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<berndj> hello azonenberg, you're NYish aren't you?
<berndj> is sally turning out to be real or is it another irene?
<azonenberg> berndj: I'm upstate near albany
<azonenberg> We just got power back
<azonenberg> went down like two hours ago
<azonenberg> And what do you mean, another irene?
<azonenberg> When Irene hit here, half of downtown was five feet underwater
<berndj> oh! i thought it was like that xkcd... forgot the number
<azonenberg> Maybe in some places
<berndj> you're not exactly in NYC though, right?
<azonenberg> Not even close
<azonenberg> 200 miles upstream
<azonenberg> about 1/4 mile or so east of the river, it's a fairly low-lying area though
<azonenberg> i think i'm 30 feet above river level or so
<azonenberg> My floor is, that is
<azonenberg> sorry, i meant my street
<berndj> i'm about 7m above sea level, but i'm also 15km away from the coast
<azonenberg> i'm more like 1km from the river
<berndj> if/when you get flooded, is it just because of craploads of rain, or something on a bigger scale like storm surges going up the river?
<azonenberg> I have never been flooded here
<azonenberg> downtown it's usually been just rain
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