my Stage class needs to have a method callable from "Ruby" but also needs to act like the wrapped object because it gets passed around internally in PIXI
the prototype swapping feels wrong, but is that the way to go?
shawn42: I used that as a quick hack inside opal-jquery, just to get it working
we do need a way to support this though
so, you want the "ruby object" to be just the real js object?
like the way arrays in ruby are normal js arrays?
yes, but it would be nice to be able to Ruby-ify the external interface... so that if any of my Ruby game code interacts with that object, I can use methods like add_child instead of addChild
so if I could just have my cake and eat it too.. that'd be great =P
shawn42: sure. would you want to have all the Kernel/Object methods on there as well?
lol, yeh
yeah, I think so. Given the $ prefix there shouldn't be any naming conflicts so that would work
shawn42: ok, well, at the moment, this requires the hacks you have setup, which is what we use in opal-jquery
Im thiking about a better way to do it
something like
class Stage < `window.PIXI.stage`; .... ; end
which will do all the work on setting up your native js prototype to work as a ruby object would
that doesnt currently work, but we used to have it, and it did work nicely
yeah, that makes sense
the only thing to note is, that we wouldn't be able to support method_missing on that object
I wonder if it makes more sense to treat it like a module that is being mixed in, rather than a base class
class Stage; include `window.PIXI.stage`; ... ; end
we could do. the only thing to be careful of is that if you include any modules or define any methods before that, then we might loose them
basically, with this approach we rip out the current prototype and replace it with your native javascript prototype
thus loosing any methods already defined
could we just loop over window.PIXI.stage's prototype and copy them into our prototype (leaving our previous functions in place)?
<-- is not JS expert and doesn't remember exactly how JS prototypes work
shawn42: we can do it that way. but, if someone creates a new instance of `window.PIXI.stage` somewhere else, then it wont have any of our ruby methods
as we are basically creating a subclass of it (in this case)
yeah, I didn't think of that
shawn42: recently I tried re-writing opal-jquery to use a wrapper class instead, and its too awkward
I had to keep converting back and forth between wrappers
it makes more sense to be to extend prototypes like this, when possible
the only big downside is loosing method_missing
I wonder if you could just formally endorse your "hack"
so I don't have to execute raw js / prototype trickery
shawn42: I will introduce something as we need it for jQuery
we have two options, as I see it
(using jquery as an example)
class Element < `$`; ... ; end
and just hide it behind some thing that says "if you extend a native class, you cannot extend Object"
Element = Class.new(`$`) do ... end
adambeynon: aren't those the same option ;)
shawn42: kind of :D they go through slightly different code, but yeah
we could support both, yes
cool, +1
or, to be contraversial, if we introduced method_tables, then this would all be a lot easier
but, much uglier generated code
adambeynon: oh, one more thing
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opal/master b68dc4e Adam Beynon: Fix lots of heredoc parsing bugs (needs cleanup)
[opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/0m7Ecg
adambeynon, it might still be an extremely good idea to keep Native as is
adambeynon, especially in <IE9 adding things to objects might crash
if they're DOM and other kinds of "special" objects
meh`: how dangerous is it? Didn't prototype.js add all their methods to elements?
adambeynon, not in IE
you still had to wrap them
also I think passing anything but the real arguments to a function is going to make things very ugly
fucking up with arguments ends up breaking a lot of things
so I'd rather we stayed as we are
same goes with blocks
but I wouldn't oppose a debug-only $iter that does its thing internally
but yeah, don't underestimate the utility of arguments
we use it everywhere in the corelib
mainly for blocks. I would prefer to keep blocks as a normal argument setup (as in, dont pass self)
adambeynon, how do you mean?
well, only methods would accept `self` as their first value
blocks would still be `my_block(1, 2, 3)`
I don't know, I'm not convinced, we'll see how it goes
meh`: yeah, Im just playing with it. my main concern is that it will start generating really ugly code again, which is a massive blocker in itself
but, we now have a shed-load of tests, so we can really test performance of a larger code base
is that beign defined on the element itself?
adambeynon, the $data? yes
it has to
there are other things being defined too
but now that I think of it calling them with the same method prefix was retarded of me
I'll change them when we have an official runtime special var prefix
meh`: was just wondering in terms of affecting native elements
ie7/8 etc
adambeynon, from the research I made those *should* work
even on IE6
but I can always fix it in the compatibility stuff
yeah, I think so
the issues mostly come when you touch the prototype
meh`: yeah, but *instances* seem to be ok
that was my thoughts with method_tables
.. if they work out
but I really don't like recv.$method(recv, ..)
meh`: depends on what works out to be fastest
.call() seems to add extra overhead
or I assume it would
.call would be even worse
I don't like how it reads
I don't even want to imagine how "a".b.c.d would look
but, how about `StringSubclass.new("foo").b.c.d` ;)
but we can already achieve it with the prototype swizzling
yeh, but we have to forward everything through method_missing
dinner : back in 20
yes, but those are few cases
slowing down all cases and making the code uglier for some rare cases doesn't sound like a good idea
with the prototype swizzling you're only affected if you're using inherited classes
with the method tables everything is affected
from speed to readability
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but we cant prototype swizzle things like jquery for method_missing
why aren't you just wrapping it?
this is seamless integration all over again
jquery is very awkward to wrap
adambeynon, so is the DOM API
but they're limited cases
that's the point of a library
working around the awkwardness for everyone else to use
think about it well through
but thats fine for the dom, but everytime you want to work with another library, we keep having to have `element.to_n` calls all over the place
and that's the proper way to go, or we're going the seamless integration direction away
we're dealing an uglier generated code for some half-assed seamless integration
and slower too
so yeah, think it well through before merging it in, if you're going in that direction
I don't want to see another switcharoo game on master
yep. this will all be in a pull request back to master, with all the pros, cons + example code so it can be decided on then
adambeynon, you should also try using it in your applications
technoguyrob5 has joined #opal
I have a quick question
I'm trying to convert a ruby file I wrote to javascript
So I have to compile the operator code by hand ot JS
And then wrap it in %x ?
technoguyrob5, no
technoguyrob5, if it's a parsing error it's just a bug in the parser
Removing all the operators in the first class
lines 87 through 141
ahhh, I found it
results in RuntimeError: parse error on value "end" (END) :(file):51
for ... in
Is that the problem?
yeah, we havent sorted those yet
Just iterate manually
Ok great
And no ranges?
technoguyrob5, we support ranges
technoguyrob5, also I don't think you have to #to_a on the range to use for .. in
yeah, ranges are fine
(0..(@primes - 1).to_a.each it is
technoguyrob5, just to (1 .. (p - 1)).each { return x if (x * n % p) == 1 }
technoguyrob5, you don't need to call #to_a on an Enumerable
it's already Enumerable
Good point
you're just slowing everything down that way :)
never used for-in loops, which is why they aren't done yet :P
Especially if it's large :)
yeah, neither did I
does a for-in just compile to #each ?
Hehe, yeah it was a bad habit
adambeynon, basically, yes
adambeynon, except it doesn't create a new scope
have fun figuring that out :P
oh man...
adambeynon, if it were for me, I'd just declare it unsupported
we can't support the same semantics
So basically...
Since a new scope gets created
my .self's now won't work
So I need to make a local
_self = self
technoguyrob5, no, you don't have that problem
Want me to submit a pull request if I get the for in business sorted out?
for .. in works differently as to variable declarations, that's all
when you do a = 3 in a for .. in
it's available to the following code
in a block it's not the case
meh`: I think we could work around it. when the parser hits a new variable, we can get the iter to check if its marked as a for-in loop, and push the variable up a scope
ok you're right
1.9.3p392 :059 > class X 1.9.3p392 :060?> def set=(test) 1.9.3p392 :061?> print test 1.9.3p392 :062?> end 1.9.3p392 :063?> def test 1.9.3p392 :064?> (0..2).each { |x| self.set = x } 1.9.3p392 :065?> end 1.9.3p392 :066?> end => nil 1.9.3p392 :067 > X.new.test 012 => 0..2
The instance scope gets preserved
adambeynon, yeah, you can compile the body differently, and define temporaries in the outer scope
shouldn't be an issue
but I still think using for in Ruby is bad practice
eek, =begin..=end doesnt increase the line numbers correctly
need to fix that
meh`: I just compiled that file with master + method_table branch
I am now deleting thr mehod_table branch
I'm not sure if I helped with Opal here or just confused you guys.. :P
adambeynon, hahaha
technoguyrob5: there is lots of confusion happening here, so its all good ;)
meh`: I have literally wasted a day
adambeynon, should have warned you
I just hope you don't come back to method_tables in few months when you forget about this :P
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[opal] adambeynon deleted method_table at 88ec514: http://git.io/CNG51g
meh`: we have logs now - I can look back and remember the pains.
right, onto something useful now
Time + Date parsing, woohoo
Oh god, be careful...
JS dates are programmer hell
We had a bug in production in our customer dashboard because, well...apparently Date.parse("08/31/2013") = 08-30-2013
I can't remember if that's the right date, but it was something like that
Err, new Date() rather than .parse
technoguyrob5: yeah, Im not feeling overly optimistic about it
I might read through moment.js for some inspiration
although last time I looked, it was quite monolithic in size
I was relying on the fact that 3/4 = 0 in Ruby
And similar operations
But that fails in JS
so now I have to floor stuff
ah, yeh... floats and ints
How do I export things to global variables?
Like window.some_variable
$global.some_variable = 3.142
Awesome, thanks. Or Opal.
Opal.FiniteField e.g.
I will show you the fruits of my labor in a second
top level classes will be put onto Opal automatically
::FOO = 100 <- that will put any constant on Opal
Nice that works!
Last one, sorry to be such a bug: You guys haven't implemented any way to do IO streams on non-files, have you? I have one method that takes an IO object, usually a File, but I would like to be able to convert the resulting output to a string in JS so it can get appended to the DOM
def some_method(stream)
stream << 'hello there'
and then in JS I flush the stream
technoguyrob5, use StringIO
Awesome, it works, thank you
adambeynon: any thoughts on method definitions/json? I realize that I pretty much have next week to put that into opal-inspector if you figure out a first pass
fkchang: I have been playing with it
maybe a separate branch for a rubyconf version, leaving time for a real version later, seems like u have lots on ur plate
source_file + source_line would be useful too
and then opal-inspector can just go through it as it pleases
that's not bad, though an array would make for costly lookups
maybe a hash of fully qualified methods, as a start
yeah. the only thing I dont know, is how to get the browser to load these extra "metadata" files
i.e. how to automate it
sourcemaps are loaded by a simple comment in the generated source
but that wont really help in this case
unless Opal::Server offers some special path to load the information from
compile option to preload everything?
or maybe parse option in the new scheme
fkchang: do you imagine running opal-inspector using opal-sprockets (i.e. Opal::Server) ?
as in, would you compile everything using a Rake task, or would you run opal-inspector on the fly using the opal server?
ideally I'd like to do both, my demo code is a static file, but I imagine real apps would be via some server, I'd target rails, sinatra and opal server
and lissio server :>
is there a lissio server?
running on elixir?
no, it's just a modified Opal::Server
to work with lissio
it will support prerendering of the frontend for crawling
it sends the index on everything that isn't a static file
to support HTML5 history
fkchang: If you run it through Opal::Server, it can be done VERY easily
static is a bit trickier
adambeynon: so anyways, I don't know if there's an easy scheme to handle both static and dynamic querying. I suppose you could load up the hash, and if it's not there, and u know the system is server based, query the server
adambeynon: I could do a version using the server
fkchang: with the timeframe, I think if we could do just Opal::Server for now, we can look again at static building
then it can just be an option on opal server
server.metadata = true
or whatever
adambeynon: I'm good w/that. I think u had a "getting started w/opal server doc" somewhere
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fkchang: yeah, needs updating a bit, but it is there ;)
adambeynon: that'd be cool. I need to put a blurb about opal-server into my preso too
now if I can grok lissio in time, maybe I'll rewrite it w/lissio components
fkchang: and some tests written with rspec? ;)
fkchang, if you need anything just ask
adambeynon: rspec would be cool, how's that coming along
fkchang: 1 parsing error and 2 line changes because they use mutable strings
apart from that, it runs like a champ
adambeynon, did you try sending a pull request for that?
meh`: not yet. Im still searching the code base for any other places that they use mutable strings
incase our code just hasnt caused it to run yet
it's basically the same kind of problem you're having now
but changing core methods is generally a very very bad idea
I knew there was a better way, but this was a half-Sunday project, so I couldn't be bothered to research the details. This is really nice to know
Maybe I'll start a Ruby implementation of Sage now that I know this... :p
technoguyrob5, and when you feel courageous you could move to using lissio instead of generating HTML and having a CSS file :P
meh`: Haha yeah, I know, I would do all this stuff, I've written compilers and managed massive Rails and Backbone projects, I was just super fast cranking out lazy ;) Funny is it probably would've taken less time that way