)
crankharder: rdoc can generate diagrams of classes
not sure, I'd hope yard can too, but I never tried/looked
for rdoc, I think you need graphviz installed
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actually, looks like I can really get what I want just from #subclasses
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crankharder: you *probably* should have told us that it's rails.
you know, kinda relevant.
blubjr: You can use RubyVM::InstructionSequence to run certain code with TCO when it's not enabled. But are you using the trace info? Why not just enable TCO?
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crankharder: Rails!!
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* havenwood
searches in vain for a pitchfork
* apeiros
gets the torches
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blubjr: Want to compile Ruby with TCO? Yell if you want help.
havenwood: will do, im just looking into it now
blubjr: RVM, chruby/ruby-install or compiling yourself?
(It's easy to patch whatever way.)
havenwood: thanks for your code, it was an interesting read :)
compiling myself
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blubjr: patch -p1 -d . < tco.patch
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what's the gem <arg> to list all installed files from a gem?
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csguest, but for word matching the scan would be a better option... you can //i , go case insensitive
csguest: doing it like they said will produce the same results, but it has very different performance characteristics from cdring down a list, remember
but i like cdring down a list
me too, its just much slower in ruby :)
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nofxx: you're looking for gem contents
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Coraline, thank you!
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csguest: it does work.
but gets includes the newline.
so if you type "quit"+enter, it'll be "quit\n" != "quit", which is true.
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csguest: you need to chomp
for future reference "does not work" is a useless problem description. instead state what you expect something to do, and what it does instead. if you get an exception, paste (on gist.github.com) the full exception.
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or compare to "quit\n"
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can i gets
without a newline
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Like I said, use chomp
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heh heh. chomping strings
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csguest: also, you probably want $stdin.gets, not toplevel gets
whats the difference
toplevel gets is Kernel#gets, which is ARGF.gets, which in turn means it'll consider all arguments given to your script as files to read from, and after having read them, move on to $stdin.
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cool it works now
if you input dicks, itll print out cats
no it won't
if you say anything else itll print out dogs
now it will
my programming skills are off the charts
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I stt
is there a better way to check equivalence
instead of ==
apeiros: oh huh, so if you just use normal gets it automatically works like a normal unix program ?