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<Sargun> SeanTAllen: Like, is it a piece of software, or a proposal?
<SeanTAllen> No one had worked on any implementation in quite a while
<SeanTAllen> And it's not a top priority for anyone
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<metaden> when will the language reach v1.0?
<Bombe> Wednesday.
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<vaninwagen> metaden there is currently no definition of what would make a v1.0. From my point of view there are still some issues left that affect stability, usability that would be necessary for a v1.0 according to my taste.
<vaninwagen> Wednesday is bot a bad guess Bombe as this is the day of the development sync
<SeanTAllen> Metaden: the more folks who join in helping develop pony, the sooner we will get there. It's a volunteer project; there's no official roadmap as folks scratch their own itches and what not.
<SeanTAllen> A number of us who are on the core team or are committers have our own ideas of what is required for 1.0
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