While we deeply believe in open-source hardware, we do not want to release a platform that we do not feel is ready. Part of the PULP platform is still in heavy development and is not in a state that would allow a world-wide distribution yet. For this reason, we started by releasing the most mature IPs, instantiated in the PULPino project.
bah, i don't know, compile it for some fpga, try it and let us know
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sb0: too bad it's axi oriented
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bah, try it. if it's the usual academic EDA project, it doesn't matter if it's axi or not because it's unusable in any case
how so ?
what makes it unusable
(btw, they say they use it in asics)
the usual
bugs, bloat, low performance, sloppy design, etc.
same as opencores
all that means is they blew some money on a fab. what were the results?
mmh digging
i actually don't see the core itself
yeah, they use some NIH package manager for cores
I've been told it was interesting because it has jtag
a guy I know is working on a nanorv32 on which he also added jtag, and with a 20 pin jtag header he managed to get it running on openocd. while he is trying to get his company release the code opensource, he told me this thing looked promising
adding jtag to misoc should be intern level stuff (at least with lm32)
they got several version done in 28nm by STM
again, all that means is they blew money
you can give a completely broken mask to STM (or maybe RTL, some do full-service) and some cash, and you'll also have a 28nm ASIC by STM
did the chip work?
good question
well as you say, only real way to know is to give it a try
rjo, ok for 2.0
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sb0: but non-RT would still be starved by RT in that scheme. i suspect it would be easier to just scramble everything after link init (we also need a way to detect de-init/de-sync) and then do guaranteed minimum allocations for RT and non-RT in the arbitrator.
if you guarantee a maximum RT packet length and a minimum inter-packet gap for RT, then there's a guaranteed non-RT bandwidth
sb0: make sure that they block the beam to > OD6 or so. otherwise it's still dangerous. but polycarbonate goggle usually do the trick.
sure. minimum gap achieves it. but if you have minimum gap, you are wasting bandwidth.
if you do minimum gap, then you could just do one scramble-everything, encode non-RT as regular pakets and be done with it.
minimum allocation is also wasting bandwidth
for the same reason
i mean a minimum allocation guarantee (up to a max) with unused bandwidth going to the other type.
if non-RT traffic takes any bandwidth from RT traffic, then it's not strictly RT anymore
sure. as long as the delay incurred by RT traffic is bounded.
also, I think non-RT traffic should also be low-bandwidth. with the scheme I proposed, a maximum RT packet length of 256 characters, and one character interpacket gap, there's 38Mbps of non-RT traffic on a 5Gbps link
is that not more than enough to control a few TTLs with buttons?
bounded, yes, but then that requires flow control on the RT side
and generally more complex reasoning
we will need flow control anyway.
the less the better
we need _that_ kind of flow control anyway.
it's not less.
no we don't, if we can assume that for all clock cycles the link layer is always ready to accept a full set of words of RT traffic, it's one full nest of bugs that gets destroyed
we need flow control/arbitration on the core device side to arbitrate between dma feeding rtio events and non-dma. they will very likely need to happen at the same time.
that's flow control at another layer, yes we need that
but we don't need a nasty interaction between the two
i don't care so much about a percent wasted bandwidth due to fixed allocation. but it seems useless to me to encode non-RT in commas. you can just attach one non-RT character to every RT paket and send "empty" RT pakets (containing just the non-RT "piggy-back" character) when there are none.
what do we want to use non-RT traffic for? mon-inj, flashing, ...?
but then there is state to carry over from one character to the next, whereas with my scheme, you can immediately tell whether a given character is RT or non-RT
the characters would fall out of the paketizer. just assemble them afterwards.
I like keeping RT and non-RT traffic completely separate as soon as possible.
they have different protocols, different constraints
they will connect to different parts of the SoC
but you are mixing layers. you are mixing the framing/comma layer with the paket-type layer.
yes, moninj and flashing, both to comms CPU
I suppose we will not be sending any RT packets during flashing, so we get 1Gbps, i.e. plenty
if the traffic looks like this: SNRRRRRRSNSNSNSNSNSNRRRRSNRRRSNRRR with S: start-of-frame, N: non-RT, R: RT data, you can mux/demux very early.
yes, it's a bit of a hack, but will that cause any problem?
plus the non-RT scrambler will fix the idle EMI issue
no need. just scramble it once in the end. why scramble twice?
scramblers are different for special and non-special characters
need to be?
there are 256 regular and 12 special characters
also: a non-RT scrambler with a short period gives out a lot of commas in the absence of traffic
so we can simply refrain from sending anything during link initialization, instead of having modes.
i know that there are different characters. but why do you want different scramblers? just scramble everything at the 10b level.
you wouldn't get valid symbols in that case, wouldn't you?
if the scrambling maps all the 10b symbols onto all the 10b symbols while maintaining the parity stuff, then yes.
that sounds like a complicated scrambler
whereas unconstrained scramblers are fairly straightforward (and do not use lots of FPGA resources)
your two scramblers would not be unconstrained. they would do the same. just within the K and non-K spaces.
why would the 10b scrambler use more?
nope, one scrambler has to output 3 bits per cycle, the other 8
(assuming I only use K28.y)
then you need to define what you mean by "constrained".
map 10b to 10b, maintains running disparity
yours are constraint. they map K28.y to K28.y and Dx.y to Dx.y respectively.
put it before the 8b10b encoder, problem solved
what problem?
mapping K28 to K28 and D to D
that's a self-inflicted problem.
scrambling is probably not so much the issue, the issue is being able to descramble on the rx side
that problem has an easy solution (put the scrambler and encoder in the right order), unlike the problem of designing a scrambler that operates all on 10b symbols without subtly messing things up
yep. we'd need monitoring for align-complete, de-sync etc.
that already works in drtio_transceiver_demo, including 90% of a scrambler-descrambler
also mapping K28 to K28 and D to D makes debugging a bit easier
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hm, how exactly does one make a fake comma with K28.7 plus another code?
I see the problem with series of K28.7 (running disparity makes comma alignment uncertain to 5 bits), but some sources claim there's also an issue when K28.7 is combined with something else
sb0: i think you could just use one 8b scrambler and leave it running continuously. for K28.y just take three bits of that scrambler.
rjo, yes, good idea
sb0: did you check whether any of the recent changes to artiq/dashboard should also be applied to artiq/browser?
or not... you need to feed the scrambled data back into the shift register
for multiplicative scramblers, which are nice because self-synchronizing
really? isn't it just doing data xor with a lfsr (that feeds back on itself)?
if you feed just lfsr, you make an additive scrambler and synchronizing the receiving end is tricky
ah. multiplcative.
but don't ween need to be able to react to de-sync etc anyway?
yes, I'd do that with checking the contents of the packets, possibly with CRCs
doing anything at the transceiver level is unadvisable btw, there's at least one FPGA (Kintex-7) with a poorly designed CDR that can't tell you if it's locked
but then for the multicplicative scrambler on K28.y, maybe just feed back on itself (for the other bits, during K28.y) would be sufficient...
those things will have to operate at high speeds, so I'd rather duplicate logic than fail timing due to complex combinatorial functions
but maybe
high speed?
either high speed, or with wide data
32-bit (for 5Gbps/125MHz) should still be reasonable though
pulling many bits from a LFSR-style construct in one cycle doesn't scale (the combinatorial functions explode rather quickly)
xorshift does that well.
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i wrote it for redpid. it gives you good white noise.
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