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<drhardcrack> Hello
* drhardcrack waving hello?
<erichvk__> evening
<drhardcrack> erichvk__: evenin'
<erichvk__> I lurk mostly. The others do most of the talking occasionally.
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<drhardcrack> Oh
<drhardcrack> That's sad
<erichvk__> what are you up to?
<drhardcrack> Learn new stuff
<drhardcrack> Was into Reversing
<drhardcrack> had a nack for Electronics so wondering where to begin
<erichvk__> maybe learn, if you haven;t already, your way around FOSS schematic and PCB layout tools
<drhardcrack> Oh
<erichvk__> if you can design a PCB, and get it made, you will significantly unshackle you creative urges
<drhardcrack> I heard about Fault Injection and Side Channel Analysis
<drhardcrack> Was wondering where to begin
<drhardcrack> So an Arduino seems a good choice?
<erichvk__> if you really want a quick start, maybe get a bus pirate
<drhardcrack> No, I don't want to be quick. I'd like to take time and understand stuff.
<erichvk__> quick as in not making your own gear
<erichvk__> bus pirate will be less painful I expect than an arduino
<erichvk__> for JTAG and similar mischief, IIUC
<drhardcrack> Cool
<drhardcrack> So, you in this since long?
<erichvk__> I like mucking around with radio amateur related stuff, and pcb layout stuff
<drhardcrack> Oh. Cool dude. Thanks for helping. :)
<erichvk__> I hang around in qi-hardware because I have an interest in fped, their PCB footprint tool
<erichvk__> you might find some interesting people in #hackvana
<erichvk__> which is mostly about hardware stuff
<erichvk__> and pcb's
<drhardcrack> Yeah,I'll definitely check it out.
<erichvk__> for example, anyone can bodge an RFID cloning attiny85 and a coil together, but a real hardware hacker would get a PCB made
<drhardcrack> Hell yeah!
<wpwrak> arduino is to real electronics like lego is to having a 5-axis cnc mill. sure, you do amazing things with lego, but there's a little bit more to the universe than just that :)
<drhardcrack> Sure. But isn't #hackvana more of company?
<drhardcrack> I was expecting some group where people discuss about their hacks and stuff
<erichvk__> that's what they do, inbetween ordering circuit boards
<erichvk__> my latest
<drhardcrack> Cool
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