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<Juggie> any word on xbmc?
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<projectgus> are there known circumstances under which modeswitching causes total kernel lockups?
<projectgus> i seem to be getting them on mode switches and also sometimes on resume from display sleep
<projectgus> but i'm connected to my tv with bad EDID so that might be some of it
<projectgus> have a DVI<->HDMI adapter in the post so I can try it on a different display
<abrasive> i've never had that.
<projectgus> fair enough
<projectgus> there's a couple other environmental things that might be blame
<projectgus> if it still happens afterwards I'll redirect the console to serial and see if it panics
<abrasive> the only (and consistent) lockups i had were when running cpufreq with vendor uboot
<abrasive> but of course that does not apply to you.
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<projectgus> wow, this default debian wheezy install hasn't installed the normal kernel module blacklist files
<projectgus> meaning evbug is loaded and reporting every keypress in dmesg... whee!
<projectgus> weird
<abrasive> does debian try and load every available module on boot?
<projectgus> no but I think evbug will load when evdev loads if it's not already blacklisted
<projectgus> at least on my other systems here there's a blacklist.conf installed by a system package that just contains evbug and some other things you don't usually want
<projectgus> it looks like wheezy has migrated that package to a different package
<projectgus> so it could be a wheezy problem, more likely something weird with this setup I think
<projectgus> because they would have noticed it
<projectgus> hmm ok maybe kernel isn't locking
<projectgus> gdm just fails to start and gets stuck in a restart loop
<projectgus> meaning init never starts my serial console
<projectgus> making it look like it's locked (no video output, no serial console)
<projectgus> probably the weirdest thing now is xrandr can only see one mode, 640x480
<projectgus> even though the hdmi driver code appears to set a fairly decent list of default modes if/when EDID fails
<abrasive> the fallback is pretty bad.
<projectgus> if I'm reading the code right, it looks really comprehensive
<projectgus> lots of modes listed in mxc_cea_mode, plus xga and sxga
<projectgus> this may be where my lack of knowledge of linux graphics becomes a factor
<projectgus> if I look in /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes then I see all the modes
<projectgus> if I look in xrandr I only see vga
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<projectgus> ok, so Xorg is using FBDEV and fbdev is (can?) only read the current mode when it starts up
<projectgus> which explains why I only have my boot console mode,
<abrasive> oh, that explains some things.
<projectgus> abrasive: should i have a different X driver installed/loading?
<projectgus> sorry I have pretty much nfi when it comes to linux graphics stuff
<abrasive> there's a vivante one but it depends on closed binaries
<projectgus> ah, and that's what the ubuntu image uses?
<projectgus> ok, that makes sense then
<projectgus> i was only actually doing X support as a nice to have to round out the installer, my own use case is totally headless
<projectgus> so this might be where I stop yak shaving and get back to what I was actually planning to do with the gk802
<projectgus> at least for now
<abrasive> i won't bug you about investigating i2c then ;)
<projectgus> well, I do have a second one coming and I'm vaguely interested in running xbmc
<projectgus> so you never know
<abrasive> mmm, i want xbmc up too.
<projectgus> but it looks like the path of least resistance there is to run ubuntu, using their hwpacks and binary blob ickiness
<abrasive> have burned way much time already though
<abrasive> yeah
<abrasive> or yocto
<projectgus> so will probably go that way too
<abrasive> yocto's less bloaty
<abrasive> but not yet mature for us.
<projectgus> right, so they provide a binary hwpack type thing to match yocto's library versions, etc? or something like that?
<abrasive> that's... the idea
<projectgus> ok
<abrasive> nobody has hardfp libs yet, so i can't run arch with gpu accel
<projectgus> ah, right
<abrasive> stupid closed source grumble grumble
<projectgus> by arch you mean Arch Linux?
<abrasive> yes.
<abrasive> it's my daily drive
<abrasive> my original plan for my gk802 was as a tiny silent desktop
<projectgus> gotcha
<projectgus> bed time for me, thanks for filling in the gaps in my understanding
* abrasive mumbles and waves hands vaguely yet enthusiastically
<abrasive> g'night!
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<jas-hacks_> Some armhf gpu binaries
<hste> jas-hacks_: Nice. Hopefully we can make use of them in building armhf system
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<jas-hacks_> hste: Just tried the gpu binaries on a armhf linaro build, marginal (10-15%) improvements in es2gears/glmark2-es2 scores.
<hste> jas-hacks_: Thats OK and with a armhf system other things should be faster also.
<hste> jas-hacks_: What linaro version did u use?
<jas-hacks_> hste: Linaro 12.11
<jas-hacks_> hste: Some problems with the binaries or something else as I can only run es2gears/glmark2 as root. Also the vivante samples don't run.
<hste> jas-hacks_: chmod 777 /dev/dri/card0 ?
<jas-hacks_> hste: Tried that already
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<hste> jas-hacks_: /dev/fb0 ?
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<jas-hacks_> hste: no difference
<hste> jas-hacks_: have u tried strace
<jas-hacks_> yep: segfault
<hste> jas-hacks_: tried other apps ?
<jas-hacks_> hste: some of them fail because of the same segfault
<hste> jas-hacks_: try chmod 1777 /dev/shm
<hste> jas-hacks_: it was a fix ther in /etc/init.d/x11-common
<jas-hacks_> hste: didn't help
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