duh! 19 "free" modules available still (1$ + facebook-like)
too bad, I got no facebook account ;-P
I don't get one thing though, is
it doesn't seem to have any kind of security measures
so anyone on your network could do whatever they want
asked them
I think you need to set the password via USB or whatever?
or it has hardcoded password ;-P
if it's just password, then it's shit
anyone with a sniffer on the same network figures it out in a minute
well, I mean that WPA thing
no difference if WPA or dedicated password
suppose you want to control it remotely -- you're screwed
sorry, you lost me
if the protocol itself doesn't have any kind of request signing and/or encryption, you can't just port forward it and control it remotely
exposing it to the internet
if the protocol does and the firmware is not written by morons (it probably is, but another story), you can
err, I don't think this is a regular WiFi adapter
what do you mean?
InternetOfThings, it's meant for remote control, not general purpose internet data transfer
sure. so?
So I guess it has a way to set WPA-passphrase and that's it
well, and that's dumb.
WPA2 maybe even
adding request signing with sha256 is like an hour of work and it already makes requests unforgeable
encrypting them is a bit harder, but still can be done
WPA *is* encryption, no?
WPA only matters locally
and also
if the adversary is in your network, you're screwed
sorry, I don't get it
if you forward the traffic to this WiFi thing, you're screwed too
the only case where you're protected by WPA is: 1) the device only EVER communicates inside the network and there is no way to address it from outside 2) ALL of the hosts on the network are trusted
ooh, you want it to have encryption on higher level, not on-the-air
so you could hook up the thing to arbitrary public hotspots
not necessarily
so I could just say to my home router "expose this IP:port to web"
and still be safe
this will be a very common use case
i think probably in terms of security it's not that strong
nicksydney: my point is that adding request signing is *trivial*
adding encryption is less trivial because you need to use a proper mode
i.e. authenticated encryption
AES-GCM, or xsalsa20+poly1305
you probbaly should implement such stuff on your firewall/router, or on a proxy resp concentrator in your network
1) that's too much to ask of most users of the device
2) if your network is insecure, and it is, it doesn't help
most users don't want to control the thing from remote via public internet
of course they do
this is what already happens
source: several full internet scans, published recently
hmm, silly
see point 2 anyway
if your passphrase is "iloveyou" (it is), WPA2 is as good as open
my home automation works different: I have a CCU-1 embedded linux device that has a web frontend on intra(inter)net
this CCU-1 controls all the gadgets
well, for me it's simple since the gadgets all are 866MHz, not any WiFi and no TCP-IP either
sure, I'm just saying that if you have real-world people who are not huge nerds and just want their problem solved
this is how the device should work.
I can see how users buy such WiFi home automation gadgets since they want to communicate to them directly with their iPhone
then exposing them to the public net is a logical next step, though pretty silly
yes yes
exactly what I mean
it may be silly, but you can at least make it possible to have it secure
(still have to not set the password to 123456! but oh well)
but probably those users don't even care ;-P
"duh! why should I worry when some idiot thinks it's funny to switch my living room light on and off?"
"such idiot cannot exist"
you should have seen the recent VNC scan of entire web
I seen it
oh, yeah, it's amusing
well, maybe not the most recent
a lot of german municipal systems exposed
sewer control, power stations, etc
yeah, THAT is stupid
the things I seen there are unbelievable
maybe I should scan my town's "IP-range" to find a few funny opportunities to save some money or do entertaining stuff ;-)
I guy I knew in school thought it was funny to cycle through the neighbourhood, pointing a TV remote at random living rooms and see if their TV responded
since a lot of them used RC5, it worked pretty well
so there is always someone who will prank you like that
yeah, we already improved that prank by using a 15W IR flood light
even more over the internet, where the chance of getting caught is a lot smaller
DocScrutinizer05: HAHAHA
that's great
IR laser is also useful, for a slightly different "attack scheme"
you're evil
I know ;-)
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hi there can i use librewrt with tp-mr3420? wouter [20:10] <ray__> want sure new to this
DocScrutinizer05: any chance you know a good guide for building class E amplifiers?
atommann has joined #qi-hardware
a book maybe
class E?
class E.
I admit I don't even know class E
keyed amplifier with LC matching network
there can i use librewrt with tp-mr3420? wouter [20:10] <ray__> want sure new to this
I've been told it's a good idea to use a class E one for my PSU
whats oo
less power dissipation, simpler
white did you see my q
we see your q, we don't know an answer when we don't answer
whitequark: that sounds like class-D to me
class-D is PWM, class-E is halfsine though
and I think there are other differences
The class-E/F amplifier is a highly efficient switching power amplifier, typically used at such high frequencies that the switching time becomes comparable to the duty time. As said in the class-D amplifier, the transistor is connected via a serial LC circuit to the load, and connected via a large L (inductor) to the supply voltage.
indeed, this is exactly my case
what happens if change subnet?
whitequark: yepo, I see
from the default
hm, maybe my Horowitz and Hill has it
what happens when i change default subnetmas?
no, doesn't cover PAs at all
white did you see my q about subnetmas
ray__: I have no idea what are you asking at all
white what happnes if change the default subnet mask?
ray__: what's your topic?
want to knwo what dose changeing the default subnet mask dose?
nothing good
im just woundering
I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to change it
mine tell me i can DocScrutinizer05
hehe! >>the proof of the pudding is in the eating<<
whitequark: no wonder I never heard of 2class E amp" before. In my book this classifies more for a TX oscillator than what I understand is an amplifier
I was surprised too
would be pretty hard to make a audio amp out of this ;-)
pfff, who needs audio
actually I wondered how the heck they would modulate that thing
100% preferably
you just change the supply voltage of the amplifier
which is what they did, on a morse rate of 0.1 char/minute
like, use a controlled boost converter for that
at least that is what I will do
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any one want some green apple cookie?
trying to be nice 2
2+2= 4
when that's a turing test then you didn't pass it yet ;-)
i know marry popion movie
alas I don't
DocScrutinizer05: you a bot?
maybe ;-)
DocScrutinizer05: so you are?
some think I am, yes
DocScrutinizer05: im for real
DocScrutinizer05: school starts soon
I'll proceed to the shower and see if any shorts are caused ;-)
ray__ has quit [Quit: Page closed]
* DocScrutinizer05
we shouldn't be hostile to him, eh?
DocScrutinizer05: btw, a less braindead version of that poettering thing
wpwrak: remind me, which is the good rigol today?
the *B series I can find here is either sold out or has very little RAM
1074Z seems nicest so far. lot of RAM, big screen, four channels
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whitequark: 1000Z is nice. 4 chan, low cost, hackable (if you think of buying all the options individually, then you'd be better off with directly buying a higher-end scope),
whitequark: drawbacks: 1) sample rate gets mercilessly divided down to 250 MSa/s. 2) intensity grading not as nice as in the better rigols.
but if you can live with these limitations, then it's a good choice. if you want fancier, you could get a 2000. but they come only with 2 channels and hacking them is much harder.
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3rd option is siglent. new kid on the block in that range. their sds2000 looks quite promising but still had a number of ugly quirks in the firmware (plus a stupidly placed knob). a bit cheaper than the rigol 2000, less unbundling, and goes up to 4 analog channels.
wpwrak: when I have money, I will ask you about an oscilloscope and then I will buy it. I am 100% sure you are the expert about low cost oscilloscopes in home environment.
wpwrak: do you think I can build an own oscilloscope with an high ADC sampler and some serial wire connection to pc. PC runs an application which plot data from serial.
this will be slow, but it's a possible solution to build one?
serial = usb, yes :)
ah, build a complete device
ftdi chip
well yes, but it'll be a toy, not really useful
wpwrak: this would be a post on hackaday!
naw, there's already a ton of "arduinoscopes" and such junk
grml :(, somebody stole my idea. I doesn't know this.
and arduinologicanalyzers, too?
i'm sure there are some as well
i built one with the ben :) actually somewhat useful - does a few dozen MHz
another idea was to buy some arm with fpga and built an open usb debugger with that.
but I can't programm a fpga. The usb debugger should work with usbmon.
and many companies are angry to me, who sells some kind of this hardware for 2000 eu
you could consider it a learning opportunity :)
and no, you won't be able to sell something like this at such a high price :)
fpga-based LAs do of course exist, too. and they're relatively inexpensive.
so all my ideas are already developed
okay, an android app/iphone app with gpg encryption to load something in the cloud
in connection with an anelok
so we have already some popular members like rihanna
but then you need to put some swarozky stones on the anelok!
wpwrak: (selling) it was not my goal to selling such device. Goal is too have a open source community driven stable device for something like that. ;)
sniffing usb devices
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(glass) i'm sure she can afford real diamonds ;)
(open) there's also an open critter of that kind. also, there's bitscope
what they all have in common: they're not very good. e.g., the fpga-based LAs often just use the fpga memory. so they can't store long sequences.
a doctorand of my university works with hash algorithmn (tested SHA-3 candidates) he use xillinx fpga's
and the linux IDE
he always are very angry about the IDE
always broken
error messages like windows
wpwrak: (low memory) but when you have a high bus, like PCI-E and connected FPGA, you can use the memory from arm processor or something else
and I mean dma activated etc... you can already buy some solutions like this
kyak: the apps extension ? no. but it's a logical piece. mooltipass ? sure. has a bit different goals than anelok, though. last time i checked, it was designed around a smart card.
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* DocScrutinizer05
is undecided if likes "moolti"
sounds like Jovovich in "the 5th element"