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<dgp> Juggie: so my image does do hardware decoding? :)
<Juggie> dgp, seems like it does support libstagefright yep
<Juggie> maybe i will order a device and we can do more testing
<Juggie> only problem is how long it takes to get it
* dgp likes it when stuff just works
<Juggie> i'm a developer, but not famaliar w/ android build system
<dgp> It's not too bad. The biggest issue is how long it takes to change anything becuase of the build time
<dgp> but the image is pre-rooted so you can test stuff on the running image and then put it into the build
<Juggie> are you able to test xbmc?
<Juggie> i'm sure you could provide good feedback
<dgp> I don't have the gk wired up at the moment, I might have a go later
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<Juggie> how long does geekbuying take to ship?
<Juggie> dgp, alive this morning?
<dgp> It's 23:23 here.. I think that counts as night
<Juggie> o
<Juggie> you in aus?
<Juggie> oh kp
<Juggie> er, jp
<Juggie> havnt found anywhere cheaper then $89 for the imx6
<dgp> jp
<Juggie> hows the GPU? i hear slower then the mali used in almost everything else?
<dgp> Apparently it's slower but the rendering quality is better
<Juggie> you running it @ 1080p?
<dgp> I haven't really tried any games on it yet
<dgp> yeah
<Juggie> @1080p in your rom though the UI is ok?
<Juggie> hows it do for heat?
<dgp> running the antutu 3d benchmark made mine crash in the stock case
<dgp> it was ok for the guy that was testing out xbmc I think though
<Juggie> i'm tempted to order one dispite it being a little underpwoered compared to some other soc's
<rm> Juggie, it is cheaper on Aliexpress
<Juggie> $52 each there if you need 2.
<Juggie> not sure how i feel abuot Tomy Tang (Lucky42012) :P
<dgp> heh, I always laugh at the names they give their stores.. like "GoodLuckBuy"
<rm> and they got you
<rm> Note:
<rm> ( 1 Lot = 2 pcs )
<rm> ( 2 pcs = 1pc GK802 + 1pc EA-01 )
<dgp> doesn't make me too sure if I want to order from them
<rm> EA-01 is a remote control
<Juggie> yeah
<Juggie> gotta watch it
<Juggie> eg this one
<Juggie> its 2 pieces, but its the gk802+remote=2
<Juggie> not 2xgk802
<dgp> I think the gk802 is worth it for the money really. I don't think you'll find a faster arm linux machine for the money
<dgp> The rockchip stuff is cheaper and has higher clock speeds but getting anything running on their stuff is pain in the ass
<Juggie> what parts are left as closed source for you?
<dgp> hciattach
<Juggie> dumb question, whats that do?
<dgp> oh and the freescale binaries. But that stuff is going to be the same story everywhere
<dgp> its to operate the bluetooth
<rm> this seems to be the cheapest legit listing
<rm> registerbuyer05 is an $5 coupon
<dgp> I think jas-hacks has a from-source version of hciattach partially working under linux though
<rm> so $73
<Juggie> o.. bt...
<Juggie> all the bt dongles i have pair w/ the keyboard mouse by default if no software is running
<Juggie> so they are always an option
<dgp> I think the BT is meant for a tv remote style controller
<dgp> my image has some support for cheapy chinese touch panels too so you could use it like that too
<Juggie> i would mostly just use xbmc remote, not sure if i'd use the gmail/apps portion etc
<dgp> it hasn't got any of those apps
<dgp> it has the play market, adb wireless and a file explorer app basically
<dgp> I think it's beer vending machine time
<Juggie> via play you can install whatever though?
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<Juggie> dgp, do you have miracast working?
<Juggie> that would be a nice bonus but not required.
<dgp> mm do you know how that is implemented on android? if it's built in I can add it to the build config
<Juggie> not sure but i think its JB only.
<Juggie> as a receiver anwyays
<Juggie> its avail on the RK3188 dongles and possibly others
<Juggie> its hdmi over wifi essentially
<dgp> If you can find out how it works I can try to add it. There's a lot of stuff in the android source so I don't know what all of it is :)
<Juggie> It looks like in the RK3188 roms, its an app
<dgp> it looks like it uses wifi p2p
<dgp> according to wikipedia it's part of android 4.2
<Juggie> scroll down about half way
<Juggie> thats what i've seen
<Juggie> looks like a chinese vendor app for sure :P
<dgp> whoever makes those firmwares need to employ some UI guys
<dgp> It's probably built on top of the android stuff though. The RK settings app is just an alternative but crap looking settings panel for example
<Juggie> right
<dgp> does the same thing as the built in one
<Juggie> so you'd need to get 4.2 working
<dgp> That shouldn't be too hard
<Juggie> what roadblocks were left?
<dgp> well, I only really got 4.1.2 working because we needed a custom android build..
<dgp> If someone wants to pay me to get 4.2.2 I can do it but I don't have much free time
<Juggie> ic
<Juggie> just post it on github
<Juggie> and someone will fork it and pull in 4.2.2 :)
<dgp> the source for android is massive though, it really needs to be split back up to make in managable
<dgp> If I push the 4gb lump to github no one will ever want to check the repo out
<Juggie> yeah, you want to commit your vendor changes only really
<dgp> freescale ship it as a bunch of patches. That's not great either
<Juggie> yeah it needs to be split up to be manageable
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<Juggie> Strswrd, did you do anymore xbmc testing?
<dgp> I wouldn't be surprised if xbmc is using stagefrights software h264 decoder
<Juggie> i dont think it does
<Juggie> its hardware or falls back to internal to xbmc decoder
<dgp> in the libs directory there are files like libstagefright_soft_h264 etc
<dgp> there is a though, so it might work
<Strswrd> Hi didn't had time to check more last night..
<Juggie> dgp, it is working per Strswrd
<Juggie> though i dont know how well
<Juggie> are you compiling those yourself? or are they precompiled libs you are using
<dgp> Juggie: it just says it's using stagefright though right? instead of using the ffmpeg decoder
<Juggie> yes
<Juggie> it says stf-h264
<dgp> seems to usually be a vendor blob but I can't find one in the freescale stuff
<Strswrd> just fired up xbmc and a movie... what can I check (and how) for you guys
<Juggie> its coming from somewhere ;)
<dgp> it's possible that is built from source
<Juggie> Strswrd, pick a movie, press o
<Juggie> see how its playing, any cpu usuage, what the fps is
<Juggie> etc
<dgp> AOSP ships with a bunch of dummy libs that vendors fill out..
<dgp> for stuff like cameras etc
<Juggie> Strswrd, theres a number of files here: for testing
<Strswrd> ok
<Juggie> dgp, cleaning up the source to make it postable to github, properly forked and maintainable would be awesome
<dgp> yeah, I have 2 other little random boards on my desk to bring up before I have time to do that though :(
<Juggie> once people start sharing your rom they will just keep asking :)
<dgp> If we could get all of the people wasting time hacking up rockchip images to contribute we would have a really awesome android port :)
<Strswrd> top is saying 18% cpu for xbmc and a 720 h264 which is using dc:stf-264
<dgp> that doesn't sound too bad to me
<Juggie> Strswrd, try birds 1080p
<Juggie> from that link
<Strswrd> ok
<Juggie> if anything is gonna crush the hardware decoder
<Juggie> that will be the one :)
* dgp wonders if the SD card is going to be a bottle neck
<Juggie> nah
<Juggie> still only 5mb/s
<Juggie> er, MB/s
<Juggie> any sd card can read at that speed
<dgp> true. I sort of imagined there would be a lot more data than that
<dgp> but that's the point of h264 .. less data :)
<Strswrd> downloading..
<Strswrd> xbmc fc :(
<Arnieisthebest> there is xbmc from wolfgar:
<Arnieisthebest> video is working really well
<Arnieisthebest> sound (i.e. 5.1 sound) doesn't work though
<Arnieisthebest> its downsampled to stereo...
<dgp> Strswrd: logcat will be handy :)
<Strswrd> fired up logcat...thru an adb shell
<dgp> you should get a stacktrace
<Strswrd> ehm guidiance plz..?
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<dgp> you should be able to see a block of text that points to different bits of code
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<Strswrd> what should i look for?..
<dgp> can you search in the output? if you search for "Exception" you should a strace trace
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<Strswrd> ok find any exception...but an "ERROR"
<dgp> can you put it on pastebin?
<dgp> Juggie: I/OMXCodec(11355): [OMX.Freescale.std.video_decoder.avc.v3.hw-based] AVC profile = 100 (High), level = 41 -- thats what you want to see I guess
<dgp> Strswrd: it just looks like it can't decode the video
<dgp> I think that video has been encoded with initially problematic settings
<dgp> s/initially/intentionally/
<Strswrd> this is a logcat extract for the file "monsters".. video was choppy:
<Strswrd> but it played
<Strswrd> Monstersmkv1080ph264high profile 4.110mbpsdtsUnstyled subsTypical recompressed 1080p
<dgp> it seems to be doing the right things though
<Juggie> Strswrd, could you report it on the xbmc lib stagefright thread?
<Juggie> and dgp if you can pop over there as well
<Juggie> you may be able to help :)
<dgp> I might have a look tomorrow. Need to get some sleep
<Juggie> Strswrd, those videos are encoded @ HP 4.1
<Juggie> er, dgp
<Juggie> they should be fine
<Juggie> Strswrd, give the same videos a try in mxplayer
<Juggie> (from android market)
<Juggie> should work there
<dgp> Juggie: oh ok, I thought you said the birds one was a problematic one
<Strswrd> okidoki
<Juggie> dgp, its not problematic in terms of how its encoded
<Juggie> its just high bitrate
<Juggie> if its the video i'm thinking of its from Planet Earth
<Juggie> i've seen it slow down a software decoder on a core 2 duo :)
<dgp> the log says that it can't allocate a buffer or something
<dgp> I could try replacing some of the blobs with the newer 4.2.2 versions. Not sure if that would totally break it
<Juggie> not sure... its very high bit rate
<Strswrd> birds played in mxplayer... choppy though
<Juggie> how about monsters?
<Strswrd> smooth
<Juggie> 40mbps is the max for bluray
<Juggie> so birds is running @ max
<Juggie> you will not commonly find that ;)
<Strswrd> no issues with monsters in mxplayer
<Juggie> so why the chop in monsters in xbmc
<Juggie> cant be sdcard
<Juggie> played fine in mx
<dgp> I think you could get a gk802 ordered so you and fiddle with it ;)
<dgp> s/and/can/
<Juggie> well i'm far from a rom developers its uselesss to me if the firmware sucks
<Juggie> -s -s
<Strswrd> logcat - birds - mxplayer:
<Juggie> Strswrd, did you set mxplayer to hardware mode?
<Juggie> i think it has 2 hardware modes
<Juggie> you can choose frmo
<Juggie> *from
<Juggie> try both specifically try birds in both
<Strswrd> ok
<Juggie> and btw, posting all ur findings to xbmc thread would be awesome
<Strswrd> ok.. but since very few have access to an gk802 with dgp's image.. how could they help?
<Juggie> not sure at this point but it would be nice to know where the issues are be it in android fw, xbmc etc
<Strswrd> hmm for birds, mxplayer says: "cannot play this video with H/W decoder" when I select it on the top right corner... same thing for H/W+. Its only S/W that sort of works with choppy playback. H/W and H/W+ works for the monsters file.
<Juggie> k
<Juggie> thanks.
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<Arnieisthebest> Got RTL SDR working xDD
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