it is explicitly listing packages = ['llvmlite', 'llvmlite.binding', ...]
and then do the package_dir remapping accordingly
oh ok
I should really learn to use setup.py correctly.
otoh this entire problem might not be relevant at all.
i have come to like pyvenvs (conda envs are just an instance) very much.
and then llvmlit-host vs llvmlite-or1k is not a problem anymore.
ah :)
conda envs were not enough to allow you to use both numba and llvmlite-or1k ?
I mean using both but in different conda envs
ah, I guess no because both would install in the same lib directory
so if you feel this is difficult, then skip it. the only case where it would matter is if you want numba and artiq in the same python session/interpreter/toolkit. while a possible use case it is a bit unlikely.
having env_a with llvmlite and env_b with llvmlite-or1k only needs different conda package names to distinguis them in the conda root. the module directories can conflict.
(unless somebody needs numba and artiq in the same env).
all right, seems to copy in the right directories now
but setup.py install fails at some point
ah got it
rjo: seems to have worked, and I can even import llvmlite_or1k and llvmlite_or1k.llvmpy which means at least those don't trigger import issue
it's installing in miniconda3/lib/python3.4/site-packages/llvmlite_or1k/
[artiq] jordens pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vqyXx
artiq/master 80eea4c Robert Jordens: test: relax test_time_keeps_running...
ysionneau: nice.
* ysionneau
can even run the transforms.py test after a bit of renaming
will commit that tomorrow after a bit more tests if it still works
(never commit before going to sleep, always re-check in the morning :p)