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<chomwitt> aloxa from greece!!
<chomwitt> so a nOOb question. why do we need Samsung PoP memory ? and why do we need PoP anyway if there is a risk involved..
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<atk> chainsawbike: The samsung pop memory is used because of availability, you have to use what is available and fits what you need.
<atk> whoops, wrong person
<atk> where did chomwitt go
<DocScrutinizer05> we already sourced the unobtainium 1GB RAM PoP chips, which make the Neo900 the only device in the world except Nokia N9 with 1GB RAM on a OMAP3
<DocScrutinizer05> PoP is the way to save massive amounts of real estate on PCB
<DocScrutinizer05> also simplifies PCB layout since you don't need any timing critical memory bus on your layout
<jonsger> DocScrutinizer05: whats happend with ?
<DocScrutinizer05> jonsger: oops, maybe last reboot tore it down?
<jonsger> 502 bad gateway
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder which dang service to restart
<atk> unobtanium 1GB RAM PoP chips.
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<DocScrutinizer05> atk: well, try to find a source or datasheet for the PoP!
<atk> So the only way to have gotten more than 1GiB of ram would be to have another chip on the PCB (non-PoP)
<atk> (I'm not suggesting that you go for 2GiB of ram or anything, it's probably a bit too late
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<DocScrutinizer05> jonsger: thanks! fixed
<DocScrutinizer05> damn fcgiwrap
<DocScrutinizer05> atk: OMAP3 can't adress >1GB of RAM
<atk> ah
<atk> Well, 1GiB is 4 times what the N900 has, so it's probably good enough
<atk> as long as you don't go to any websites these days because browsing the web requires at least 16GiB of RAM.
<DocScrutinizer05> you'd need stuff not used anymore since IBM PC to extend beyond 640kB RAM
<bencoh> fun stuff for sure
<DocScrutinizer05> PC had same problem with 640kB that OMAP has with 1GB
<DocScrutinizer05> it's not exactly simple to tweak the OS to handle such paged shadow RAM
<DocScrutinizer05> it *could* get done but is highly complex and slow
<ShadowJK> I remember there used to be a trick to create a ramdisk out of graphics card memory, and then you put swap on that. (in linux). Maybe a similar strategy would be workable :-)
<bencoh> uhuh
<DocScrutinizer05> well, switching the memory bus between two banks is more intricate than just accessing GPU RAM and rededicate it to a ramdisk. When your spare bank is switched in, your CPU loses all access to the genuine RAM bank
<DocScrutinizer05> so you need a sophisticated memory controller that mirrors a part of the RAM address range to allow CPU to access and run a minimal set of switching functionality no matter what's the RAM bank recently activated
<bencoh> not exactly
<DocScrutinizer05> and you need a data buffer in same mirrored range
<bencoh> you can also do with a small onchip ram (or reuse cpu cache if no sram is available, but that's ... itchy :p) to install tlb there and run some minimal code to switch bank
<DocScrutinizer05> basically this is what is usually accomplished by your CPU embedded MMU unit
<bencoh> this is actually what some (most?) SoC do to switch DDR frequency and enter/exit self-refresh mode
<bencoh> nope, it's done in software
<bencoh> there is even code for that in linux (or in bootloader in case of psci support)
<DocScrutinizer05> the SRAM on SoC is 64kB iirc
<bencoh> which is quite a lot :)
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, when you want to memmove byte by byte, nothing wrong with a 16k
<DocScrutinizer05> the problem is you don't want to do the switching too frequently
<bencoh> well that's usually what you do to switch bank or refresh mode... just write to a few registers to configure mux/pll/clock/ddr, wait a bit here and there
<DocScrutinizer05> you can't run program text in bank#0 with data structures allocated in bank#1
<bencoh> that'd be a pain yeah
<DocScrutinizer05> well, technically you could, but that would slow down the system by factor 100 or more
<bencoh> but there would be other mechanisms to avoid that
<bencoh> although I'm pretty sure that just having one single program running from bank#1 would be a pain since kernel would still sit on #0
<bencoh> and context switch would just be .... awfuly slow
<bencoh> anyway :)
<DocScrutinizer05> the MMU had to trigger an exception each time an address outside your current bank gets accessed, and you need to run a sw handler to fetch that byte
<DocScrutinizer05> yep
<bencoh> EBADIDEA
<DocScrutinizer05> :-)
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<DocScrutinizer05> what you need is basically augmenting to MMU serving code to not only handle the SoC internal MMU but keep the external hack chip in sync, so the external chip would know which memaddr to find in which bank
<DocScrutinizer05> basically a hybrid between MMU handler and swap handler
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<ravelo> DocScrutinizer05, there is one more device that had 1GB RAM
<ravelo> about 20 pieces of Gta04A5 exist with 1 GB RAM
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