dv_, jnettlet, otavio, about Qt5 performance in imx6 (wandboard solo), I am able to lower the cpu usage by setting QSG_ANTIALIASING_METHOD=msaa
kroon, what does it use by default, vertex?
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Also, playing with QSG_RENDERER_BATCH_VERTEX_THRESHOLD and QSG_RENDERER_BATCH_NODE_THRESHOLD I could drop the cpu usage from ~50% to ~10%
jnettlet, yes, "vertex" it seems
that seems like a very expensive default
I guess maybe Qt considers these parameters hardware vendor specific
it is actually up to how you setup your window. It looks like you need to set the samples property to the window and then QT will implement MSAA over Vertex
I guess that is my "learned something today" moment
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kroon, you are going to write this all up on a "howto" wiki for the MX6 right? :-)
jnettlet, hehe.. well there ought to be one..
jnettlet, one idea for Yocto at least, would be to patch Qt5 to use "sane" default values, if we could agree upon those
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jnettlet, I can't find that "samples" property you mentioned ..