mbj: the integration spec i was talking about yesterday, passes now ;)
mbj: unit specs are horribly broken ...
mom, double join
better :D
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snusnu: :D
mbj: i'm very happy with the design so far, internally it can definitely still be refactored, but i like the general approach
mbj: will push to a branch in a bit, so you can look at the integration spec and tell me what you think
mbj: basically i introduced the concept of handler executors, which consist of a Decomposer (split) and a Composer (merge) .. they can be implemented with simple lambdas
snusnu: Registration still confuses me sometimes
mbj: it's used to give a builtin processor a name, plus an executor
mbj: processors need names because their failure chains might be overwritten
mbj: you'll get the idea quickly once you use them
snusnu: I know, but having a dsl for defining a dsl is somehow complex :D
I use them already
But still I find them confusing sometimes :D
mbj: yeah, it's just dsl after all, we might come up with a better one
mbj: the idea is to make chain construction as easy as possibly
mbj: *something* has to *instantiate* the processors
snusnu: Jo
I get the point :D
mbj: because the chain needs instance
I accept we dont have a better idea :D
hehe ok
solnic: You need a beta release of mutant with bogus change?
mbj: i've never heard about hystrix before, i'll look into it at some point .. and let you do the hooking up with substation :p
mbj: not really, it works for me with or without the patch :)
up to you
yo solnic
hey snusnu
lunch time here, so bbiab
solnic, snusnu: According to information here, mutant will soon support rspec-world preloading. This is the most low hanging performance fuit. https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/issues/997
mbj: nice
mbj: btw, just cause i'm happy .. after the last refactoring, substation almost doesn't allow SRP violations in app code anymore :p
Also this is a prerequisite of implementing the new rspec strategy.
the only prerequisite!
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mbj: how do you typically handle scenarios where part of the request data comes from a query string, and part of it is sent with request.body ? i.e. GET/POST params?
mbj: ok, bbiab
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mbj, solnic: do we agree with this rubocop warning: Use the lambda method for multi-line lambdas
it complains about using -> instead of lambda for multiline lambdas
imo something like this reads nice enough:
hey dkubb, mind looking at the question i asked just a minute ago?
snusnu: ok, one sec. I'll check the history
dbussink: thx
oh and good morning
oops, thx dkubb
dkubb: good morning :)
snusnu: i was like, for what? ;)
dbussink: heh, sorry
dbussink: altho, make it a thx for your work on rbx ;)
dbussink: did you move to the US or are you still in the Netherlands?
dkubb: still in nl
dkubb: working as a contractor
snusnu: ok, so my opinion is that GET and POST params shouldn't be mixed into a single object like how Rails does it
snusnu: typically they serve much different purposes in an application
dkubb: oh ok, and yeah, i agree with that ;) … i meant my question regarding that rubocop warning tho ;)
dkubb: it says: Use the lambda method for multi-line lambdas
snusnu: oh hehe.. one sec. about the -> stabby proc for multiline lambdas?
dkubb: yup
snusnu: does -> have the same semantics as lambda() wrt enforcing the arity? or is it more like proc()
* dkubb
is checking this
dkubb: tbh, i have no idea but assumed that -> was identical to lambda
dkubb: also, imo i recall seeing arity errors just like with lambdas
snusnu: aha, it seems like it is the same thing. I have no problem using it instead of lambda. I still have to get used to the syntax, but I do think its neat
dkubb: yeah, it took me a while too, but i must say i like it
dkubb: so, i'm gonna disable that warning for substation at least .. we'll see when/if it comes up for rom
snusnu: so in rubocop it warns against -> for multiline procs?
dkubb: yup, it advises to use lambda { |x,y| … } instead
dkubb: and i must say, i see no reason for that
snusnu: "looks extremely awkward" translates to "I'm not used to this" .. granted some of *our* conventions could also be seen the same way, but I'd like to think we have slightly stronger reasons
dkubb: right, imo they absolutely don't look "extremely awkward"
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snusnu: I think moving the argument outside of {} is nice. it looks more like a method call
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dkubb: right, that's my reasoning too
dkubb: also, as the code gets more and more functional, it seems to fit even more
dkubb: and by functional i don't mean it works, but uknowwhat
snusnu: yeah. I don't actually use inline procs too much either, so any decision we make it going to only affect a small part of the code
dkubb: yeah, i have this usecase in substation currently, where a simple lambda is enough to provide a basic implementation of the concept .. more involved usecases might implement a dedicated class that responds to #call, but right now the lambda is enough
dkubb: i can link you to those parts in a bit, if you're interested
snusnu: I actually use that a lot in axiom too. many of the objects represent a callable object
dkubb: the idea here is that before Deserializer#call gets invoked, the EXECUTOR will first decompose, then compose the incoming data
snusnu: what's request.input mean?
dkubb: it's what the user passed in as "input data" … as it goes through the chain, it gets more and more refined to finally represent valid input data for the business use case
ahh I see
dkubb: so the step i linked in that pastie, does the deserializing .. it gets passed the complete Request instance (which responds to #name, #env, #input)
dkubb: but it must "decompose" that, to send something specific to the handler
dkubb: but the handler might just refine "one slot" of the input .. so it must compose it back to the complete input data object after it's done
dkubb: SRP to the extreme ;)
snusnu: I find it hard to balance SRP and LoD
dkubb: yeah, altho tbh, with current substation handlers, no particularly bad LoD violation caught my eyes so far
dkubb: i guess that'll change over time tho ;) we'll see
dkubb: also, it somewhat depends of the "goal" of the code .. like with this "decomposition" .. i accept that i need to "walk some path into the object" .. because well, that's what it's supposed to do
dkubb: the input data object itself is free to provide helper methods to reduce LoD violation
dkubb: the Substation::Request object not, it has it's own, tiny api
dkubb: so inside that DECOMPOSER inside the pastie .. i will add LoD aware methods to the object at request.input .. that would allow me to do: request.input.whatever
dkubb: i'll most likely not add anything to request tho, in order to do request.whatever .. that'd just pollute the Request api
mbj_: still needs quite some refactoring before it can be merged into master, but i like it so far
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mbj: the integration spec passes, but as i said, unit specs are broken to the max
mbj: but yeah, it does split/merge now
mbj: for more complex split/merge (decompose/compose) i guess one would have to implement dedicated classes instead of the current lambdas .. i don't see anything that would prevent us from splitting/merging "n paths" (instead of the current 2)
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mbj: even in separate threads … that logic would have to be defined inside a Decomposer/Composer pair used by the handler that needs the parallel (de)compose
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cored: have you pushed any of the axiom types refactor commits you have locally?
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mbj: good morning
dkubb: hola
Howdy all
elskwid: hola
elskwid: hello
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How are you?
mbj: How was the conf?
elskwid: eurucamp?
elskwid: Still upcoming. 16. Aug.
mbj: Oh, well, shows what I know!!
Let's just pretend I didn't ask that.
How about this:
mbj: How's the family?
elskwid: We are fine.
elskwid: Just came back from a 10h train ride, paused by a 2h meeting
My brain is not able to do social communication anymore.
Lets talk about code!
Preparing mutant to hook deeper into rspec to preload the world.
this will allow much faster mutation kills.
But TBH the internals of rspec are not rom-style :(
mbj: Have you all considered making the move to minitest?
(sorry if that's already come up, just curious)
elskwid: I want to support all test frameworks.
It will not make sense mutant is tied to a specific one.
great to hear
That rspec core example filtering is far more complex than axiom :D
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I've considered minitest, but I don't know if the effort to switch would be worth it at this point
what I would actually prefer is having something really minimal that matches the way we write specs
once we start talking about switching to make it worthwhile it needs to be a big improvement
dkubb: +1
I think we can probably get a big improvement by doing some things differently than the main test frameworks
for example, given that we use immutable objects quite often, we can make it so a single object is initilaized and then reused between examples
the examples can also be threaded
dkubb: I'll create such a framework :D
there'd need to be a way to say "serialize", which would wrap each example in a mutex.. for cases where stuff is not thread safe, but I would generally want to assume the code is thread safe by default
Probably I'd end up using axiom-predicates to filter
yeah, we can stuff to handle query methods differently from command methods
rspec-core could need a rom-style refactoring
With immutable objects!
rspec-core is probably 10x larger than we need
if we're talking about just the functionality we use
It would be "so" easy to implement that stuff we use.
I just see minimal classes instantiated via a small dsl layer.
rspec-core mixes dsl and OO api
I think mutant is probably higher priority for me.. rounding out those mutations
I actually really like rspec 3's new syntax
it seems much simpler to implement
we could even reuse rspec-expectations and rspec-mocks, and just have a tighter core
The problem is: The core is so mutable. It is very uneasy for me to follow control flow.
It gets mutated all over the place.
So just query the core for a set of examples, and run these seems to be nearly implossible
All "control" structures seem to be mutated and used on the fly.
Also rspec has far to much configuration :D
heh, too bad you can't deep clone, then deep freeze it and then just reuse it
dkubb: I have the killfork, so I can delay some "mutations" and do them inside the fork.
this will not leak
But it is overcomplex.
dkubb: One thing I realize with rom-style code more and more. It is very easy to come back later.
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mbj: yeah, it is much nicer to work with
mbj: the thing we need to prove is that it results in better larger systems. I think we've already proven it results in great small systems (like gems)
dkubb: It is hard to prove this for large systems, because we do small gems :D
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And I cannot opensource my clients work :D
I have one project I worked on over the last year, and I did incorporate as many ROM style coding standards as I could, and I think it's pretty good
dkubb: nice
I didn't do mutation testing because I started it before mutant was ready
if I did it today I probably would've
dkubb: Yeah, I see a big difference in "pre mutant" software I shipped.
my newest rails project uses mutant
and it's awesome. the only bugs I've seen with this project have been in the original specification
like what the client specified
the actual software does precisely what it was designed to do
so far anyway
dkubb: nice, I could need some testamonial for my talk :D
mutation testing is my secret weapon
heh, yeah
I had a Q&A workshop this day, and it seems I could convince the companies Q&A officer it leads to high quality
Kist ran mutant on a covered pice of code
Nuked context, and reran.
He realized how helpful this tool is to uncover missing tests
oh nice
I think a Q&A person would totally understand it
mbj: how many mutations did it find?
dkubb: Removing a single context? 5
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mbj: oh I see what you meant
mbj: I thought maybe you ran it on their code that was showing 100% simplecov coverage, and then discovered missing cases
dkubb: nope, I presented my own work
dkubb: This is a greenfield project.
Okay it is a reimplementation but without code share
original is in php, no comments :d
cored: hola
dkubb: are you around?
machuga is now known as machuga|away
mbj: well, I'm having some sort of a same discussion
mbj: a friend saying that Ruby sucks, because he can't use a debugger like in VS .NET
mbj: saying this because of your comment on PHP
cored: TBH I never used a debugger in ruby
cored: Only use a debugger for embedded devices and C code.
he, it could be fun if you tell that to hi
For some reason "Kernel#p" is the most I need.
in fact, he is checking out Scala because .NET is from MS but he was telling me that he was considering going back to .NET
he said that he have like 3 weeks trying to build an application with Rails and that he hasn't make any progress
quantificable progress at least, he said that Ruby promote the fact to not separate classes in different files because there's no tooling for such thing
cored: I cannot really reply with some wise words here :D
Dunno your friend nor the rails project, nor the domain :D
he wants to do a similar app to Buxfer
a personal finance application
binding.pry is actually pretty neat for debugging
dkubb: I told him
but he said that in VS he has something called inspector or something like that and that he founds on Ruby was pry
dkubb: I have to try it.
I don't use a debugger either, but somestimes it's nice to stop the world and poke around
also he said that Ruby sucks entirely
I usually use puts or p too
dkubb: yes, that's how I try to figure out things within axiom
dkubb, cored: I know ruby sucks and I agree with all people saying ruby sucks. But for some reason I can write code I like in this language, and IMHO other languages suck even more :D
he is kinda frustrated, he was talking about the impediment of building a fully DDD arquitecture using Rails, the impediment of dividing your application in different gem's if you are using Rails
mbj: hahahaha
dkubb: The more I interface with rspec-core internals the more mental discipline I need to not start a freaking clone now.
Attribute.infer_type will return an Axiom::Types object
but there's no method named type on any of the objects from Axiom::Types
oh yeah, I think that's one of the holes we need to think about filling
I see
there's no such thing as an abstract attribute type inside axiom-types as far as I know
we may need to change that code completely since the Axiom::Types know nothing about Axiom::Attribute, nor should they
so it should first infer the type from the object, then it should take the type *and* the attribute and coerce it into an Axiom::Attribute that matches it
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I thought that the hold purporse of the refactoring was to remove Axiom::Attribute ?
removing Axiom::Attribute subclasses you mean
Axiom::Attribute still needs to exist in some form, since it holds a name *and* a type
the big question is how we're going to add type specific functions to attributes
I was trying to do the refactoring in two parts, one to push out type specific constraints into axiom-types (which we're doing now) and a second pass to remove Axiom::Attribute subclasses and figure out a different way to add type specific functions; whether that's through a proxy or some other object I don't know yet
how we do it isn't as important to me as the interface in the end. I would want to be able to make an attribute using: Axiom::Attribute.new(name, type)
and if type is Axiom::Types::String, then I want to be able to do: Axiom::Attribute.new(name, type).length.eq(5)
but if it is an integer type, say, I do not want #length to be available or callable
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this will allow things like: relation.restrict { |r| r[:name].length.eq(5) }
where r[:name] returns an Axiom::Attribute with a name of ":name", and a type of Axiom::Types::String
cored: does that make more sense?
just a sec, thinking about it :-)
I think if we try to do two steps in one jump we'll fail.. I'd rather do it in two steps and have a working system in between, even if it means some temporarily ugly code in a few places
for the most part the code we're had to write has been fine. this will probably be one of the areas with something a bit funkier.. we could push it off into a singleton method with a note to review it later
the only downside is that we already did the first part, I guess
I think this is a problem related to the second part
I wouldn't say the first part is completely done
we still have Axiom::Attribute subclasses
it's that they exist almost soley for hanging type specific functions off.. all the type and constraint related logic is now in the type
you mean?
I see
after step 2 those would theoretically go away or be really minimized
so still that's needs to be done before going to the evaluator, I guess
this is thinking ahead, but in the future we could have (in Axiom::Attribute) def method_missing(*args); methods_for(type).public_send(self, *args); end ... or something like that
the idea being that we don't have Axiom::Attribute subclasses to hang the methods from, but something else rather
I guess it depends on what we decide. if most of the logic is out of the Axiom::Attribute subclasses, and this alternate lookup approach is too messy, then we may just keep them as dumb containers
don't know if at this point is a good idea to have method_missing
but removing the subclasses probably that will be the fastest way to solve the current problem
we can't remove the subclasses yet
we won't have any place to hang the type specific functions
type specific functions are extremely important to how axiom works.. every attribute subclass has different functions you can call on it
it's used in the context evaluator mostly, but it can be used outside it
I was thinking in doing something kinda stupid to remove the sub types but in that case we will haev a lot of loose methods on a lot of modules
it's tricky because we don't want to do runtime extension or anything like that
we really can't because the objects are immutable, but even if they weren't I wouldn't want to do that because of the runtime perf impact
I see
sounds like a very complex problem :-)
I dunno, I'm trying not to worry about it
I don't want to approach it until we have a working base
by working base I guess you mean all specs passing
right ?
what we're doing right now is the smallest unit of work I can think of to make this change
well, I think I have to finish the first step then
because if the evalualtor probably is because of that
the thing is that there are different subtypes which Attribute.infer_type will return so each one will have it's own implementation of #type
lemme check what infer_type does now
cored: have you got any local commits to that branch that you need to push?
cored: yup. I was hoping you had an approach that you understood.
well the problem that I have currently is the different implementation for each type
in fact what any axiom-type object doesn't have is the #coerce method as far I as I can see
anyway, will take a break and will try to keep checking the code
the rough approach I would use will be to iterate over Axiom::Attribute subclasses to find the one with the inferred type, then use that to construct the attribute to use within the functions Hash
the attribute from within axiom
I see
I see your idea now, more clearly
in that case the need of coerce won't be needed, right ?
I don't think it'll be needed.. we're basically taking on control of coercion ourselves
I would fully expect this code to be temporary
let me try that
and if it's not then we can move it somewhere else after, but passing specs is the #1 priority
got it
does the descendants attribute include the axiom type
or is the other way around?
I guess there is a namespace mismatch, something like Axiom::Types::Integer != Axiom::Attribute::Integer
yeah, both of them have descendants methods
but they aren't the same kind of object obviously
well, I was thinking on stripping out the entire namespace from the class name and comparing Strings
there should be a type method on each Axiom::Attribute subclass that relates them
was doing a pretty ugly thing
dkubb: hey, can i ask you a follow up question wrt GET/POST parameters passed to some web action?
dkubb: say you get passed an object as action input, something like Input#{actor, params} where #params would contain GET+POST params (i don't want that) … how would you design the api of the object returned by #params so that GET/POST params are separate .. or would you rather do something like Input#{actor, get_params, post_params) .. (ugly names, but you get the idea?)
dkubb: i'm mostly talking about naming here i guess .. maybe it's just fine to wrap both types of params into a Params instance made accessible via Input#params
dkubb: but yeah, i'm very open to any idea ;)
dkubb: fwiw, Input#actor basically is a simple wrapper around session data, which has an instantiated domain specific actor object instantiated already (think rails current_user, only with privileges and such attached already)
dkubb: it's the Input#data object that i'm actually talking about .. i want that to make GET and POST params accessible, but separate from each other