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<BertolucciTalks> Yeah I actually saw that part but the partial application is technically implemented with floats in that example
<BertolucciTalks> more crucially than any function techniques, so i guess i should revise the question, "Can you pass in functions explicitly into parameters of functions?"
<BertolucciTalks> thank you for the reference; I appreciate your time btw :)
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<SeanTAllen> BertolucciTalks: you can pass object literals and lambdas.
<SeanTAllen> Is the meetup on the 11th Andy's tutorial at jet BertolucciTalks ?
<SeanTAllen> If you are looking for an FP language, you probably won't like Pony.
<SeanTAllen> So, it really depends on what you mean by "pass functions explicitly". There are no free floating functions in Pony.
<SeanTAllen> If you have a function that takes "a function" as a parameter than you could satisfy with a lambda, an object literal or a primitive.
<SeanTAllen> if you are familiar with OCaml, primitives are a bit like OCaml modules (although most Pony users dont have the background to recognize that)
<SeanTAllen> If you are looking for a language that is rather different than what you know, I would suggest going to the Pony meetup. You will be presented with more ideas from it that you probably arent familiar with than if you went to the Kotlin meetup.
<endformationage> BertolucciTalks: Updated with use of lambda and object literals:
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<BertolucciTalks> @SeanTAllen, endformationage thank you so much for clarification! yes its the one at Jet; I'm gonna go anyway cuz pony cuz still looks awesome!
<SeanTAllen> BertolucciTalks: I might be there with Andy.
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<strmpnk> I've been updating the void linux ponyc and pony-stable packages. One item on my list is to get the musl port working. There are two small stumbling blocks: ALPINE specific defines (we should probably be more specific about musl or use feature detection scripts) and LLVM3.9 is busted on musl on void linux.
<strmpnk> The latter I might address but may potentially require a lot of work overhauling that package.
<strmpnk> So I was wondering what the status of vendoring LLVM was.
<strmpnk> Perhaps it'd be worth waiting on that instead.
<SeanTAllen> Vendoring LLVM is close
<SeanTAllen> Plan is to release first as vendored but external available as well
<SeanTAllen> Once vendored issues are worked out, drop support for external, non vendored.
<SeanTAllen> And then we can do any LLVM 3.9.1 patching we want
<SeanTAllen> And eventually, upgrade to a newer LLVM after we patch bugs and submit upstream
<strmpnk> Sounds good. I'll wait since I'd like to avoid diving into recompiling lots of packages in void to test patches.
<SeanTAllen> Sounds reasonable
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<ponynoob> a question about types - the clone method in Array is defined as fun clone(): Array[this->A!]^
<ponynoob> does that mean it returns an iso^? or a ref^? (let's say my Array is a ref)
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<SeanTAllen> if your Array is a ref then it will return a ref->A! so for the sake of a beginner, let's call that a ref.
<SeanTAllen> the "this->" is "viewpoint adaptation" or basically, "it depends based on the ref cap of the Array in question, the "this"
<SeanTAllen> ponynoob: hope that helps
<ponynoob> that clarifies the capability of the generic parameter, but what about the overall object? i.e. do i get a Array[? ref] iso^ or a Array [? ref] ref^?
<SeanTAllen> you can an Array[ref->A!]
<SeanTAllen> so... the A!
<SeanTAllen> is
<SeanTAllen> A for the items that are the type of the Array
<SeanTAllen> So les say Array[String] it would be
<SeanTAllen> Array[ref->String!]
<SeanTAllen> the ! means its an alias
<SeanTAllen> clone doesn't do a deep clone. that is the !.
<SeanTAllen> if you want a deep clone, you need to implement yourself
<ponynoob> what does the ^ in the definition of clone mean?
<SeanTAllen> ephemeral
<ponynoob> i've seen examples where methods return iso^, but not ^ by itself
<ponynoob> is there any difference between a lone ^ (without iso) and iso^?
<SeanTAllen> right ^ means basically "giving up my alias to this"
<SeanTAllen> you can't have ^ by itself
<SeanTAllen> iso^ means there's only one alias to this AND i'm giving mine up
<ponynoob> but they do that in the standard library?
<SeanTAllen> no
<SeanTAllen> it doesnt
<SeanTAllen> that ^ is on ArrayValues[A, this->Array[A]]
<SeanTAllen> its not "by itself"
<SeanTAllen> its a fairly advanced topic. here's the bit in the tutorial on it:
<SeanTAllen> here is doublec's excellent overview:
<ponynoob> i've read them both, but both of them have iso^ but not ^ (that is, ^ without "iso" or "ref" or any other capability) - if there is no capability, does it default to ref in this case? that is, Array[...]^ is the same as Array[...] ref^
<ponynoob> (or are my questions just showing that i should be reading more about this topic first)
<SeanTAllen> no
<SeanTAllen> it is whatever the default for that type is
<SeanTAllen> here is the definition of array...
<SeanTAllen> "class Array[A] is Seq[A]"
<SeanTAllen> there's an implicit "ref" in there
<SeanTAllen> "class ref Array[A] is Seq[A]"
<SeanTAllen> however...
<SeanTAllen> class val String is (Seq[U8] & Comparable[String box] & Stringable)
<SeanTAllen> that "val" means teh default reference capability for "String" is "val" if one isn't supplied
<SeanTAllen> so
<SeanTAllen> let a: String
<SeanTAllen> is
<SeanTAllen> let a: String val
<SeanTAllen> let a: Array
<SeanTAllen> is
<SeanTAllen> let a: Array ref
<SeanTAllen> if I want a String ref i would need to do
<SeanTAllen> let a: String ref
<ponynoob> ok, so since Array defaults to ref, `let a = Array[U8]; let b = a.clone()` -> the type of b is "Array[U8] ref" right?
<ponynoob> (and by "Array[U8] ref" i mean "Array[U8 val] ref")
<SeanTAllen> yes
<ponynoob> is there any reason why clone wasn't defined to return Array[U8 val] iso^ in this case?
<SeanTAllen> i think you've gone a step to far there
<SeanTAllen> its defined to Array[this->A!]
<SeanTAllen> if A was String ref
<SeanTAllen> then you cant do iso^
<SeanTAllen> unless you have a cloneable interface
<SeanTAllen> and you require everything in an array to be "Cloneable"
<SeanTAllen> and have a clone() method
<SeanTAllen> so you could do a deep clone
<SeanTAllen> Array[U8 val!] is a single reification. iso^ would only make sense on machine words or if everything had to be "cloneable"
<ponynoob> `let a = Array[String ref]; let b = a.clone()` - i was thinking that it would make sense for b to be Array[String ref] iso, but i guess that's not true, since such an array would be quite difficult to use (you have to destructively read if you want to get anything other than a tag)
<ponynoob> ok, thanks for all your explanations
<SeanTAllen> being able to do different things based on the reference capabiility is an ongoing topic of conversation
<SeanTAllen> also, you are welcome
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