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<jas-hacks_> hste: Hi, can you test a rootfs for me?
<hste> jas-hacks_: sure
<jas-hacks_> upload xubuntu_13_04_gpu.tar.gz
<jas-hacks_> its a minimal xubuntu (not many apps installed ) but with working GPU stuff
<jas-hacks_> there no network-manager, so you will need to manually configure networking
<jas-hacks_> video support is work in progress
<jas-hacks_> you need a 4.1.0 or 3.5.7 kernel
<hste> jas-hacks_: ok.
<hste> jas-hacks_: what about gstreamer status?
<jas-hacks_> not fully working ... work in progress
<hste> jas-hacks_: but based on 1,0 or 0.10?
<jas-hacks_> trying to get it working with 0.10
<jas-hacks_> hste: it's a armhf rootfs
<hste> jas-hacks_: I allready geussed that.. :)
<jas-hacks_> hste: by default it boots to console, I disabled auto starting of lightdm
<hste> jas-hacks_: started ok. running glmark2 now. using 1080P
<jas-hacks_> glmark2 will seg fault after the jellyfish, glmark2-es2 should run all the way
<jas-hacks_> the vivante demos are under /root/gpu-viv-bin-mx6q-3.5.7-1.0.0-alpha.2-hfp
<jas-hacks_> the vivante demos now run inside a window instead switching to full screen
<hste> jas-hacks_: looks fast. first test over 200 fps
<jas-hacks_> glmark2 or glmark2-es2?
<hste> jas-hacks_: glmark2-e2. glmark ran first test about 99
<hste> jas-hacks_: glmark2-e2. total score 155
<jas-hacks_> at 720p I get around 229
<jas-hacks_> what's the fps on tutorial 7?
<jas-hacks_> oh forgot .. user & password is 'ubuntu'
<hste> jas-hacks_: tutorial7 is 44 in 1080P
<jas-hacks_> interesting .. I get 160 at 720p.
<hste> does video segfaults or just playing choppy?
<jas-hacks_> There seems to be a trade off between open GL and GL ES with these libs. If you goto Setting->Window Managers Tweaks->Composite and turn off "Enable display Compositing". Then tutorial7 will run twice as fast but glxgears/glmark will run really slow.
<jas-hacks_> I've haven't tested video with that rootfs, it should be possible to run 720p decoding using CPU.
<jas-hacks_> I have a another rootfs where I compiled using these instructions
<hste> ok. I'll look more into it later. Have to go
<jas-hacks_> but that only works with gplay and video playback is transparent over the x desktop
<jas-hacks_> ok
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<hste> jas-hacks_: I saw your annoncment. Have been some dowloads after you that :)
<hste> did
<jas-hacks_> not sure
<jas-hacks_> We will see if anyone tries it out
<hste> jas-hacks_: 4 downloads coming from your blog
<jas-hacks_> :)
<hste> hopefully someone will donate some new boards to you:)
<jas-hacks_> ... yeah
<jas-hacks_> need to look at the video stuff now
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<rz2k> hste: seems like your server has poor upload :(
<rz2k> downloading on 150KB/s
<hste> rz2k: yes its rebuilding raid on a slow nas
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