But it is STILL accumulating state inside the Rspec singleton.
it should be an application specific constant
So you could do "spec algebra" with multiple expectation objects.
I did not followed rspec development very close, I just consumed rspec as is.
But I'll end up in doing my own framework. Maybe during summer vacation.
It is a good project to keep brain busy :D
I would be fine if I could get describe after doing include SomeModule at the top
automatically monkey patching is the thing that's actually bad
but yeah, I suspect there are tons of methods and constants in the RSpec namespace
accumulating that complexity in a single namespace, in the name of a better interface, is still a mistake imho
So an application specific root would be better
or include MyappsSpecs
going to sleep
meet you tomorrow
I just wish I could say something like: describe MyNamespace, '#read' .. and then describe MySubclass, '#read' do; inherits MyNamespace, '#read'
and then I could have my own before and let blocks that I can override
snusnu: Thougt you are on a longer vacation and coming back in 2 days.
dkubb: hola, sorry for dropping out so fast yersterday.
dkubb: I have an interesting thought. We Adamantium{,::FLat} that makes objects immutable. But sometimes I need an object that is mutable. (Root of the object tree) This object sometimes gets passed into a freezer. So IMHO we need Adamantium::Mutable that noops #freeze and #frozen => true
dkubb: So I can greatly reduce memoize :freezer => :noop usage!
and what would you gain from lying? You would not like an API which is lying to you, right?
it will just cause pain :/
Gibheer: It wount, but use it wisely
Gibheer: I already use this for 1 in 1000 classes :D
why not just return false for frozen?
Gibheer: Because ice_nine will try to freeze it.
Gibheer: All time it sees that object :D
if it is intended like this, then it would be the correct way
or you create a flag which represents the purpose, like mutable?
Gibheer: I cannot argue deeply now, busy. later.
But I think it is correct, sometimes.
mbj: I see why you would need it, but lying about an objects features feels wrong to me.
Gibheer: #freeze, #frozen? is a protocoal
I need a special protocol entity
For edge cases.
And we support these edge cases with :freezer => :noop already.
But all users need to know "dont freeze this object".
With Adamantium::Mutable you can remove all these special memoizers.
So I replace lots of crap with less crap. Okay for me :D
mbj: I'm fine with this as a stop-gap, but we need a way to configure ice_nine without making special freezers. some kind of dsl that can do it quickly and easily
So just do Mutator::Registry.lookup(node) == Mutator::Node::Generic
And you are done.
Mhh, I should do this *now* :D
I'd guess there's, what, 15-20 nodes? we could display the top 5 or something and then people who want to contribute could just pop one of those off and work on it in a PR
what I would probably do is keep a list of 100% mutation covered gems, and tell people to run mutant with them and add a node for the #1 entry
then maybe they'll knock it down from 100%.. gamify it
if anyone knocked down one of my 100% covered gems in mutation coverage I would immediately fix it
dkubb: done
(waiting for local rake ci)
dkubb: This is so nice. I love this design.
nesting is:
So reporter can access runner (with details the runner accumulates)
And reporter can peek into DomainObject
Mutant::Subject in this case.
oh nice!
I'll use this report to priorities my time
I'll start with the top nodes in axiom-types and then branch out
I still have to get axiom to 100% coverage too
maybe after I get mutable materialized relations
You can always use parser -e "your code" to see sexps.
dkubb: I'd personally reduce code that we put inside mutations
so instead of an lvar I'd emit: "Mutant::DONT_TOUCH_ME"
And DONT_TOUCH_ME would be an instance of the class you showed.
I think that Class.new(BasicObject).new would be enough
it wouldn't respond to anything
I think this mutation would not be killable.
yeah I would probably make a Mutant constant
you don't think so?
What about a method like this:
def foo(bar)
if bar
at some point I wonder if we should have a way of tagging mutations as experimental, and they only are run when the --experimental flag is provided
This method will never call a method on bar
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if no one reports any bugs on it for a while then we promote it
yeah, I guess it's in boolean context
Yeah, but that DONT_TOUCH_ME will not be the receiver of any method call.
I wonder about those cases where the lvar can be nil
So that replacement will not trigger any behavior
nil is falsy
and branch is not taken all the times
no, I don't mean in this case
specs should measure this.
I just meant in the general case
of replacing it with nil
If you have an lvar there should be a case where it is not nil!
So this mutation is valid, IMHO.
I guess if it always expects nil, then wth are you doing
just don't pass in anything then
I think lvar, gvar and ivar can be handled with the same mutator.
ahh interesting
just call handle multiple times or with multiple arguments
handle(:lvar, :ivar, :gvar)
later we could expand ivar and gvar to snoop for other ivars or gvars and use another one.
ahh cool
so once I get it working for one I can test the others easily
via "mutation runtime reflection" - I'm a buzzword generator :D
hey, I invented "dynamic in-memory vendoring" also (Zombie) :D
I think it would be nice to have a stand-alone gem that does that
it's like sandboxing kinda
called zombifier
Mine is not perfect currently
if you do:
require 'foo'
class Bar
require 'baz'
yeah, it doesn't have to be current to be a gem
it will vendor the contents of foo followed by bar and than Bar
I but it should do: 'foo', Bar, 'baz'
where it does (correciton) 'foo', 'baz', Bar
This does not cause any failure, currently.
But that zombifier is nothing more than a limited AST based ruby interpreter.
I could also expand it to hook Kernel.require
dkubb: Keep in mind we have statement deletion
So if you target zsuper you might think: "I could remove the super call altogether"
But this will already be done by parent mutator
dkubb: I thought longer about this, lvar => nil seems to be the only valid mutation
Other possiblities are not structural and should be done later.
Same for ivar, and gvar.
yeah, I think the main thing is to get explicit mutators in place. we can continue to add stuff over time
but it would be nice to be doing *something* to those nodes
even the most basic mutation
dkubb: Yeah
more mutations will come with familiarity
dkubb: You want add this for yourself?
zekefast has joined #rom-rb
the lvar mutator?
yeah I was going to add it today. it'll give me a chance to get familiar with adding new mutators
then I can be more help later on with more complex stuff
dkubb: Yeah
dkubb: It is 4 loc
if two of us can dig around and add stuff that's better
def dispatch; emit_nil; end
once we get the basic ones in then we can start brainstorming about more mutators and/or stealing from other mutation test frameworks
I see this as getting the low hanging fruit
dkubb: My research shows mutant has many many many more mutations than other test frameworks.
but there may be a few they've identified that we can steal
The only ones mutant is missing are boolean and relational operator expressions mutation
it won't take much time to confirm
== to =>
!= to ==
I would love to do that expansion one
machuga|away is now known as machuga
a >= b to a > b || a == b .. then mutating each of those
dkubb: I think this will have unkillable operators.
ohh, I see
or I guess you could get that from simply doing a >= b to a > b and a == b
thought you where talking about op assign!
I don't even think expansion is needed
yeah, the one you showed makes sense
in order to test >= out you do need to handle both cases
both > and ==
BTW you dont need to expand and reenter mutator
detecting >= and friends is easy
Just add detect this case and run a Send::Binary::GTE mutator.
in the past I've actually manually expanded those statements, then mutation covered them, then compacted them
I so this for the various send edge cases already: