Topic for #homecmos is now Homebrew CMOS and MEMS foundry design | | Logs:
<azonenberg> Hmm, what are you trying to do?
<azonenberg> baseplate for a vacuum system?
<Sync_> complete vacuum chamber
<Sync_> I need a second one for coating
<Sync_> and I don't say yes to the prices commercial ones cost
<azonenberg> lol yeah
<azonenberg> i believe it
<Sync_> the issue is that I'm not sure how expensive the flanges will be
<Sync_> gotta quote some of the stuff tomorrow
<azonenberg> i am guessing expensive
<azonenberg> but good luck
<Sync_> well, commercial flanges are spendy
<Sync_> but the flat stock will be the kicker
<Sync_> the problem is there that it needs to be 12mm thick
<azonenberg> hmm
<azonenberg> that is thick
<Sync_> yes
<Sync_> but required for iso k flanges
<azonenberg> Yeah
<azonenberg> Have fun makign those cheaply
<azonenberg> Especially if they need to hold UHV without leaking
<Sync_> well
<Sync_> a readymade runs me about 50€
<Sync_> material for them is dominated by the cost of the bar stock
<Sync_> which is around 20€
<Sync_> pipe is cheap enough
<Sync_> and tig welding stainless to uhv standards is easier than one thinks
<Sync_> an orbital welding machine would be awesome but I have done it without one before
<azonenberg> hmm ok
<Sync_> the trick is to have good fitup
<Sync_> and fusing two stainless parts together is quite easy
<Sync_> a leakcheck is in order after that, if there is one just grind the spot down and reweld
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