<headius> cremes: 👍
<headius> it's pretty exciting stuff
<headius> I spent some time with the Azul folks talking about their JIT and startup work, and I will pull aside the J9 guys to talk about their AOT tomorrow. I think they'll both be including JRuby as part of their test/stress suite
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<Ha-Sch> Hi - i have a problem with JRuby 9.1.15 and warbler 2.0.4
<Ha-Sch> on windows 10
<Ha-Sch> I set the config.compile_gems to true in the warble.rb
<Ha-Sch> if i run warble then i get the following error:
<headius> Ha-Sch: hello
<Ha-Sch> IOError: Cannot run program "cmd.exe" (in directory "C:\Hagen\apps\leaman"): CreateProcess error=206, Der Dateiname oder die Erweiterung ist zu lang
<Ha-Sch> org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1573:in `system'
<Ha-Sch> Does anyone know why or what I can do?
<headius> hmm
<headius> that's very odd...can you manually run cmd.exe from that terminal?
<headius> it's trying to launch an external command but having trouble finding cmd.exe, the standard Windows command prompt
<headius> perhaps your PATH is damaged?
<Ha-Sch> i can manually run cmd.exe from that terminal
<Ha-Sch> I think my PATH is correct
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<headius> Ha-Sch: I have to run to a conf talk but I'll check back later, sorry :-(
<Ha-Sch> ok
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<kares> headius: enebo: any chance we can (as in 1.7) start mixing (arg0) + (args[]) @JRuby methods?
<kares> trying to implement Date.new natively which is a lot of code in one but when broken down to pieces most methods are pretty simple
<kares> got as far as civil(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject year, IRubyObject month, IRubyObject mday) but than it also allows for a 4-th arg :)
<headius> kares: only limiting factor is doing the work to implement it
<kares> ooh noo :)
<headius> we have a LOT of call paths and they only know about 0-3 plus []
<kares> yeah but 0-3 + [] used to work together right?
<kares> I mean for the same method
<headius> but on the other hand, only the JIT really needs to be able to do this, so that reduces it to indy logic and CallSite* logic
<headius> 0-3 + [] never worked
<headius> it will error during build
<headius> well, 1-3 + []
<kares> hmm I recall it did in 1.7
<headius> I certainly didn't take it out...if it worked it was accidental
<kares> not 100% but there was a piece similar to what I am trying to do now
<headius> I have never written logic to partially box arg list
<enebo> kares: [] is required in 9k due to IR limitation we never fixed
<enebo> kares: but I thought you could mix specific with catchall
<headius> you can try it yourself...just throw another IRubyObect[] on the end of that decl and try to compile it
<enebo> kares: in 9k you can for sure
<headius> you can have multiple yes
<kares> okay thanks enebo ... will double check the issue
<headius> but not specific and [] in same signature
<enebo> oh in same signature
<kares> well that is what I am after :)
<enebo> sorry I did not read that
<enebo> kares: you know headius and I have discussed boiling the arg ocean many times
<kares> so its not complete non-sense?
<enebo> kares: in addition to being more flexible we always wanted to annotate type coercion into the anno
<headius> specific and variable arity in same signature, yeah, I have wanted that too
<headius> better would be simply dropping the specific arity limit or making it suitably large using code generation
<kares> > enebo: annotate type coercion into the anno
<enebo> kares: I think IRubyObject one, IRubyObject[] rest is pretty reasonable but that invoker logic will get a bit more complicated
<headius> like up to ten or something
<kares> not sure I got it?
<kares> maybe a simple example would help what you mean
<headius> kares: foo(@Coerce("to_str") RubyString arg0)
<GitHub155> [jruby] dersar00 opened issue #5033: How to connect to mysql? https://git.io/vAe1Z
<enebo> static final IRubyObejct capitalize(ThreadContext context, RubyString self)
<headius> that one actually works already
<enebo> headius: I thought you ran into an issue?
<kares> aaah that @Coerce goes quite far
<headius> but I only did that one
<enebo> oh only string?
<headius> not really an issue, just combinatorial complexity in the generation
<headius> I didn't keep going with it at the time
<enebo> ok I just remember the experiment ending but not that it landed :)
<headius> I'm not sure any of our existing signatures use it
<enebo> well I know I have not used it
<enebo> In truth we need multimethod or pattern matching Java does not have
<enebo> Many methods are RubyFixnum or RubyNil
<headius> yeah
<enebo> So we should have two method defs for those two types
<enebo> I guess that is possible with @JRubyMethod
<headius> there's potential perf gain from auto-coercing too: if there's no need to coerce it will pass straight through from call site to method as a non-interface type
<enebo> but as you say verifying complete agreement and combinatorial complexity would make that icky
<headius> but that requires JIT plumbing
<enebo> and since we do a lot of startup we don't want slow
<enebo> headius: ah yeah true just asking if it is available and we practically have poor man truffle (not ast but method boundary)
<headius> kares: the place to start would be in JavaMethod* (the DynamicMethod ones, not the JI ones) and InvocationMethodFactory
<headius> on the call side, we have a hard requirement that the [] version always work, so adding 4, 5, 6 arg signatures would initially just fall into those paths
<headius> but once we have them generating, we can start calling them
<enebo> did someone ask for higher arity?
<headius> oh! and Ruby methods already spread all fixed-arity forms in the JIT
<headius> enebo: yeah kares said he needed four above
<enebo> we did a histogram and I think only like date was weird
<headius> or 3 + []
<headius> and it is date too :-)
<kares> interestingly my special case works when I run a single test but not the whole suite
<enebo> hahaha
<enebo> when I said "only" I was not being literal but that one method is up to arity 13 or something now :)
<kares> have (), (arg1), (arg1, arg2), (arg1, 2, 3), (args[]) for the same method
<headius> I'd rather not manually add lots more arities if we can punt it to codegen, like DynamicScope and the specialized RubyObject fields
<headius> kares: that should be fine
<headius> that will be a JavaMethodZeroOrOneOrTwoOrThreeOrN
<enebo> yeah as someone how has been manually messing with String to ByteList RubySymbol in callsites and *Method objects I concur :)
<kares> okey - recall we did some changes in AR-JDBC when 9K was released as it did not work
<enebo> I did not end up doing it but we have way too much manual code
<kares> (there was a similar case as the one I am hitting)
<enebo> not that I think AOT generated code is the way to s9olve that
<enebo> we have tried that several times
<headius> kares: enebo and I were actually just discussing overhead of IRubyObject[]...this would help start eliminating that
<headius> we also need to finally sort out the Block call paths because they're wack
<headius> I can't indify them which means even if I force a Ruby receiver to inline they won't optimize right
<enebo> block is still confusing but I drastically simplified the two main IR paths
<kares> ah there's Block in the end - guess that's another level of combinatorics :)
<headius> well can't = there's too much logic in Block.call/yield to stuff into method handles
<enebo> although the path to those two code paths is like 60
<headius> need to push more arg fiddling down into IR
<enebo> yeah
<headius> and split out lambda vs proc call paths
<enebo> that prelude arg stuff
<headius> that's the big hassle right now
<enebo> I was thinking about that prelude stuff the other day for no reason
<headius> kares: what problem are you having with that binding?
<enebo> I wondered why we did not think about making n methods which all call to the same method on bytecode side
<enebo> each n is for each combo of args to prelude setup
<enebo> IR body itself would just be ordinary
<enebo> if things only called through one then JVM would inline all that nicely
<enebo> assuming it is small
<kares> the Block form none
<enebo> On IR side the solution is inlining
<kares> as I mentioned - Date.new runs fine when I run a single test
<kares> but the whole suite gets me into: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (3 for 4)
<enebo> but inlining on IR will be limited in how often it can happen so seems like JVM JIT friendliness is pretty important
<enebo> anyways I am not helping with this talk
<headius> enebo: you mean for optional args?
<headius> fixed-arity methods already are expanded to args in the jIT
<headius> JIT
<headius> up to 255 or whatever
<enebo> headius: I mean for generating binding value logic for blocks
<headius> binding value?
<enebo> headius: right now we do it in one place and all paths flow through it
<enebo> setupArgs or something in IRBlocckBofy
<headius> oh like frame stuff?
<headius> oh right ok
<headius> yeah
<headius> I think it has something to do with lambda vs proc too...we don't split those paths so when it comes to arg logic we have to check every time
<enebo> yeah we talked about generating code per so we can let that potentially inline or maybe even reason about it other ways (like escaping something)
<headius> which is easier if it's just [] all the time
<enebo> oh well lambda/proc is maybe part of that as well but that is a huge issue in IR as well
<enebo> since we don't know statically we generate for worst case
<headius> if we had separate lambda and proc call paths, plus separate *lazy* code generation for both types of call, we could wipe out some of that boxing
<enebo> which adds some overhead to things like returns
<enebo> which is very noticeable in simple blocks
<headius> 99% of blocks would use the proc logic and never generate lambda logic
<enebo> yeah
<headius> code generation solves everything
<headius> it's just painful to write :-)
<enebo> fuck it we will trace the whole APP
<enebo> subbu: moving to tracing JIT
<enebo> too early for jokes like that
<enebo> but yeah code generation definitely allows making an optimal amount of code but besides being painful we can only generate so much code
<enebo> Seems like the JVM does not love having 100k classes
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<headius> yeah, that's another fun issue altogether
<headius> we don't want to compile the world either
<headius> much fun ahead...combine all this with jruby-graal, startup time and AOT features from various JVMs, continuations in the JVM...
<headius> 🎉🎉🎉
<headius> bbl y'all
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<GitHub141> [jruby] nomadium opened pull request #5034: Implement Thread#fetch (ruby-2.5...add-method-thread-fetch) https://git.io/vAeAi
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<GitHub127> [jruby] enebo pushed 3 new commits to bytelist_love: https://git.io/vAepf
<GitHub127> jruby/bytelist_love 94d74e3 Thomas E. Enebo: Way too far down the hole but not back to fully green. Need to get this saved...
<GitHub127> jruby/bytelist_love e3478c8 Thomas E. Enebo: Was I high? Mangled backtraces which broke our insanely slow and fragile...
<GitHub127> jruby/bytelist_love 308d4a2 Thomas E. Enebo: Somehow I missed these signature changes
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<subbu> enebo, sorry .. it was meeting morning .. looks like a lot of backscroll which I won't read now. but ... what was the joke?
<subbu> or tl;dr
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<GitHub27> [jruby] enebo pushed 1 new commit to bytelist_love: https://git.io/vAvq2
<GitHub27> jruby/bytelist_love 866def2 Thomas E. Enebo: Whoops transposed boolean from != return false instead of true.
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