[commit] Ignacio Garcia Perez: FIXED hideous bug in the special function pin configuration that pretty much broke it completely. http://qi-hw.com/p/qi-kernel/57230db
xiangfu: libcodes not found
vladkorotnev, you can check if there is any libopcodes under /usr/lib/?
larsc: you may want to know that my jz47xx branch is now rebased on .39 and contains working i2c code (I've added a patch from one of our russian developers)
Hum, I'm having some troubles installing the gcc packages, it tells me it misses the binutils packages which can't be installed because it would overwrites some files from busybox which can't be updated because it would overwrite some files from hwclock... what ?
lunavorax_frizzl: --force may help? before the 2011-05-22, there is some conflicts between busybox.
Oh a new image came out recently ?
opkg -force-overwrite install ...
Ok jow_laptop just a moment
lunavorax_frizzl: test, not stable yet, dvdk have give some feedsback. we needs fix those before release :)
xiangfu: did it actually close the connection? --
ah i see you've fixed that already by adding -e :)
xiangfu: btw, fix-plplot-not-compile-in-buildhost.patch is not needed anymore in buildhost after this change: https://dev.openwrt.org/changeset/26277
however, there is another problem (not related to perl) with plplot..
kyak: oh. I will remove that patch from buildhost.
could anyone please drop me their /usr/lib from ben nano note so I could set up gcc? It complains about libopcodes not present
vladkorotnev: it's a known bug that had been solved
update to the latest image
kyak: Yes, the wiki page has been updated today. I followed the guide on the wiki and it still doesn't work :(
what page?
OS image?
yo umean updating instructions?
I mean GCC instructions
gcc instructions in wiki - this one http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Gccmips ? Looks pretty outdated and not relevant now that gcc-mips is packaged
i wonder what is your cat /etc/VERSION... it can't be very old
yeah, working fine in 2011-05-22
just need to wget and opkg install gcc-mips manually (otherwise opkg hits the oom)
smaller dependecies like mpfr are pulled automatically
binutils and objdump (the one providing /usr/lib/libopcodes-2.19.1.so) are already part of the image
so i just reflash the bootloader afterwards using older usbboot
kyak: if it only affects booting from TF cards, then I don't need it ;)
vladkorotnev: though i heard about this problem with mmcblk0, i never faced it
i have 256 Mb card working as swap and a small partition
and no problems when it was already inserted before Ben boots
guess it could be card-specific problem
kyak: I just wrote a shell script "mountall" that asks for reinserting SD and then mounts it and the data 1.5gb partition
kyak: I use a 256mb nokia card
vladkorotnev: heh, exactly like me :)
it's weird, i dont have this problem.. let's see your dmesg right after boot
kyak: dmesg on the NN or wit?
yeah, on Ben
Done:Â Â 556/751
kyak: 384/751
kyak: the pc is old :(
the flashing progress is limited by something else, not pc.. Or is yours that old? :)
kyak: not that much. ICH7 chipset, GMA950 video, Centrino Duo 1.5GHz CPU, 1.5GB RAM, Debian Linux. No LCD because it was cracked and I removed it, turning it into a ZX-Spectrum-alike desktop PC (I call it Halfbook -- because it's a half of a notebook :P)
you can call it a keyboard as well ;)
kyak: when it was running Mac OS X 10.6.7 I posted a photo of it on twitter with title "The prototype of the successor of the Mac mini& The Mac Keyboard!" :D
nice :)
vladkorotnev: give it a minute or so at first boot, it will finish some first-boot tasks
dmenu is still included? you mean the one from digux rigth?
I think yes
that was included time ago, dunno if currently still on repo..
kristianpaul: it isn't :(
vladkorotnev: if dmenu is running in X, no chance it will work in openwrt (at least right now)
dont you like gmenu2x?
kristianpaul: not that much. I think i'll turn itoff
what you dont like from gmenu2x?
and like from dmenu instead?
kristianpaul: lack of good design. dmenu looks like PSP menu and has animations AFAIR
btw, is NN with todays image supposed to turn off the LCD after a certain period of inactivity?
root@BenNanoNote:/data/tmp# gcc test.c -o test
root@BenNanoNote:/data/tmp# ./test
Oh hai!
now, whats next? ;-)
btw, I got HElliZER demo running on my NN
Now, I'll start porting FIDOIP over to the Ben, I got an idea of using the Ben as a FIDO-Pager from FIDONet area RU.FIDONET.TODAY. I think that would be great :P
does anyone remember FIDONet these days? :)
i discover irc just 2 years ago ;)
i do remenber pagers, yes
oh fido !Z!!
I discovered FIDONet this winter, though the peak of its popularity in Russia was in 1995-1997
yeah i read about that
about passing/realying data trought humans?
or sort of that?
what??? I can't understand that: "about passing/realying data trought humans?" :/
Home directory of user root doesn't exist. If your login is root then your home directory should be in /home/root.  OH WTF? Why does it need that in this particular location...
whoami: not found -- why?
you are not :-)
wellcome to openwrt ;-)
coreutils to the rescue :)
are you going to compile all that?
no, using opkg :)
fidoip -- yes :)
ah, dint knew it gnu coreutils was in openwrt repos..
make: not found -- Why I always forget something& *sigh*
Installing make (3.81-1) to root...
Configuring make.
Collected errors:
* gz_close: Unzip process killed by signal 9.
* pkg_get_installed_files: Error extracting file list from make_3.81-1_xburst.ipk.
* opkg_install_pkg: check_data_file_clashes_change() failed for for files belonging to make.
Oh wtf...
our of memory perhaps?
isn't there ncurses-devel in openwrt?
yeah, i wanted to said store and forward
Filesystem          1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs            471192    387876    83316  82% /    Oh f--k&
dvdk: hi! i don't want to bother you, but plplot fails to build in trunk -\ So, when you feel like it, could you have a look? I'm totally lost in plplot's Makefile :)
I ran out of memory on root& great..
any files I can delete safely from the / ?
how did you do that? :)
installed what?
I store _my_files on /data and /card
rm the downloaded gcc-mips package
Installed gcc
where is it located
i mean the ipk - where you downloaded it
I dl'd it to /card
nah, it's 82% in your rootfs
why are you saying you ran out of space?
because opkg doesn't work
root@BenNanoNote:/# find *.ipk
find: *.ipk: No such file or directory
I can't find any ipk's on /
that's not correct usage of find, whatever you are trying to achieve..