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<B0101> hi, I've heard about chlorine etching for Silicon. Is that possible?
<Sync_> I heard about using chlorine being used in rie and such
<B0101> But I don't think chlorine in normal room conditions work to "attack" silicon, does it?
<Sync_> I don't really know but I doubt it works
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<B0101> anyone knows what 'SSP' stands for in wafer specifications?
<Sync_> single side polished I guess
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<berndj> i wonder if B0101 can get hold of platinum electrodes?
<berndj> salt water + electrolysis with inert electrodes = NaOH solution!
<Sync_> and if you electrolyze longer you can get chlorate
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<berndj> or at an extreme, buy table salt, melt it, and electrolyze it
<berndj> i've managed to melt NaCl in a BBQ fire, haven't figured out how to then also electrolyze it while it's >801C
<Sync_> you can melt it in an induction heater
<Sync_> but it is much more efficient to just get chlorate directly
<berndj> why do we want chlorate?
<berndj> i thought we're going for NaOH to etch Si
<berndj> or are we making explosives now :)
<Sync_> well getting naoh is fair enough
<Sync_> when you are not living in singapore
<berndj> yeah, i think it's the singapore problem we're solving. i can just go to the hardware store and buy 5kg of NaOH if i want. granted, of unknown purity
<Sync_> the real solution to the singapore problem is moving out
<azonenberg> Sync_: lol
<azonenberg> agreed
<Sync_> well no shit
<Sync_> there is no other solution to it