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<seok> hey guys~~
<seok> does anyone know a video on reader macros
<Xach> i do not know of a video like that
<seok> eh i wanted to watch instead of reading while playing a game
<seok> guess i have to read it then
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<lotuseater> seok maybe cbaggers has something?
<mfiano> starting at about 1:23:00
<seok> ohh
<seok> does he cover reader macros?
<lotuseater> uuh i knew it!
<seok> ya i knew this video
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<seok> thought it was standard macros only
<seok> thx!
<lotuseater> and maybe compiler macros beside symbolmacros
<lotuseater> but i have to watch it again
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<lotuseater> cepl seems nice but I'm not aware how to start, the videos are for the old version
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<mfiano> Speaking of compiler macros, I don't remember the last time I needed to write one, but I have a question related to them: Do I have to gensym when introducing a new lexical variable as part of its expansion to prevent unwanted capture in the same case as for regular macros?
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<lotuseater> I would say so, but also didn't need them yet so much
<lotuseater> I would use them extensively for programming mathematical identities
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<_death> mfiano: yes.. e.g., (define-compiler-macro foo (x y) `(let ((z ,x)) (list z ,y))) (let ((z 123)) (foo 1 z)) ==> (1 1)
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<oni-on-ion> compiler macro is not regular macro? never seen this before now
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<_death> well, that page's a bit outdated.. I guess the clhs entry is more informative
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<oni-on-ion> what about eval-when ?
<_death> what about it?
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<ldbeth> ok, emacs update broke my erc
<ldbeth> good morning everyone
<no-defun-allowed> Hello ldbeth.
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
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<fiddlerwoaroof> morning!
<no-defun-allowed> Hello fiddlerwoaroof.
<fiddlerwoaroof> So, Lispworks is the only implementation (of three) I can get to work on my new laptop
<no-defun-allowed> Interesting; what kind of laptop?
<fiddlerwoaroof> The new ARM macs
<fiddlerwoaroof> And, I haven't actually stress-tested Lispworks
<fiddlerwoaroof> CCL sort of works, but it crashes when I try a rebuild
<no-defun-allowed> I see.
<no-defun-allowed> Does that use Rosetta 2 then?
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah
<aeth> I'm surprised it works at all. These sorts of things tend not to care about obscure, GCed languages.
<fiddlerwoaroof> rosetta error: unsupported 'int 115'
<fiddlerwoaroof> Just got that when I tried to setup quicklisp
<fiddlerwoaroof> (CCL)
<aeth> have you tried SBCL?
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah
<aeth> does it work?
<fiddlerwoaroof> mmap: Cannot allocate memory / ensure_space: failed to validate 1073741824 bytes at 0x1000000000
<fiddlerwoaroof> I assume ABCL works
<fiddlerwoaroof> And ECL, probably?
<no-defun-allowed> aeth: A funny coincedence, while I'm reading about how refcounting is faster on a M1 processor.
<no-defun-allowed> It takes 6.5ns to create and free a NSObject on M1/Objective-C, and 6.7ns to create and eventually free a standard-object on x86-64/SBCL. That's a 3% performance increase; something you'd expect from Intel marketing these days :)
<no-defun-allowed> fiddlerwoaroof: Seriously though, do you find it any faster? Most articles I find say it's much faster than an Intel MacBook.
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<aeth> no-defun-allowed: that's not a high bar...
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<theemacsshibe> aeth: It doesn't have to be; we're comparing one Apple laptop to another.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I haven't used it enough to really tell
<fiddlerwoaroof> The battery life is the most significant difference so far
<fiddlerwoaroof> And, things like being able to use iOS Slack instead of whatever
<theemacsshibe> I see.
<oni-on-ion> iOS on M1?
<aeth> oni-on-ion: Apple is migrating to ARM because (1) its ARM chips are competitive with Intel's x86-64 chips and (2) Apple wants to eventually merge macOS (a cost) with iOS (where all of their profit is)
<aeth> Not surprisingly, niche languages aren't emulated well in the transition
<aeth> They probably use different instructions than LLVM does
<theemacsshibe> Do "they" have to port a JVM to AArch64/macOS then?
<fiddlerwoaroof> Well, it's a bit more complex than that aeth
<fiddlerwoaroof> Apple's software all runs on the Objective-C VM (more or less)
<aeth> theemacsshibe: who knows?
<fiddlerwoaroof> for macOS 11, they've made the iOS frameworks available on normal computers
<aeth> on the one hand, JVM would also be hard to emulate; on the other, there might actually be Java apps on macOS worth emulating
<theemacsshibe> An interesting headline: "Microsoft contributes to Java port for Apple silicon Macs"
<aeth> fiddlerwoaroof: Yes, a disturbing trend. iOS is the world's most popular locked-down platform.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I think this is actually good news for iOS
<fiddlerwoaroof> It's better than the Android trajectory
<fiddlerwoaroof> Rosetta isn't exactly emulation
<fiddlerwoaroof> It's a combination of a JIT and dynamic binary translation
<oni-on-ion> aeth, yeah i know that stuff .
<oni-on-ion> fiddlerwoaroof, ahh, cool !
<aeth> fiddlerwoaroof: maybe it's good news for iOS, but it's bad news for macOS, and I'm not looking forward to getting bug reports from Mac users.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I don't know
<oni-on-ion> technically iOS users if accurate simu/emu
<fiddlerwoaroof> Apple's always been a pain to support :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> Especially if you don't have Apple hardware
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<aeth> no, there was a good 5 or so years when it was basically just an odd x86-64 BSD
<aeth> I have no idea how you'd even attempt to mix the CL workflow with stuff like this, though: https://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/unsigned.html
<fiddlerwoaroof> So far, there's always been a workaround
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<fiddlerwoaroof> And, the basic path is straightforward: sign the sbcl executable and always launch your app through that executable
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<oni-on-ion> put the core in the .app folder
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah, the .app stuff is really cool on macos, and trivial to use from lisp
<aeth> That's basically saying to avoid save-lisp-and-die exporting even if you do that on every other platform.
<oni-on-ion> NeXT brought a lot of nice tech into the world
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah, although I've started just doing fasls in docker containers
<fiddlerwoaroof> The objective-c runtime as a whole is a much nicer thing to interact with than the low-level APIs of alternative platforms
<fiddlerwoaroof> Anyways, this is what abstraction is for: something like ASDF could make a "thing" that works on whichever platform you're targeting
<oni-on-ion> objective-c is one of my top favorite languages, there was a point i made my own runtime. it talked to gnu smalltalk =)
<oni-on-ion> isnt it uiop's job to do system-specific stuff ?
<aeth> fiddlerwoaroof: afaik, you can't sign it in a way that doesn't have scary warnings without paying Apple 100 $/year
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<fiddlerwoaroof> I’m thinking of program-op
<fiddlerwoaroof> Aeth it depends
<fiddlerwoaroof> I’m pretty sure the notarization process is free
<fiddlerwoaroof> And that's all most people need
<aeth> According to the article, "Mac developers must sign up for the Apple Developer Program, sign a legal agreement, and pay an annual fee of USD $99 plus tax in order to obtain a Developer ID code signing certificate and upload software to Apple for notarization."
<aeth> Anything unsigned or locally signed will have a "this might be malware" popup
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<aeth> The only thing that saves CL here is that most non-commercial applications will just be distributed in .lisp source code form for local compilation and running on a presumably-signed already-installed CL compiler
<fiddlerwoaroof> The thing is, most applications you could just pop up a loading screen and compile the code on the fly
<fiddlerwoaroof> even for a commercial app
<fiddlerwoaroof> Or, distribute FASLs
<fiddlerwoaroof> Or cores
<aeth> Any end-user application written in CL (which can't assume that the user has their own CL installed) will either have to be commercial or money-losing.
<aeth> Unless you distribute and install the CL like it's the JVM or something.
<fiddlerwoaroof> You're already doing that when you save-lisp-and-die
<aeth> That's not really the common workflow, though. Generally, you export an executable if you don't expect the user to have CL installed.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Really, on macOS a GUI application should have a .app bundle
<aeth> No, the output of save-lisp-and-die would, afaik, have to be signed, which costs 100 USD/year.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Only if you do :executable t
<fiddlerwoaroof> If you just save a core and load it when sbcl starts up, it won't
<aeth> Now you have to distribute a matching SBCL version. Java can get away with this because lots of things use Java.
<fiddlerwoaroof> You do this: foo.app/Contents/MacOS/foo (sbcl)
<aeth> This also is assuming that SBCL signs the macOS executables, idk if it does
<oni-on-ion> hmm lisp (fasl) can be disasm quite easily ? can one only distribute the fasl/core and are those somewhat protected ?
<fiddlerwoaroof> foo.app/Contents/Resources/foo.core (your program)
<fiddlerwoaroof> then zip foo.zip foo.app
<fiddlerwoaroof> or whatever
<fiddlerwoaroof> You also need an Info.plist and the other packaging stuff (icons, etc.)
<fiddlerwoaroof> But, if you're not distributing to developers, you'd need all this stuff anyways
<fiddlerwoaroof> You also need some functions like this to grab resources out of the app bundle: https://github.com/cjdev/aws-access/blob/master/src/objc-utils.lisp
<fiddlerwoaroof> Also, $99/year is like three cups of coffee a month
<aeth> Alternatively, $99/year is like an entire computer a decade, on top of having to actually buy an entire Apple computer a decade in order to test/build the application.
<aeth> while every other OS can just be run in a VM
<fiddlerwoaroof> You can run macOS in a VM :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> It's not exactly legal
<fiddlerwoaroof> But it's fairly trivial
<fiddlerwoaroof> (it's not legal on non-apple hardware, that is)
<aeth> well, it won't be trivial for long now that the transition to ARM is underway
<aeth> Breaking the law in the process of making your software is essentially a non-starter for distributing software, anyway.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I mean, if you're going the commercial route, you're not going to worry about $99/year
<aeth> If you're going the commercial route and not supporting iOS, then there's a very good chance that the money you make from macOS will not be enough to make up for the increased expense for supporting macOS.
<aeth> Especially when Apple goes out of the way to act like they're in Microsoft's position, not a < 5% position.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Well, that depends on your target market
<aeth> At least with CL, in theory everything is portable, within reason.
<oni-on-ion> Chmm
<fiddlerwoaroof> Ok, when building abcl, my 2015 mac isn't even close to the new one
<fiddlerwoaroof> (not entirely fair, for sure, but...)
<aeth> My main concern with macOS, though, would be if they require everything to go through the App Store, like with iOS. Obviously not literally, since you wouldn't be able to develop for macOS (or iOS!) if they did, but contractually, it could be required.
<aeth> Every indication is that they're moving to a macOS-iOS merger in the long run (except touch support, which afaik is still missing from macOS, unlike, say, Windows)
<fiddlerwoaroof> I don't know, iOS is being split
<fiddlerwoaroof> They're spliting ipadOS from the phone system, for example
<aeth> Considering how long everything I do takes, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple locks down their desktop/laptop platform before I even complete anything that I would want to export as a binary.
<fiddlerwoaroof> There's going to be some kind of merger
<oni-on-ion> tvOS, watchOS
<fiddlerwoaroof> So, ABCL build on my new laptop:
<fiddlerwoaroof> ant 97.38s user 3.70s system 159% cpu 1:03.33 total
<fiddlerwoaroof> I accidentally C-ced the other one, but it was like 5 minutes
<fiddlerwoaroof> I'm going to try on my 2019 work mac next
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<fiddlerwoaroof> My work mac looks like this: 166.41s user 9.68s system 165% cpu 1:46.50 total
<fiddlerwoaroof> My 16 core Ryzen 2 box like this: 140.36s user 2.52s system 202% cpu 1:10.62 total
<fiddlerwoaroof> My 2015 MBP like this: 323.80s user 20.27s system 141% cpu 4:03.64 total
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<aeth> Not surprising... it's only going to be competitive to roughly contemporary AMD going forward unless Intel can turn themselves around. And I wouldn't be surprised if Intel finds a way to fall into #4 or #5 by 2023.
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah
<fiddlerwoaroof> I should upgrade to the new Ryzen chips
<fiddlerwoaroof> A 5950 or something
<aeth> We should do a gofundme to make a Lisp machine CPU on TSMC 5 nm so we can be #3 ahead of Intel
<aeth> Because at least like 70% of the work is TSMC
<fiddlerwoaroof> I sort of wonder how much Apple's CPUs are tuned for their frameworks
<fiddlerwoaroof> Since everything is built on the Objective-C runtime (more or less), Apple devices are more like a Lisp Machine than most Linux devices
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Anyways, know that I have ABCL, time to try to port SBCL :)
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<no-defun-allowed> aeth: I want to make a list of (reasonable, RISC-y) things to put in a Lisp-oriented extension to RISC-V.
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<beach> no-defun-allowed: That's tricky stuff.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Javascript got its own CPU instruction
<beach> no-defun-allowed: I have probably said this before, but my bet would be on some write barrier or read barrier.
<fiddlerwoaroof> beach: to optimize GC?
<beach> Yeah.
<beach> Everything else is fairly easy to do on any old modern architecture.
<no-defun-allowed> That's usually done with the MMU, marking pages as read-only and trapping writes (for a write barrier), no?
<no-defun-allowed> I guess it's still fiddly to do.
<beach> no-defun-allowed: That is very costly.
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<fiddlerwoaroof> The newest JVM GCs take advantage of the MMU in a clever way
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<fiddlerwoaroof> a 64 bit pointer can address more memory than we'll ever have (probably)
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: And what do you conclude from that observation?
<fiddlerwoaroof> So, if I understand correctly, they reserve several bits for information about where the pointer points to
<fiddlerwoaroof> and then map multiple addresses to one physical memory location
<beach> Wow, so EQ would break?
<fiddlerwoaroof> I guess so, if EQ doesn't know about the trick
<no-defun-allowed> You would have to normalize pointers before testing EQ.
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<beach> Well, it means EQ would be more costly.
<fiddlerwoaroof> You just compare the lower 42 bits of the pointers, it sounds like
<no-defun-allowed> I recall a similar thing happens with Nettle's replicating copying collector, but it's worse as that normalization requires a memory read (to follow the forwarding pointer).
<fiddlerwoaroof> The goal is to minimize pause time here
<beach> Oh, that's easy.
<no-defun-allowed> But in applicative languages like ML, which it was designed for, EQ supposedly is rarely used; though testing reference equality is favourable to testing structural equality.
<beach> Just use a small per-thread nursery, and a concurrent global collector.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah, this is how they're implementing the concurrent collector
<beach> no-defun-allowed: Yes, there are tendencies like that, e.g. "Our language semantics makes everything expensive anyway, so using an inefficient mechanism here doesn't matter much".
<aeth> no-defun-allowed: make CAR and CDR instructions again
<beach> aeth: Absolutely not.
<beach> That's a terrible idea.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I'd think some hardware acceleration for dynamic dispatch would be useful?
<beach> fiddlerwoaroof: We know how to do that now on stock hardware.
<aeth> no-defun-allowed: I personally wouldn't make extensions unless you actually had real programs from real implementations running and profiled them and determined what the bottlenecks are that are addressable with new instructions rather than with better compilers
<no-defun-allowed> aeth: Absolutely.
<aeth> I'm curious as to if e.g. making a 68 bit architecture with 4 tag bits might be the way to go, not for performance, but for 64-bit fixnums and unboxed double-float.
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<no-defun-allowed> Now you have the problem of finding 68-bit memory. And you may want another bit for incremental marking.
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<beach> It is entirely possible that any useful extension would not be RISC-y enough to be considered.
<beach> I mean, they don't even have arithmetic overflow for integer ADD.
<beach> So then, write a barrier would just be two comparisons.
<no-defun-allowed> Yes, I'm trying to find the ideas that would be sufficiently simple.
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<beach> Maybe something that would help with inlining of generic functions.
<beach> Not that I know what it would be. I already know how to do it in a not-too-costly way.
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<no-defun-allowed> Would inline caching be useful in Common Lisp?
<beach> What do you mean by "inline caching"?
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<fiddlerwoaroof> caching method dispatch at the call site?
<no-defun-allowed> The code that calls a generic function would be replaced with a call to the last effective method (with a prologue that calls the generic function as usual, if the last method is no longer applicable).
<beach> Hmm.
<no-defun-allowed> It has been done on normal CPUs with Smalltalk, Self, Java and JavaScript at the least; so it may not be necessary to provide any processor support.
<beach> The technique I was thinking of consists of using type information in the caller to create a call-site-specific discriminating function, and change it when the generic-function changes.
<no-defun-allowed> Right.
<beach> But your suggestion is different.
<beach> ... since it takes run-time information into account.
<no-defun-allowed> The polymorphic inline cache described in <https://bibliography.selflanguage.org/_static/pics.pdf> is a bit closer to your technique, but it still picks the most common methods from runtime information.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah, this is how the JVM dispatches
<no-defun-allowed> The only support that needs is that you need to be able to overwrite the call site, but that's not a big deal; and also doable on stock hardware.
<beach> It is, yes.
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<no-defun-allowed> The one idea I have which may be better done in hardware (which gilberth gave me) is computing the address of an element in arrays of different element types when performing a generic AREF. (SBCL calls that "hairy", which is much more fun to say than "generic" though.)
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<aeth> no-defun-allowed: the lookup process should be called shaving
<beach> no-defun-allowed: I am thinking that things like AREF and CAR/CDR are usually done in a loop. So then, it is possible to make the type of the object a loop invariant.
<no-defun-allowed> That is true, yes.
<beach> I am not sure it is worthwhile trying to optimize single accesses.
<beach> Plus, application writers who care that much about performance would stick in a type declaration that could then be verified quite easily.
<beach> Speaking of which, I am convinced that Common Lisp implementations and their compilers are full of "optimizations" that are basically useless.
<aeth> all compilers are
<beach> But I don't care about the others.
<beach> The representation of NIL in SBCL comes to mind.
<aeth> I guess the issue is that basically useless optimizations can add up.
<beach> They add up in that they often make the system harder to maintain.
<beach> In the case of SBCL NIL, it makes it necessary to do two tests in a loop over a list, rather than a single test, in order to determine the end.
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<beach> And that special case I am guessing is present in a lot of places in SBCL.
<beach> Though stassats assures me that there is no performance penalty for making two tests rather than one.
<aeth> What I'm more concerned about that maintenance is compilation times. A lot of compilers are incredibly slow to get that extra speedup at the end, and it's questionable if it's worth it, especially if you translate that sort of approach to a CL compiler, which will be compiling more. (Yes, CL has optimization levels, but they're not that flexible)
<aeth> s/that maintenance/than maintenance/
<aeth> People have complained about SBCL compilation times, but I don't really see that, except with a few edge case libraries (is Ironclad still really slow?)
<beach> I have the exact opposite assessment.
<beach> Especially for Common Lisp where the maintenance burden is a real problem, given the limited resources we have.
<moon-child> what's sbcl's nil representation?
<moon-child> is it a global (nil . nil)?
<beach> It is represented so that you can take the CAR/CDR of it and get NIL.
<beach> But it is obviously also a symbol.
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<pfdietz> You don't want to make the generated code for car and cdr check if the thing is nil. That way lies madness. So what's the alternative?
<pfdietz> You do car and cdr a lot in a lisp program, much more than you do symbol-name, symbol-plist, symbol-value, (typep ... 'symbol), etc.
<beach> I claim it is not madness and that most CAR/CDRs are done in loops so the test has to be made anyway.
<beach> And you still have to test for non-NIL atoms anyway.
<beach> So a single test for CONSP is almost always going to be TRUE which is the same number of tests you need in order to check for non-NIL atoms.
<beach> But the thing that bothers me is that "optimizations" like this are put in as a result of intuition, and we know for a fact that our intuitions are frequently wrong when it comes to performance bottlenecks.
<beach> And as a result we have, like I said, systems that are harder to maintain without any good reason for it.
<aeth> I never directly call car or cdr... destructuring-bind is almost always the better solution.
<beach> And what do you think destructuring-bind does?
<aeth> whatever the compiler wants it to do :-)
<aeth> maybe it has an unsafe %car and %cdr
<beach> That would be a violation of semantics.
<pfdietz> (destructuring-bind (a . b) nil ...) ==> error
<beach> Oh?
<beach> Sorry about that.
<beach> But the same number of tests have to be made.
<beach> So it can't use an "unsafe" version of CAR and CDR anyway.
<pfdietz> Admittedly, the spec is not clear on exactly what that case is supposed to do.
<beach> Yeah, I am reading the Common Lisp HyperSpec page now.
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<pfdietz> "it's just like a macro lambda list" (looks) "the pattern is a sample object of the type to be decomposed."
<pfdietz> I think we can safely criticize the language definition about this, though. It would have been ok for car/cdr of nil to be an error. I think this was inherited from Interlisp when CL was being defined. For that matter, punning () and false is also bad.
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<beach> Note to self: specify the behavior of destructuring-bind in WSCL.
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<pfdietz> I see about 26000 occurrences of car in quicklisp. Picking a few at random, they don't seem to be in loops, at least not in tight ones. On the other hand that's not all that many tests to add, especially if many could be optimized out anyway. Real data on the impact would be interesting.
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<beach> And, like I said, even if it is not in a loop, you still need to test for non-NIL atoms.
<pfdietz> That's just from a simple grep; it ignores implicit car/car from destructuring or looping forms.
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<pfdietz> If you just want an error to be signaled in that case you don't need an explicit check.
<beach> You suggest trapping on unaligned memory accesses?
<pfdietz> Yes, I believe that's what happens.
<pfdietz> (in sbcl)
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<beach> I suppose you could do that, sure.
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<beach> The CAR/CDRs in loops would not be explicit though.
<beach> They would be in (loop for element in list do...)
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<pfdietz> Right
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<phoe> pfdietz: (loop for (a b c) in list ...) has implicit CAR/CDRs
<beach> And even more implicit in MAPxxx.
<pfdietz> Also mapcar and the like, and iterate.
<beach> Yep.
<phoe> a lot of list accesses are hidden like that
<phoe> also all sequence operations have implicit car/cdr calls when called with list arguments
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<beach> That too.
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<pfdietz> assoc is interesting. The spec explicitly says that a nil in an alist is ignored by assoc (and assoc-if, assoc-if-not). So (assoc nil '(nil (nil . a))) ==> (nil . a)
<phoe> this seems like a malfomed alist to me anyway
<phoe> you shouldn't have an atom in a list of conses
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<pfdietz> cons n.v. 1. n. a compound data object having two components called the car and the cdr.
<pfdietz> So, is nil a cons?
<pfdietz> It has a car and a cdr.
<pfdietz> But it is not of type cons.
<pfdietz> Or should it be?
<phoe> it won't be an atom then
<phoe> which means that we'll have a single symbol that is magically not an atom
<beach> I don't think it "has a car and a cdr".
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<beach> I think CAR and CDR are just defined to return something when applied to NIL.
<phoe> ^
<phoe> beach: but, under the hood, you know...
<phoe> "On PPC32 and X86-64, NIL is basically a weird CONS cell that straddles two doublenodes; the tag of NIL is unique and congruent modulo 4 (modulo 8 on 64-bit) with the tag used for CONS cells."
<pfdietz> "The types cons, symbol, array, number, character, hash-table, function, readtable, package, pathname, stream, random-state, condition, restart, and any single other type created by defstruct, define-condition, or defclass are pairwise disjoint"
<phoe> that's from the CCL manual ;)
<pfdietz> clhs 4.2.2
<beach> phoe: That's the kind of "optimization" I was referring to earlier in this discussion.
<pfdietz> So nil cannot be of type cons.
<beach> phoe: Thanks for confirming that CCL has it as well.
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<pfdietz> So: the question becomes what is the actual impact of this design choice, vs. adding a check at each car/cdr. I suppose one could also trap car/car on nil and insert do the right thing in the trap handler.
<pfdietz> s/insert //
<beach> And I think the main impact is an increased maintenance burden. Especially since modern Common Lisp code uses standard objects where in the past lists were used.
<phoe> well, unless your internal representation somehow manages to handle NIL being both a symbol and a valid argument to CAR/CDR, checks need to be somewhere
<phoe> either it's internally represented as an atom and therefore CAR/CDR need to check, or it's internally represented as a cons and symbol accessors need to check
<pfdietz> I wonder how ABCL does it.
<phoe> or maybe there's yet another creative way to handle this
<beach> So it is entirely possible that using a sub-optimal algorithm for generic dispatch is going to be much more detrimental to performance than having an explicit CONSP test.
<beach> phoe: Did you read the previous conversation?
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<pfdietz> Surely inlining the test like that makes sense here. car/cdr are not extensible with new methods, after all.
<phoe> beach: yes
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<beach> pfdietz: That's not what I meant. I meant that, with a limited amount of person-power for maintenance, it would be wise to add complication where they have the most positive impact on performance.
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<beach> But I can also see how design choices like this were made when the implementation was a CLtL1 implementation so that lists were used a lot more than they are these days.
<pfdietz> Sure. I was just wondering what the increased maintenance burden is buying, with reference to actual code in quicklisp. If it's not much, your argument becomes strong.
<beach> Right. But we have no way of measuring this. We have to rely on imperfect intuition.
<beach> We could try to measure the performance impact, of course.
<phoe> unless we have some sort of an implementation that we can modify and then benchmark on code
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<phoe> right
<phoe> by "code" I mean both synthetic benchmarks that measure the performance impacts of raw operation and real applications that do little/moderate/lots of cons operations
<phoe> s/operation/operations/
<pfdietz> One could shadow car/car in your code's packages (and, perhaps, library packages) with something that is inlined and does the checks, and see what effect that has.
<pfdietz> To handle all the libraries, use a macroexpand hook to intercept defpackage and add the shadowing.
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<pfdietz> (and cadr, etc.)
<pfdietz> This would not handle car/cdr introduced in loops and mapping form, but as Beach argued those should not matter.
<phoe> also destructuring
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<pfdietz> But that's throwing an error in sbcl in that case, not doing car/cdr through nil.
<pfdietz> destructuring-bind at least
<phoe> yes, but those use cons operations too, and therefore need to make checks anyway
<phoe> is destructuring-bind using a different kind of CAR than everything else?
<pfdietz> Hmm. The destructing in LOOP *does* go through NIL.
<phoe> or does it just perform CONSP checks to ensure list lengths?
<phoe> I assume the latter
<pfdietz> (loop for (a . b) in '(nil) collect a collect b) ==> (nil nil)
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<aeth> the destructuring in LOOP is useless ime
<aeth> I essentially always just destructuring-bind and setf because d-b handles the edge cases in the way I want, unlike LOOP's destructuring.
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<ldbeth> just aware that the issue bothered me is due to namespace pollution of emacs lisp
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<pfdietz> destructuring-bind macroexpands to code that invokes sb-c::check-ds-list and sb-c::check-ds-list/&rest. I hope those are inlined.
<Demosthenex> so i'm tinkering with clsql and the [] notation for sql, but emacs paredit isn't recoginzing those and indentation is a problem. any suggestions?
<pfdietz> You can add hints for paredit.
<beach> phoe: As I recall, in SBCL CONSP requires two tests, like LIST and not NULL.
<phoe> pfdietz: they are not
<pfdietz> Hmm.
<phoe> I would not expect this on the stack trace if it was inlines
<ldbeth> Demosthenex: do you want paredit to tread [] as a pair of bracket or just an token?
<phoe> inlined*
<pfdietz> Yes, and disassemble shows the call is there.
<Demosthenex> ldbeth: [] should be treated like any other ()'s
<pfdietz> I have [ and ] mapped to paredit-open-parenthesis / paredit-close-parenthesis in the paredit-mode-map, but I use curry-compose-reader-macros where [ and ] represent function composition.
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<ldbeth> Demosthenex: I guess you might want some behavior from emacs-lisp-mode
<pfdietz> ISLISP does not have (car nil) and (cdr nil) being valid. It's mostly historical at this point, though.
<ldbeth> Demosthenex: https://github.com/cireu/sly-el-indent here's some hack on sly (SLIME) to indent emacs lisp code, you might want to see if thoses hacks apply to your problem
<ldbeth> pfdietz: neither Scheme treat '() as pair
<pfdietz> Right
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<ldbeth> It could be confusing (cdr nil) and (car nil) are nil while (cons nil nil) is (nil)
<pfdietz> trivia:ematch seems to generate faster code that destructuring-bind, for equivalent forms.
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<pfdietz> (scrolling up) The inlining of dispatch is made more exciting by the possibility that classes and methods can be dynamically modified. What if you need to recompile a function to reflect these changes while a call to that function is on the stack?
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<beach> Exciting indeed.
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<pfdietz> I figure you want to compile such functions with some sort of standardized stack frame, so you can return back to an unoptimized, or differently optimized, version of it if that happens.
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<aeth> pfdietz: I think, in general, you want to be fast assuming no dynamic redefinitions, although obviously permit the slow path to happen
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<aeth> most dynamic redefinitions will be user-defined, and infrequent, at least if you're assuming e.g. running in aloop
<aeth> I do wonder how much of this is handled by CPU's branch prediction these days, though.
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<no-defun-allowed> The dispatch has been done, so it's handled as per usual.
<no-defun-allowed> self
<no-defun-allowed> Amazing, I was looking to see if Self had come up in #lisp before. Someone didn't reach for the search button.
<no-defun-allowed> Perhaps it's too late for #lisp-ing, but I needed something to do while rebuilding SBCL with the higher internal-time-units-per-second so I can get less-than-awful variance with metering.
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<phoe> well, I am working on that implementation of arrows of mine with full SETF support
<phoe> I think I finally understood setf expansions
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<phoe> is there a list of symbols from the CL package naming valid places somewhere?
<beach> clhs 5.1.2
<beach> maybe?
<phoe> not really like that
<phoe> I am toying around with SETF expansions
<phoe> let me think if what I am doing makes sense though
<beach> has a long list of Common Lisp function names that can be used with setf.
<beach> Not that either, huh?
<beach> Oh well.
<phoe> oh!
<phoe> is a good resource
<phoe> but I won't use it, because I just realized that I was trying to do something that did not make sense in general
<beach> Fair enough.
<phoe> thanks though, I'll try to remember
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<Demosthenex> actually, i don't need paredit support for []s. just indent.
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<phoe> TIL that &whole is permitted not just at the toplevel of a destructuring lambda-list
<phoe> e.g. (destructuring-bind (x y z (&whole w a b c)) ...)
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<phoe> oh shit
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<phoe> tired: (let* ((a 42) (b (1+ a))) (list a b))
<phoe> wired: (destructuring-bind (&aux (a 42) (b (1+ a))) '() (list a b))
<phoe> so equality checks can be performed on &aux
<beach> What do you mean?
<phoe> uh - sorry, scratch this last line
<beach> Done!
<aeth> phoe: In my Lisp, let* will just expand to destructuring-bind with an &aux since having both is unnecessary!
<phoe> thanks!
<phoe> ;; I thought I was on #lispcafe
<phoe> ;; but instead I posted to #lisp
<aeth> ;; my joke has been moved as well
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<phoe> Is there a portable implementation of destructuring lambda list parser somewhere?
<phoe> beach: have you perhaps written such a thing as a part of SICL?
<phoe> yes, it seems so
<phoe> thanks :)
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<phoe> hey
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<Josh_2> I have subclassed hunchentoot:acceptor and written a version oh acceptor-dispatch-request, is it possible to also use the default method ie (define-easy-handler ..) as well? currently I can only create new routes with the mechanism I have created, ideally I'd like both
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<gothnbass> Josh_2: I'm working on some code involving a subclass of acceptor myself right now, and... probably? To ask the annoyingly dumb question, what happens when you try it?
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<gothnbass> My use-case is relatively simple, though, so I just (setf tbnl:*dispatch-table* (list (create-regex-dispatcher "/url" 'function)...))
<Josh_2> hmm
<Josh_2> I might be able to modify my new route system to simply add a route like that to *dispatch-table*
<gothnbass> OTOH, if you have any tips about round-tripping Unicode from Drakma to Neo4j and back, I'd love to hear 'em. Thought I'd solved it by handing Drakma a :content parameter to force it to pass through some pre-encoded data, but I'd swear Neo4j is mangling it, so I'm closing on table-flip.
<Josh_2> when I use (define-easy-handler ..) I simply get a 404
<gothnbass> Damn.
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<Josh_2> ah
<Josh_2> maybe I need to subclass easy-acceptor instead idk
<Josh_2> lemme see
<Josh_2> ye
<Josh_2> that works :P
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<gothnbass> Yay! I helped somebody!
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<gothnbass> Aaand it's dinner-time.
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<phoe> is there a way to tell if a form names a legal place?
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<_death> is FOO a legal place?
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<phoe> this is an equivalent form of my question
* phoe reads into 5.1.2 some more
<oni-on-ion> get-setf-expansion ?
<_death> what I mean is that it's not clear to me what a "legal place" should mean
<phoe> hmmm
<White_Flame> a lexical variable name is a legal place
<phoe> White_Flame: FOO can name a symbol macro though
<White_Flame> right, it definitely interacts with the environment
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