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<LiamW> chrisseaton: I just removed the gem from my gemfile, lol
<LiamW> I don't actually need it, it just is optional the curl-based backend for faraday
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<GitHub186> [jruby] sebastianguarin opened issue #5036: Scan ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Error https://git.io/vAUc9
<LiamW> ooh
<LiamW> I got java to segfault
<LiamW> it's a heisenbug too
<LiamW> trying to figure out what it is coming from makes it disappear
<LiamW> chrisseaton: how much calling does it take for a function to get compiled in truffleruby
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<GitHub37> [jruby] kares pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vAUVd
<GitHub37> jruby/jruby-9.1 edd18dd kares: [ji] avoid NPE when Java collection is not clone-able (the "usual" way)...
<GitHub76> [jruby] kares closed issue #4721: NPE while dup-ing guava's ImmutableList https://git.io/v7J70
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<GitHub54> [jruby] kares pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/vAUSB
<GitHub54> jruby/master de6c8bd kares: add call-sites for Time's +/- impl + cleanup related internals a bit
<GitHub54> jruby/master deaeea6 kares: for Rational also override inspect() without arguments, on the Java end
<GitHub54> jruby/master 546aaef kares: [refactor] improve RubyHash sub-classes used for globals e.g. ENV...
<GitHub199> [jruby] kares created fix-2036-9.1 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vAUSS
<GitHub199> jruby/fix-2036-9.1 bc39a0a kares: align C ported memsearch code - need to handle array[length] properly...
<GitHub163> [jruby] kares opened pull request #5037: align C ported memsearch code - need to handle array[length] properly (jruby-9.1...fix-2036-9.1) https://git.io/vAU9f
<GitHub92> [jruby] kares pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAU92
<GitHub92> jruby/master 8bd3256 kares: Merge branch 'jruby-9.1'...
<GitHub58> [jruby] kares closed pull request #5031: Jruby 9.1 (master...jruby-9.1) https://git.io/vAU9V
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<headius> chrisseaton: perhaps TR conversations could be directed to the TR channel?
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<headius> kares: I had forgotten you made native Set and SortedSet
<headius> there have been many arguments made that *Set should be thread-save, so we probably should just do that...ideally in a more efficient way than using Collections.synchronizedSet, but that would be fine initially
<headius> I'll leave it to you to look into cremes's issue unless you need my assistance
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<cremes> kares, headius: my issue is unlikely related to concurrency. I take pains to ensure it’s only ever called from one thread.
<headius> cremes: ok, thank you
<headius> so there's something else amiss
<cremes> yep
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<cremes> the hash contains the item, but the TreeSet does not, so there’s something wonky with the “comparator”
<cremes> or how identity of an object is determined
<headius> ok
<headius> woot, openj9 with AOT settings looks to be 30% faster startup for simple things
<headius> I wonder if I can tweak that down more
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<headius> I wonder if openj9 AOT would make our IR persistence start up faster too
<headius> for -e 1, hotspot clocks in at 1.5s (with our JIT and C2 turned off) and openjdk is about 1.1s (with nothing turned off)
<headius> getting there
<headius> boo... down to 0.5s...if I turn off the Ruby kernel and default gems that load
<headius> unfortunately a big chunk of this is reflection cost when booting up Java integration
<headius> kares: we might want to try playing with caching the results of reflection/binding of imported Java classes...maybe we can cut some of that overhead out
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<kares> headius: well I never liked having require 'java' on by default :)
<kares> but I guess that ship has sailed ...
<headius> it's kinda necessary to be able to implement core stuff in Ruby
<headius> but it's more overhead than it should be
<kares> maybe JRuby 10 will get "modular" :)
<kares> headius: some of it yes but there's less and less or it needed
<headius> I regret removing the lazy loading of java integ now
<kares> one big chunk is date.rb which I'm hoping to get rid off for 9.2 as well
<headius> it was slow, so we made it lazy...later it didn't seem to be slow anymore so we removed laziness...now that other stuff has sped up it's slow again
<headius> ah yeah
<kares> except for that there should be some - not sure how many of it is booted by default
<headius> well, if it's possible to remove all JI use in kernel, it could be lazily loaded
<kares> well date.rb isn't booted by default so it does not matter
<headius> the overall problem stands though...reflection is slow
<headius> or maybe it's our method binding logic in JI
<headius> but I think it's reflection
<kares> but I am not sure caching will help
<kares> what do you want to cache getMethods results?
<headius> something like that, yes
<headius> so it only binds the methods on each class it knows it should bind, rather than aggregating all the way up and filtering
<kares> that might work but I wonder how much it would cut ...
<headius> right, I don't have numbers
<kares> JI could use a rewrite in a major version but than who has the time ;(
<kares> so many things/features I wanted to do/redo ...
<headius> I know what you mean
<headius> we're still booting all the low-level Java pieces too like JavaClass
<headius> and most are not needed anymore
<headius> so that's another dozen classes with probably 100 methods
<headius> we're also losing some amount of time simply loading all our invokers and populators...thousands of classes
<headius> I suspect that's where the J9 caching is helping a lot
<kares> sounds like J9 has some amazing new stuff of the shell
<kares> up till now I always thought its just a slower hot-spot
<kares> with its own set of problems such as ibm's security provider etc :)
<headius> I know we can do better than this, because if I start up JRuby in a loop it goes down to less then 0.2s for -e 1
<headius> yeah I'm talking to the J9 guys about tuning this better
<headius> this 30% improvement is without doing anything but setting up a larger class cache
<kares> nice!
<headius> and without turning of our jit or C2
<kares> on a different note - still planning 9.1.16 somewhere near or is it off the shell for a while?
<kares> cremes: hey! really great that you're testing Set/SortedSet on master
<kares> I know its probably annoying to pop into bug after a bug but its much appreciated
<kares> do understand the issue and the details you're sharing - pretty much did the rewrite
<headius> kares: really soon
<headius> waiting on me to finish fixing name stuff mostly I think
<kares> great
<headius> heh
<headius> we need to get these JVMs caching more of our stuff
<headius> if I run -S gem list in a loop it goes from 2s down to 0.6s
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<cremes> kares: I don’t mind contributing my time and effort to make sure jruby is the best it can be. I’ve been around a long time and will be around even longer. :)
<cremes> right now I’m trying to get my code working on linux so you can fix my set problem. argh…
<cremes> time to refactor a bit
<LiamW> sometimes you get reminded in life that it's not always true that you'll be around longer
<LiamW> a couple weeks ago I almost got smashed on the drivers side going through an intersection
<LiamW> the other guy was doing 60mph and I didn't even see him until I was halfway through, I gunned it and barely made it out in front of him
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<cremes> LiamW: true, true… glad you made it
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<enebo> kares: one thing I have consistently said to anyone is that require 'jruby' is still required semantically because it is only happening from an impl side-effect
<enebo> kares: but people happen to notice it is not needed so it will raise issues if we make kernel not need it
<kares> enebo: yy I know its not to be assumed on by default
<enebo> kares: but our documentation has never said you do not need it
<kares> same for jruby/core_ext which is a different beast
<enebo> kares: yeah
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<Remo> Dear jRuby folks, we're getting very curious error messages when shutting down tomcat with our jruby-rack Rails application deployed: https://gist.github.com/remofritzsche/6235fd31321e0965933ba91467d824c9. Any help would be greatly appreciated - thank you so much!
<Remo> (FYI: We're using jRuby and the newest version of jruby-rack)
<Remo> It looks like the jRuby-JIT threads are not properly ended.
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<kares> Remo: do not worry about that much, its nearly impossible to shutdown an app 'properly' the way TC expects
<kares> also you pbly have more Oracle JDBC complains than JRuby ones
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<GitHub84> [jruby] kares pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/vATDj
<GitHub84> jruby/master dea1d09 kares: stricter utility int_pow return -> we're sure to always get a Numeric type
<GitHub84> jruby/master b2ef99d kares: [refactor] simplify (dry-out) some RubyInteger guts + hide unused meth
<GitHub84> jruby/master cb4aa77 kares: avoid coverting ENV key to Java string for case (insensitive) comparison...
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<enebo> lopex: this character in EUC-JP is a6cb and when I encoding.isAlnum() it returns false.
<enebo> I am on a branch and using 1.0.26 so maybe .27 fixes this?
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<lopex> enebo: no idea
<lopex> enebo: mri is ok ?
<enebo> well I have a spec failure on my branch but I wrote my own method for isConstant()
<enebo> it works on codepoints and the encoding from a bytelist
<enebo> but this works with MRI
<enebo> str = "CS1_CONSTλ".encode("euc-jp")
<enebo> ConstantUnicodeSpecs.const_set str, 1
<enebo> I can try and merge master into my branch and see I guess
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<enebo> ruby 2.3 does work with this though
<lopex> yeah, eucjp needs updating
<enebo> lopex: ok I will try a merge
<lopex> enebo: I mean jcodings might miss it
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<enebo> lopex: you mean we still have updating to do in jcodings beyond 1.0.27?
<enebo> lopex: I guess at this point I am pleased I observed this. My new code did pass the proper codepoiint to that method
<enebo> lopex: so the fact I could confirm it on the web as being alnum is nice
<enebo> lopex: the fact that jcodings is not right is not nice :)
<enebo> lopex: but I can always tag these out for now and continue
<lopex> enebo: obsolete
<lopex> enebo: there's still work to do
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<enebo> lopex: ok. it is ok. This is on my mega bytelist work
<enebo> lopex: another oddity now that I think about it is that we passed this before
<lopex> no idea then
<enebo> lopex: but I guess our code just worked with j.l.String so it probably converted to charset
<enebo> and charset would realize it is
<enebo> ah yeah that's it
<lopex> right
<enebo> ok well bytelist move will rely a lot more on jcodings I guess
<enebo> lopex: another fun thing I noticed in MRI code
<enebo> lopex: symbols pre-calculate whether they are valid as constants, etc... so they do not constantly recalculate that
<enebo> lopex: on my branch I am making isConstant() etc... but we can make similar flag for same opt
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<lopex> enebo: it's a CR_Greek range 0xa6c1, 0xa6d8 euc-jp uses in mri
<lopex> yeah, we just miss some ranges
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<lopex> those are inlined in their c impl
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