<orly_owl> Any word on battery life?
<orly_owl> Also .au group buy?
<tuxbrain> orly_owl: there are some info on batteries on the list http://en.qi-hardware.com/pipermail/discussion/2010-May/000547.html
<orly_owl> thanks
<orly_owl> 15 hours is pretty good
<tuxbrain> but for sumarize on own unmesured experience 6-7 hours of working time, 15-16h of standby time, 1,5h to full charge from empty to full
<orly_owl> with the battery that comes with it?
<tuxbrain> yes
<tuxbrain> for the group buy, I have not oficialized on the webshop but I will offer the NaNonote for group buy at 95¬ 10x minimum shipping costs apart
<orly_owl> oh ok
<orly_owl> sounds good
<tuxbrain> I think a better place to aks is list,  take a look at this wiki page http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Group_Sales if there is no group there start one just editing the page, no registration required (but recomended :P) , and due there is no one now start one.
<orly_owl> oh good i dont have to register :)
<vegyraupe> tuxbrain_away: ping
<wolfspraul> my scripts/config/mconf in openwrt is segfaulting. how do I turn on debug symbols for it?
<wolfspraul> ok I just added a -g in scripts/config/Makefile...
<wolfspraul> crash fixed, was a segfault inside strncmp(), had multiple glibc versions installed. after I cleaned up the glibc mess and rebuilt mconf everything works...
<kristianpaul> we need a backup batery in next YA
<prpplague> how are the sales for the nanonote?
<prpplague> was considering ordering one today
<tuxbrain> where are you from?
<prpplague> tuxbrain: well i live in the dallas, texas area
<wolfspraul> prpplague: then it would come directly from Hong Kong with Fedex
<tuxbrain> yep :)
<wolfspraul> sales are good, maybe sold 600-700 now
<prpplague> wolfspraul: nice
<wolfspraul> of course sales are not exploding because software is still growing and not at the point that the normal end user could just unpack it and start having fun
<prpplague> is interested in purchasing the nanonote without the motherboard
<wolfspraul> prpplague: did you see David's last video?
<prpplague> wolfspraul: sorry no, i've been swamped with a board bringup for the last 3 weeks
<wolfspraul> prpplague: we cannot sell this right now, it's too much work. So the only way to get everything but the board is to buy a NN, take the board out :-)
<prpplague> wolfspraul: even for 5000 units?
<wolfspraul> heh
<wolfspraul> you want to buy 5000 NanoNotes without board?
<prpplague> wolfspraul: possibly
<wolfspraul> just the case, LCM, keyboard?
<prpplague> yea we will do our own motherboard using an OMAP4 chip
<wolfspraul> oh cool!
<prpplague> nanonote is one of the items were were considering since the design was open and easy to implement our own mb
<wolfspraul> we can definitely look into it
<wolfspraul> could be cheap even, < 20 USD maybe. don't know.
<prpplague> yea that is what we figured
<wolfspraul> if you are seriously interested, we will definitely be able to give you a quote
<prpplague> wolfspraul: yea it is a serious project, would be a joint venture between TI and TinCanTools
<wolfspraul> but in this case I think you really should buy 1 NN first so you know the device well.
<prpplague> yea i just finished doing the initial board bringup of the core omap4 board items
<prpplague> so now we are looking at the over packaging
<prpplague> wolfspraul: any discount codes? hehe
<wolfspraul> prpplague: you mean codes that add our losses per unit to the sales price to arrive at something sustainable? no...
<wolfspraul> :-)
<prpplague> wolfspraul: hehe
<prpplague> orders one
<wolfspraul> I support you on your project, not going to hide the vendors and prices from you. But the NanoNotes are selling at 99 USD now, we cannot change that.
<prpplague> yea i know , i was joking with you
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: alo
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: http://www.microensamble.com/
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: SMT stuff in colombia that i know works
<kristianpaul> but i guess carlos already use it
<prpplague> wolfspraul: ordered
<prpplague> wolfspraul: whats the delivery time usually like to the US?
<prpplague> wolfspraul: are you guys geared up to do 5000 units?
<wolfspraul> 3-5 days total maybe
<wolfspraul> friday morning now
<wolfspraul> not sure it goes out of HK today, maybe not
<wolfspraul> then it would go out Monday
<prpplague> that with the priority shipping?
<wolfspraul> first our warehouse needs to pick it up and give it to the hands of fedex
<wolfspraul> I'm not sure that will happen today.
<wolfspraul> you are testing the system at a good time :-)
<prpplague> np, will they send me an email with a tracking number?
<wolfspraul> in a perfect world it should go out today, but it's friday 10.30 AM here, not sure our fulfillment works that well yet
<wolfspraul> prpplague: hey, sorry
<wolfspraul> all confused
<wolfspraul> I am in San Francisco
<wolfspraul> it's 10.30 AM where I am :-)
<prpplague> wolfspraul: ahh
<wolfspraul> scratch what I said...
<kristianpaul> morninh there :)
<wolfspraul> I have a phone conf... yes you should get a tracking number, and yes we can do 5K cases, of course
<kristianpaul> in lunch time
<wolfspraul> 'we' is relative here since it's just a few vendors anyway
<wolfspraul> not really us
<prpplague> dandy
<wolfspraul> keyboard + metal domes + LCM + plastic + hinge
<prpplague> yea, basically the entire item minus the motherboard, including battery and box
<wolfspraul> ah OK, well there surely will be some details like manual and printing on box
<wolfspraul> do you want to sell your thing as 'NanoNote'?
<prpplague> wolfspraul: that will be marketing decision, but i could see it as NanoNote-OMAP4
<wolfspraul> we haven't even thought about this in detail yet you are the first one, but I think that would be very confusing and we would like to keep use of the NanoNote name to products that are fully compatible with the other NanoNotes
<wolfspraul> ah OK
<kristianpaul> wonders a nanonote like gameboy unit
<wolfspraul> on the phone for a while, sorry...
<prpplague> wolfspraul: i have a meeting on the subject next week
<wolfspraul> prpplague: thanks for ordering! Can you send me a short mail about the OMAP project? wolfgang@sharism.cc
<prpplague> wolfspraul: will do
<FrankBlues> waves
<darfgarf> is there anyone around that knows a bit about opkg?
<tuxbrain> asking directly is better :)
<CongoZombie> larsc: not sure if I've asked you about this, but know how to assign a custom SrsRq key without a custom driver? (as well as having alternate key mapping when SrsRq is held)
<darfgarf> oh wait, got it working...almost
<larsc> CongoZombie: no idea
<CongoZombie> ok
<CongoZombie> not to worry
<CongoZombie> sure there is a way
<CongoZombie> it was done with a custom gpio-keys driver in the ingenic kernel, but there must be a better way
<CongoZombie> aha "The Magic SysRQ system works by registering key operations against a key op lookup table, which is defined in 'drivers/char/sysrq.c'" bingo.
<CongoZombie> why did I write SrsRQ up there instead of SysRq :|
<qwebirc2541> I've manges to get kdrive running on the nanonote, but the keyboard is not working. I get this error:
<qwebirc2541> > Error:            Can't find file "pc/pc" for symbols include
<qwebirc2541> >                   Exiting
<qwebirc2541> >                   Abandoning symbols file "default"
<qwebirc2541> could somebody point me to what I am doing wrong