jruby/master de6c8bd kares: add call-sites for Time's +/- impl + cleanup related internals a bit
jruby/master deaeea6 kares: for Rational also override inspect() without arguments, on the Java end
jruby/master 546aaef kares: [refactor] improve RubyHash sub-classes used for globals e.g. ENV...
[jruby] kares created fix-2036-9.1 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vAUSS
jruby/fix-2036-9.1 bc39a0a kares: align C ported memsearch code - need to handle array[length] properly...
[jruby] kares opened pull request #5037: align C ported memsearch code - need to handle array[length] properly (jruby-9.1...fix-2036-9.1) https://git.io/vAU9f
kares: I had forgotten you made native Set and SortedSet
there have been many arguments made that *Set should be thread-save, so we probably should just do that...ideally in a more efficient way than using Collections.synchronizedSet, but that would be fine initially
I'll leave it to you to look into cremes's issue unless you need my assistance
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kares, headius: my issue is unlikely related to concurrency. I take pains to ensure it’s only ever called from one thread.
cremes: ok, thank you
so there's something else amiss
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the hash contains the item, but the TreeSet does not, so there’s something wonky with the “comparator”
or how identity of an object is determined
woot, openj9 with AOT settings looks to be 30% faster startup for simple things
I wonder if I can tweak that down more
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I wonder if openj9 AOT would make our IR persistence start up faster too
for -e 1, hotspot clocks in at 1.5s (with our JIT and C2 turned off) and openjdk is about 1.1s (with nothing turned off)
getting there
boo... down to 0.5s...if I turn off the Ruby kernel and default gems that load
unfortunately a big chunk of this is reflection cost when booting up Java integration
kares: we might want to try playing with caching the results of reflection/binding of imported Java classes...maybe we can cut some of that overhead out
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headius: well I never liked having require 'java' on by default :)
but I guess that ship has sailed ...
it's kinda necessary to be able to implement core stuff in Ruby
but it's more overhead than it should be
maybe JRuby 10 will get "modular" :)
headius: some of it yes but there's less and less or it needed
I regret removing the lazy loading of java integ now
one big chunk is date.rb which I'm hoping to get rid off for 9.2 as well
it was slow, so we made it lazy...later it didn't seem to be slow anymore so we removed laziness...now that other stuff has sped up it's slow again
ah yeah
except for that there should be some - not sure how many of it is booted by default
well, if it's possible to remove all JI use in kernel, it could be lazily loaded
well date.rb isn't booted by default so it does not matter
the overall problem stands though...reflection is slow
or maybe it's our method binding logic in JI
but I think it's reflection
but I am not sure caching will help
what do you want to cache getMethods results?
something like that, yes
so it only binds the methods on each class it knows it should bind, rather than aggregating all the way up and filtering
that might work but I wonder how much it would cut ...
right, I don't have numbers
JI could use a rewrite in a major version but than who has the time ;(
so many things/features I wanted to do/redo ...
I know what you mean
we're still booting all the low-level Java pieces too like JavaClass
and most are not needed anymore
so that's another dozen classes with probably 100 methods
we're also losing some amount of time simply loading all our invokers and populators...thousands of classes
I suspect that's where the J9 caching is helping a lot
sounds like J9 has some amazing new stuff of the shell
up till now I always thought its just a slower hot-spot
with its own set of problems such as ibm's security provider etc :)
I know we can do better than this, because if I start up JRuby in a loop it goes down to less then 0.2s for -e 1
yeah I'm talking to the J9 guys about tuning this better
this 30% improvement is without doing anything but setting up a larger class cache
and without turning of our jit or C2
on a different note - still planning 9.1.16 somewhere near or is it off the shell for a while?
cremes: hey! really great that you're testing Set/SortedSet on master
I know its probably annoying to pop into bug after a bug but its much appreciated
do understand the issue and the details you're sharing - pretty much did the rewrite
kares: really soon
waiting on me to finish fixing name stuff mostly I think
we need to get these JVMs caching more of our stuff
if I run -S gem list in a loop it goes from 2s down to 0.6s
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kares: I don’t mind contributing my time and effort to make sure jruby is the best it can be. I’ve been around a long time and will be around even longer. :)
right now I’m trying to get my code working on linux so you can fix my set problem. argh…
time to refactor a bit
sometimes you get reminded in life that it's not always true that you'll be around longer
a couple weeks ago I almost got smashed on the drivers side going through an intersection
the other guy was doing 60mph and I didn't even see him until I was halfway through, I gunned it and barely made it out in front of him
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LiamW: true, true… glad you made it
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kares: one thing I have consistently said to anyone is that require 'jruby' is still required semantically because it is only happening from an impl side-effect
kares: but people happen to notice it is not needed so it will raise issues if we make kernel not need it
enebo: yy I know its not to be assumed on by default
kares: but our documentation has never said you do not need it
same for jruby/core_ext which is a different beast