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<meals> Hi. Is there an option, property, environment variable, etc. that I can set so that jruby on Windows launches with javaw.exe instead of java.exe?
<nirvdrum> meals: The channel is more active during US business hours, I'm afraid. I'd hang out here if you can. You might get your question answered tomorrow.
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<avinash_prat> Hi, everyone
<avinash_prat> we're using Jruby for rails, and we are using warble to deploy war in tomcat,
<avinash_prat> predicate(value &block)
<avinash_prat> we have a code which is not workig correctly after compilation
<avinash_prat> when we are colling this method as
<avinash_prat> predicate(:is_ref?) do |value, option|
<avinash_prat> #doing something
<avinash_prat> end
<avinash_prat> we're getting error only 1 argument is passed instead of 2
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<headius> good morning
<headius> cremes: we do track what thread they're associated with but it's not exposed normally through any standard API
<headius> The Thread.current issue is a side effect of using some Ruby constructs for synchronizing fiber's actually using a normalish ruby Queue, which uses normal Thread synchronization primitives
<headius> that could be improved but not in a minor
<headius> cremes: I'd like to see your use cases in depth...they might advise a better Fiber impl for us. The current one has been the best because it still participates in the usual thread sync logic, but that has the ugly Thread.current side effect
<headius> our fibers are really not fibers as much as they are synchronous actors
<headius> chrisseaton: hey, do you know of a simple way to get graal running on Mac JDK9?
<headius> it's only included in JDK9 on Linux because that's the only platform jaotc works on right now
<chrisseaton> Build it yourself
<headius> chrisseaton: I guessed that might be the answer
<headius> still would be really nice if there were official graal builds somewhere
<chrisseaton> I think there’s an issue to include it in OpenJDK on all platforms
<chrisseaton> The official Graal build is GraalVM right now
<headius> yeah but that's still 8
<headius> I need 9
<headius> I'm trying to see if Graal does a better job optimizing non-static method handles than Hotspot
<headius> Hotspot doesn't run them much faster than reflected method unless they're static final
<headius> if they're static final it's like a direct call
<headius> nirvdrum: finally got back to Gilles
<headius> if the main problem is that JVMCI is a moving target, that absolutely needs to be fixed
<headius> but I'd be surprised if minor JDK9 updates are making breaking changes to JVMCI
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<GitHub172> [jruby] mkristian pushed 2 new commits to jruby-9.1:
<GitHub172> jruby/jruby-9.1 34e6c11 Christian Meier: upgrade jruby-readline version
<GitHub172> jruby/jruby-9.1 e7f0954 Christian Meier: upgrade jar-dependencies version
<headius> neato
<cremes> headius: I’m preparing for a alpha gem release of my ruby-io lib. I’ll include examples and some benchmarks in it. We can discuss the implementation in depth then.
<cremes> as of now, code is still very alpha… really a lot of “stream of consciousness” to get things working, test out api ideas, etc.
<cremes> but it’s working nicely and shaping up well. at some point i’ll wrap it all up in specs so the method semantics are well defined
<cremes> i’ll post a note here when things are closer to release
<headius> sounds good...if numbers aren't looking good in JRuby give me a ping first; there's probably simple things we can tweak
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<nirvdrum> headius: Heh.
<nirvdrum> headius: Hopefully you guys can work something out.
<headius> hopefully
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<chrisseaton> headius: why can't these method handle call sites use an inline cache as they would with any other dynamic receiver?
<headius> chrisseaton: good question
<headius> signature-polymorphic calls should optimize like indy + call site
<headius> should but don't
<chrisseaton> Maybe there just isn't a convenient place to store a cache in whatever implementation they use
<chrisseaton> If there isn't storage, it can be very hard to create some
<headius> it's really unfortunate that there's still no way to emit an invokedynamic with Java code, other than for booting lambdas
<headius> I think Remi Forax and others are trying to make that happen for 10 or 11 though
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<meals> Hi. Is there an option, property, environment variable, etc. that I can set so that jruby on Windows launches with javaw.exe instead of java.exe?
<headius> meals: JAVACMD I believe will set the command used in most of our launchers...hopefully the native one as well
<meals> Thanks headius! That worked (set JAVACMD=javaw.exe).
<headius> excellent! I wonder where we could put that tip in the wiki
<headius> maybe just in the faq
<meals> My vote would be for the faq
<headius> meals: scroll up a bit from and let me know if it looks ok
<headius> I wish github had proper TOC support
<meals> looks good to me, thanks again.
<headius> thanks for stopping by :-)
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<GitHub198> [jruby] areman opened pull request #5027: Andre Kullmann make the profiling service configurable via java prope… (master...master)
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<bga57> Why does the Jruby-launcher makefile use a hardcoded g++ instead of $(CXX) even though it uses $(CXXFLAGS)?
<bga57> Is there really a dependency on the gnu compiler? It appears to work fine with the native c++ compiler on FreeBSD.
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<enebo> bga57: yeah I have no idea. That code came originally from netbeans launcher and I am not sure how much of that is from us or just what we pinched
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<bga57> enebo: In order for me to build it on FreeBSD, I needed to a symlink for g++ to my c++ compiler added to my path. I can open an issue, but I don't know what environments you use to test it.
<enebo> bga57: that change seems like a no-brainer. I find it hard to believe we are forcing gcc for any reason (unless it is windows for some reason)
<lopex> enebo: look how fancy is this on another note
<lopex> enebo: btw how far ahead is next release?, I wanted to enable 7bit matching at some point
<bga57> My ubuntu laptop uses gcc underneath, but has cc and c++ in /usr/bin. I don't remember is this is default or because I installed a package.
<cremes> headius: I devised a work-around for the Thread.current bug in Fibers. I need to enforce no more than one FiberScheduler (my class) per parent thread, I detect when the scheduler is no longer accessible via thread-local variables and re-add the known, proper FiberScheduler to the new thread-backed Fiber. Works fine.
<cremes> I still need to sift through the jruby issues and make sure there’s an open one for this bug… I’ll add to it anything relevant.
<cremes> true multi-threading perf is a wonder… so glad I got this working on jruby
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