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<m_mans> Hi all!
<aw-> hello m_mans
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<m_mans> Good morning Regenaxer!
<Regenaxer> Good morning m_mans!
<m_mans> I need decoding \Uxxxx in readJson. I'll try aw's version
<Regenaxer> ok
<m_mans> Regenaxer: do you plan to add such decoding in your version of json.l?
<aw-> ^5
<aw-> hi Regenaxer
<Regenaxer> Hi aw-!
<m_mans> sadly Telegram encodes all non-ascii chars by \U...
<aw-> i have some strange code, looking for a better way to write: (assoc "something" (mapcar car *List))
<aw-> m_mans: it's a standard i believe.. however i don't think my lib works with \U but rather \u
<aw-> perhaps i should fix that
<m_mans> sorry, yes, \u
<aw-> ok
<Regenaxer> aw-, 'find' is not what you look for?
<m_mans> btw, aw-, your READMEs are always very nice, thank you!
<aw-> Regenaxer: hmm maybe not
<aw-> m_mans: thanks
<Regenaxer> 'assoc' is a specialized 'find'
<aw-> i see
<aw-> i'm trying to "find" a list where the car is = "something"
<aw-> in this case *List is a list of lists
<Regenaxer> right
<Regenaxer> (find '((L) (== 'a (car L))) *List)
<aw-> ah yes
<aw-> that makes sense
<aw-> better than (mapcar car
<Regenaxer> yes, it avaoids a garbage list
<Regenaxer> and searches only half on the average
<aw-> awesome
<aw-> thank you!
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<m_mans> [app/json.l:55] !? (de json-array-check (Value) (or (= "{" Value) (= "[" Value) (= "]" Value) (lst? Value) (num? Value) (= "-"Value) (= 'true Value) (= 'false Value) (= 'null Value) (err-throw (text "Invalid Array value '@1', must be {' OR '[' OR ']' OR string OR number OR true OR false OR null" Value))))
<m_mans> de -- Undefined
<m_mans> aw-: I suppose I should disable namespaces?
<Regenaxer> pil32?
<m_mans> pil64
<m_mans> aw-: why you need to (load (pack (car (file)) "module.l")) ?
<aw-> pil64 disable namespaces
<aw-> m_mans: (load (pack (car (file)))..... to load "module.l" the file relative to the json.l file
<aw-> so you can (load "json.l") from anywhere, and it will always find the module.l
<m_mans> no, I mean in case of disabled NS MODULE_INFO will be overwritten by some other module
<m_mans> so maybe move it into "(unless (= "false" (sys..." ?
<aw-> indeed
<m_mans> or maybe that variable is used just in tests, then OK
<aw-> yeah it's not really important ;)
<aw-> doesn't matter if it gets overwritten. it's just something i put there for my own management/tracking of my libs
<aw-> but you make me realize, maybe loading module.l should be optional
<aw-> can't load json.l without module.l .. which is kind of annoying for those who just want to copy the file around
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<aw-> Regenaxer: what version of pil did you remove (local) ?
<m_mans> I see that all strings are chop'ed. No way to pack them?
<aw-> m_mans: ??
<m_mans> oh, sorry, seems I said nonsence
<Regenaxer> It was not removed, but the semantics changed
<aw-> Regenaxer: in 32-bit pil
<aw-> m_mans: they are chopped then repacked later
<Regenaxer> in pil32 ther was never 'local'
<aw-> assuming it's a string
<aw-> there was never local?! oh i should just check for it then
<Regenaxer> local was only for namespaces
<aw-> i see
<aw-> ah but, to keep backwards compatibility, i can't only check for 'local
<Regenaxer> I would check for 'symbols'
<Regenaxer> (if symbols ...
<m_mans> I used json-parse-string instead of decode :))
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<aw-> m_mans: no problem, you're free to "borrow" any of the code as you wish
<aw-> Regenaxer: i was sure (local) existed in pil 16.x
<aw-> 32-bit
<m_mans> yes, thanks! I just got wrong result by using wrong function
<aw-> m_mans: you didn't RTM ;)
<Regenaxer> aw-, yes, existed I think, for namespaces
<Regenaxer> Namespaces were since 30dec11 picoLisp-3.0.9
<aw-> Regenaxer: I created this a while back, but I don't understand it anymore haha -
<aw-> "it defines a new (local) which allows the new syntax to work on older versions of PicoLisp"
<Regenaxer> sorry, aw-, you were right
<Regenaxer> there was another 'local', or the same but it worked independent from namespaces
<aw-> right
<aw-> it zapped symbols i think?
<Regenaxer> yes
<Regenaxer> but it was for namespaces
<Regenaxer> just the semantics changed last year
<Regenaxer> Omit 'local' and 'import' from pil32 was in 06mar17
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<Regenaxer> oops
<m_mans> aw-: your json.l works like a charm, thank you!
<m_mans> just what I need at the moment
<aw-> m_mans: happy to hear that
<aw-> Regenaxer: wrong key press?
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<Regenaxer> yes, ^D
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<beneroth> hi all
<Regenaxer> Hi beneroth
<beneroth> m_mans, does aw-s version handle \uXXXX unicode (non-standard) notation ?
<beneroth> hi Regenaxer :)
<beneroth> the normal version uses (read), and (read) strips \u away
<aw-> beneroth: yes i added support for \uXXXX
<aw-> hi bene
<beneroth> nice, I have a tool I need your library for :)
<aw-> cool
<aw-> if you only need the unicode stuff, there's (json-parse-unicode) you can just copy that and remove the conds for \b and \f
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<m_mans> beneroth: sorry, I was afk. It handles \uXXXX, but I think its
<m_mans> oops. I think it's standard thing
<beneroth> m_mans, you are right
<beneroth> "This recommendation is not applicable to protocols that already
<beneroth> those forms rather than using escapes. This recommendation applies
<beneroth> to cases, including transition arrangements, in which that is not
<beneroth> when protocols are internationalized, it is preferable to accept
<beneroth> accept native UTF-8 or some other encoding of Unicode. In general,
<beneroth> practical."
<beneroth> in my case, the HTTP data I get is marked as "UTF-8" encoded but still uses \uXXXX notation for some characters
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<beneroth> PHP API ...
<beneroth> so technically its ASCII
<m_mans> damn, I've forgotten about (retire) thing. I've added additional (fork) in 'go function to make loop for Telegram bot API. But the application goes down by inactivity timeout
<aw-> beneroth: PHP ...
<beneroth> aw-, aye...
<aw-> ahaha
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<aw-> what is equivalent of (cdr (caar List)) ?
<aw-> oh i got it: (cdaar List)
<tankfeeder> magic, right? :)
<aw-> i want (cdaaaaar List)
<tankfeeder> are you sure ?
<aw-> no
<Regenaxer> Max is 4 d's or a's
<tankfeeder> if yes then write function cda + caaaa
<Regenaxer> (by length sort (what "c@r"))
<tankfeeder> ...cdddar cddddr center)
<tankfeeder> :)
<Regenaxer> yes, ignore center ;)
<Regenaxer> may be more c@d depending on the current application
<Regenaxer> c@r
<tankfeeder> max 4 is enough for most applications
<tankfeeder> ~99%
<Regenaxer> T
<Regenaxer> and we can combine easily
<Regenaxer> or use 'nth' for complicated cases
<Regenaxer> or 'get' etc.
<tankfeeder> (setq L '((1 (2 (3)))))
<tankfeeder> (nth L 1 2 2 1 1)
<tankfeeder> -> 3
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<tankfeeder> aw-: you know it, righht ?
<tankfeeder> :)
<Regenaxer> or (get L 1 2 2 1)
<aw-> yeah
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<beneroth> hm.. one should use a BSD OS and WLAN, I take from
<beneroth> one should NOT use BSD and WLAN...
<C-Keen> that's not the right takeaway
<beneroth> better one?
<C-Keen> all these issues have been fixed, OpenBSD did a review of the whole stack
<beneroth> oh, maybe I should watch the talk to the end first, then :D
<beneroth> thx
<C-Keen> BSDs still have a magnitude less exploitable bugs than the linux kernel due to their dev process
<C-Keen> DRM code is the scary one though
<beneroth> yeah just watching that part. but DRM is a bad idea anyways...
<beneroth> I wonder how much is dev quality and how much is smaller codebase? (though I would say that is related)
<C-Keen> the openbsd guys are the only ones that are transparently combing the whole code base for classes of bugs AFAIK
<beneroth> oh DRM is not DRM
<beneroth> right, the presenter clearly applauds OpenBSD for code quality
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<beneroth> quote from theo "Low code quality keeps haunting our entire industry. That, and sloppy programmers who don't understand the frameworks they work within. They're like plumbers high on glue."
<beneroth> so true
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<miskatonic> replace all sloppy programmers by Regenaxer, and the problem is fixed
<beneroth> not enough Regenaxers. you have to become one now!
<beneroth> (and yes, you can. it's a rather simple recipe. requires dedication and discipline, though)
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<cess11> 'caddddddddr could probably be done with '(de caddddddddr (Lst) (caddddr (cddddr Lst]
<cess11> haven't tried, I usually just stack them right in the code when it happens to be the most convenient way of reaching into lists
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<aw-> cess11 i usually look at those situations as though there's a deeper problem ;)
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<rick42> hello, world!
<rick42> :)
<Regenaxer> Hello rick42!
<beneroth> hi rick42
<rick42> hi Regenaxer, beneroth! (ret)
<rick42> i had to re-park the car :)
<Regenaxer> Good, not the cdr!
<rick42> lol yes!
<rick42> if pil had verb "park": (park 'Garage (car L))
<rick42> :)
<Regenaxer> yeah, we must find a meaningful function for it
<rick42> yes, nth and get are so much better than a long c[ad]+r
<rick42> easier to read, i should say
<Regenaxer> T
<rick42> so i noticed that OpenBSD seems well represented among pil users. i wonder if the ratio is higher than in the general programmer population. idk
<rick42> good to see though
<Regenaxer> yep. A sign of independent minds perhaps?
<rick42> pil users are diverse! excellent!
<Regenaxer> good thing
<rick42> for anybody, by i was thinking about beneroth in particular:
<rick42> Jeng! Gah! Jeng! Gah! lolol
<rick42> the Jenga tower is unstable
<rick42> i don't mean to laugh at anybody's misfortune (and this time wasn'e too bad) but i wish that more people would remember/realize how fragile npm is. bandwgonning is easy. engineering is hard.
<rick42> apparently they have problems with people spamming npm and they tried automating not only the detection but at least some of the rectification/remedy
<rick42> their "ai" isn't that good yet. still need peeps
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<rick42> hello alexshendi!
<alexshendi> Hi rick42, how are you doing?
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<rick42> alexshendi: i am well. how are you? how was ccc?
<Regenaxer> Hi alexshendi!
<alexshendi> ccc (34C3) was great! Was a bit tired though afterwards :)
<alexshendi> Hi Regenaxer,!
<Regenaxer> :)
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<beneroth> rick42, haha, thx
<beneroth> rofl
<tankfeeder> i've implement URL parser
<beneroth> yay nice
<beneroth> looking forward to look into your code :)
<beneroth> but going to bed now, good night all :)
<beneroth> bbl
<tankfeeder> suitable for rosetta task, for real life needs more tests.
<tankfeeder> looks like monster, but very simple and robust in idea.
<tankfeeder> bbl
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