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<aeth> Bike: Isn't destructuring-bind a lambda list parser?
<Bike> well, if we're being pedantic, define-modify-macro lambda lists are their own thing, and don't support destructuring or key parameters
<Bike> but i tried to keep it simple outside of the complicated part, anyway
<Bike> well. the part that's complicated and also relevant.
<Bike> brb
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<Bike> i'm back, on the off chance anyone was waiting
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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<ebrasca> Morning beach !
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<aeth> good morning beach
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<aeth> Oh, no, it looks like ELS 2020 is cancelled? https://european-lisp-symposium.org/2020/index.html
<aeth> well, "physical event cancelled"
<beach> Had you planned to go?
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<aeth> no, but I always look forward to the results
<edgar-rft> ELS 2020 this time takes place via telepathy
<aeth> If we were all using Lisps, then yes, it would have
<aeth> edgar-rft: Too bad this is all too early for VR/AR (called "XR" for "extended reality") to be commonplace or we could have something almost as good as telepathy.
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<aeth> beach: I think I do have a talk I could give in 2021 or 2022, though...
<no-defun-allowed> I'll try to visit next year. Dunno how it will affect my study, or how my study will affect it, though.
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<aeth> no-defun-allowed: unfortunately, it's during weekdays, so I'm guessing you would need to take several days off, speaking to your professors ahead of time
<no-defun-allowed> It's also approximately on the other side of the planet.
<aeth> well, that just means add one more day (for the plane back... the plane there would be on a Sunday)
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<beach> aeth: It would either have to be a "lightning talk" of 5 minutes, or you would have to write a paper that will be peer reviewed, and only if it is accepted by the referees would you then be allowed to give a 20 minute talk.
<beach> It would be silly to go half-way around the globe and only stay for a few days.
<beach> When I went to Aotearoa, I stayed for a year.
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<aeth> beach: heh, it would be very amusing to try to summarize what I'm doing in 5 minutes.
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<no-defun-allowed> Stupid question about talks: say I want to present about my work on Netfarm, which is (to my knowledge) a novel combination of not novel techniques for solving some problems other techniques create.
<beach> aeth: Right. So then you need to think about writing a peer-reviewed paper.
<no-defun-allowed> Should I focus on the implementation of those, or the concepts themselves (I would guess the former for a Lisp symposium), and all (most) of the components or just one?
<no-defun-allowed> I guess an answer would also affect what I write about, too.
<beach> no-defun-allowed: You put yourself in the shoes of members of the program committee, and you write something that is likely to make them give an "accept". It is hard to be more specific with the limited information we have so far.
<no-defun-allowed> And would it be unwise to try to submit a paper to the first symposium I attend?
<beach> Not at all.
<aeth> beach: I'm writing a Scheme source-to-source compiler in and to Common Lisp. I'm probably a few days of work (so not necessarily a few days) away from getting it to read, compile, and load Scheme files.
<no-defun-allowed> Sure, that is what I would have to do to get the paper accepted, but I suppose I don't know what I should write about that relates to my programming.
<beach> no-defun-allowed: If it is rejected, you typically get detailed remarks that will make it possible to submit a better version the following year, or to some other conference.
<beach> aeth: Great!
<beach> no-defun-allowed: Write something up and we will figure it out together.
<no-defun-allowed> Or, I guess I have a similar problem to the one that sometimes causes me to hesitate asking some questions in #lisp: is it on topic for ELS to just present something that was written in Lisp that may not have been much more interesting had it not been written in Lisp, or should it be something that takes advantage of (Common) Lisp features?
<aeth> ASDF integration is going to be tricky, but I'll probably be able to do a mapping between r7rs's library system and ASDF's systems so e.g. (scheme base) would be the CL package and the ASDF system airship-scheme/scheme/base (almost like ASDF's package inferred system, except not enforcing a one-package-per-file style)
<no-defun-allowed> beach: Alright, when I have time I'll write a draft.
<beach> no-defun-allowed: There is no such preference for ELS papers.
<no-defun-allowed> Right then.
<beach> aeth: Demonstrative pronouns like "this" should typically be followed by a noun phrase. Otherwise it become vague what is being referred to.
<no-defun-allowed> beach: Thank you very much in advance.
<aeth> beach: ah, in the Overview. Yes, I actually had worse prose there and quickly rewrote that part to be grammatically correct
<beach> aeth: Does "This" in "This allows programs..." refer to the fact that it is new, that it is Scheme, that it is implemented in Common Lisp, or that it is designed to run in a Common Lisp environment.
<aeth> yes
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<aeth> well, besides the new part
<beach> "This includes..."
<aeth> oh, that was (I thought) unambiguously the built-ins, i.e. "the host data structures include"
<aeth> I'll revise that
<aeth> I'll replace the first "This" with "The embedded nature"
<aeth> "The embedded nature of this architecture"?
<beach> Much better.
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<asarch> Ouch! :'-(
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<no-defun-allowed> Yes, and?
<aeth> beach: does NIL-as-false show up a lot in CLOS or the MOP?
<asarch> A little challenge: how would you find the bigger of two numbers *without* using conditionals?
<aeth> beach: Or anything else that could complicate a wrapping effort?
<aeth> asarch: subtraction
<asarch> ?
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<aeth> asarch: You just need the sign so (signum (- x y))
<asarch> WOW!!!
<aeth> (signum (- x y)) will get you -1, 0, or 1 (careful, this is the mathematical ideal and floating point precision can cause issues here)
<no-defun-allowed> clhs max
<no-defun-allowed> Nothing is said about the implementation of MAX.
* asarch takes notes...
<aeth> no-defun-allowed: ah, yes, that too. (= (max x y) x) but they can still be equal
<no-defun-allowed> That is my understanding of the "bigger of two numbers".
<asarch> From https://qr.ae/pNvlnk
<aeth> no-defun-allowed: (= 1 (signum (- x y))) gets you "x is bigger than y" while (= x (max x y)) gets you "x is greater than or equal to y"
<aeth> so it depends on which one you want and both have their uses
<aeth> asarch: I don't think C has signum :-)
<aeth> Or max, actually
<aeth> well, maybe it has max in a library.
<no-defun-allowed> Someone suggested (/ (+ a b (sqrt (expt (- a b) 2))) 2) there.
<asarch> I know, I just was wondering how could be the Common Lisp way
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<no-defun-allowed> I like that way, partly because I was able to pretend I was clever for all of five seconds when I realised Pythagoras' theorem "extended" to one dimension, ie ||x|| = sqrt(x^2)
<asarch> Did you see the polymorphic lambdas in C++?
<no-defun-allowed> No, why would I care?
<asarch> That would be such a pain to debug
<no-defun-allowed> Cool. I don't write C++.
<no-defun-allowed> Maybe you should tell ##c++ your opinion? They're probably Stockholmed enough that they would disagree, but it would be relevant there and only there.
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<beach> aeth: I have not paid attention to such occurrences. What "wrapping effort" are you referring to?
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<aeth> beach: I distinguish between predicates and procedures (to use Scheme terminology), and autoconvert nil to #f in predicates for convenience (or for standards compliance when implementing a standard Scheme procedure) because Scheme has a separate #f from nil
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<aeth> I also do a continuation passing style wrapping, but that should be OK unless there's weird control flow
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<beach> Why is it called a "wrapping"?
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<aeth> beach: I add a function that does nil->false or false->nil, is there a better name?
<beach> Looks good to me.
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<flip214> parenscript translates PARSE-INTEGER to parseInteger... which doesn't exist in JS. Is there a more extensive "standard library" or replacement table than *PS-LISP-LIBRARY* ?
<phoe> flip214: parse-int?
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<flip214> phoe: I know about the JS function. But is there some way to have Parenscript do some limited translation automatically?
<flip214> If I write "parse-int" in the CL code it won't work on the host side, unless I create a workaround there...
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<phoe> sounds like you'd need to do that - or extend parenscript with your parse-integer function
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<Shinmera> you'll need a wrapper either way, their signatures only coincide for the one-arg case.
<phoe> ^
<flip214> well, is there some library (in QL?) that provides such wrappers?
<phoe> don't think so
<phoe> I'm afraid you'll need to DIY
<dlowe> extending parenscript and submitting it upstream seems like the nicest option
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<flip214> dlowe: yeah, guess so. having something hang on the symbol property list, or a hashtable...
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<dlowe> I don't know anything about parenscript's internals but being able to map parse-integer into parseInt seems like a fundamental operation it would need
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<flip214> https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/parenscript/parenscript/-/issues/7 in case anybody would like to help designing
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<phoe> commented there
<flip214> thanks
<phoe> well
<phoe> if explaining the condition system was hard
<phoe> now let me try explaining the even more intricate restart system that builds on the condition system and complicates it further in interesting ways
* phoe sigh
<Bike> it's just hore hooks
<phoe> that is a bad typo
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* jcowan snickers
<jcowan> Riastradh pruned it considerably for the Scheme proposal, and I pruned it even more, so what's left is "the essence of restarts", I think
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<jcowan> in particular, I found for myself I needed to sort out the difference between ambient restarters (in the dynamic environment) from restarters attached to conditions from free-standing restarters.
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<beach> jcowan: If you are going to implement something like the Common Lisp condition system for Scheme, you should probably read what Kent Pitman wrote about the aspects he thinks he did wrong.
<jcowan> I will, thanks.
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<jcowan> One thing we have done on the condition side is to force the condition *signaler* to decide whether the handler can return to its caller: there is both raise and raise-continuable. If a handler returns to a raise, another condition is raised.
<jcowan> this raise bypasses the most recent handler, just as a condition raised *in* the handler does
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<Bike> so, error and cerror?
<Bike> not exactly, since invoke-debugger doesn't signal
<Bike> and a handler has to explicitly continue for cerror, rather than just return
<fiddlerwoaroof_> jcowan: does this mean that a handler can't swallow all the conditions signaled in its dynamic extent?'
<jcowan> Similar except for the absence of invoke-debugger
<Bike> it sounds more like throw/catch really... like, if you throw and there's no catch, a control error is signaled
<jcowan> however, there is an interactor provided by the implementation that looks inside a restarter and figures out what variables to collect and what restarters are available
<Bike> or how C++ does std::terminate (except std::terminate is dumber, because C++)
<jcowan> But catch can never return to the point of throw, correct?
<Bike> it can't, no. i just meant in this raise-cant-continue aspect
<jcowan> fiddlerwoaroof_: A handler can definitely do anything it wants.
* jcowan nods
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Ok, I think I've misunderstood the description
<jcowan> It's just that if the handler chain attempts to return to the caller, it will fail to do so.
<jcowan> What I don't understand about the condition system is why there are classes like error, warning, etc. and also functions with the same names
<jcowan> For all I can tell to the contrary, the fact that a condition is a subtype of warning has no effect on how it is signaled or handled
<phoe> ;; caught NITPICK: there's no function named WARNING
<fiddlerwoaroof> Isn't it just a convention that the "standard" way to raise a condition of class FOO is to call the function FOO?
<phoe> jcowan: that is correct
<Bike> jcowan: i mean, handlers can specialize on warning, but otherwise no
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* jcowan nods
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<phoe> you can even SIGNAL an error or ERROR a warning or ERROR a condition that isn't an error or warning
<Bike> the error, warn, and signal functions have different effects, of course, and those effects are suited to those classes' semantic intents
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* jcowan nods
<phoe> the condition types are there for the programmer to utilize, especially if they write code that deals with Lisp in general
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<phoe> it may want to separate errors from warnings from (and condition (not (or warning error)))s
<fiddlerwoaroof> nvm, I'm confusing conditions with restarts
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<Bike> so, hang on, in your system can a handler decline to handle the condition, and then a later handler can get at it and do whatever?
<phoe> fiddlerwoaroof: :D
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<fiddlerwoaroof> One thing it took me a long time to realize was that HANDLER-BIND and HANDLER-CASE take type specifiers, not conditions
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<fiddlerwoaroof> So, I can replace two identical handler clauses with (and condition1 condition2), etc.
<fiddlerwoaroof> or, (OR ...)
<phoe> fiddlerwoaroof: yes, all the magic of type specifiers
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<fiddlerwoaroof> I discovered this when trying to deal with libraries that signal simple conditions for things one generally wants to be able to handle
* jcowan nods
<pjb> aeth: SIGNUM contains a hidden IF.
<jcowan> The Scheme analogue of handler-bind doesn't know from types, but handler-case does.
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<pjb> aeth: like ABS. You need to implement them without IF if you want to use them in an IF-less solution.
<Bike> having the type system there is convenient, but if i was designing the system myself i wouldn't have done that
<Bike> not sure what i would do, exactly, but the type system is just... complicated.
<jcowan> I can't find the specific Pitman paper you are referring to, btw.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Bike: I think it's better than having both the type system + something else
<pjb> aeth: SQUARE doesn't contain an IF, but SQRT does (it loops until) so abs = sqrt o square is no good, unless you proide an IF-less SQRT.
<Bike> actually i suppose if the types were parsed ahead of time it might be okay
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<jcowan> Which you can: just expand the Taylor series to enough terms that any further terms would be lost in the error
<Bike> ...eh?
<pjb> jcowan: yes.
<pjb> taylor series don't converge very fast usually…
<jcowan> The ones for the trig functions are pretty good: I've certainly seen them used
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<jcowan> And https://www.sciencedirect.com.sci-hub.tw/science/article/abs/pii/S0026269209000500 seems to be a good paper on hardware square root computations with the Taylor series, though I have only skimmed it. Per usual, we stop when the error is 0.5 ulps or better
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<pjb> jcowan: does the hardware loop (in time) or duplicates silicon (in space)?
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<jcowan> It uses mul/div/sqrt pipeline stages. The point is that it's finite and can't get stuck, unlike Newton
<jcowan> By all means read the paper and then tell me.
<pjb> jcowan: well, the problem is more about the essence of IF.
<jcowan> without if there is no meaningful iteration.
<jcowan> ("My computer can run infinite loops twice as fast as your computer!")
<pjb> jcowan: perhaps no observer in the quantum world!
<pjb> In lambda-calculus, it's implemented thanks to lazy evaluation.
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<phoe> Am I correct to say that the only places where the restart system interacts with the condition system is the macro WITH-CONDITION-RESTARTS, the standard-defined restarts ABORT, CONTINUE, ..., and the Lisp debugger?
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<Xach> phoe: when i think of restarts and conditions, i think of find-restart and invoke-restart. do you consider those a part of your list already?
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<phoe> Xach: my list? what do you mean?
<phoe> also, find-restart does not necessarily have to do anything with conditions; neither does invoke-restart
<phoe> the first accepts a restart name, the latter a restart designator and args for the restart function
<fiddlerwoaroof> But they both take a condition
<phoe> wait what
<phoe> clhs find-restart
<phoe> oooh - as the *optional* argument
<fiddlerwoaroof> (find-restart name &optional condition)
<phoe> yes, that relationship's much more complex then
<phoe> thanks!
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah, that surprised me but it was really useful for some stuff I've done recently
<phoe> and sorry for stupid questions, I'm trying to wrap my head over making my words correct as I'm writing them down
<Xach> phoe: your list of "with-condition-restarts, ..."
<fiddlerwoaroof> e.g. if there are 2 continue restarts in scope, but you want the one associated with the signal
<phoe> Xach: yes
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<phoe> hmm
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<fiddlerwoaroof> phoe: https://github.com/cjdev/aws-access/blob/edb09ea25912093fb0e53b9e8765733e6ff1e422/src/domain.lisp#L114 I forget exactly what motivated this, but I remember being surprised by Lispworks (I forget if it couldn't find the restart without the condition or if there were two of that restarts in scope, under certain conditions)
<fiddlerwoaroof> Here's the helper definition
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<phoe> fiddlerwoaroof: yes, I see
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<jmercouris> How can I force (defparameter x '()) to print () instead of NIL
<jmercouris> I understand they are equivalent
<fiddlerwoaroof> set-pprint-dispatch should work
<fiddlerwoaroof> But, I thought there was a variable that controls this
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<jmercouris> maybe it is better to do something else here...
<jmercouris> that would work, but let me rethink this
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<fiddlerwoaroof> Depending on the context (format stream "(~{~s~})" '())
<fiddlerwoaroof> But, that might not be practical
<jmercouris> it is a macro where I want to either dump the arglist like ,arglist or show () to indicate rather than nil
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<jmercouris> when arglist is nil, ,arglist will show NIL
<jmercouris> which makes sense... of course
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<jmercouris> I know what I will do, I'll handle it in a let above where I need it
<jmercouris> the problem was that it was in a quoted form
<phoe> jmercouris: why?
<jmercouris> I'll show you in a second
<phoe> Can I somehow get a list of all restarts that are applicable *only* to a given condition? That is, minus restarts that are applicable to everything?
<phoe> ...I could (compute-restarts condition) and set-difference that with (compute-restarts), I guess.
<fiddlerwoaroof> (compute-restarts condition)
<Bike> that's probably it, yeah.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Ah, missed a bit :)
<fiddlerwoaroof> phoe: what are you working on? It sounds interesting
<phoe> Also known as "How To Avoid Answering A Phone From Your Ex-Girlfriend - in Common Lisp"
<fiddlerwoaroof> Cool
<phoe> it's still WIP, but is kinda-complete now when it comes to dynavars, conditions, and handlers
<phoe> remaining: restarts and debuggers
<jmercouris> (defmacro define-command (name (&rest arglist) &body body) ... '(define-command ,arglist ,@body) ...)
<jmercouris> that's why
<fiddlerwoaroof> jmercouris: I usually do (,@arglist)
<jmercouris> that will insert spurious () around it sometimes
<jmercouris> when arglist is non-null
<fiddlerwoaroof> arglist is always going to be a list, right?
<jmercouris> yes
<fiddlerwoaroof> () => () (a b c) => (a b c)
<jmercouris> oh I missed the @
<fiddlerwoaroof> ah
<Bike> you shouldn't think of it as "inserting spurious ()". that's a sensible frame if you're printing, but think about the actual objects - a list.
<Bike> i mean you already figured out this problem, but, you know, in the future
<jmercouris> yes, that's a good point
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<phoe> "
<phoe> "spurious ()" looks like kinda sloppy list handling to me
<phoe> it's not that it inserts spurious () on its own, it's that it was given wrong arguments
<Bike> actually, why is this macro building its own form back, anyway?
<phoe> that's like complaining that using LIST instead of LIST* inserts spurious () around the last CDRs
<Bike> maybe &whole could be used instead?
<phoe> ^
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<phoe> Is (restart-case (invoke-restart 'foo) (foo (x) (* x x))) valid code?
<Bike> well, you're not giving the restart enough arguments
<Bike> but otherwise sure, i guess?
<phoe> oh right - found it, thanks
<phoe> I was dumb
<Bike> i forgive you.
<phoe> thank you
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<jcowan> phoe: My only other point is that copying the *whole* of section 1 into sectiomn 2 and translating the code is overkill and makes it hard to read. Instead, just present the cl code and a few words for each fragment to make it clear what it's for.
<phoe> jcowan: point taken, I will possibly rewrite that chapter completely to shorten it all up.
<Bike> i guess the weird thing is that (restart-bind ((foo (lambda (x) (* x x)))) (invoke-restart 'foo (invoke-restart 'foo 7))) => 2401
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<Bike> now there are some hooks
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<phoe> Bike: why weird though
<aeth> pjb: SIGNUM on x86-64 probably contains a hidden IF, but SIGNUM could exist as an architectural primitive depending on the machine's asm, afaik. CL doesn't just run on x86-64. Of course, you'd probably still get a few conditionals in the generic version unless the compiler knows it's a float or fixnum.
<Bike> phoe: just cos it's not how restarts are normally used. it makes sense, of course
<phoe> Bike: usually you rarely get to see restart return values
<Bike> usually you don't use restart-bind
<Bike> not sure i've ever seen it in source code, actually
<phoe> usually you just hit #\Q on your keyboard and return to the slime repl
<pjb> aeth: usually, hardware provides two flags, N and Z, but you still have to test them to produce -1, 0 or 1.
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<pjb> aeth: if you're lucky, you can read the flag register, and manipulate it arithmetically to get the wanted result.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Bike: the only time I've seen RESTART-BIND is in implementations of RESTART-CASE
<Bike> well, yes.
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<fiddlerwoaroof> It and custom method combinations are things I really want to see a compelling use for :)
<phoe> fiddlerwoaroof: well, I will try to convince you
<fiddlerwoaroof> I think I may have used RESTART-BIND in the past to implement type coercions
<pjb> fiddlerwoaroof: method combinations are monads.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Perhaps, but I've generally been able to get away with only using the default method combinations
<phoe> I actually started using method combinations recently
<fiddlerwoaroof> I once tried to implement http routing as a method combination, but no implementation implements the spec (IMO)
<phoe> I hacked^Wmodified a GF to actually perform some matching for me; with my m-c, methods get called in turn and the first one that returns non-nil produces the value for the GF
<phoe> I still remember Bike wincing at that idea, but hey, it works
<fiddlerwoaroof> that's the OR method combination?
<phoe> yes, except I had to work with a multiple-value-or since I had multiple values
<Bike> yeah, that just sounds like OR... i don't remember this
<Bike> i even did something like that in my own code once, though i'm no longer sure it's the right thing to do
<Bike> oh, well, all the multiple value lists kinda suck
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<phoe> oooh
<fiddlerwoaroof> phoe: can't you use the short form there?
<phoe> Bike: I now remember *why* you winced
<fiddlerwoaroof> (d-m-c chained-or :operator multiple-value-or)
<phoe> none of my methods are specialized
<phoe> they all use different qualifiers
<Bike> oh. yeah. don't like that.
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<phoe> (defmethod frobnicate :foo (x) ...) (defmethod frobnicate :bar (x) ...) (defmethod frobnicate :baz (x) ...)
<phoe> fiddlerwoaroof: nope, a short form wouldn't allow the above to work due to the qualifiers.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I did that too
<fiddlerwoaroof> yeah
<phoe> hah!
<fiddlerwoaroof> Except, for "real" my method combination would be specialized by your http-server class
<phoe> yes
<fiddlerwoaroof> The irritating thing is that nearly every implementation throws an error if you have two defmethods that only differ by qualifiers
<Bike> er, really?
<phoe> really?
<phoe> I know that ECL does
<phoe> CCL, AFAIK, doesn't
<fiddlerwoaroof> sbcl has an escape hatch
<fiddlerwoaroof> I submitted a patch, but was told WONTFIX
<Bike> clhs
<specbot> Sorting the Applicable Methods by Precedence Order: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/07_ffab.htm
<Bike> ah, because the method combination sorts them the same... i see
<fiddlerwoaroof> but see the reference to 7.6.3
<fiddlerwoaroof> clhs 7.6.3
<specbot> Agreement on Parameter Specializers and Qualifiers: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/07_fc.htm
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<fiddlerwoaroof> It's a bit surprising because the documentation of d-m-c includes an example of this that doesn't work on most implementations
<fiddlerwoaroof> clhs define-method-combination
<Bike> well, nobody uses a lot of define-method-combination anyway
<fiddlerwoaroof> Yeah
<Bike> ecl doesn't support :arguments, w hich seems a bit more basic to me
<phoe> I wish I could actually use it
<phoe> I mean, hacks like these make it more useful for me
<fiddlerwoaroof> Me too, I would have used this
<fiddlerwoaroof> And I considered patching my sbcl every time I upgraded to make this work
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<phoe> this is one thing that I miss from base CL - ability to define groups of equal functions that are then grouped and combined in some way
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<phoe> and define-method-combination as I hacked it there is the cleanest way I've found to perform it so far without pulling external libraries
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<phoe> FIND-RESTART accepts an optional condition argument; is macro WITH-CONDITION-RESTARTS the only way of actually associating conditions with restarts?
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<phoe> wait a second
<phoe> WITH-CONDITION-RESTARTS actually expects a condition *object*
<phoe> not a condition type...
<Bike> restart-case implicitly uses with-condition-restarts sometimes.
<Bike> i think those are the only ways.
<phoe> I misunderstand how this utility works then
<phoe> we must already have a condition object to associate it with restarts
<Bike> it only does so in the specific case of the form being a literal (error ...) or something, in which case it can take it apart into a make-condition, use the condition in with-condition-restarts, and then actually signal.
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<phoe> wtf
<Bike> e.g. see sb-impl::munge-restart-case-exprssion in sbcl.
<Bike> yeah, it's kind of weird honestly.
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<Bike> but (restart-case (error ...) ...) is real common.
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<phoe> why is this in the standard and not an implementation detail
<phoe> I mean, I'd need a use case for that
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<phoe> ;; that isn't implementing handler-case
<Bike> so that the programmer can have the expectation that the condition is actually associated.
<phoe> s/handler/restart/
<Bike> a use case for with-condition-restarts?
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<phoe> yes, for that one
<phoe> something that isn't SB-KERNEL::-type of implementation internal
<Bike> i think they only added it so that it's not an utterly magical property of restart-case. The issue in which association was added is here http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Issues/iss075_w.htm
<flip214> I've got a function with RESTART-CASE. If I run that from the repl, I can choose the restarts; if the function is called from another from within a HANDLER-CASE, (COMPUTE-RESTARTS) doesn't show my restarts as available.
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<Bike> show code?
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<Shinmera> does handler-case handle the condition?
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<flip214> Shinmera: yes.
<Shinmera> well handler-case unwinds the stack, so
<Bike> yeah, you'll need to use restart-bind.
<flip214> ouch, that again
<flip214> restart-bind or handler-bind?
<Bike> handler-bind, sorry.
<Shinmera> This is why I get a bit miffed when people talk about restarts as if that part was the best thing about CL's error handling. It's not. Handler-bind is the magic part. You could simulate restarts easily with exceptions if you had handler-bind.
<flip214> thanks, that was it again
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<phoe> so this is an edge case where we have multiple conditions being signaled and/or nested debugger sessions
<phoe> so we can figure out which restarts are available for which condition object
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<Bike> yeah. really i suppose i'd only mention it in your tutorial alongside the debugger
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<phoe> wait a second
<phoe> the list of restarts inside the debugger - does the spec say how it is computed?
<phoe> (compute-restarts), or (compute-restarts condition)?
<Bike> i don't believe the spec even mandates that a debugger exists
<Bike> clhs invoke-debugger
<phoe> no info there that I see
<Bike> yeah, it's vague. probably deliberately.
<Bike> nonetheless, if there's an actual debugger and it didn't pass the condition to compute-restarts, it would be kind of dumb for no reason
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<phoe> the spec speaks about associating conditions with restarts only to be quiet about whether the debugger actually utilizes that functionality
<phoe> huh
<Bike> i don't think it would be good to specify the debugger
<Bike> i mean, i think a disabled debugger mode like sbcl has is fine, and then no restarts are computed at all
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<phoe> yes
<Bike> and the display is ultimately just a UI... i mean, the debugger generally lets you execute arbitrary code, so if you really want you can (compute-restarts) yourself and invoke something.
<phoe> can I get a REPL inside sldb? or am I stuck to slime-eval-in-frame?
<phoe> that's a sorta-related question
<Bike> you could execute a repl in-frame, i guess :p
<Bike> but no, i don't know of any way to do that
<Bike> i mean, other than that.
<fiddlerwoaroof> Launch a clim listener in frame :)
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<fiddlerwoaroof> This might be a useful thing to add to slime-mrepl
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<phoe> fiddlerwoaroof: tempting
<phoe> very tempting
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<phoe> so, if I understand correctly
<phoe> the only reason why COMPUTE-RESTARTS, FIND-RESTART et al actually accept a condition object
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<phoe> is to filter out some other possible restarts that were created for other condition objects that might have been signaled in the same dynamic scope
<phoe> is that correct?
<phoe> because AFAIU, unless we have multiple signals in dynamic scope, this is not a issue that we will run into
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<phoe> we need a condition to be signaled, we need a bound handler to bind a new restart and associate that restart with the signaled condition object
<phoe> and then all of this, again, for a different condition
<phoe> I'll go to hell if I put stuff like that in a condition/restart tutorial
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<Shinmera> Is this the time to ask for volunteers to implement eval-in-frame in Dissect
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<phoe> well then, for now I'll just go ahead and treat these functions as if they didn't accept a condition argument
<phoe> and possibly complicate stuff at the end
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<phoe> why does this code fail on me? (restart-case (invoke-restart-interactively 'foo) (foo (x) (* x x)))
<phoe> AFAIU it should be equivalent to (restart-case (invoke-restart 'foo 42) (foo (x) (* x x))) except I interactively give it the arguments
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<Shinmera> there's no :interactive clause for the restart.
<phoe> oh right
<phoe> I need to explicitly specify it myself
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<pjb> phoe: what word don't you understand in: Too few arguments in call to #<Anonymous Function #x3020027D8B9F>: 0 arguments provided, at least 1 required.
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<phoe> pjb: there are tons of anonymous functions. Without context which actual function was invoked, this error message is as useful as a lone "The value NIL is not of type NUMBER".
<phoe> I understand the error message perfectly, I didn't know where exactly it was signaled from.
<pjb> phoe: yep, more care should be given in identifying the source of errors…
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<phoe> pjb: note that in (restart-case (invoke-restart-interactively 'foo) (foo (x) (* x x))), I *nowhere* provide zero args to an one-arg anonymous function. If I explicitly passed a lambda somewhere, or an empty arglist, I would figure out that something is wrong with it, but in this case, that argument passing is implicit. I had to re-read the spec to find that an empty list is passed in that case.
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<strongsaxophone> How could I read lisp docs ( like defintion of a function in terminal ( something like pydoc for python or man .3 for c )
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<no-defun-allowed> (documentation 'function-name 'function)
<aeth> also describe
<no-defun-allowed> (documentation 'princ 'function) ; ⇒ "Output an aesthetic but not necessarily READable printed representation of OBJECT on the specified STREAM." on SBCL
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<pjb> phoe: indeed. The problem is implicit from te definition of the restart foo…
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<strongsaxophone> no-defun-allowed: the output of (documentation 'princ 'function) is nil for me , also I tried it with defvar
<phoe> strongsaxophone: which CL implementation are you on?
<strongsaxophone> clisp in archlinux
<strongsaxophone> I installed it with pacman
<aeth> DESCRIBE seems to be more reliable for me
<phoe> hah, clisp seems to contain no docstrings
<aeth> I think CLISP might be the one that literally launches the Hyperspec in the web browser for DESCRIBE on CL symbols, though
<strongsaxophone> more explicitly : http://clisp.cons.org/
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<phoe> aeth: yes, it just attempted to download the hyperspec on me when I called DESCRIBE
<strongsaxophone> phoe: What CL implementation are you use ?
<aeth> This channel is mostly SBCL and CCL.
<phoe> SBCL here; I strongly suggest it
<aeth> It used to have a lot of CLISP users, but most left when it didn't have a new release in years (it's been over a decade now at this point afaik)
<aeth> s/most left/most left CLISP/
<aeth> Technically, CLISP is alive on life support... active enough for new commits, but not active enough for a new official release.
<aeth> If you insist on using CLISP, building it yourself to get the latest version is probably the recommended way to do it... but for most purposes, just using SBCL or CCL will be better.
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<strongsaxophone> I'm agree to use sbcl which now I find that in pacman DB :)
<aeth> While CL has a culture of writing portable code, portability libraries don't support every implementation, so the more libraries something uses, the more likely it is to not work on an obscure CL. I use a bunch of libraries that don't support CLISP and I don't really notice anymore because I've stopped testing on CLISP.
<aeth> ECL has mostly replaced CLISP's niche of having an ultra-portable C-based interpreter that should run anywhere that GCC runs. I don't think implementations that use CLISP to bootstrap in the build-from-scratch process have ported that effort to ECL yet, though.
<phoe> hmmm - I was wrong
<phoe> RESTART-BIND's :TEST-FUNCTION argument accepts a condition and can run arbitrary code
<phoe> I can play with that a lil bit
<jackdaniel> sbcl recently landed support for bootstrapping from ecl (that led to ecl fixing some issues)
<aeth> I retract my statement on bootstrapping then.
<phoe> jackdaniel: good to know!
<jackdaniel> that said clisp has some portability advantage which ecl doesn't have for now: boehm gc does not build on all platforms
<jackdaniel> but there are plans to bring back an in-house gc (although not sure when)
<aeth> ah
<aeth> Here's hoping that such efforts happen.
<jackdaniel> example of such platforms: minix3 and wasm userland
<jackdaniel> but you know how it is -- plans are easy ,)
<jackdaniel> that said, time to sleep, good night \o
<aeth> heh minix3
<aeth> someone planning on running CL in IME?
<phoe> IME?
<aeth> Basically, your Intel computers all have Minix installed.
<fiddlerwoaroof> I had an amazing time trying to build sbcl on SPARC
<aeth> On ring -3
<fiddlerwoaroof> I couldn't get any binaries that worked on my SPARC machine and/or were new enough to bootstrap modern sbcl, so I spent a couple days getting a different implementation to work so I could bootstrap sbcl
<fiddlerwoaroof> Only to realize that SBCL didn't support threads on SPARC/Solaris
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<jcowan> invoke-debugger might call (posix:exit 1) or (tagbody freeze (go freeze)) or (arduino:assert-pin 13)
<jcowan> it's the Facade Pattern
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