solnic: I don't know what the latest situation was with the logo, but I've found myself with nothing to do today, so I'm running with the ideas I shared previously to come up with some concepts for a look and feel for the site overall.
maybe there has been more discussion. It'd be good to get some sort of formal stamp on it to say ‘this is what we're going to go with for now’
kpwz: hey
kpwz: I was trying to ping you here
with no luck :)
we basically all really like the current proposal
the one you pasted here with both monochrome and colorful versions
sorry, I've not checked irccloud in a few daus
np :)
I'm getting pretty bad about which client I'm using :)
that's good to hear though!
alright, then I shall proceed with my conceptualising.
yeah so unless you want to experiment with some other ideas...we're pretty much +1 on what you already made
that suits me, I'm pretty happy with how it looks currently.
that's great!
I'm just messing around with some ideas for how the overall site aesthetic could look. It'll be pretty minimalistic but I've got some things I want to try out that riff on the style of the logo
kpwz: oh that's great!
morning cored
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just released mutant-0.3.0.beta8 with tons of fixes!
Also unparser can now correctly reproduce: def foo; bar; rescue; baz; end
And I have else support for rescue statement :D
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dkubb: hola
mbj: good afternoon
mbj: I just got back home from holidays
dkubb: nice! I'll do my next longer vacation after the eurucamp days.
3-4 days in berling with my family!
dkubb: I hope you are feeling relaxed now?
mbj: yeah, fairly relaxed. it was pretty busy. glad to be home so I can code and rest ;)
dkubb: hi
dkubb: I did not keep working on the refactoring, because if I make any progress I wanted to share what I was finding with you
dkubb: I know that feeling! (both, need to code and busy in holidays)
dkubb: but I will get some work on done on that, this week
cored: no worries. I'll be able to help you this week.
this week I'll be continuing on the gateway for the memory adapter. I have something almost working
dkubb: I'll focus on mutant, I think it helps the project most.
mbj: are there a ton of remaining mutations?
dkubb: BTW I got a 5-8% speedup with removing some unneded deep_cloning.
mbj: I wonder if regexp mutations are something that's getting close to being possible?
mbj: that's pretty cool
dkubb: I did not started with regexp mutations.
mbj: oh I know, I just wondered if the low hanging fruit in mutant are running thin .. and I figured regexp mutations might be something worth considering
mbj: I guess class/module body mutations are something to consider too?
dkubb: jo, but I have other stuff that comes first.
dkubb: I have some generated syntax errors on self-hosting mutant
mbj: ahh ok. is there a list of things you're thinking about?
oh right
Than I'd love to resolve the signalling issue
bug vs kill
I guess getting mutant to pass through mutant would probably be fairly high
TBH, I dont think so.
I mutation covered far bigger domain specific libs before with mutant 0.2
I always think it's funny when tools don't work with themselves :P
zombie is actually really stable.
oh I see what you meant
I thought you were saying that mutant passing through mutant wasn't important to do ;)
Only the mutation mutant produces cause syntax errors, mutant did not had **any** crash running in zombie.
Fixing that syntax errors is part of the 100% self covered process :D
it would be nice to try to get you some help with mutant. it's super interesting imho
dkubb: just start, you'll love the code :D
If you need something you can start with, tell me what you are interested in and I'll guide you.
well, I have done some things, and I would love to work more on mutant, but I probably need to help on the axiom side the most now
IMHO the "todo" list is big enough to let us be guided by interest
yeah, but if I don't do the axiom stuff I don't think anyone else will take it
and it's foundational and important
I have a clean need to generalize gateways.
I wrote 4-8 of them (depends on how you count).
I have started work on that with Axiom::Relation::Proxy
I'm using it on the memory gateway with good results
Maybe we need a fundamentally differend approach for the gateways. All that metaprogramming, method_missing handling etc feels so overengienieered.
(sorry I cannot spell last word, confuses my brain to many vowels.)
I think we could probably do it with a simpler structure, like inheriting from BasicObject and mixing in a module or using Delegate
what about remove the need to handle all that dsl methods?
I think we could
but it depends on what the adapter can do
Maybe we could refactor axiom a bit to use an ast internally as main representation.
if you can "push-down" the operation (meaning the adapter can handle it), then you can simply delegate the message to the underlying relation and wrap the return value in a new gateway
Processing ASTs with #type, #children interface is a way easier than all that methods you can call on Axiom::Relation
if you can't push-down, then you need to pass the gateway into the new operation
We still could use that code, (Axiom::Relation:*)
there's also the case where you're doing cross-adapter
The "Root" object would handle the dsl
And test for such cases, but I more and more feel our primary abstraction is to complex.
I'll have to prove this via a PR, I know.
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I find proxy objects with conditional push-down to not be particularly complex, but I do agree that it could be made simpler for implementers
if they had some kind of way to describe the capability of the adapter the generation of the gateway object could mostly be automated
those 3 cases pretty much cover all the use cases
per operation I mean
But pls remember a simple I_CAN_HANDLE = [:restrict, :foo, :bar] is too limiting.
I know
mongo for example cannot handle a restrict on top of an offset
but it can handle an offset top of an restrict
some adapters can only handle AND, and the only way to represent an OR would be to actually transform the query into an in-memory union
I don't know what a generalized gateway would look like. I think you'd be taking more complexity into the lib and away from the adapters
I don't yet know, even with ~10 gatways, we have enough data to do it properly yet
We had an idea of some kind of a state machine inside the adpaters already.
there *is* a state machine. it's just not explicit ;)
I imagine it the following way:
an explicit state machine would give us a nice framework to hang more logic from
We should use a functional style state machine.
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dkubb: I found more bugs in latest mutant :(
It for some reason excludes public methods now when running it directed.
aka giving it a specific subject
Seems to be the first bug that is only visible unde zombie
dkubb: Can you verify mutant mutated methods with a memoizer correctly before?
mbj: I can, but not this minute. just catching up on some work now that I'm back
dkubb: Maybe I found the megabug :D
class Foo
include Adamantium
def bar
memoize :bar
mutant ::Foo # would NEVER mutate Foo#bar
And maybe this was / is also present in 0.2
It ignored that subject silently because it could not find source ast.
Foo.instnace_method(:bar).source_location points to adamantium :D
oh interesting
mbj: so you're saying because adamantium overwrote that method with it's own memoized version, those methods were never getting mutated
dkubb: IMHO, yes.
I just fixed the silence, but I'm stunned :D
it is possible to add a special case for adamantiums memoizer
But I had fully mutation covered libs in production without any bug report
And now it turns out they might have 70% coverage :D
dkubb: I need to recover the memoized methods source locations
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dkubb: Options I see, provide a public api such as: memoized_method(:name) => Unbound method.
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mbj: heh, better to find out sooner than later
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mbj: I wonder if there's any way to identify the stuff that adamantium is doing?
dkubb: I checked, there isnt.
dkubb: Most likely I have an epic bug in mutant.
dkubb: And all our 100% coverage is a lie.
does virtus make the valueobjects inmutable
cored: jo
mbj: hey, what's up
or it was that a 'nop'
cored: sorry jo is yes.
cored: germany slang, sorry :D
is ok
I see, trying to go all the way DDD style for my next project
been doing service record wrappers on Rails apps with an anemic domain model so my specs run fast
dkubb: So I think we need to add something to adamantiums public api.
dkubb: For example define a method like ${memoized_name}_original_source_location ?
cored: nice, do you feel a productivity difference?
mbj: there's always alias method chain :(
mbj: so, if i tend to just initialize ivars in #initialize and provide an attr_reader, instead of memoizing parameterless methods … mutant is doing its job fine for that code i assume …
hey guys :)
mbj: the reason why it's hard to mutate is because adamantium removes all record of the original object, correct?
fwiw, i always liked to initialize ivars more than memoize from adamantium .. it's a matter of taste tho, i guess
mbj: more or less, I'm doing that on already existent projects
mbj: I found myself awknoledging that I have lacking design skills which I'm trying to learn
reading DDD/GOOS
there's something about GOOS approach which I don't like because I just try it but then again I'm just starting the book maybe they talk about how to taclked that later on, what I tried was to use acceptance test to drive my application but I was hittig the UI which also is slow, at first I was using selenium and then I switch to use capybara-webkit, but stills I feel there's should be a better way
dkubb: latest failed spec was on self.class.type inside Attribute, let me show you which spec
mbj: of course, i thought so, i mean, why wouldn't it :)
dkubb: jo, it redefines the method and nukes original source location
dkubb: And the mutant method matcher does silently ignore subjects when it cannot find the ast.
mbj: alias method chain probably won't nuke it
mbj: it might be possible to use parser/unparser in adamantium?
dkubb: jo, but this is overkill IMHO.
mom pr my change.
mbj: what if we added adamantium/mutant or something that you could require in mutant
guys, i'm totally not bitching here, what are your reasons to prefer a memoize "macro" over just initializing stuff in the constructor?
mbj: it could use a different strategy, one amenable to mutant.. it could use string class eval
i genuinely want to know
snusnu: I dunno, I guess I just don't like #initialize to have all that setup code in one place
snusnu: I like the idea of marking a method explicitly as idempotent
dkubb: I'd prefer a clean public interface.
dkubb: So if a method got memoized it is okay to change the source location
dkubb: ok, the first one is a matter of style i guess, which is totally fair enough . the latter is a good point, it makes the behavior more obvious (being idempotent i mean) .. "then again", it's equally obvious (without further "tricks"), if it's written with one time initialization plus only a reader
dkubb: I'm fine with adding a special case to mutant that detects memoizers and uses differend source location location.
mbj: what if we reuse the existing source file and location when evaling it?
dkubb: This hides the truth!
dkubb: The truth is we did metaprogramming and it should be in the call stack.
dkubb: that being said, i'm obviously fine with all approaches, but for myself, i'm probably going to just stick with initialization in the constructor (for non-rom code at least)
snusnu: memoizers are very handy for lazy computation.
did I miss something?
snusnu: in my specific case, I think one thing I'd like to try is to actually have *all* methods memoized/idempotent by default, and then I would explicitly state which are command methods and should not be memoized
mbj: that's true, i guess you're talking about methods which might or might not be called on an object?
snusnu: jo
snusnu: You are german so I can say "jo" :D
lol yeah, it even sounds austrian :p
dkubb: We could also have a method returning the original unbound method.
mbj: that actually sounds better
dkubb: My original_source_location thing in the PR is only to start discussion.
mbj: actually, if we have "__#{method_name}_original" we could just use amc
dkubb: But than I'd like to add something like original_method(:name)
dkubb: by all methods, you mean all methods with arity == 0 i suppose?
snusnu: yeah
dkubb: mhh not so good.
dkubb: original_instance_method(:name) ?!
snusnu: although techincally it is possible to memoize methods with arity > 0, cache invalidation is annoying
mbj: sure, that works
dkubb: yeah, probably not worth it most of the time
ok, thx for the explanation, i found a new rule for me i guess .. if possible, stick to initializing ivars, if lazy, use memoize
mbj: looking at adamantium I think we could probably refactor it a bit more. I would probably make it so the "memory" Hash has a default proc that does a bunch of the work
dkubb: So I'll add a patch that keeps track of all memoizations happened in a hash { name => unbound_method_instance }
mbj: it could use the registry of original methods internally
dkubb: That interface I'll add will use that hash.
i dunno, i somewhat like to see initialization code in #initialize .. if it's a *lot* it might be a sign the class is doing too much, in any case, i know where to look at for initialization, the constructor, no surprise
dkubb: Registry, wich one?
mbj: the way it's using memory.fetch now is probably not what I'd do today. I mean, the behaviour is identical for all memoized methods so I'd tend to define that up-front in the Hash default proc
mbj: I was just saying a registry would be that object that maps the name to the unbounded method instance
mbj: a concept we don't have yet
dkubb: I'm about to add this Adamantium module instance specific registry.
mbj: sure, then I'll comment on it in the PR
mbj: If it works I'll probably just merge it as-is and then look at further refactorings later
mbj: it's more important to me that we get something mutatable first. I can optimize/simplify later
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dkubb: yeah, we agreed on public api already, so we can prettify internals later.
cored: so with the Attribute* specs I would probably define an attribute subclass right there, with the types class method in it. you could also push that into a shared context since it'll probably be the same for all of them
dkubb: an attribute sub class in the spec ?
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dkubb: but the described_class is Class.new(Attribute) Attribute doesn't have the actual definition for self.type
dkubb: all the child classes do have it, though
cored: yeah, that's why I was saying do something like: Class.new(Attribute) { def self.type ... end }
cored: so you're effectively creating an object that you can use to test with
I was about to stub that method
but wanted to confirm, first
yeah, that works too.. same idea
guessing that the type is Types::Atribute for class, right ?
cored: you can use Types::Object if you wanted
we just need a stand-in to work with so we can test the actual Axiom::Attribute methods
I'd use Types::Object because it's the least specific type with an actual primitive and some constraints
dkubb: I returned Attribute for that particular spec
but my code does not, according to rspec it fires a KeyError
Also verified with --backtrace there is no proxy problem.
cored: yeah I think your change was good. for this change #type should generally return an Axiom::Types::Type subclass
mbj: if you push it I can look at the spec
dkubb: did already.
dkubb: +an rbx change and 1.8 removal.
dkubb: well, maybe those specs that are not failing with Types::Object could stay like that this one could return Attribute, the only downside for me is the incosistent spec
dkubb: there are a lot of small commits and also I was pushing changes to the branch
do we have any general rule for commits/pushes and when to create a PR
cored: it's already in a PR
cored: I generally create a PR on my first commit to a branch ;)
if I can
cored: for this, since it's a WIP, we mainly just want to get things working in the branch. we can rewrite the commits to make more sense later before merging into master
I see
cored: also think we *should* fix existing specs to use the new api even if they are passing
I just think I was to fast fixing failing specs and not notice that this is pointing to an Aggregate
it's confusing otherwise, especially if someone tries to use those specs to do another refactoring
Aggregate, "#type"
I would be more likely to focus on fixing failing specs first, the do another pass looking for these kinds of problems later