Turl, I've discovered something. 3.4 code used IRQF_SHARED | IRQF_DISABLED. in the mainline IRQF_DISABLED seems to be deprecated and said to be noop, which seems to be the case.. however eliminating IRQF_DISABLED did remove the eacterr things, but wifi still won't work.
Turl, do you know something about IRQF_*?
arokux2: nope :(
arokux2: maybe there is a bug on your irq handling?
arokux2: do you have a link handy to your patches?
this is aw code, it enables the clock, doesn't it?
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then there is clk_reset(sw_hci->phy_reset, 0); -- which is noop (at least on sun4i). and after commenting it out in aw code wifi still works.
arokux1, no I am diffing the kernel config of 3.0 and 3.4 to see what did I miss
balage: so 3.0 works; 3.4 doesn't work?
balage: that's quite an important change :)
balage: leviathanch usb_host_init_state enables/disables default power
so with initstate = 0; usb is unpowerd, and wifi won't work
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oliv3r, there are three usbc parts in fex file, usbc0 usbc1 and usbc2. usb_host_init_state has been set to 1 for usbc0 and usbc1 but set to 0 for usbc2. is that a problem?
oliv3r, forget it, i watched the old fex file from backup and not from github
oliv3r, so in the latest fex all three has been set to 1
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oliv3r, I diffed the usb parts from config 3.0 and 3.4, would you please take a look? http://sprunge.us/aJAH
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green robot was 5 years old
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oliv3r ping
Tsvetan: pong
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balage: mUSB is usb0 by default; so host0 and host1 are both disabled; e.g. no power for your wifi. it is safe to have all 3 set to 1; actually for now i recommended it
recommend it*
balage: -CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT=y ??
balage: oh nvm it moved :)
balage: a sucky diff
balage: looks reasonable
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balage: i'm trying to boot my own tablet again tonight with 3.4; i'll let you know then
oliv3r, thanks!
balage: just dont' see what you might be missing or have done :p
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OT: what was the name of amd's? arm board with itx-ish form factor?
there was such a thing?
here @ work I have a NUC ... cool thing
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oliv3r: yes, a very stupid armv11 iirc
sounds old
but itx or atx case compatible
it was announced last year, and recently got an upgrade
at least their latest model is cortex-a9, but 512MB :p
case looks nice
well if it's not shared with the GPU
it might be 'okay'
Neo-ITX is form factor compatible with Mini-ITX and MicroATX
looks like it has a PCI bus
i only wanted an example pc-ish board for hipboi
still not "amd's"
ahh ok neo-itx is a really nice formfactor
rm: that's why I said "amd's?"
it'll fit into many itx cases
exactly my point
oh right, I am not into proper usage of mid-sentence question marks :)
rm: :p
Tsvetan: neo-itx boards :D
rm: VIA :)
I like the image they try to create around it
but doooon't like that they push Android as the OS
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balage, have you got it working?
does somebody have a wireless usb dongle?
JohnDoe_71Rus, what sunxi board do you have?
JohnDoe_71Rus, no UART2USB?
arokux1: No. I have not tried Linux, I have no usb keyboard
Turl: feel free to rm -r dl.linux-sunxi.org/users/turl/oliver/ it's old and don't even know what exatly it contains :)
oliv3r, (the current git is broken now )
JohnDoe_71Rus, perfect. maybe you can help me with testing? have you booted mainline already?
oliv3r, you've promised to test my drivers :p
arokux1: yes i have one
arokux1: this week
JohnDoe_71Rus, i.e. do you know how to etc.
JohnDoe_71Rus, do you run X on it?
arokux1: ok when you have a git tree that I can test; let me know :)
oliv3r, !! I had it. now you say you wait for me, I'll have it tonight. will you test tonight? :p
if you help me not forget :(
but i have to test 3 things anyway tonight
so busy busy busy :)
oliv3r, I'll remember you each hour, no worries
fucking Chinese code is ugly but works :(
arokux1: i test only android. But I do not have drivers for android. For the experiments, first i need to get the boot sd card
JohnDoe_71Rus, ok, I see. too much to do for you. (you can do if you want, though) oliv3r has a wifi dongle, and he's familiar with mainline
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JohnDoe_71Rus, so he can test.
arokux1: i have the same :p though I haven't investigated why it doesn't work :)
just ianc reported it doesn't work :)
oliv3r, well.. I didn't see you investing enough time into it :p
oliv3r, but *once* it works for you --- I will test immediately.
how can you see me! :(
you got cameras?
big brother is wathing you )
are you in my house?
my advice to you guys. NEVER EVER optimize code while porting. port it ugly as it is, make sure it works and only then step by step improve it.
arokux1: of course :D
I wish there were something like memory isolation layer, so I can see what chinese code really flushes to the memory etc.
arokux1: first two rules of optimisation: (1) Don't. (2) Don't *yet*.
but the func I used additionally writes to memory.
Hi all, I have a cubieboard2. From my very limited knowledge, what I seem to be seeing is that the debian armhf builds are noe optimized for a particular processor would I see much performance improvement by using say a gentoo build?
DigiDaz_: it depends, for mplayer/ffmpeg you will see a major performance improvement after enabling neon, for the other software - not so much
Thanks for that, its actually for little PBX boxes I'm creating, either asterisk or freeswitch so I guesss it would be time largely wasted then. They will be headless.
arokux1: are you sue they are not writing it?
i see, temp = readbyte; change Change BIT(7) in temp; write temp to dest
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and bit 7 is either cleared or set depending on dtmp &0x1 state
arokux1: so you are doing completly different thing there, omitting BIT(7)
arokux1: and don't forget I can test on A13, and I have some USB stuff (pendrives, few mouses, few keyboards, USB1.1 pro sound card, USB ethernet dongle..) :)
arokux1: if to put more in the list: USB MIDI keyboard
granite_crusher2: intersting is if usb 1.1 devices work; in theory, it shouldn't. i'm curious i it does, would be cool if it did
arokux1: are usb drivers missing just usb part in DT in mainline?
arokux1: I mean for A13
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oliv3r, no, not completely different, but I write two times - this is a problem.
granite_crusher2, mostly DT bits.
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arokux1: 'sort of different' then ;)
oliv3r, writing a bit to memory triggers some hardware event, I suppose..
well they are doing writeb, so it may even trigger 32 bit alignement issues ontop of that
oliv3r, rw same content should do any difference to hardware?
interesting thing is if this UsbPhyInit is omitted, the first controller won't work, but the second one still will.
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arokux1: the hardware can respond quite differently, while I don' think it's likly; yes, its quite possible the chip will do something the moment you write the value to it
so changing write order in that sense, is probably not wise
unless you have documents that tell you what it exaclty does (which we don't have right now)
only one think bothers me. aw's code work - mine doesn't.
example: BIT(31) = send BIT(0-7).
so if you first do BIT(31), and then fill BIT(0-7) you send 00000 :)
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so without knowing exactly what certain bits do; you can only guess and changing order/split writes, bad things will happen (tm)
the only times i had an issue with my a20 was when i forgot to include the hdmi driver in the kernel. is it just X not working, or is FB also broken?
orsic: dmesg output looks incomplete, for example there is no information about the kernel cmdline
that's my wip thing, it'll need to be split, moved, fixed
i have a monitor here that's the same, very few devices can handle the pixclk at 1680x1050
but it 'works' so i haven't spent much time on it
steev: hmm thats unfortunate
mnemoc: the bsp does need some love, a couple of hours I suppose; i just don't wanna yet :p more important things to do :)
orsic: not a whole lot can be done there. pixclk is pixclck
mnemoc: oh shit, i pushed my partprobe patch that you nacked ages ago
i still need it :p
is there somewhere a table of suported pixclk's?
oh the patches are messy :) i should clean them up and rename it etc etc
mnemoc: btw, so far, it works for all 4 kernels, mailnine, 3.10, 3.4 and 3.0
i think we should try to make the bsp make a multisunxi bin, without embedding the dtb
but haven't really looked at your branch yet
making easier to provide nighly builds, and encouraging testings
also teaching fexc to render .dts files
out of the .fex
oh that's all early experiments
that's really old commit; i did that because I wanted to append the dtb without messing with u-boot etc
it can be completly dropped now actually, it's useless
as I said, it's old wip stuff, that i still use and haven't bothere dcleaning up :)
what about "next" instead of "mainline_support" ?
i'll rename the branch anyway and delete the one pasted
and I should have probably done a pull/merge :)
but yes, it needs som love
nah, rebase.... merge commits suck
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yeah rebase; but it won't let me
the branches have diverged
so i can't rebase bla bla
git stash i guess
you can resolve conflicts too ;-)
mnemoc, do you know something about dts? it is something completely different from fex.
arokux1: yes, but the .fex tells what hw is in the board, and the dts needs that info
mnemoc: stupid question: does exist a fb driver for cb?
mnemoc: yeah but it says unmerged stuff on the branches
which i don't care about :p
cb1, yes. cb2... no idea
oliv3r: git reset --hard
i'm not trashin' my subtree's!
mnemoc, dts needs way more than that. i doubt you can write a fex2dts at all, doing it by hand is faster.
oliv3r: you know anything about a fb driver for cb/cb2?
i manually went into submodules,, did git remote add; git push/pull etc
n01: never used it :)
n01: well knowingly :p
uhm so not mainlined
arokux1: for each and every board?
n01: oh hell no
n01: i wish :D
arokux1: the resulting dts will obviously start with the per-soc import. by hand for every single sunxi-based device.... doesn't scale
hum. ok @ work I have to write a new fb driver a I could use cb to make practice
arokux1: and the dts model will evolve with time.
arokux1: easier to maintain the .fex, and compile the .dts
mnemoc, ok, I encourage you to take a look at the dts, you'll understand dts and fex are different worlds.
mnemoc, dts based devices need IO_MEM, clocks.. nothing like this in fex.
once we gotten rid of fex at all; dts all the way
arokux1: they are not so different
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arokux1: those mems, clocks are all defined in the dtsi*
the dtsi you write by hand, the dts you can somewhat automate
all that stuff comes from the handcrafted per-soc dti
well.. then there is not much in dts you can grab from fex
only GPIO pins
the per-board part, can be done out of the .fex and some static strings in the .c
and status=disable/okay (what an idiot selected them like this? why not on/off disable/enable good/bad...???)
arokux1: even if only the muxing, teaching the fexc to do so is easier, user friendlier and more reliable than manually writting a .dts for each sunxi board
and until AW joins us, new sunxi boards will keep coming with script.bin files
which fexc can perfectly turn into myboard.dts
assuming there is already a per-soc .dti
ok, if you write dti per hand then something is possible
you'd need however to parse dtsi too for converting from fex too dts
initially I would just hardcode some hints per-soc in the module in charge of writting the dts
lots of work. and no drivers to take advantage of these autogenerated dtses
maybe drivers should come first? :p
the point of 3.10 is to DTSize crap drivers
and get a real-world usable DTS-based sunxi kernel
and use that for real-world testing and for making crap drivers reach mainlineability qualitz
an step stone
but usable in real life
all drivers getting into 3.10 will need .dts data
at least to know the muxing and what periferals are actually there
maybe 3.4 should have been selected as stepping stone :(((
I'm not seriously saying this
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3.4 is for unification and aw-source-drops mostly
just thinking why my usb still won't work fully....
changes that need to be addresed to reach 3.13 anyway
once a 3.10 driver becomes not-shameful, mainlining can begin
mnemoc, yes, this is the problem that I see
there are more changes affecting us between 3.4 and 3.10 than between 3.10 and 3.13
but in 3.10 they can be tested
once unified, next step to DTSize in 3.10
mnemoc, I see. but many things changed in 3.10, and if something won't work there you do not know what the problem is
3.10 is an stable stepping stone. not work duplication
i'm not advocating anything, i'm just saying it is difficult to port to the highly change environment :(
we need to port drivers from 3.4 to master anyway
my usb glue still works only partially and I do not know why..
easier to do so to a 3.10 that gets TESTED
than to a master barely tested by some devs
once it works well in the stable 3.10, the little changes to reach master can be done reliably
mnemoc, I can test my drivers by myself.. my tests are enough to tell if the are 90% working.
an stable brach with nightly builds can push that to a 99%
mnemoc, the only problem was different boards: but soon I'll have three: A10, A20 and A13
because of real life tests in assorted real hardware
3.10 solves that
it's not merely about the SoC. different PCBs might need different hacks which your driver is not considering
and people using .310 will notice
you won't
mnemoc, I agree. however my focus is a bit different. I won't to learn Linux in the first place.
3.10 will teach you linux too
refactoring crappy code into linux quality will teach you even more
and can give you far more testers than lkml
specially if we move ALL crap drivers
so the thing actually becomes usable
mnemoc, nobody will give you an advice if you ask about the code, however, if it is not mainline
arokux1: there are several professional kernel developers in the sunxi list too
mnemoc, haven't seen them yet.. except of mripard nobody is helping.
mripard is not nobody
neither is hansg or steev
and the first step into 3.10 is only to DTSize
mnemoc, reread. "except of mripard nobody is helping"
mnemoc, DTS is not a big deal!!
< arokux1> mnemoc, nobody will give you an advice
DTS is the smallest problem you can have
i'm not a professional kernel developer. i do kernel development, but i'm not professional
it is painless.
the jump from 3.4 to 3.10 is not painless, but it's only about code changes
the jump to master is more painless, includes everything you already did for 3.10, and style control
mnemoc, not dts is the problem, but the clk framework and using proper kernel frameworks. dts is *very* easy.
therefore 3.10 is an stable middle ground
steev: are you paid for belly dancing or kernel development?
mnemoc, what you say has sense, you shouldn't repeat it so many times (unless you've got paid to do so :p). it just more work, that is all.
steev: twat
arokux1: I'm paid to maintain/refactor/fix chinese proprietary crap code :(
arokux1: i'm trying to explain that it's not really more work. it's to do the same job, in an stable branch, all together instead of in random personal repos
and migrating good 3.10 drivers to master is not that much work. most will be already done
mnemoc: ever seen the ZyXEL crap?
Trying to figure that watchdog wiring bullshit out to merge into 3.11+
they attached a MCU with access to the power gpio trigger, and you can only communicate with it over the LED[2] of the ethernet phys, and only if you have set said LED to tristate via register manipulation
ANd if you don't make it happy, it slowly reboots the box every X seconds on power up with increasing time until it works. ...
WarheadsSE, why 3.11+?
(and not 3.12+)
arokux1: because it is a kirkwood based system
and I am a core developer at Arch Linux ARM
WarheadsSE, yeah, I know.
and kirkwood base kernel is 3.11 or what?
3.12+ in regards to this ethernet phys is identical to 3.11+
the kirkwood was mainlined long ago
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ok. btw, WarheadsSE do you know smth about SATA port multipliers i.e. if there are kernel drivers for some decent ones..?
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smth I assume to be "something"
WarheadsSE, yep
the host port has to support it
otherwise, it won't matter
WarheadsSE, do you know if sunxi SoCs' host port supports that?
All sheeva-based cores (kirkwood, mvebu, dove) support port mulitipliers
imx's tend to not
I can't say I have tried it
WarheadsSE, how can you try, do you have hardware for multiplication?
it should, in theory, baring hardware faults of logic, be possible to add it
I have a BlacX 2 port multiplier, yes
WarheadsSE, you know, it is just interesting if sunxi can do some decent NAS
Yes.. I know what you are asking
but even in them, it states that the host port has to have multiplier functionality
I have not looked into if it does
(and don't have time right now)
WarheadsSE, no problem. we do not have drivers in mainline yet too. maybe you can do once you have time.
yeah... that's why I haven't done much witht he sunxi kernels yet
WarheadsSE, you've planned your time till death? :)
they are so heavily under development, and I don't have a lot of free time
WarheadsSE, sunxi-3.4 is feature full, though
yes, regressions happen.
*hint* 3.10 *hint*
* mnemoc
is very annoying at advocating
mnemoc, what? there will be regressions too.
mnemoc, best way to advocate is to backport from mainline to 3.10, the others will follow!
but been feature complete more people will use it, and more people will fix it
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mainline has a quality restriction 3.10 doesn't
Is Allwinner A20 capable of HDMI-CEC or is that board specific?
didn't drachensun get libhybris working on A31's PVR?
mnemoc, with A31 being powervr and the community disguising it we are loosing some user base though.
ok thanks mnemoc
mnemoc, lib
brain__: /nick brain___
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how do i change my nickname so i can join a channel were i need authentication? i think their was another _ added sometime
libhybris is just a wrapper though.
better than nothing
a wrapper that makes it work
60 fps :-)
and let's you run X on A31 nicely
mnemoc, i'm saying the same. there is a need for headless systems too. i do not care for GPU unless for computations.
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but certain ppl here think A31 shouldn't be looked at *at all*, because of powervr
drachensun: want to move your libhybris thing to the sunxi repo?
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drachensun: and btw, did the UPS parcel arrive?
mnemoc: by the way, UPS did manage to deliver the devices last Thursday, no drama about hazardous anything, wish I had just used them in the first place
or that box is still in limbo?
i hate powervr due to how much of a pain it is to get the blob working on my beagleboard. such a hassle
drachensun: good to know for next time
mnemoc: so yeah, we are back on track, press samples went out
hopefully we will get some press again and get the funding moving
the libhybris thing was just a build of latest version from git, on the device running mer
I didn't have to modify it any
I did have to have to put all the powervr libraries and setup files in the right place
drachensun: could you explain the *actual* requirements of libhybris?
and make a few sym links for library names
drachensun: no bindings?
well basically it all follows pretty well from vgrades guide
I keep getting descriptions that basically leave me needing an entire android chroot
warheadsSE: Well, the entire /system more or less, you can skip the directory with all the apks
but yeah /system and /vendor from android
put in the right place under Linux, either with a bind
or if my case I just put them there on root
how big of a crap dump of disk space is that
it probably could be trimmed down
300 mb?
that isn't *horrible*
something like that,
most of the junk in /system is all the android apks
If it could be trimmed down the the bare requirements, I would package it for the various boards ALARM works with
and there was one other big folder we trimmed off, I don't recall exactly
but there is no way I am making that a package, with one of the methods I saw (cubie) having essentially a complete 2G android image ...
because FFS, no way
I guess one could get it running
and then pull strace to see what libraries are actually used
WarheadsSE, are you sure the host SATA port hardware need to have some specific support in order for the multiplier to work?
arokux1: nope, I talk out my ass all the time
WarheadsSE, sorry, I'm just double checking, got some other opinion in #arm-netbook
WarheadsSE, ppl will try to build a NAS around sunxi
yes.. and they can
but you need to hook it up and try, then debug if it doesnt work
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has anyone tried using their mmc port for JTAG debugging? I have Segger Jlink and another knockoff i could use to see what happening with my touchpanel module
"I guess you need some more "meat" in your commit log." :)
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brain_: pretty sure hno did, maybe oliv3r too
arokux1: USB isn't that bad for a NAS which has 100Mbit eth
Turl, true. 100Mbit is too little though.
arokux1: you can make the case again when CT ships :p
Turl, again?
I'm just kidding :)
CT has GbE phy iirc
Turl, :) yep. GMAC.
(plus 1Gbit PHY, I suppose)
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WOOT! Fixed Netflix! working better than stock firmware were it would freeze after a minute
brain_: grats :)
Thanks, working on the camera now..
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oliv3r, I just do not have usb wifi dongle :((
arokux2: i'll test it soon :)
oliv3r, this week you said.
first 3.4 on tablet; then sata ml driver; then usb ml
you have git tree?
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oliv3r, you said this week, so no matter what it should be this week ^^
oliv3r, who you think will test SATA for you?;)
iac did
oliv3r, and I *will*
oliv3r, do you want me to provide base config for you? (you'd need to add drivers for you usb devices by yourself)
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sorry, mommy on the phone :)
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hno: i'm using the lichee-dev nand bootloader and try to load a uImage (latest 3.4) that i've copied to /dev/block/nanda. I use the regular bootm dance, but get the machine ID thing I have seen pass by here. What's causing this? http://sprunge.us/
i purposly skipped the initramfs bit
oliv3r: your sprunge url is cut
granite_crusher, hey, I've pused support for A13 and A13-Olinuxino. want to try it out?
Turl: i'm not all up to speed with the old :p
Turl: that's sun7i
Turl: my tablet is sun4i
arokux2: ok I am going to try
oliv3r: yeah then 1008
for the logs: sun4i#set machid 0x1008
Turl: boots :D
oliv3r: set works? I always env set or setenv :p
oliv3r: great :)
so now to try with initramfs
as it rebooted at the end
No filesystem could mount root, tried: ext3 ext2 ext4 vfat msdos iso9660 ntfs fuseblk udf
granite_crusher, next (after make multiv7.... ) run make menuconfig and go to Device Drivers/USB Drivers and select EHCI HCD (USB 2.0) support and then a bit lower: Allwinner sunXi EHCI support
hopefully initramfs fixes that
granite_crusher, next, you'd need to add drivers for you USB dongles.. if you do not know their names stick them into your desktop, and check dmesg | tail, find the name of the driver and do: git grep <DRIVER_NAME>. this should give you a clue what config option to enable (this can be a bit tricky..)
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Turl: what's a safe address to load the initramfs when kernel is at 0x48 and script.bin is at 0x43?
granite_crusher, you can search in menuconfig pressing "/", you should input config options there. search results should give you a clue where the specific driver config is buried and what should be (possibly) enabled to even see him. normally drivers depend on some features you need to enable first.
granite_crusher, I'm leaving now for 2 hours or so, hope everything works!
oliv3r: 0x50...?
kernel is about 4mb so should easily fit
Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid
oliv3r: make sure you have the ram
oliv3r, was it *.cpio?
512 mb
nah .gz :)
oliv3r: I don't recall if 0x40->0x50 was 256 or 512
gz didn't worked for me... (athough shoud?)
i'll unzip the gz and use the raw cpio
arokux2: I'll see if I can test that usb soundcard
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Wrong Ramdisk Image Format
that's the cpio :S
the cpio I friggin' extracted from the original boot.img
initramdisk: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC)
by any chance lichee-dev u-boot only support boot.img?
Turl: anyway, the machine ID could be the primary reason why my board kept failing to boot! so i'll hack da7 into the kernel (i'd rather leave u-boot as-is)
oliv3r: did you uImage it?
uboot loves uImages
but the ramdisk failed
thew kernel is happy uImage
i'll build a 3.4 including initramfs to make it easier :D
bfree: i extracted the initramfs from the boot.img
so it should be sound
but of course, i get no debug output from my kernel anymore either *sigh*
time for usb kernel
Turl: run what? i boot kernel from console
Turl: nvm i was reading old log :S
oliv3r: link has u-boot sample code for 3.4 and mainline, mkimage command, gotcha ("setenv initrd_high 0xffffffff" which I needed anyway for mainline on cubie)
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bfree: i thought initrd_high was needed for really big initramfs's due to relocating going worng
bfree: anyway, i was trying to liberate my tablet; which still runs a gpl violating kernel; boot.img however never booted, no output, nothing
bfree: so i extracted boot.img, split it into initramfs and the kernel, copied my own 3.4 kernel + the initramfs to nanda and booted it via u-boot console
bfree without initramfs the kernel boots fine, but craps out due to missing root, understandable, but it won't eat my initramfs
bfree: now i'm guessing, lichee-dev u-boot doesn't support initramfs :p
afaik initrd_high is needed for mainline (dtb)
hmm, I don't know how to un-mkimage an initrd to really check that initrd (or remake it) :-/
and also have no idea about lichee shite :-p
bfree: yeah but if i want to boot from nand; i'm kinda stuck with it ;)
linaros gcc 4.9 is out
tried mkimage on it? maybe it's an un-mkimaged initrd
Turl: since when do we have 'physical base address of debug UART' just below the DEBUG_LL? and do we actually have to enter it?
rz2k: now to see if it doesn't break like hell
oliv3r: dunno
WarheadsSE: compiling for sun7i right now
gonna test both kernel and u-boot
Turl: :(
arokux2: your kernel doesn't output any debug info either :S
oliv3r: just set the loglevel=8 ?
arokux2: no luck
arokux2: I think it may be OHCI
arokux2: can you implement it? :)
arokux1: i was affraid of that
maybe my kernel is just crashing
Turl: multi_v7_defconfig doesn't do debugging by default does it?
oliv3r: _LL? no
ok i'll try 3.10 with the sunxi_defconfig
arokux2: once I plug that device the port stops working, no more interrupts when plugging good devices
it may be switching into ohci mode and as there's no driver it stays there or sth
i think doing OHCI first; and then EHCI would have been a better combination
then again, EHCI should work
but I think i noticed the exact same behaviour on x86
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Turl: what defconfig do you use
I have a question related to boot.axf: I tried to replace boot.axf with another ELF executable, but I now have the error message "elf file header magic not match" when trying to boot. How is that "elf file header magic" comparison done?
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oliv3r: v6?
v7 :p
oliv3r: I use something derived from v7, or sunxi_defconfig on my repo
so far, nothing i tried has worked; 3.4 is half a failure; next-usb isn't printing debug; ahci isn't printing debug
only u-boot prints its stuff luckly
hugobo: it's hard to know when the code is proprietary :(
oliv3r: did you enable DEBUG_LL, choose the right sunxi uart, enable earlyprintk and pass earlyprintk on cmdline?
and boot with a bootm triplet?
earlprintk cmdline!
without it, i should get the console prompt, no?
especially if I enable it?
earlyprintk i never had to pass before with mmc u-boot ...
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though could be unv.bin that causes that
then again; stock kernel boots fully verbose
oliv3r, are you passing console=
arokux2: it's in my default env
oliv3r: if it worked, sure, but if it crashes before uart is up you won't see a thing
ok 3.4 kernel is fully verbose
i think it's crashing before uart
oliv3r, well, you should to get things sorted, check wiki about booting mainline kernel.
arokux2: ...
all my mainline and 3.4 kernels boot verbose
i've booted many mainline kernels thank you
oliv3r, did you do: env set fdt_high ffffffff ?
gonna try experimental/3.10 now
oliv3r, don't be angry, something is wrong on your side.
it's a .config problem
oliv3r, something, could be .config, could be u-boot env.
arokux2: backread my comments about usb
Turl, did already.
Turl, well, I can implement it, but EHCI isn't working 100% yet, so I'm reluctant to start new battlefield. or you want your snd card to work?
granite_crusher, hi there, any news?
arokux2: well my old kernels boot verbose; but i'll boot 3.10; i know 3.10 should work, as I submitted my first patchset around that time
arokux2: to replace 3.4 on my mele I need it to work
oliv3r, ok, no problem.
well, that default config... I am still tweaking :)
so if that doesn't work
something is realyl fucked :)
arokux2: I think the port "switches" to OHCI mode, and as there's no driver it renders it unusable
granite_crusher, looking for something?
Turl, can you take a look which one handles it on desktop? (ohci/ehci) maybe it is ehci bug again.. and not only wifi is broken.
arokux2: oh and I couldn't get git remote to work; so cloned to separate tree
granite_crusher, how so?!
granite_crusher, you are wasting too much space.
arokux2: it reported it have unressoleved conflict...
granite_crusher, hm.. you probably had some uncommited changes?
arokux2: [10660.657167] usb 5-1.3: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci
a USB2 device does [15792.324424] usb 5-1.4: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci
Turl, can you post full config?
Turl: yes, agreed!
arokux2: a full config for what?
Turl, err. dmesg.
arokux2: on my PC?
Turl: maybe I should reformulate my question: given an ELF executable, how do I generate a .axf?
Turl, yep
hugobo: disassemble the boot0/1 code and figure out :)
arokux2: don't worry about space...
Turl, from the board would be nice too. btw, did you verify if storage worked? and.. my tree actually has changed, have you checked it out just now?
granite_crusher, and time...
I would prefer if someone knew the answer, even if I like assembly programming :)
that should be the most stable and reliable stepping stone :)
a dts kernel, that prints and has a console
oliv3r, alright! let me know once you've backported everything. i'd give my lousy drivers a try :p
everything will be slow
oliv3r, imho, u'd better find out what the hack with (almost ready) sata driver
but 3.10 has a10 support in mainline allready
arokux2: yeah but it needs to boot first :(
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oliv3r, there is a saveenv command to store changes from the command line permanently.
hno: into the nandb?
if that's the env partition.
hno: stock android nand so I would assume so :)
hno, have some time to review my patch?
arokux2: where to give kernel rootfs arguement (I dont want to initramfs because I need to test some peripherals as USB audio, so..) ?
beware that saveenv was broken in some lichee releases
hno: :S ok well it's not hugely important yet; and for that 1 time change, i can always manually update env
Turl: [ 1.670000] Warning: unable to open an initial console.
hah! i overlooked that
granite_crusher, you need that cpio i've uploaded, do you have it?
arokux: why? if usb should work
arokux2, not yet. Completely crazy at work at the moment so not much brain cycles left when at home.
arokux2: I have it, but how I am going to test half of usb things on that tiny thing?
hno, I miss you here though.
granite_crusher, what do you mean? you connect them one by one...
yes, and my email backlog is growing out of control again..
arokux2: well ok, I will try first with initramfs
granite_crusher, sorry, I didn't get your question about rootfs. you need to provide it somewhere....
granite_crusher, yes, it is easiest.
granite_crusher, make menuconfig
Once there, fill the option General Setup / Initramfs source file(s) with a path to your initramfs image.
granite_crusher, ^
and do this in u-boot: env set fdt_high ffffffff
arokux2: maybe you notice some other mistake while implementing ohci :P
Turl, or maybe I repeat same ones? :p
Turl, you better push pll6, so I start pushing too. (usb clk)
arokux2: you can push independently
arokux2: maxime handles the DT and he's aware of the dependency
Turl, it's clk, not DT
Turl, well, both.
I do not know why, but mainline feels much faster
arokux2: then what? 3.4?
oliv3r, yep
arokux2: on what operation?
arokux2: but 3.4 is crap :
Turl, logging in, issuing lsusb
arokux2: I still can't get lsusb to work
btw, i'm giving up for today
always get -99 error
Turl: i'll bug you tomorrow about [ 1.670000] Warning: unable to open an initial console.
arokux2, life should return to normal in about two weeks. Major product launch pending at work next weekend, and then one more week to get everything shipped and the 60 racks of hosted equipment to run smootly.
hno, cool.
hno: sounds awesome :)
oliv3r: make sure you have OF_PLATFORM_SERIAL or such
Turl, even if storage works?
arokux2: yeah, probably missing some toggle on my kernel config
I should strace lsusb and see what it's missing
Turl, dunno
oliv3r, please keep track of u-boot patches meanwhile. My mailbox will overflow...
hno: okay; i'll check mailinglists and github for now
tomorrow *
except of me I haven't seen any u-boot stuff
arokux2: hno ment submitted patches :)
though I don't recall seeing any recent u-boot patches
and kernel hackers, I have a nice little task. We need to get the nand boot driver integrated/reimplemented in 3.4. See yuq work. Should be possible to add something similar to aw nand driver.
oliv3r: usb :p
oliv3r, I got it. I consider my patch to be 80% submitted :p
arokux2: oh i should have tested that too ;)
hno, who's yuq?!
arokux2: yuq write the mtd driver
hno: I think hansg/patrick wood did that allready; with the aw-nand driver; from the 3.4 SDK
hno: unless you speak of the mtd nand driver ;)
hno, why should we bother about legacy 3.4?
oliv3r, I don't think there is much pending, but worried I might miss stuff in the next two weeks.
oliv3r, I know there have been updates to the NAND drier, but I have not seen a boot block driver added.
oliv3r: cini may be sending an uboot patch too for SMP on A20
hno: i'll watch the ML visously :)
Turl: he linked our u-boot github branch in a mail
Turl: i'll respond tomorrow
Turl: if you get bored; feel free to pull sunxi-3.10 and hack defconfig :)
oliv3r: and attached a WIP patch
Turl: ok i'll test it the next 2 weeks
that was missing
oliv3r: you got a kernel not using 8250_DW yet :p
probably your uart is gonna interrupt and get stuck :D good times lol
Turl: hmm?
i got 8250_DW quickrs on
oliv3r: yeah but your dt uses the other one :)
so 3.10.12 is probably to old?
oliv3r: anything older than torvalds/master is :p
mnemoc, where are you help! ^^^^
Turl: LOL
oliv3r: need to backport all the DT fixes
Turl: yeah more work then i thought it would be to get basic support up
so OF_SERIAL is enough?
yeah, but it may get stuck once in a while in reboots or so
that's fine
(remember the uberspam serial message when rebooting some time ago on 3.4?)
it's only to test now
arokux2: oliv3r and Turl are the 3.10 fellows. I can barely focus in 3.4
ah yeah
arokux2: I was only "advocating" 3.10
mnemoc, oh yes, now you disappear :D
of course :p
Turl: so one more thing before going to bed; the double printing, what exactly causes that, you say earlyprintk; but i thought ywe wanted that to get early stuff printed
oliv3r: do you get the disabling bootconsole message now?
arokux2: next month I'll finally be in a permanent location with real internet connection and will be able to resume my sunxi work
but on 3.4
mnemoc, why do you bother about 3.4?
mnemoc: still leeching stuff with that 3G dataplan? :(
arokux2: because it's usable :)
Turl, but is something missing there?
because it's the stable think people can use, and what we can use to test unifications with real users
arokux2, we bother about 3.4 because it's where we have drivers...
arokux2: bugs, cleaning ugly code
hno, yeah, but once it works we better do not touch it.
Turl, bugs +1, cleaning - no.
I want to "fake" dts spawing platform_devices from script.bin.... and so bring drivers closer to the DTS world
arokux2: you need cleaning
to notice diff between plats
Turl, ah, ok
Turl, good point.
arokux2: allwinner keeps a separated branch for each soc... and they make incompatible changes
arokux2, it's software.. there will always be bugs + driver updates etc.
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we first need to unify those drivers. be sure they still work everywhere. then fix bugs over a platform we know things work
to detect regressions, etc
ok, mnemoc you are good advocate.
* mnemoc
shuts up now
mnemoc: now difficult merge 3.4 on top of 3.10?
wingrime: a lot
wingrime, very difficult.
arokux2, also, having the NAND boot block driver is a precursor to be able to implement u-boot NAND SPL loader, plus it's the last kernel piece missing to be able to make a fully open installer eleminating livesuit from the picture.
arokux2: I got bootup and usb from which I booted uImage is visible, but I unchecked big file support (looks ext4 doesnt work without)
3.8 got multiplatform and a huge redesign of the arm world
hno, +1
we need to take (unified) drivers one by one
Turl: yes, (I may have gotten it before, but overlooked it it's quite high
well, you'll need to do arm equivalent, i'm avoiding 4.8 for the moment
you can also look into 455bd4c430b0c0a361f38e8658a0d6cb469942b5 and 418df63adac56841ef6b0f1fcf435bc64d4ed177 - some people report those 2 fix the issue
on arm
Turl, do u wanns see something funny?
rz2k: if you have a linus checkout, you can do something like git format-patch -o patches 455bd4c^..455bd4c
and then 418df63
will make a patch from each, or you can try to cherry pick
455bd4c430b0c0a361f38e8658a0d6cb469942b5 is already in stage/3.4
418df63adac56841ef6b0f1fcf435bc64d4ed177 too
arokux2: hm?
Turl, soon I'll have totally stripped down version of aw's ehci driver, which works
rz2k: maybe another of their optimizations broke it
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arokux2: on 3.4 or 3.12?
Turl, 3.4 :((
the sun4i_defconfig does not have DEVPTS_FS enabled?
tm512: you mean DEVTMPFS ?
no, I mean for /dev/pts
xterm is complaining about not enough ptys
I might have to do legacy PTYs
that's UNIX98_PTYS not DEVPTS_FS
at least, afaik
I guess it used to be DEVPTS_FS
compiling a new kernel
but, that should be in there when you do something like make sun4i_defconfig
if you try cp sun4i_defconfig .config, it wouldn't, it would prompt you with make oldconfig
it has the dev/pts stuff, I am guessing that it needs legacy PTYs
it's xterm from pkgsrc, I dunno
unless you're on some unbelievably ancient version of xterm
pkgsrc is... crux? arch?
netbsd's package system
that is very portable
is there a maintenance on wiki database ?
oh then yes, you'll need LEGACY_PTYS since that's what BSD uses
tm512: any particular reason you're using that over xterm that everyone else uses?
I guess it might assume that linux systems will work with it as well, and that since netbsd uses it, it needs it
and I'll be using urxvt after I get X11 up and running
I am doing linux from scratch
Turl, what is: sw_vic?
hard mode, basically
tm512: that's kind of stupid to use the netbsd version, over the actual upstream version, no?
i wasn't aware lfs said to use netbsd's version
steev: no, since pkgsrc does dependency management and everything. I just did cd /usr/pkgsrc/x11/xterm && make install clean
and it didn't, lfs doesn't say anything about package management
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so I am using possibly the best choice for it. http://pkgsrc.org/
at least from a linux from scratch system, it's the best choice, since it handles binary and source
*shrug* to each their own, but no, LEGACY_PTYS hasn't been enabled in a defconfig in a *very* long time
you should probably tell the pkgsrc peeps that they should throw a warning about that, or at least a check and a warning message when you build it
wow... pkgsrc's how to use is.... pretty much the worst how to i've ever read
reminds me of an xda forum post
HOWTO BUILD LINUX FOR YOUR <FANCY PHONE THAT 3 PEOPLE HAVE> 1) download this file, 2) install it via adb push 3) reboot
Does the wiki database administrator need some help ?
popolon, why do you think so?
steev: that didn't fix it either, though, I'm afraid
"open ttydev: No such device or address"
arokux2, because the database is in maintenance during whole the time I translated a long article ;)
and my mainjob is sys & net admin
tm512: well i've no idea. maybe check what crux does? i know they use pkgsrc or something along the lines of pkgsrc
sys, net, db
mnemoc, ^
installing urxvt since it's somewhat more modern
popolon, btw, I wonder why do you spent time on translations. can't french read english?
most french can't
probably an important part of computer scientists people can :)
and that's easier for me to improve french documentation first, and backport to english after.
popolon, I see
Turl, ping
So only Allwinner A10 has HDMI-CEC support?
(well hardware anyway)
Btw who would Allwinner help more? Community with nice wiki or company who helps them sell 100,000 units?
I'm trying to do the latter and hopefully make a really good product and opensource lots of it
Too tired, go to bed, bakcup-ed translation, will wait tomorrow to import it.
good night
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Hmmm ... looks like A20 has a CEC pin
Pin layout - P 23 HCEC
I'm puzzled
arokux2: sw_vic is interrupt controller I think
arokux2: I see some delay between sie clk, phy reset and usb passby
your code didn't have that I think?
Turl, yep... but I've tried with it...
arokux2: are you testing on a10 btw?
Turl, yep
Turl, Mele A1000
these 230 LOC work.
Turl, puzzling huh?
arokux2: did you try rtlwifi from backports on 3.4 yet?
Turl, no, too much work I've though, after reading their docs
nedko, yes and yes.
arokux2: maybe it's dma masks or sth
Turl, they are set correctly.
Turl, so it is "sth", but WHAT?
hno, wanna a puzzle?
hno: do you know if someone is already working on such driver?
arokux2: maybe dma itself?
arokux2: you can try running with full debug on both and comparing the logs, long shot though
Turl, you want to say I've done the short one? :)
Turl, dunno how to enable even more logs, though
arokux2: no, but afaik you haven't run with all those debugs on 3.4 to compare
Turl, I don't understand. what do you mean?
arokux2: run wifi on both 3.4 with the spammy logs on and find similarities and differences
both 3.4 and mainline*
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Turl, as said. I cannot turn on even more logs. everything else is identical.
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arokux2: how is using backports too much work? you extract the tarball and run make. if cross compiling, you run make with some added environment variables