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<azonenberg> next time he gets back tell him i use Glade
<azonenberg> Which is free as in beer, but not open source
<azonenberg> still looking for good open source
<soul-d> lovely time's
<soul-d> so did you recieve the nobel prize yet azonenberg these day you can get them with cereal i believe
<azonenberg> soul-d: lol
<azonenberg> no, maybe i'm buying the wrong brand
<soul-d> i mean eu even needs 3 people
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> to fetch the damn prize
<soul-d> anyhow scary stuff going on these day's don't believe 2012 will be the end but they are trying verry hard
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> Who is?
<soul-d> the powers that be :P
<soul-d> imf
<soul-d> anything they touch turn's to some brown smelly stuff
<soul-d> any regulatory instance that wants itself to keep in place or grow bigger
<azonenberg> Yeah, it's annoying
<azonenberg> i have no desire for power and, if given it, will do my best to complete the assigned task as quickly as possible so i can get back to the lab :p
<soul-d> and thats why politics always have incompetent people :(
<soul-d> funny though nobody sees it like again as sonn one politics quits
<soul-d> he/she gets a job at company's like shell
<soul-d> or banks
<soul-d> ah well good reason not to vote
<azonenberg> Yep
<azonenberg> Whoever screws up the country in the next four years
<azonenberg> i'll be able to rest in the satisfaction of knowing he didnt get my vote :P
<soul-d> plus a right to complain
<soul-d> i hear quantanamo is getting closed :P
<soul-d> or obama was still for it ;')
<azonenberg> The military doesnt like to have too many eyes on it
<azonenberg> area 51 for example
<azonenberg> i give you 10:1 odds it's no longer doing anything even remotely sensitive
<soul-d> oh dark research is scary shit
<azonenberg> too many nutjobs trying to sneak in
<soul-d> they can controll animal's already
<azonenberg> All of the work that may have once been going on there is now elsewhere for sure
<soul-d> let bugs fly and land :P
<azonenberg> equally, when a site like gtmo gets too much unwanted attention
<azonenberg> i would imagine anything of importance moves to "an undisclosed location" :p
<soul-d> was some ted show on etics or somthing on stuff like that so that was known research
<soul-d> finally some daylight time for some chores
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