caraka changed the topic of #gridcoin to: Gridcoin [GRC] v3.5.7.8 Leisure Upgrade | #gridcoin-games #gridcoin-sweden #gridcoin-german #gridcoin-irpg #gridcoin-otc | Rewarding BOINC Contribution | Official homepage:
_whitelogger has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> !wallet
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Github Source: | PPA: ppa:gridcoin/gridcoin-daily | Windows MSI:
<GRCB0T> Title: GitHub - gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research: Gridcoin-Research (at
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<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin Research v3.5.7.8 now available for download. Update now! Many wallets still out of date. : gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Gridcoin Research v3.5.7.8 now available for download. Update now! Many wallets still out of date. : gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
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<Peppernrino> splash images
<Peppernrino> i like mercosity's 3rd design a lot
<Peppernrino> and reo
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* Peppernrino remembers that steem he transferred, and powers up!
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
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<barefootcourier> is grctip not working anymore since the freenode ddos?
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<Jybrael> Hi
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<Erkan_Yilmaz> !patience
<fediverse> patience you must have, my young padawan
<huppdiwupp> good morning
<greo> mornin
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<Mercosity> Moaning,moaning all! How are you all this moaning.
<SvartH> well... I am moaning
<LokiToki> Life is boring without bots..
<LokiToki> ^^
<Mercosity> Mmmm boring and dry, no rain.
<GRCB0T> Title: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Mercosity - Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
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<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Dear Mercosity, the !stats result was sent via PM
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - Gridcoin Community Hangout #009 (RSVP & Suggest topics) — Steemit
<customminer> !rainactive 1000000000
<customminer> :P
<Jybrael> Wow thats a big number
<Jybrael> Lol
<ENLAB> hmm if idle is down....why are there active players?
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by ENLAB - #gridcoin-irpg Idle RPG: Player Info
<GRCB0T> Title: #gridcoin-irpg Idle RPG: Player Info (at
<Mercosity> customminer Yafu's back in NN whitelist, yippee!!
<MPenguin> !priceall
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error: Error reading "sock2e68dc0": software caused connection abort
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001245 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001270 BTC, min: 0.00001200 BTC, change: -0.95%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001361 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001248 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $609.00 = 532.95 EUR
<MPenguin> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.7572 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 132.06 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.999 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.773759993635 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $608.55 = 532.55 EUR
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
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<Emptybeerbottle> Morning
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<frank0051> !usd
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.7508 (Poloniex: GRC -> BTC -> $), $1 = 133.19 GRC
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.999 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = $0.762599993727 (BITTREX: GRC -> BTC -> $)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $606.57 = 530.82 EUR
<frank0051> Wow, the value has really been fairing well over the last two to three weeks
<frank0051> !balance
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> frank0051, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
<jopa> does anyone know when will grctip come up here back?
<Bouowmx> !8ball when will GRCtip return?
<fediverse> when there's no grc !apocalypse in the next 4 days
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<frank0051> what's been happening for the last 4 days, I must have missed all the fun?
* frank0051 looks around and worries what we stepped into
* frank0051 wants !grctip
<jopa> same here
<Bouowmx> Freenode DDOS attacks
<frank0051> Ah
<Hooker63> !pool balance
<fediverse> per day (estimate): 2080 GRC, 0.0256 BTC, $15.46; 30 days: $463.77
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<mihip> bgb, NeuralMiner, big thanks! Currently it works! :))
<mihip> I configured server and now it's all ok!)
<GRCB0T> Title: Leef BOINC Server (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by mihip - Leef BOINC Server
<customminer> Like/retweet to get ShapeShift to add Gridcoin!
<GRCB0T> Title: CM auf Twitter: ".@ShapeShift_io Can ShapeShift add #Gridcoin? It would be an excellent addition! @GridcoinNetwork #BOINC $GRC" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - CM on Twitter: ".@ShapeShift_io Can ShapeShift add #Gridcoin? It would be an excellent addition! @GridcoinNetwork #BOINC $GRC"
<GRCB0T> Title: Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type: text/html
<customminer> Mercosity: Good to hear that it's back in the NN, but why did it dissapear in the first place? :S
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<Montec> Stanley Kubrick is amazing
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<Montec> Uhh people, why isint my project reporting?
<Bouowmx> Memes were not dank enough 👌
<Bouowmx> Tools > Event Log (Ctrl + Shift + E)
<Montec> My memes are fresh
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<Tahvok> I miss the tip bot...
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<reddy1975> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast reddy1975, the !stats result was sent via private message
<vega40k> !price
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001276,"Low":0.00001230,"Volume":5608.87292773,"Last":0.00001230,"BaseVolume":0.06990249,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-27T14:46:29.633","Bid":0.00001231,"Ask":0.00001247,"OpenBuyOrders":90,"OpenSellOrders":415,"PrevDay":0.00001276,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001230 | Bid 0.00001231 | Ask 0.00001247
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001247 | Bid 0.00001246 | Ask 0.00001251
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001251 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001270 BTC, min: 0.00001200 BTC, change: -0.79%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.001361 (C-CEX)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.00123 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $606.47 = 530.73 EUR
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<barton26> !stat
<fediverse> My dear barton26, sent the result via private message
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<MiXa1972> !help
<GRCB0T> help [<plugin>] [<command>]
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> MiXa1972, sending commands via PM.
<fediverse> I'm a helpful bot for the gentle Gridcoin people. Type '!help fediverse' to get my command list.
<MiXa1972> !balance
<GRCB0T> please use '/msg GRCtip balance'. Use 'withdraw <yourGRCwalletaddress>' to withdraw your entire balance to your wallet for a fee of 0.02 GRC. Tipbot commands are !rain, !rainactive, and !tip.
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> MiXa1972, please use /msg GRCtip balance as Tipbot will no longer respond to commands in channel except for !rain and !tip.
apc has joined #gridcoin
<apc> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast apc, your !stats were sent via PM
<Montec> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Montec, please check your PM for the !stats result
<Montec> Fellow space enthusiasts
<Montec> Spacex is going to have a very important speech about mars
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Montec - Mars | SpaceX
<GRCB0T> Title: Mars | SpaceX (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Montec> In about 2 hours there will be historic statements
<Montec> Anyone interested please join the webcast
<apc> :)
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<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<NeuralMiner> customminer, if shapeshift isnt receptive, maybe these guys will be:
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by NeuralMiner - Content type: unknown
<GRCB0T> Title: CoinVert - World's Favorite Instant Cryptocurrency Exchange (at
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<customminer> NeuralMiner: I was thinking about that, good idea
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<caraka> morning peeps
<ColdFish> Murrrning
<caraka> looks pretty quiet around here
<caraka> Am I disturbing siesta time?
<caraka> I guess it is ddos hell. Lowest number in the channel in a long time
<ColdFish> durdos
<ColdFish> is death
<Erkan_Yilmaz> waves
<caraka> o/
<ColdFish> \o/
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<vega40k> good evening
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<ColdFish> Manual sieve is done...well...manually :D
<jamezz> well
<ColdFish> From console
<jamezz> i did that in notice because other countrys
<jamezz> lol
<jamezz> so math
<jamezz> just doing math
<jamezz> not 1 + 2
<jamezz> but so heh its been a long time
<jamezz> but on a commadore pet if that counts
<jamezz> lol
<ColdFish> lel
<ColdFish> GFN Sieve for k^32768+1 [k == 2 to 2000000000] is what Im working on
<jamezz> ok
<jamezz> ya above my head
<jamezz> call me stupid
<ColdFish> Been few months since my last sieve reservation, and things have changed a bit... was wondering if anyone was doin' it to gimme a update :D
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<jamezz> i bet a car just hit a telephone pole
<jamezz> kinda early for drunk driving
<Chick3nman> oooo
<Chick3nman> you guys doing prime number factorization?
<Chick3nman> i have done some very large numbers on my own
Mercosity has joined #gridcoin
<Chick3nman> hundreds of digits long, for use in breaking RSA keys
<Mercosity> DDosing still continues. can't stay live for more than a few minutes if that.
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<Chick3nman> lol
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<Mercosity> apc Newtronic Emptybeerbottle evenung to you all.
<Emptybeerbottle> hEY.
<Emptybeerbottle> Hey.
<Mercosity> Hay
jopa has joined #gridcoin
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Emptybeerbottle_ is now known as Emptybeerbottle
<Mercosity> Ho Jopa
mnk has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Hi mnk
Montec has joined #gridcoin
<Montec> Does banana pi run the same as raspberry pi?
<Mercosity> Ho Montec tastes different though.
<apc> whompwhomp
<Montec> So banana pi cannot run Boinc?
<Mercosity> Mmm dunno
<Mercosity> Mmmm no pi.
<Montec> Oh snap it does run
<apc> spacex livestream starting now
<caraka> It can probably run arm boinc projects like any other arm device
<Montec> yep ^^
<Montec> People history will be made :
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Montec - Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species - YouTube
<GRCB0T> Title: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species - YouTube (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Dear Mercosity, sent the result via private message
<Mercosity> Mmm stat stiill saying my MAG's in the dumps, but it's wrong.
<apc> yeah my wallet mag is 0
<apc> 100+ grc waiting for me
<apc> grid is constipated
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<Montec> They are late
<Chick3nman> ColdFish: what did you need regarding GFN seives?
<ColdFish> was just wondering about the B option
<Chick3nman> oh specifically for that app?
<Chick3nman> i use ggnfs and mseive so
<Chick3nman> not really the same
<Chick3nman> sorry
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<ColdFish> kk
<vega40k> smoking now
<Montec> There is a distress signal nearby, investigate?
<jamezz> are filled with STNG
<jamezz> my mornings , i have 2 mins before noon still
<jamezz> lol
<jamezz> but its stng all night , all morning
<jamezz> wake n bake to trek , the dr for 2hr 9-11
<jamezz> some people use music to sleep , i use star trek
<jamezz> cmdline tell boinc to use local prefs?
<jamezz> wait i can just remote into it nm
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<jamezz> weird , startup says using WCG prefs and ive never had WCG on my linux-mac , using client manager says using local.. but linux startup being as verbose as it is shows opposing info
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<Mercosity> Jeez we're all in out, in out. Anyone got any update on who's DDosing?
<jamezz> kinda what i was fishing for
<jamezz> sec , didnt google
<jamezz> other day had some info
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<jamezz> its just gotten over the mitigation finally
<jamezz> or they lost a leg of mitigation
<adoholic> hey all, long time no talk
<Mercosity> Twitter says ihr ago it's happening agin.
<jamezz> ya 2hr ago said its back
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<jamezz> i dont think it ever went away
<jamezz> it was just being firewalled
<jamezz> reverse proxied servers
<jamezz> etc
<jamezz> eh google says that tweet was 2hr ago
<Mercosity> Yup I agree I can't stay in long at all.
tarasfo has joined #gridcoin
<jamezz> its just been a cycle threw ircd's 1 by 1
<tarasfo> heya
<tarasfo> looking for mr rino is he on here?
<Mercosity> Users here dropped lower than I've ever seen it.
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<Mercosity> User list says yes, but DDosing could mean he's not.
<Mercosity> Signed in but not live
<jamezz> because they dont have a /map
<jamezz> yes you can look and get a public facing server list
<jamezz> you cant get /links
<jamezz> hidden leafs
<jamezz> but my irc networks , ive always had hidden hubs n shit
<jamezz> just days ago they announced allowed tor again
<jamezz> now oddly
<fediverse> hello, may the blessed hands of the Gridcoin God carry us all.
<jamezz> chan and nick services
<jamezz> so , i think IMO being freenode is pretty safe network for home users... being masked native , allowing spoofed vhosts
<jamezz> someone dont want tor
<jamezz> he is away usually lately durring the daylight hours
<jamezz> but that dosnt count Mercosity , for usercount
<Chick3nman> ColdFish: if you want a number factored, I can do it pretty quickly with my hardware :P
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<ColdFish> naaa, Im just sieving for primegrid :D
<jamezz> most irc clients try 50 , 99 and 199 times and if cannot connect give up
<Chick3nman> ah ok
<jamezz> so most clients not here , their irc client timed out.
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<jamezz> and im sure 1-2 ircds are down , so if you dont use the round robbin dns for freenode and you know you have a closer ircd or your shell is in a data center peer'ed with a server as i run into often when it splits your split... or go stoned... if they fill the pipe the server goes stoned 0 incoming 0 outbound traffic for ### what ever seconds setting
<adoholic> damn, booted... hi again all
<jamezz> irc is pretty complicated , especially large networks , lots of leafs lots of hubs
<jamezz> im almost all booted
<jamezz> power went out 20 mins ago
<jamezz> i got 3 more to go , but will shower first... got to pop a monitor on it
<jamezz> and just consoled the BILD box
<jamezz> ya thanks to its shitty networking stack issue
<jamezz> nope , cant just boot to it and do from elsewhere...
<jamezz> :) thank god i know why
<jamezz> DISABLE IPV6
<jamezz> fixes BILD
<jamezz> and its looping network , its set to require ipv6 for connection to establish
<jamezz> or verify as windows has it
<jamezz> and it should work , last build it worked... but this one rino has given out i havent gone past disable to make it work...
<customminer> Yo finally freenode is back uo
<customminer> Up*
<GRCB0T> Title: CM auf Twitter: ".@coinvertio Would you consider adding Gridcoin? It securely rewards BOINC computation on top of POS. @GridcoinNetwork #Gridcoin #BOINC $GRC" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by customminer - CM on Twitter: ".@coinvertio Would you consider adding Gridcoin? It securely rewards BOINC computation on top of POS. @GridcoinNetwork #Gridcoin #BOINC $GRC"
<jamezz> no not really
<customminer> Like/retweet to get coinvertio to add Gridcoin
<jamezz> they just tweeted 2 hours ago that ddos was back , but we have considered that to be its above what they were capable of mitigating and working on it
<customminer> Idd
<customminer> vega40k: thanks for the retweet
<vega40k> u w
<jamezz> i think this is anti tor on freenode ddos
<jamezz> because tor was just re-enabled right before this started
<jamezz> some ppl want to keep freenode clean
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<slimeball> ROFL
<slimeball> i made my client jamezz jump to a server that wasnt stable for the shits of it
<slimeball> join wit yall
leetsp33ch has joined #gridcoin
jamezz has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Mmmm
<Mercosity> Connected thru Netherlands now. Before was Lithuania. Maybe more stable here.
hisoka77 has joined #gridcoin
<jamezz> it is certain servers
<jamezz> the one i was on before this was stable all night / day... but i am moving around for to see :P
<Mercosity> Yeah every time I connect with a node in the eastern part of europe it goes quite quickly.
<Mercosity> Anyway you can choose a node?
<vega40k> !nodes
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 500
<fediverse> how to create your full node under Ubuntu 14:
<fediverse> which nodes to add in your gridcoinresearch.conf? check out !addnodes and
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - grcnode/BackEnd/Nodes/AutoNode at master · grctest/grcnode · GitHub
<GRCB0T> Title: grcnode/BackEnd/Nodes/AutoNode at master · grctest/grcnode · GitHub (at
<GRCB0T> Title: List of Addnodes - Gridcoin (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fediverse - List of Addnodes - Gridcoin
<vega40k> !addnodes
<GRCB0T> (#1) | | | | | | | | | |, or (#2) | |
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> | | | | | | | | | |
<GRCB0T> | |
<Mercosity> Mmmm nodes.
<vega40k> i just using one rocccccking addnode
<Mercosity> I'm Nodey now after all those nodes. Seattle still not there.
<Mercosity> Oh it is down bottom!!
<d_o_c> !stats
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast d_o_c, your !stats were sent via PM
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (d_o_c) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<Peppernrino> look guys.
<GRCB0T> Title: Quantum computing will cripple encryption methods within decade, spy agency chief warns | National Post (at
<Peppernrino> idiots
<Peppernrino> ^^
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Quantum computing will cripple encryption methods within decade, spy agency chief warns | National Post
_whitelogger has joined #gridcoin
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by fkinglag - Content type: image/jpeg
cbr has joined #gridcoin
lakridserne has joined #gridcoin
<lakridserne> Heya
ss71 has joined #gridcoin
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d_o_c has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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apc has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
apc has joined #gridcoin
<apc> musk is probably like "ya'll are crazy. I'm never coming back here again."
_whitelogger has joined #gridcoin
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cbr has joined #gridcoin
<caraka> Anyone know what block testnet is up to currently?
<slimeball> 450
<slimeball> 420*
<caraka> :P
<Emptybeerbottle> !price
HighTower24 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<GRCB0T> {"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"MarketName":"BTC-GRC","High":0.00001272,"Low":0.00001230,"Volume":2925.80643269,"Last":0.00001248,"BaseVolume":0.03630678,"TimeStamp":"2016-09-27T20:45:53.99","Bid":0.00001231,"Ask":0.00001251,"OpenBuyOrders":89,"OpenSellOrders":413,"PrevDay":0.00001250,"Created":"2015-02-27T19:57:02.82"}]}
<fediverse> Poloniex: 1 GRC = 0.00001249 BTC (last 24h: max: 0.00001251 BTC, min: 0.00001221 BTC, change: 1.46%)
<fediverse> 100 GRC = BTC0.00136 (C-CEX)
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> C-CEX: Last 0.00001250 | Bid 0.00001245 | Ask 0.00001250
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bittrex: Last 0.00001248 | Bid 0.00001231 | Ask 0.00001251
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from exchanges...
<fediverse> 100 GRC = 0.001248 BTC (BITTREX)
<fediverse> - - -
<fediverse> (info: try also my commands: !usd or !eur)
<fediverse> 1 BTC = $606.41 = 530.68 EUR
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Phay has joined #gridcoin
<Phay> blah
<lakridserne> It has been several days now and my client still show as investor
<lakridserne> is that normal?
<Phay> drinking sake
<lakridserne> I am running boinc all I can
<Chick3nman> yeah thats fine
HighTower24 has joined #gridcoin
<Chick3nman> wallets can take a while to switch
<Chick3nman> since the NN has to pick up your CPID
<Chick3nman> and then you'll send the beacon
<Chick3nman> and switch over to PoR
IRC_Brokenware has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Me, I'm alive!!
<Phay> welcome my child
<slimeball> mag just hit 0.00
<slimeball> weird
<slimeball> and back
<slimeball> !block
<GRCB0T> 680249
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 680247
<slimeball> nm , thats why
<slimeball> eh
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<slimeball> !stats
<fediverse> Dear slimeball, your !stats were sent via private message
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Error (slimeball) --> correct syntax is !stats <nick> ?#chan?
<Mercosity> Yeah mines freak'in out too, just re-booted my client and downloading blocks to rectify.
<Mercosity> !stat
<fediverse> Oh, fellow Gridcoin enthusiast Mercosity, the !stats result was sent via private message
<Mercosity> Mag ppfffttt! Rac ppfffttt!
tom12 has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Downloading blocks sitting @ 99.99% for ages!!
<Mercosity> Yippee 100%!!
<Mercosity> Now sitting @ unzipping
<Mercosity> Ok working, rebooting, loading blocks.
<Mercosity> Mmm why do I have a command box up, with nothing in it?
<Mercosity> Gone!
<Mercosity> !block
<GRCB0T> 680260
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 680260
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<Mercosity> Syncing slowly, as opposed to sinking slowly.
<Phay> xxunrealxx
<Phay> I wanna finish my desk for you
<apc> random
Yoduza has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
<Mercosity> randomize
<Phay> feeling passion after that anime (just ended)
<apc> a
<apc> ki
<apc> ra
<Phay> lol
<Phay> akira my ass
<Phay> I feel like what he went through 1/4 of the time :V
<Mercosity> apc had a bsod on my server, 1st time fro everything.
<Mercosity> *for
<Phay> damn. congratz
<Phay> lost your virginity :)
<apc> boom!
<Phay> may you have many more
<apc> bork your blueberry
<Phay> this sake isn't getting me drunk. but. it's also not hurting me.. ayyyyyyyyyyy
<Phay> and I wanna finish my server for Tahvok
<Mercosity> Normally so reliable and can't identify why. No overheating but was working hard @ the time.
<apc> enjoy being 21 but don't get too crazy there. alcohol is bed for teh crazies
<Phay> I don't think i'm drunk at all :I
<apc> did a driver crash it?
<Phay> struggling with getting drunk
Chick3nman has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<Mercosity> I think and I believe it may have been a WU.
<apc> ah yeah
<apc> I've had crashes from enigma and prime
<apc> and nfs, but only when I was running too high an overclock
<Mercosity> This was all cpu WCG I think.
<Phay> mercosity
<Phay> does it have a WU
<Phay> or...
<apc> if you install boinc as a service it's supposed to provide better protection from faulty wus, but then you also can't crunch gpu
<Phay> WOO
<apc> WHO
<apc> R
<apc> U
<apc> who who, who who
<Phay> apc smart
<Mercosity> yup it's definitely a WWWWOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
<Phay> wanna try and help me again with the Power of Auterny?
<Phay> *autism
<Phay> lol. sry had to
<apc> magic gives you acid powers
<Mercosity> From here to auternity.
<apc> I know what they're called. that's about it
Chick3nman has joined #gridcoin
<apc> that's the kind of stuff where if it's not simple enough to figure out on your own, you really need a lawyer to help
<Mercosity> Forgot how a total re-sync takes soooo long. It trashed my config file, by the way.
<apc> laaaame
<apc> backup early and backup often!
* apc backs up
<Mercosity> Yup I did and that's how I'M BACK.
<Mercosity> block 658900
<apc> that corruption issue is a pretty big problem in my less than humble opinion
<Chick3nman> the config file corruption issue?
<Chick3nman> is that not fixed yet?
<apc> yeah
<Chick3nman> its happened to me before
<apc> me too
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> !rain 10 10
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong! Is it raining time? 1 GRC for 10 lucky users every 3 hours! Don't forget to tip me to keep the rain going!
<Chick3nman> poor shutdown can also break the folder locks
<apc> when it happens to newbies just getting set up, bye bye buy in
<Mercosity> I was staking as well
<Chick3nman> lol
<Chick3nman> ikr
<Peppernrino> upvotes
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - Gridcoin Research v3.5.7.8 released — Steemit
<apc> I clicked the little carrot next to the moneys
<apc> is that an upvote?
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<Mercosity> Jeez I'm still trying to get back on there. gotta post it up on reddit again under another nick to get back in agin.
<apc> there's an apc there already
<apc> they haven't done anything
<apc> I must find them and kill them
<Mercosity> I would, new nick is as you suggested.
<apc> I am theapc
<apc> I might actually be apc. it is possible I signed up and don't remember doing so
<Mercosity> yup you are the emperor apc!
<apc> ah I only have the one steemit verification email
<apc> so no, they are not me. yet.
<apc> Mercosanta
<Mercosity> Emperor of the World Domination League!!
<Mercosity> lol
<Mercosity> M3rcos1ty it is MercoSanta is my pseudo name.
<apc> :D
<apc> where's the results-thus-far for the splash thing? I've not voted yet, but I think I actually got a vote from someone else maybe
<GRCB0T> Title: Peter Cook - World Domination League - YouTube (at
<apc> no relation!
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Mercosity - Peter Cook - World Domination League - YouTube
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<apc> the P is Paul anyway, not Peter
<Mercosity> I'm not going to vote, I don't think it's ethical as I had so many entries. I haven't even looked at it.
<Mercosity> Oh by the way my wife's maiden name is the same as yours with an e.
<apc> I'm pretty sure it's of irish/scottish origin
<apc> but it's a relatively recent addition to the lineage
<apc> dad's side is irish/scottish/british
<apc> mom's is scandenavian
<Mercosity> Yup it is Irish & Scottish - Gaelic!
<Mercosity> There's the Viking blood, lots here!
<apc> yup
<apc> started growing my winter beard!
<apc> and I have gray whiskers on my chin now. and they grow faster than the red ones
<Mercosity> My mother was a Norman.
<Mercosity> Also Viking stock/
<apc> that might explain the significant french/german blood, too
<Mercosity> Yup it would. My name totally Gaelic, Celt through and thru.
<apc> 98% northwestern european - 25.4 scandinavian, 17.6 french & german, 13.9 british & irish, 1.1 finish, 40% general northwestern european
<apc> yeah I can't even begin to pronounce your name
<apc> :P
<Mercosity> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 680271
<GRCB0T> 680292
<Mercosity> Pronunciation would be - OH KRAAH HOOR.
<apc> I'm in the 93rd neanderthal percentile *grunt*
<apc> okra?
<apc> okra whore?
cfy7 has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> That'll get your tongue blistered. Good pronunciation!
<apc> :D
<Mercosity> That's the Celtic or Gaelic version of my name. In English it's so different.
<slimeball> shush , you'll wake the baby
<apc> in english it's probably like Joe. or Bob
bob21 has joined #gridcoin
<apc> hmm I'
<apc> I'm 0.1% sub-saharan african
<apc> I'm gonna start checking the African American box on the census
<cfy7> I made .4 gridcoins today. Is that enough to pay for a new car?
<Mercosity> My 1st name is exactly as you saw it, only the Gaelic surname is not usually used. However the 1st name is also Gaelic but I normally use it. Amen.
<Mercosity> The end.
<cfy7> Yes!!! Do they still have that guy that talks really fast, or did he die from a coke overdose?
<apc> Finé.
<Mercosity> Yup you could buy a 40 year old Trabant!
<GRCB0T> Title: John Moschitta, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
<jamezz> im 50% waffle 50% germ but math is wrong because im like 12% black irish
[-SaRaFiNa-] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<jamezz> so its more like 45/45/10
<cfy7> That's amazing.
<jamezz> yep
<cfy7> Trabant.... Now that looks like a fine machine.
<Mercosity> apc thou art a welter of superfluous knowledge
<jamezz> do you know black irish Mercosity?
<apc> my googlefu is strong
<jamezz> you googlefu is weak
<Mercosity> Coffee and Whiskey?
<jamezz> no google 4 u
<apc> you're just jelly
<jamezz> lmgtfu is my <3 for irc when ppl ask shit
* apc googles "lmgtfu"
<Mercosity> Oh I got it 666666!!!!!!
<jamezz> wait let me help you
<Mercosity> OOOGLES of GOOGLES.
<apc> 680300 :P
<Mercosity> The double beast.
<Mercosity> ^^
Bouowmx has joined #gridcoin
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<Phay> double beast
<Phay> !grctip
<fediverse> GRC is the abbreviation for Gridcoin. E.g. what is its current monetary value ? see !exchanges or use !btc !eur !usd
<Mercosity> Yeah syncing and at block 666666
brewsmithy has joined #gridcoin
<Mercosity> Jeez it's just sitting at that number!!
<Mercosity> Oh, moved 666900
<GRCB0T> Title: NVIDIA GTX 1060 Review & Benchmark vs. RX 480 (Ft. MSI Gaming X) | Gamers Nexus - Gaming PC Builds & Hardware Benchmarks (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - NVIDIA GTX 1060 Review & Benchmark vs. RX 480 (Ft. MSI Gaming X) | Gamers Nexus - Gaming PC Builds & Hardware Benchmarks
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<jamezz> nice
* jamezz has hardon
<GRCB0T> Title: /r/bitcoin auf Twitter: "Bitfury Lightning Network Algorithm Successfully Tested: French company ACINQ tests Bitfury’s innovative Flare alg…" (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Peppernrino - /r/bitcoin on Twitter: "Bitfury Lightning Network Algorithm Successfully Tested: French company ACINQ tests Bitfury’s innovative Flare alg…"
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
* Peppernrino smacks jamezz in the hardon
<Bouowmx> When motherboards still have PCI and PS/2:
<GRCB0T> Title: Z170A PC MATE | MSI USA | Motherboard - The world leader in motherboard design (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Z170A PC MATE | MSI USA | Motherboard - The world leader in motherboard design
<Peppernrino> Bouowmx: get a twitter, reddit, steemit. ability to upvote content imprtant to us is cool.
bugzc has joined #gridcoin
<Peppernrino> you know.
<jamezz> Peppernrino wanna sword fight?
<cfy7> Anyone consider doing an AMD build for a cheap number cruncher?
<jamezz> what?
<Mercosity> yup
<jamezz> i run my amd 9590 / 32gb and nvidia 750ti , i wouldnt call it cheaper
<jamezz> but this machine and 3 other crunchers of mine are amd
<jamezz> who you calling cheap?
<jamezz> lol
<Bouowmx> No to AMD
<cfy7> Ha! Well... intel..... is kinda killing it? but AMD does have some tempting prices out there.
<jamezz> thats not what intel said in the 70s when they started fabricating chips for them
<jamezz> they said AMD PLZ HELP US
<Bouowmx> Unless you run a AMD Athlon 5350 (25 W)
<Bouowmx> Which cost like 30 USD
<jamezz> guess what percent of intel cpu's are still fabricated by amd under the original contracts? Mercosity might be the only one whom could answer this here lol
<cfy7> 9590.... 220 watts!!! but 200 bucks, nice...
<apc> all my rigs are amd :)
<apc> 8350 @ 4.4, 8320E @ 3.8, sempron 140 @ uhm... 3.2? I forget
<Mercosity> !block
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<GRCB0T> 680331
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<fediverse> total GRC blocks = 680302
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<Mercosity> Not far to go now!!
<apc> blue screen!
<Mercosity> Piss off!!
<cfy7> So, for an AMD number cruncher, does it matter what ram and mother board you use? Can you just stick with cheaper stuff?
<Mercosity> I'm not doing any WUs at the moment
<Bouowmx> I'll have 2 number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, 2 number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda
<apc> depends on if you're overclocking or not
<apc> if not, no
<apc> if so, yes
<Bouowmx> AMD Zen
<Mercosity> Hot, melty, melty!!
<apc> to your former question
<Mercosity> Oh cool.
<apc> inverse my responses to your latter question
<apc> :)
<cfy7> I see. Im gonna mess around on pcpartpicker.
<Mercosity> I love pcfartpicker.
<Bouowmx> Athlon 5350: a combo deal might get the CPU for free :o
<cfy7> lol
<apc> indeed
<Mercosity> yup
<apc> at micro center they're $40, and $40 off when combined with a mobo
<apc> it's socket am1 tho
<apc> limited options
<apc> I've made sure all my stuff is interchangeable
<Mercosity> Jeez wallet hasn't synced and I'm staking!!!!
<apc> hah
<Bouowmx> Not sure if a AMD Athlon 5350 is a good deal
<Bouowmx> When Intel Celeron G3900 is same price
<apc> my mag has gone back up but I'm still waiting for my por to come down
<Mercosity> Wierd or weird?
<Mercosity> Oh, gone agin.
<Mercosity> !block
<GRCB0T> 680337
<fediverse> total Gridcoin blocks = 680308
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Requesting information from GRC Seed Nodes...
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Resource is not available: 404
<apc> hmm think I'm gonna nix styx
<Mercosity> wot?
<Mercosity> why?
<Mercosity> where?
<Mercosity> when?
<apc> just not very productive. I think I'll move its psu over to charon
<apc> since it's a gold psu
<apc> charon's is bronze
<Mercosity> Mmmm charon.
<Mercosity> Jeez staking agin!!
<Mercosity> wtf!! Still not synced!!
<Mercosity> Never seen that before?
<apc> block?
<Mercosity> Syned now.
<Mercosity> *c
<Bouowmx> Wallet is re-playing past actions
<Mercosity> 680342
<apc> 344
<Bouowmx> ayy
<Mercosity> superblock # 679643
<Mercosity> 680347
moisesm123 has joined #gridcoin
<apc> SSSSHHHHHHHH!!! moisesm123 is here
<cfy7> That AMD 9590 sure looks tempting, but liquid cooling? Sounds like the thing would heat my house.
xXUnRealXx has joined #gridcoin
<apc> I got a 9590 but then took it back when I realized its current draw would melt my mobo
<GRCB0T> Title: Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine (at
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by Bouowmx - Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine
<[-SaRaFiNa-]> Linked by GRCB0T - Content type:
<Mercosity> Nearly had a heart attack, opened BOINC Manager and nothing there. Took about 10 secs to repopulate. Thought I'd lost all my partially completed WUs.
<Bouowmx> I live where electricity costs about 150% of national average
<apc> california?
<Bouowmx> New York
<apc> new york?
<apc> ah
<Mercosity> That's what a BSOD will do toy you aaaahhhhhh panic!!
<apc> !apocalypse
<fediverse> P A N I C - sell all your GRC now, buy foldingcoin
<Mercosity> !apolocalypse
<cfy7> But gridcoin will make up for my extra power usage..... lol.
<apc> I mean I was literally concerned it would melt my mobo :D
<Bouowmx> AMD Bulldozer floating-point performance is mediocore anyway
<apc> it has 8+2 power, but still, damn
<jamezz> apc
<jamezz> i had a mobo melt
<apc> ^
<apc> see
<jamezz> i showed you pics right?
<apc> that
<jamezz> well
<apc> ther
<apc> e
<jamezz> there is more to it then that
<apc> xxunrealxx knows all about exploding mobos
<jamezz> it was an MSI 970 board
<jamezz> 4 12v rails for CPU
<xXUnRealXx> :)
<Bouowmx> Highest-power CPU I ever used is 95 W (Intel Core i7-870) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<fediverse> moin
<jamezz> and shitty old tech transistors and transformers
<jamezz> so first when i got the board it was fine
<jamezz> then bios upgrade , and it said NO WAY OVER 220W WE DONT SUPPORT THIS
<jamezz> it started fucking up
<jamezz> my ASUS with 2 rails and better components
<Mercosity> Higher and
<jamezz> its fine
<fediverse> Long live Gridcoin, may the light of the Gridcoin Gods shine down upon you. Do you know what's happening with BOINC project 'GoofyxGrid@Home' ?
<Mercosity> Higher and
<jamezz> i added the heat sync fins for the hell of it , and to turn on turbo for 5ghz...
<apc> yeah I took the 9590 back and got the 8350, figured I get it close to 5
<jamezz> but i wont buy another MSI mobo after that
<apc> I can do 4.6 stable but too hot with current setup
<jamezz> i wanted stock 5 because there is no point
<jamezz> intel wont release a 5ghz
<jamezz> no point
<cfy7> Whats your rac with the 8350?
<Mercosity> Ceramic mobo
<jamezz> 3ghz and like 128 cores is where its at
<jamezz> l6 cache
<jamezz> have cache for clusters of cores
<jamezz> and cache for that
<apc> looks liiiike about 10,000 rac for this rig
<apc> 10,065
<Bouowmx> If you want AMD Bulldozer, grab a FX-8370 with Wraith cooler
<apc> I didn't see any advantages to going 8370 over 8350
<apc> cept for like 1 or 2 instruction sets
<Bouowmx> Just the lowest one with the Wraith cooler
<apc> just costs more
<jamezz> unfortunately we are still limited by copper traces , gold fibers for wires inside chips quality and capabilitys
<jamezz> and
<apc> 8350 comes with wraith
<Bouowmx> Oh cool. Yeah grab the AMD FX-8350
<apc> :)
<jamezz> we are still using the same tech from 1983 , just different multipliers
<Bouowmx> True
<jamezz> its time for something new
<jamezz> i <3 my 9590 and I had other plans for it but dedicated it to boinc
<apc> carbon fiber nanotube quantum antimatter neural networks, dude
<moisesm123> hi everyone
<moisesm123> hi apc
<cfy7> apc, what about a GPU?
<jamezz> i got collatz cpu down to 6min run times on my 750ti
<apc> gpus in this rig aren't on boinc. but other rig has a 290x on boinc
<moisesm123> 1060 does a collatz in 1 minute 38 seconds
<jamezz> nice lol
<apc> other rig is an 8320E and 290x, rac is 57,000
<jamezz> i was talking to roommate last night about video cards... because i bought his board and cpu , and when upgraded from corsair htx75 to htx110 gave him the older one... and ram etc
<moisesm123> avg credit for the 1060 so far: 1,561,765.42
<jamezz> so , told him bout the 1050 and 1060
<jamezz> he kinda owes me
<moisesm123> 1050 will sure be slow
<jamezz> his A8 7650
<jamezz> well $130 and i was looking at cores
<jamezz> so the 1060 is almost 2x
<moisesm123> 1060 3GB is just $200
<jamezz> the 1050 is like a new gpu with 750 specs
<moisesm123> there is not much difference between the 3GB and 6GB 1060
<jamezz> " JUST "
<moisesm123> just the memory and a few cores less
<jamezz> im on SSDI i get $811 a month
<jamezz> rent and medication
<jamezz> thats it
<jamezz> heh