basically, catch all errors and rethrow if its not the class you want
thanks :)
elia: np
elia: I've got something really cool to show you later as well. I've got a rails demo app that uses vienna and renders vienna views to serve up initial html
gives you the best of html on the server and client side rendering
adambeynon, cool
elia: of course! ;)
adambeynon, I than ready to open skype/screen share
it also "tags" the html with the view/controller name, so you can still define all the events etc in the Vienna::View class
adambeynon, "tags" anything similar to angular?
not too familiar with angular. by default, vienna adds a data-vienna-class="user_view" to the body element, so when the page loads we just recreate the Vienna::View instance as it was on the server
but we already have the html
so we just attach the events
ALSO, im working on a way so you get models automatically loaded as well
adambeynon, awesome and awesome!
elia: I think its going to be huge ;)
Im thinking we could add a :vienna renderer
adambeynon, mmm, what about plain data attributes
adambeynon, or a metatag (unless you care about streaming)
elia: I did think of the data attributes, but it wasnt "just works" enough for me
that way you can add an appcontroller helper_method and that's all
elia: ohh
I see what you mean now
yeah.. the other thing is, we dont want all ivars to be copied down, it probably need to be opt-in
actually, vienna::View can handle that
adambeynon, Kernel#as_opal? :)
probably the usual as_json/to_json should be enough
fkchang has joined #opal
adambeynon: I'd be interested in seeing the rails/vienna app you showed elia, might make a good showcase for my talk
fkchang, sadly he didn't show anything to me… :(
elia, fkchang : still trying to fight against rails to get it working smoothly :(
adambeynon, np :D
bummer, hopefully soon. Same thing for meh` I want to show some lissio stuff, but I'll want enough time to be able to play with it in advance
fkchang, have hope
I'm fairly confident I'll be able to write up a blog post with an example app a week before rubyconf
elia: it needs some small code tidy ups, but this is the idea which is working (but very hardcoded at the moment)
elia: yep! some really neat demo would be cool.
adambeynon, I think you should release under your github profile
we're all eager to collaborate!
elia: sure! Its all in a current app, so I will move it out. just looking now to see how much difference rails 3 and rails 4 are
dont think its going to be a problem to work with both versions
fkchang, any idea on what the demo app for lissio should do?
adambeynon: I agree with elia: something public would be good
meh`: I'm not sure, I have to condense all the goodness of opal into 40 min, and have time for the various star wars multimedia stuff I'm weaving in. I don know the beauty of the DSL from the various snippets you've post will speak to my point that "Opal, like Ruby, is made to make the programmer happy"
fkchang, there's also to take into consideration my approach has nothing to do with Rails
and its ways, my target is to make the frontend completely client side
The notion that adambeynon brings up of 1 set of ruby code that runs on either side (netzke does this pretty well too), is a compelling point too. I want to highlight code that 1) is beautiful/makes the programmer happy 2) says things much nicer than js or even coffeescript
and have a thin REST backend in whatever
If you think that my mental note for every "feature" I want to show is, "How awesome is that" -- it sort of opens up a lot of choices, rails, no rails, as long as it's awesome
I need a way to use the "snow walker falling down" clip that elia posted as some sort of JS fail
a pattern I expect to be showing is "in JS it's 60 lines of nasty code, in Opal it's 12 lines of beautiful code that follows the principle of least surprise""
show the Tooltip :P
fkchang, and also you can reuse all of your OOD (jedi) powers
fkchang, btw I have a load of SW backstage pictures if you want
fkchang, and also it's probably worth image-googlin for "site:imgur.com ext:gif starwars"
for the various features, I think I'd like to show some awesome code, give a quick walk through, and then muck w/that code in real time to show them how nice it is. That would require that I'm familiar enough w/said (yet to be written) code that I can do so. I'll definitely have to pick a bunch and prune down to the code w/the most effect
(also try with site:tumblr.com)
elia: images can help, I was planning on a lot of video clips w/sound. For example I'm going to mention the problem w/the Javascript revolution is that the language is javascript, then I'll play the "what a piece of junk!" line that Luke says when he 1st sees the Millenium Falcon, etc.
So I'll have to dig up a video link of the snow walker falling so I can have the dolby digital crashing sound
fkchang, another good one is the "gonna be a lot thinner" quote going from js to ruby :)
elia, meh`, fkchang : by then my jsfiddle clone for opal should be ready, might be useful for quick coding/compiling/running routines without touching too many gems
elia: nice..
adambeynon, kewl
going home
elia: bye
adambeynon: I was going to add some jsfiddle like things either/or opal-irb or inspector
adambeynon: on the note of rubyconf stuff, I'd love to show an opal-inspector w/method editing which all require the source/comment stuff I'm hoping to have added to the parser
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fkchang: yeap. been thinking on that one. Best thing to do, is for me to hack away at a prototype of a simple way to get a json string of all the methods
or whatever
and you think its best to combine all the comments and code together?
from the scenario of, "let me edit DomainObject#cool_method" in opal-irb, I'd want to see code and comments together, where I simply navigate to the method click on it, and see the code and methods together. Yes. I don't think you could easily interleave comments back into the code, coz you can put them anywhere
I'd store the method information, the documentation metadata (documentation before the def) and the body (raw source)
ultimately, I guess that's like entry/show points, For inspector I don't need line by line, just "what's the code/comments for xyz method". Down the road, I'd like to build in Smalltalks, "code from the debugger feature", but that's a ways down
fkchang: sure. well, I will have a go at it and let you know how im getting on
GitHub126 has joined #opal
GitHub126 has left #opal [#opal]
[opal] adambeynon pushed 16 new commits to master: http://git.io/RH1xBQ
opal/master ff86e14 Elia Schito: Try to provide an implementation for process_defined with :colon2
opal/master 2a06296 Elia Schito: Unexpectedly is "class variable"
opal/master 71ea9c0 Elia Schito: Change Opal.dispatch_super to be just a super finder
adambeynon: thanks. If you've a decent api, but suboptimal interface, I could run with that to implement those parts and just pull more recent versions as you improve it
travis-ci has joined #opal
[travis-ci] opal/opal#1105 (master - c559840 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
fkchang: seems the best. It will serve initially just for you, so breaking changes doesnt bother me too much
cool, lemme know when there's something to try
dunno if there's a difference in server compile time vs in browser parse time, but of course I want to start an app w/the source prepared, as well as keep any changes I make on the browser
fntzr has joined #opal
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hey all, I found what appears to be a bug in Opal and I'd like to see if I can fix it. unfortunately when I cloned the repo just now and ran "bundle install" and "rake" per the instructions to run the tests I found that they don't pass. is that being worked on right now? I see that the latest commit was about 20 minutes ago
meh`: so looks like my test failure is because Opal is turning Time.utc(1970, 1, 1) into a native Date instance which does not keep track of the timezone (UTC in this case)
so it to_s'trings as Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)
eventual_, you just missed elia, he's the one who wrote all that time stuff
doh =)
I'm kinda surprised it passes for anyone *not* running their computer in UTC
eventual_, I'm surprised as well
I guess you'll win the honorary title of bugomancer too
same goes for the x[] +=
yeah. not terribly uncommon
alright, here come the GH issues
elia has joined #opal
elia, v
23:03:35 eventual_ >! meh`: so looks like my test failure is because Opal is turning Time.utc(1970, 1, 1) into a native Date instance which does not keep track of the timezone (UTC in this case)
23:03:56 eventual_ > so it to_s'trings as Wed Dec 31 1969 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST)
hey elia. I hear you wrote the Time code in Opal