elia: I have been testing the native branch of opal-jquery in one of my apps, and its working great. I am still 50/50 on whether to merge it in or not
any thoughts?
adambeynon, only thing that comes to mind is that having all that goods in the jq prototype was handy
adambeynon, native forces to wrap
adambeynon, inheritance from Element probably works fine in either case
yeah. the only benefit of wrapping was method_missing - but having to have some Element.expose(:my_plugin) line in my opal code isnt too much hassle
I think bridged is a better way to go
same with Event
wrapping that is a pain
adambeynon, agreed it's just seamless that way
adambeynon, [mavericks time] had any issues installing ruby 1.8?
elia: yes, I did. Solved it by fiddling around with the gcc compiler
you need to install the Command Line Tools
just Xcode doesnt do the job
(or not for me atleast)
adambeynon, you're using rbenv?
elia: yeap
you on rvm?
elia: umm, I guess the instructions are still valid
but seems just about the same… yes
clitools+brew basically :)
brew solves all the problems
i still remember the macports time uughgh
lol, yeh. many wasted evenings trying to get port working
elia: I had the fun of trying to get 1.8 working on mavericks when we were having those travis+racc issues
adambeynon, I can imagine
adambeynon, I'll have to install ree-2010.02 so i'll probably get my share of fun too
adambeynon, the other thing that still worries me about the upgrading is textmate
elia: 1.x or 2.0 ?
which considering bundles has a good percentage of its code implemented in ruby
2 of course :)
every 3 months or so I switch between TextMate and Vim ... currently going through a Vim stage, so not sure about textmate bundles
ahh, of course mavericks is using ruby-2
adambeynon, I tried vim a couple of times and on servers of course, but my fingers get immediately confused and start adding random letters to all OS textfields…
elia: finishing off emails with ":w :s" is still a habbit now and then
elia: if textmate had split-views I would jump back instantly
adambeynon, there's a split surrogate in avian-missing
using file and dirs doesn't have much meaning on the browser
what happened now
oh, errored
not failed
meh`: nor does using Encoding when we cant do much with it
adambeynon, we can do enough, and it's part of the language and of any js engine
what is part of any js engine?
while file and directories aren't
cherry-picking is good if it's not extremistic
in this case it would just make things harder to maintain and weirder to use
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[opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to compiler_nodes: http://git.io/_I7sCQ
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opal/compiler_nodes f3b11ec Adam Beynon: Clean up a load of compiler nodes
meh`: the only stuff we are actually able to use it for though is a tiny part considering what Encoding offers on "real" platforms
adambeynon, for now
it's the basics to get byte stuff to work
doesn't mean I'll stop there, I made it clear in the commit it's just the basic stuff to get started
and I don't think it's a good idea to make opal "leaner" in this direction
it should be full featured Ruby by default
I thought we were clear about this
opal is never going to be full ruby... if people want full ruby in a browser they are going to use emscripten or the like
well of course, as full featured as possible is what I meant
for a leaner opal I've got nothing against an opal/lean that requires only the minimum required
and you can then require specific parts if you need them
but by default it should require all the corelib available
opal should require stuff by default that makes sense in a browser + javascript context. for me, that doesnt include File, Dir or Encoding
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[travis-ci] opal/opal#1198 (compiler_nodes - f3b11ec : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
fkchang, mutable strings are acoming ( ≖‿≖)
also inheritance of Array and String
only 68 specs failing with my changes
without additional overhead unless you're actually using inherited Array, String or mutable strings
which means no overhead most of the time
meh`: cool, though w/opal-browser's dom builder, I don't need to port the that dom building lib
but the closer to real ruby, the better
fkchang, yeah, it was more of a "I want this to work" than anything
especially for encodings
I need this stuff
I also partially implemented some encoding stuff
but yeah
new shiny compiler
more compliant stuff
the future is looking good
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hi. new to opal here. I have a usage question. I am trying to use Opal to create shared libraries between Ruby on Rails and javascript. On the javascript side, most of our code is not going to be in Opal, but would call opal generated functions. Is this possible? I tried doing Opal.top.$my_function_name(), but got some error "TypeError: Cannot set property '_p' of undefined"
Nick____, using opal functions from raw js is going to be hell
especially as far as blocks go
that '_p' stuff is about blocks
alrite. thanks for the response. wasn't sure if it was supported or not
it's easy to use JS stuff from Opal, but it was never in the plans to make it easy the other way around
but you'd have a lot of ugly code coming up
Opal.Hash.$new({ a: 3, b: 3 }) just to get a hash
i'm writing all the code in ruby and using that directly in rails
and having opal convert it to js for the js parts
you could probably write a small layer of helpers to call the compiled stuff, but it sounds rather redundant
ryanstout has joined #opal
Nick____: depending on your API, this wouldn't necessarily be all that bad. You might want to write some opal wrappers that you can can w/the naming scheme that you are already doing
Nick____: are you running rails on the backend? You could invoke all the stuff from opal then
i was just calling Opal.parse onto the shared lib files(written in ruby)
it created some js that looks like this -
def evaluate_order(order, store) subtotal = 0 order.each do |item| subtotal += item[:cost] end total = subtotal * (1 + store[:tax_rate] * 0.01) end
And I tried calling "Opal.top.$evaluate_order([{cost:15},{cost:10}],{tax_rate:10}"
i think it didn't find the $mm('each') in what namespace i was calling from or something (not entirely sure how this works still)
are you using opal rails?
just regular opal
i tried opal-rails, but didn't get it working successfully.
if you use opal rails, then you just put opal files in app/assets/javascripts (or opal), and opal sprockets will do all the magic for you and u won't have to write any js
okay. i'll try to get that working again then
adambeynon has joined #opal
adambeynon, 66 failing specs with my stuff
meh`: niceeeeeee
are the 66 easy to fix?
adambeynon, do we have method_added?
meh`: nope
yeah, most are
"not yet"
adambeynon, I need it
adambeynon, it should be easy to do, no?
meh`: kinda. we need to be able to disable it in certain corelib files
until its actually defined
adambeynon, right
I need it for String and Array
meh`: why?
adambeynon, because
if you add methods on String they won't be on the literal
I have to reflect them back to it
or find another way to do it
but so far so good
I'm getting some weird infinite recursion in JSON stuff
meh`: doesnt it make more sense to do class MutableString < String
but that should be easy to fix
adambeynon, but then you can't inherit from String
unless I do some inherited magic
I was thinking about that too
but then super would be broken
and I'd need an in-between class
which isn't much of a problem
and would probably be cleaner
but I prefer the wrapping way
well, if this is going to be opt in, cant the mutable_string.rb or whatever just re-assign String
LiteralString = String
String = nil
class String < LiteralString … end
adambeynon, it's not opt-in as in opt-in to compile and use
adambeynon, it's opt-in in the sense you're not hitting slow part if you're not using it explicitly
adambeynon, it doesn't add much code
50 lines top
and doesn't affect much
all I need is method_added
meh`: and we cant make it opt-in?
which way does it inherit
Array < Literal ?
they have no relation in the inheritance chain
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there's Array::Literal
which is the bridged class to the JS Array
then there's Array, which wraps things up when used explicitly
when you do [].whatever it's calling Array::Literal
IF you inherit from Array, you'll be using the wrapper
otherwise you won't even realize it
adambeynon: meh` how do I get mspec to not crash --- Forrests-MacBook-Pro:opal fkchang$ rake mspec
/Users/fkchang/src/opal/Rakefile:128:in `block in <top (required)>'
adambeynon, having Array::Literal as an ancestor fucks up the whole deferral of things
adambeynon, the only thing needed to make it work transparently is method_added
fkchang: rubyspec is a git submodule
so I can intercept the addition
define the same method on Array::Literal
and undef it in Array
which is basically no overhead since you're not going to add methods to Array in a tight loop for billions of time
meh`: cant we just add some inherited hook
so swizzle the prototypes
on Array subclasses
adambeynon, that could be done, yes
I'll think about it
I have the feeling there's something I'm not considering with that approach
fkchang: did you get it working?
git submodule update --init
we use the real rubyspec git repo for our specs now
well, most of them
not enough of them :P
adambeynon: meh` submodule init took care of it - different since the last time I tried to run rake on opal (like months ago)
this is disturbing
1. Time#day returns the day of the month for a UTC Time
Expected 31 to equal 1
meh`: so what percent of rubyspecs are we running. Looking for stats for my preso
fkchang: someone else reported that spec failing for them
will need to look into it
fkchang: not sure about percentage
I can find out though
fkchang, yeah, you get that if you're in the US
fkchang, none of us is there
we're all from Europe
adambeynon, yeah, an inherited trick is the best way to go
I'll scrap what I've done now and go with that
shawn42 has joined #opal
I wanted to try out pixi.js + opal ..
what's the best way to translate something like
var stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x66FF99);
stage = PIXI::Stage.new 0x66FF99
shawn42, the best way would be to wrap it
module PIXI; class Stage; def self.new(value); Native(`new PIXI.Stage(value)`); end; end; end
but writing an opal-pixi would be the best way to go
so basically hand roll a wrapper around the entire library?
meh`: also, is Native the way to pass raw js through opal?
shawn42, yes, Native() wraps whatever value into an usable Opal object
methods called on it are forwarded to the native object
also yes, the best way to go is usually writing a full blown wrapper
it's not a must, but that way you can make things more ruby-esque
especially if you have methods following camel case in the native object
stage.thisIsAMethod looks weird in Ruby
makes sense
and if it's a good library you might make someone else very happy :)
adambeynon: yeah, any metrics would be good, I'm pitching that opal is basically ruby so a reasonably high rubyspec percentage looks good, else, claiming 2367 specs sounds reasonably good
fkchang, with my round of cleanups it's even more compatible now :>
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opal-sprockets/master 30e704d Adam Beynon: Use Opal::Compiler directly
[opal-sprockets] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/0ethew
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opal/master 961416a Adam Beynon: Opal::Compiler as sole compiler class
[opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/6l07aA
meh`: does including modules work in opal.rb?
shawn42, yes
also, what's the best source of docs (for things like Native, etc)
I think there's some stuff in the doc/ folder and on the website
all the doc links I find just take me to the github landing page >.<
someone must have forgotten to update the links
meh`: can you tell me what I'm doing wrong here:
I do however get "Uncaught NoMethodError: undefined method `bridge_class' for Class" errors in javascript when using opal-rails. Any idea what that is?
Nick____, that's basically from the prelude
Nick____: glad you have stuff working, what happens for Document.ready?
fkchang, when's RubyConf again?
meh`: nov 8-10
fkchang, nothing happens
oh. i get an extra one of these "Uncaught NameError: uninitialized constant Object::Document"
well, just one of those. not an extra one
elia has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
Uncaught NoMethodError: undefined method `bridge_class' for Class error.js?body=1:20 Uncaught NameError: uninitialized constant Object::Element error.js?body=1:20 Uncaught NoMethodError: undefined method `bridge_class' for Class error.js?body=1:20 Uncaught NameError: uninitialized constant Object::Document error.js?body=1:20
elia has joined #opal
Nick____, those ones are really weird
maybe my assets still aren't setup correctly
Nick____: maybe elia will know, but I suspect maybe you need to add gem opal-jquery to your gemfile. I believe since I wrote the gist that opal-jquery might've been unbundled from opal-rails
meh, two new critical bugs
btw, the gist is liek a year old, that's a lifetime in opal years
let's hope adam fixes them before I wake up
Nick____, you should nudge elia into writing a tutorial to use opal-rails, he's the main author and user
meh`: how can I tell which mspec's are not being run?
fkchang, you can't
fkchang, well
you can tell which ones are being ran
spec/rubyspecs is the list
Nick____, im here, whats'up?
in spec/filters the filtered ones for a reason or another
elia, could you write a tutorial on using opal-rails =D
elia: he couldn't get opal-rails to work, and then he followed a gist I wrote about a year ago https://gist.github.com/fkchang/3956417 which fails on Document.ready? My theory is that opal-jquery needs to be included too which defines that
Nick____, you already gone through the readme?
i was getting errors putting in the configurations when i tried it first time. i haven't tried it since i got it working tho (w/o it)
Nick____, opal-jquery is already a dependency
looks like my gist is 90ish% based on your readme
adding opal-jquery seemed to fix the errors
Document.ready? seems to work now too!
Nick____, fkchang, the gist seems fine
Nick____, gratz! ;)
so i think i'm good now. thanks for the help meh', fkchang, and elia
Nick____, just to be sure, what was the error?
improving the readme is a good thing anyways
elia, Uncaught NoMethodError: undefined method `bridge_class' for Class error.js?body=1:20 Uncaught NameError: uninitialized constant Object::Element error.js?body=1:20 Uncaught NoMethodError: undefined method `bridge_class' for Class error.js?body=1:20
Nick____, sorry, I meant: what was the *solution*?
w/ only 'opal-rails' gem and not 'opal-jquery' gem
i had to use both
it still worked despite getting that error minus the jquery stuff(which i'm not using for my current project)
that's strange, opal-jquery is an opal-rails dependency and it's required inside opal/rails
Nick____, any chance you had old versions?
maybe he didn't bundle again?
i didn't specify any version in my gemfile
anyways, the error was "Uncaught NameError: uninitialized
constant Object::Document" which just screamed opal-jquery was missing to me
fkchang, sure thing
hmm. i'm not getting the error anymore when i remove opal-jquery gem
Nick____, you still have the logs of the bundle install?
Nick____, fkchang, I'm quite sure the bundle install triggered the update of either opal-jquery or opal-rails or opal
and if it was opal, gray times ahead
I think the new compiler wasn't that ready
it broke all my things :D
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/........... Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.. Resolving dependencies... Using rake (10.1.0) Using i18n (0.6.1) Installing multi_json (1.8.2) Using activesupport (3.2.13) Using builder (3.0.4) Using activemodel (3.2.13) Using erubis (2.7.0) Using journey (1.0.4) Using rack (1.4.5) Using rack-cache (1.2) Using rack-test (0.6.2) Using hike (1.2.3) Using tilt (1.4.1) Using
k (3.2.13) Using mime-types (1.25) Using polyglot (0.3.3) Using treetop (1.4.15) Installing mail (2.5.4) Using actionmailer (3.2.13) Using arel (3.0.2) Using tzinfo (0.3.38) Using activerecord (3.2.13) Using activeresource (3.2.13) Using bundler (1.3.4) Using coffee-script-source (1.6.3) Using execjs (2.0.2) Using coffee-script (2.2.0) Using rack-ssl (1.3.3) Using json (1.8.1) Using rdoc (3.12.2) Using thor (0.18.1) Using railties (3
Using execjs (2.0.2) Using coffee-script (2.2.0) Using rack-ssl (1.3.3) Using json (1.8.1) Using rdoc (3.12.2) Using thor (0.18.1) Using railties (3.2.13) Using coffee-rails (3.2.2) Using jquery-rails (3.0.4) Using rails (3.2.13) Using sass (3.2.12) Using sass-rails (3.2.6) Installing sqlite3 (1.3.8) Installing uglifier (2.2.1) Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
ignore that. thats before i added the gem
Resolving dependencies... Using rake (10.1.0) Using i18n (0.6.1) Using multi_json (1.8.2) Using activesupport (3.2.13) Using builder (3.0.4) Using activemodel (3.2.13) Using erubis (2.7.0) Using journey (1.0.4) Using rack (1.4.5) Using rack-cache (1.2) Using rack-test (0.6.2) Using hike (1.2.3) Using tilt (1.4.1) Using sprockets (2.2.2) Using actionpack (3.2.13) Using mime-types (1.25) Using polyglot (0.3.3) Using treetop (1.4.15) Us
Nick____, wait
(3.2.13) Using arel (3.0.2) Using tzinfo (0.3.38) Using activerecord (3.2.13) Using activeresource (3.2.13) Using bundler (1.3.4) Using coffee-script-source (1.6.3) Using execjs (2.0.2) Using coffee-script (2.2.0) Using rack-ssl (1.3.3) Using json (1.8.1) Using rdoc (3.12.2) Using thor (0.18.1) Using railties (3.2.13) Using coffee-rails (3.2.2) Using haml (4.0.3) Using haml-rails (0.4) Using jquery-rails (3.0.4) Using racc (1.4.10) U