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<ec> HI all
<ec> SwooshyCueb: I, obviously, am the superlative Elliott
<pikajude> you're just lative
<ec> lateral
<ec> god the fucking Vive
<ec> roomscale VR is a fucking *trip*
<meowrobot> i wonder when the first vr rpg comes out
<meowrobot> i so want to play one
<ec> there are several
<jfhbrook> is the vive still cool?
<ec> jfhbrook: idk it is to me O_O
<ec> I'd avoided VR for so long, I thought it was dumb Gamer™ shit
<jfhbrook> yeah I kinda did too
<ec> but I got berated into trying to by an Oculus rep
<jfhbrook> I don't have the space for one is my thing
<jfhbrook> I got shit everywhere
<jfhbrook> I'd want kind of an open space y'know?
<ec> and they put me into a rock-climbing simulator (done my share of scaling and abseiling — boyscout represent!)
<ec> yeah exactly
<ec> the cool vr is roomscale vr
<jfhbrook> it was chill tho, mostly I just meant, like, the friends that I know that bought vives don't talk about them much anymore
<ec> which is unfortunately EXPENSIVE, in both money and space and effort/time
<jfhbrook> oh man I hate heights D:
<ec> but jesus christ
<ec> yeah I don't see myself using this daily. at all.
<ec> but it's a bit like my car — I had the money, I want to try it, I want to let my friends and loved ones try it on my dime.
<ec> also I was able to build a *really* beautiful setup.
<jfhbrook> yeah
<ec> not some janky computer-room / gaming-rig
<jfhbrook> nice
<ec> I've got all the wiring run across the ceiling on retractable tethers, the headset is mounted on a display-head on a side-table by my couch,
<jfhbrook> yeah if I had a bunch more square feet I'd probably just move my coffee table and call it good
<ec> there's that (goddamned (motherfucking)) eGPU installed in the media-centre,
<ec> and then I just lay my MBP on a stand and plug a single Thunderbolt cable into it, and boom it's a VR powerhouse
<jfhbrook> egpu?
<ec> I've also got it all set up to duplicate to the television and sound-system, so the “player” walks around the play-area, but myself and any other visitors can spectate it as a fullscreen game / with high-quality audio etc, from the couch.
<jfhbrook> oh nice
<ec> it's all really slick. ☺️
<jfhbrook> yeah it's kinda hard to spectate without that
<ec> it's still unbelievably dorky
<jfhbrook> wait what
<jfhbrook> hold on
<ec> but the happy gasps and woaaaahs from people kinda make up for it, you know
<jfhbrook> 💯
<jfhbrook> hm
<jfhbrook> weird
<jfhbrook> weeiiird
<ec> what
<jfhbrook> there's a bug in mosh
<jfhbrook> where things that take more than some number of bytes won't work, ecs-2 somewhere I guess? I dunno
<jfhbrook> anyway most emojis don't render on my screen
<jfhbrook> but that one did
<jfhbrook> it's a really dumb bug but most people on irc don't use emoji much anyway so I've gone with that over reconnecting to ssh any time the network is dumb
<ec> irccloud! :P
<jfhbrook> maybe, actually
<jfhbrook> it's the same cost as a DO droplet
<jfhbrook> last I checked
<jfhbrook> ooh
<jfhbrook> hold on, maybe new mosh doesn't have this problem
<jfhbrook> oh man THAT turned into a goat rope
<jfhbrook> "oh I'll just see if there's any updates and holy shit multiple versions of ubuntu behind"
<jfhbrook> still covered by lts apparently though
<jfhbrook> it wants me to do a restart :'(
<ec> "goat rope"
<jfhbrook> what
<ec> I'd never heard that before
<ec> but now I can't un-think "voat rope"
<jfhbrook> voat?
<jfhbrook> do I wanna know?
<ec> oh god
<ec> if you don't know, then no.
<jfhbrook> sick
<ec> reddit drama, where all the *worst* shits from Reddit abandoned it when it got a new CEO who actually cared about harassment
<ec> and went off to form their own *truly* “censorship-free” Reddit alternative
<ec> i'm pretty sure it failed? idk? but for a long time there was the “Reddit is SJWs, voat is 4channers” split
<ec> lmao it's still there, but the front-page items have vote-counts in the low-double-digits, so
<jfhbrook> oh christ
<ec> also jfhbrook hi also let's meet up at a conf sometime
<ec> I havne't been to a conf in forever
<ec> u should be my conf-researcher
<ec> get @ me w/ some good ones I should attend :P
<ec> I'm reallllllly looking forward to OS&Feelings 2017, if that's a thing that happens; and Curry on
<jfhbrook> yeah I'm with it
<jfhbrook> I have to get work to send me so that's annoying
<jfhbrook> that or take time off and do it myself
<jfhbrook> I submitted a talk to csvconf
<jfhbrook> we'll see
<jfhbrook> will be a really weird fit
<ec> csvconf?
<jfhbrook> yeah it's a max ogden thing I guess? I dunno
<jfhbrook> it was one of those quiet hipster conferences about data
<jfhbrook> but about data*
<jfhbrook> we'll seeee
<jfhbrook> shit could get hilarious if I actually have to give the talk
<jfhbrook> like who knows how I won't die since I don't think anyone I know will be there
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<ec> hm wtf
<jfhbrook> I love sql XD
<jfhbrook> though this query is seriously taking a minute
<ec> idk sql
<pikajude> sql? idk ha
<jfhbrook> I didn't either ec
<jfhbrook> structurally it's pretty simple
<jfhbrook> and surprisingly powerful
<ec> wat it do
<ec> idk databases
<ec> idk anything
<ec> im a terrible program bbl eating food and being trash
<jfhbrook> this query actually uses a bunch of stuff
<jfhbrook> using with (which is apparently not the best in pg proper but not bad in redshift), joining a table against itself, windowing *and* aggregates
<ec> I don't know what literally any of that means
<ec> I don't know what a "left join" is, nor a "select"
<ec> I literally do not know databases, I wasn't kidding.
<jfhbrook> right, I was just listing things
<jfhbrook> not trying to explain them
<ec> This is *still* the best bass-y song I know of, omfg
<jfhbrook> let's see if the web client Actually Works for once
<jfhbrook> nope
<jfhbrook> still mad broken
<jfhbrook> spotify has **never** worked on my laptop
<jfhbrook> and if they can't even get a web player to work I have no interest in installing a native app
<jfhbrook> spotify--
<ec> lol.
<ec> the web player is deprecated and terrible and underutilized
<ec> whereas the Mac app is fucking beautiful and excellent
<ec> for a long time, it was Literally My Favorite mac App, in terms of design and usability
<ec> recently and barely outstripped by 1password, fwiw
<ec> 1Password → Spotify → Safari → Tweetbot
<jfhbrook> yeah, that's BS and it's making me be Not A Customer™
<ec> again, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<ec> Spotify is excellent. If your experience with one weird corner of it that nobody uses is prevents you from *even trying* all the good parts, well ... your loss, not everyone else's?
<jfhbrook> the web is not "one weird corner"
<jfhbrook> if you can't even make a web page that doesn't suck, gtfo
<ec> I was actually having this argument with another friend yesterday
<ec> (who, coincidentally, is texting me rn)
<ec> the web is dead.
<ec> it's one of those slow deaths, with lots of mirrored reflections and bubbling inside the corpse and shit
<ec> but In The Real World, the web as we've known it for two decades, is over.
<ec> ask me and I'll rant on that later, but rn I'm gonna go play with some butane :D
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