Hello. Can anyone help me set the feed_url so it gets correctly picked up by the call to atom_feed? Here's my code of feed.haml. It gets routes to feed.xml
i believe title, author_name and author_uri are the only things you need to include in your feed's metadata.
I think in my tired state, I might have been editing the wrong file. Here goes with the front matter.
you can pass things in to the atom_feed helper, or you can set them in the frontmatter. i prefer the frontmatter, personally, because it means my file is cleaner :)
I checked the source and passing in the feed_url isn't supported. It's the one property (that I noticed) that couldn't be passed in.
Adding it to the front matter worked like a charm. Thanks.
ahh. interesting.
most of 'em can be passed in. that's probably an oversight.
but generally, nanoc prefers frontmatter anyway.
I hadn't made the connection between the frontmatter and the @item object within the atom_feed method.
because then it's a property of the feed item itself, not just a variable set in your template.
Cool, I'll adjust my code to favor front matter.
yeah, @item is always the thing currently being compiled.
Thanks again.
no problem.
One more totally random question. When I throw front matter in a markdown file for a blog article, it screws with the syntax highlighting in my code editor (Vim). When I add "created_at", it looks like the start of some underlined text. It's not a big deal, but an annoyance. For my articles, I've been breaking out the front matter into a separate yaml file, but that's sort of a pain also. Any pro tips on how to address this?