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<SeanTAllen> aav_away: the file api is kind of not so good in that case
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<TwoNotes> SeanTAllen, I thought I *did* rebase it!
<TwoNotes> 1. fetch upstream. 2. checkout httpng, 3. rebase -i upstream/master, 4. push origin httpng -f
<TwoNotes> What step did I miss?
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<SeanTAllen> something might have changed from when you did it. there are conflicts against master though. TwoNotes.
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<TonyLo> given: let terms = ["cat", "dog"] how do I make the array sendable? e.g. Array[String val] val rather than the current Array[String val] ref. (I struggle with arrays currently)
<TonyLo> The receiver looks like this: be processTask(term: String, terms: Array[String] val) =>
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<doublec> TonyLo: let terms = recover val [ "cat", "dog" ] end
<TonyLo> doublec, duh, what was I thinking! thx
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<dougmacdoug> if I have a member variable String ref and I want to send it (i.e. to print) is there a better way than str.string() ? or is that standard?
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<SeanTAllen> send to env.out ?
<SeanTAllen> you can't send a ref
<SeanTAllen> you would need to make a copy of it, there's no standard way to do that. but i believe str.string() would work
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<dougmacdoug> thanks, thats what i meant.. just wondering if clone() or some other thing was standard
<SeanTAllen> jemc might have thoughts, but as far as i'm aware, there is no idiom around that
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<TwoNotes> Are all the stdlib style guidelines written in one place?
<SeanTAllen> not at the moment, it comes from being familiar with it and checking out how things are done
<SeanTAllen> checking out a couple different classes should give a good feel @TwoNotes
<SeanTAllen> many people have said they would do a style guide but it hasnt happened yet
<SeanTAllen> i never volunteered because i knew i wouldnt have time with work to tackle that
<TwoNotes> Well, all the ones I looked at show => on the sam eline as the function def. But you say it should be separate
<SeanTAllen> example?
<TwoNotes> packages/builtin/array
<SeanTAllen> where specifically?
<TwoNotes> Every fun def in that file
<SeanTAllen> you misunderstood me
<SeanTAllen> see line 209
<TwoNotes> yes
<SeanTAllen> when you do a multiline for parameters
<SeanTAllen> => should be at the same level as `fun`
<SeanTAllen> like copy_to
<SeanTAllen> this is only for multiline
<TwoNotes> Oh, so IF the parameters themselves wrap, THEN the arrow goes on the next line..
<SeanTAllen> yes
<TwoNotes> Otherwise it goes to the right of the )
<SeanTAllen> sorry
<SeanTAllen> yes
<SeanTAllen> i wasnt clear
<TwoNotes> ok
<SeanTAllen> if you find places in the standard library that dont do that
<SeanTAllen> PRs are welcome
<SeanTAllen> i found 1 in Array already
<SeanTAllen> line 60
<SeanTAllen> and 378
<TwoNotes> And am I right that 'then', 'else', 'end' all go at the same indent as the 'if or 'try' that starts the phrase?
<SeanTAllen> which i am going to pr now
<SeanTAllen> yes
<SeanTAllen> well no
<TwoNotes> And the contents then go 2 spaces further in
<SeanTAllen> then goes at the end of the line with if
<TwoNotes> ok
<SeanTAllen> else and end going on same level of indentation
<SeanTAllen> ya, 2 spaces for indentation
<TwoNotes> Same would apply to 'match'?
<SeanTAllen> match
<SeanTAllen> the
<SeanTAllen> | something
<SeanTAllen> goes under the match
<TwoNotes> else and end too
<TwoNotes> Does the emacs macro help with this? I have a very old one
<SeanTAllen> i dont think emacs helps with it
<SeanTAllen> i did some small tweaks when i took it over
<SeanTAllen> but it needs a large overhaul
<SeanTAllen> listener.pony line 50 is a good example of a multimatch formatting
<SeanTAllen> and ring/main.pony line 52 is a good example of match in general
<SeanTAllen> there is currently no standard on whether one liners after a match should go on next line or same line as the =>
<SeanTAllen> btw
<SeanTAllen> TwoNotes one of my comments was wrong
<TwoNotes> which?
<SeanTAllen> lots of the standard library has ) on a line by itself after long multilines
<SeanTAllen> like
<SeanTAllen> so that is acceptable under usage
<SeanTAllen> it appears to vary
<TwoNotes> One concern I have is with readability
<TwoNotes> For example, replacing a single line use of "+" to concatenate strings, with something 14 lines long using append, for example
<TwoNotes> The suggested style of adding up all the lengths first , allocating, then appending, sounds like a good optimization the compiler could do
<TwoNotes> in place of str = a + b + c
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<Praetonus> TwoNotes: The compiler can already do that
<Praetonus> There may be specific cases that it doesn't cover, it would be best to check the generated IR to see if your use case is covered
<Praetonus> Though if it's not covering something as simple as string concatenation, I'd say it's a bug
<SeanTAllen> Praetonus: according the Sylvan, the sugar pass does not handle that
<SeanTAllen> and + is sugar. for add
<SeanTAllen> that + results in multiple memory allocations as it does each individual memory call
<Praetonus> Yes, but the custom LLVM passes that we have can do that
<SeanTAllen> I dont believe they do
<SeanTAllen> I am going to stand by my statement that any string concat in performance critical code should be replaced with usage of append until the compiler hands that
<SeanTAllen> rule 1: correctness
<SeanTAllen> rule 2: performance
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<Praetonus> I just checked, it's not working because the allocations in String.add aren't inlined due to the size of the function
<Praetonus> That's kinda disappointing, we'll have to do some work in that area
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<SeanTAllen> Praetonus: can you open an issue to for that?
<Praetonus> I'll do it
<SeanTAllen> thanks
<SeanTAllen> you are much better position to write a good issue than i am
<TwoNotes> It would have to make two passes over the strings, thr first to add up the lengths and the second to call append
<Praetonus> TwoNotes: That would be too specific. The current pass works directly on calls to the `pony_alloc` and `pony_realloc` from the runtime. The problem here is that it can't see everything at once because the calls to append aren't inlined
<TwoNotes> There is now higher level optimization pass before that??
<TwoNotes> no*
<TwoNotes> Things like moving invariant expressions out of loops
<Praetonus> Not currently. The Pony AST isn't the best data structure for optimisation passes
<TwoNotes> These would be pattern matches on the syntax tree, before the code generation phase
<Praetonus> And LLVM is very good at this kind of optimisations
<TwoNotes> When I worked on a compiler 40 years ago (omg, Im old) it did that sort of optimization
<TwoNotes> It was called the "Flow Optimization" pass
<TwoNotes> But doing the trick with concat by append is sort of specific to Pony semantics, so LLVM wouldn't know about it
<Praetonus> I think it's an area open to investigations
<Praetonus> If somebody wants to dig into it and setup a framework for AST optimisations, it would be very welcome
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<jemc> doing some high-level (AST) substitutions like that could be interesting, and possibly useful, but the low-level (LLVM IR) are far more general, if we can get them working well
<jemc> so if done right, they would apply to far many more cases than just `string + string`, without introducing a bunch of special cases at the high level
<jemc> so I'd agree with Praetonus that its an item we'd want to look at first (or at least in parallel)
<aav> it's not possible to pattern match against interface, right?
<aav> i mean, use interface as a pattern
<jemc> aav: it is possible - you just need to make sure you're using a `let` clause
<aav> i have such function in the decoder - fun decode(wttag: U32): ((WireType val, U32) | InvalidTag)
<jemc> for example, `match foo | let f: MyInterface => f.my_interface_method() end`
<aav> WireType is interface
<aav> interface WireType
<aav> fun code(): U32
<aav> match decoder.decode(u32)
<aav>"Invalid Tag")
<aav> | InvalidTag =>
<aav> None
<aav> | (WireType, U32) =>
<aav> end
<aav> | (let x: WireType, U32) =>
<aav> does not work as well
<jemc> you need something like `(let x: WireType, let y: U32)`
<aav> (let x: WireType val, let y: U32)
<aav> this worked
<aav> i'm still confused with default capabilities
<aav> and related question - what if i'm not interested in U32 value?
<aav> i simply want to be sure it's U32
<aav> or, not even U32, just anything
<aav> like _ in erlang
<jemc> there's an open ticket discussing the possibility of allowing `_` in match clauses
<jemc> I think it was seen as generally be desirable, but it had some technical issue that needed to be solved first, if I recall correctly
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<jemc> aav: actually, I'm wrong - using `_` was implemented, but you still needed to specify the type
<jemc> so, something like `(let x: WireType, let _: U32)`
<aav> syntax error: expected variable name after let
<aav> ponyc --version
<aav> 0.10.0 [release]
<aav> anyhow, that's not so important. thank you for the hint with "let ..."
<aav> mone more question - is there any (probably external) library with some sort of formatted output functionality
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<jemc> can you explain in more detail what you mean by "formatted output"?
<jemc> regarding the `_` feature - I suppose it hasn't been released yet, sorry - will be in the next release
<aav> jemc: formatted output - printf :)
<jemc> ah, got it
<jemc> I do remember someone asking for advice in IRC a few months ago about building such a library
<jemc> I don't think they ever finished it though (or if so, they didn't announce)
<jemc> I might be interested in creating such a library in the near future, but I'd probably wait for this feature to land first:
<jemc> using that feature is probably the best bet for making the syntax pleasant to work with
<aav> makes sense
<aav> and how about varargs?
<aav> and/or heterogeneous array literals
<jemc> I don't necessarily think that varargs are a good fit for Pony, since it would really step outside the domain that the type system was designed for
<jemc> I was going to suggest something more akin to a "factory" pattern, where additional parts of the message are supplied through additional function calls
<jemc> however, such a system *does* have the potential to be harder to optimize - not sure how much the performance of the calls matter for most use cases, though
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<aav> type Formattable is (U8 | String)
<aav> Printf("Hello, World - %s %d", [as Formattable: "123", 4])
<aav> ""
<aav> fun apply(format: String, args: Array[Formattable]): String =>
<aav> primitive Printf
<aav> something like this would help. perhaps type inference for function arguments will help with verbose array literal
<jemc> yes, something like that could work, though note that the type system can't be used to verify that the argument correlated with the format code have "matching" types
<jemc> also, removing the need for `as Formattable` in that context is also on my list for inference improvements, though it's not quite part of the same ticket
<aav> jemc: of course, this has to checked in runtime.
<jemc> using positional, type-agnostic format specifiers could be one possible solution (similar to a Qt C++ API I remember seeing somewhere)
<jemc> `Printf("Hello, World - %1 %2", [as Formattable: "123", 4])`
<aav> do you know what representation is used in F64.from_bits() and U64.f64()? they produce different result and both results appeart to be something else then i expect
<aav> ?
<aav> i guess U64.f64() is just conversion
<aav> so it should not produce valid float from it's bit representation
<aav> but i don't undertand why F64.from_bits() does not work. i checked it with the calculator and it's a valid IEEE754 floating point number
<jemc> this was a subject of some recent discussion and changes, which may not be in the release you're using - let me check
<jemc> yes, this was the change I was thinking of, and it's not released yet:
<jemc> the discrepancy you're seeing may have been fixed with that change
<aav> jemc: yep. but i also found an issue on my side :)
<jemc> if there's an issue that still remains after the change I mentioned, can you file an issue ticket for it?
<aav> jemc: yes, sure. i also owe a ticket about 'with' problem, we discussed yesterday
<aav> yes, now float decoding works, so does float support for ProtoBuf :)
* aav gives up for today
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<TwoNotes> I ahve made changes based on the first pass of comments on my PR. Now, if I just push that commit to my repo, will the PR update?
<jemc> TwoNotes: if you push to the same branch you used to open the PR, yes, it will update to show your changes
<TwoNotes> ok
<TwoNotes> Just a couple small things yet to fix. And there is a 'conflect' in server.pony - not sure what that is about
<SeanTAllen> jemc: just an fyi, dipin has still more changes coming. we had a busy few months working out perf and stability issues.
<SeanTAllen> @TwoNotes im pretty sure it would be related the rename of IPAddress to NetAddress
<TwoNotes> @SeanTAllen, oh the class name itself changed?
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<SeanTAllen> TwoNotes: yes
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<TwoNotes> I changed it to NetAddress but there is still a conflict there.
<TwoNotes> I think because IPAddress got changed *after* I did the rebase, perhaps that confused it
<jemc> TwoNotes: there are basically two ways to resolve that kind of situation:
<jemc> 1. `git checkout master; git pull upstream master; git checkout my-branch; git rebase my-branch master`
<jemc> 2. `git checkout master; git pull upstream master; git checkout my-branch; git merge master`
<TwoNotes> ence is rebase vs merge?
<jemc> the rebase method is preferred, but either is a way to resolve conflicts with the master branch
<TwoNotes> The only difference
<jemc> yep
<jemc> the main thing to do is make sure you have the latest version of `master` from the upstream (the first two steps)
<jemc> I suspect this is what tripped you up the first time
<TwoNotes> I am doing #1. COnfirming last 2 steps are checkout httpng, then rebase httpng? That seems wrong
<TwoNotes> oh wait, I missed that it wrapped on my display
<TwoNotes> rebase httpng master
<TwoNotes> rebase failed :(
<jemc> might need to add the `-i` flag to rebase - I usually do
<jemc> to give you the "interactive" mode where you can tweak individual commits
<TwoNotes> Ok, I got the pick pick pick edit again
<jemc> in the interactive mode, it will stop you after failing to resolve the conflicts, and it will be up to you to open the conflicted files in a text editor and resolve them yourself, then continue with the rebase
<jemc> TwoNotes: feel free to use all `pick`s
<TwoNotes> "could not apply 903e8ca... Rename IPAddress to NetAddress"
<jemc> right, so now type `git status` to see which files conflict, and open those in an editor
<jemc> in the editor, you're looking for lines with `>>>>>` chars which highlight the conflict
<jemc> in the affected areas, it will show two versions of the file - you need to edit them so that only the correct version remains (and the `>>>>` chars are gone)
<jemc> in other words, you just need to edit the file to look how it's actually supposed to look after merging those two changes
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