alexgordon changed the topic of #elliottcable to: slash-๐•ฏ๐–Š๐–“-๐–”๐–‹-๐•ฏ๐–Š๐–™๐–Š๐–—๐–’๐–Ž๐–“๐–Š๐–‰-๐•ฏ๐–†๐–’๐–˜๐–Š๐–‘๐–˜ || #ELLIOTTCABLE is not about ELLIOTTCA
<ec> hi pikajude
<ec> hahaha multiple displays barely works on *macOS*
<ec> amazingly, Windows 10 handled my ridiculous setup with no configuration or complaint, on first boot, without any juggling of wires or wild incantations like macOS demands
<ec> wtf black mirror, wtf
cloudhead has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<alexgordon> SUP EC
<pikajude> hello ec
<pikajude> idk what you mean dude
<pikajude> my displays work 100% fine in osx
<pikajude> always have
<pikajude> hotplugging doesn't fuck up anything
<pikajude> except on login, where they can't be plugged in, which is annoying
<jfhbrook> how many do you have going at once tho
<pikajude> two, one through thunderbolt and one through HDMI-DP adapter
<jfhbrook> I've only done one external, never tried 2
<ec> windows is weeeeird
<pikajude> reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<ec> pikajude: MSTs?
<ec> 5K's?
<pikajude> idk
<ec> *need multiple DisplayPort cords?
<pikajude> no
<ec> pikajude: ah
<ec> DP 1.2 doesn't support 5K
<ec> 1.3 can handle it; but for 1.2, the computer drives the left and right halves of the display separately, and combines them in software
<pikajude> oh ok
<pikajude> Neat
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzzโ€ฆ]
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
ec is now known as ELLIOTTCABLE
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon y
<alexgordon> cablyiott!
<alexgordon> cablyiott ellible
<ELLIOTTCABLE> 's not my name
dimaa has joined #elliottcable
<alexgordon> it is
<dimaa> omg
<alexgordon> it is now
<dimaa> this is really a channel?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> four letter word just to get me along
<ELLIOTTCABLE> dimaa: unfortunately for all involved
<alexgordon> dimaa: no, you are having a hallucination
<dimaa> .... ill allow it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (it's a difficulty and i'm biting on my tongue)
<dimaa> carry on
<ELLIOTTCABLE> somebody fix purr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> even #Chicago didn't have one
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the entire free nodes today seem to be short on purring bots
<alexgordon> who are you dimaa and why are you dreaming that you are here?
<dimaa> what do you want the purr bot t od o?
<dimaa> alexgordon: ive take a bad dose of the fugus
<dimaa> im not here but i am here
<dimaa> at the same time
<dimaa> welp. i need to tail more logs...........
<dimaa> so not now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> tbh just feed that to a neural-network and the output will probably be indistinguishable from our dearly-departed bot
<alexgordon> dimaa: your username is one letter away from dimana which means 'where' in indonesian
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -logs @ dimaa
<ELLIOTTCABLE> gods damnit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I went looking for purr in #Chicago,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I went looking for purr in #Boston,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> purr was nowhere to be found,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> purr was nowhere to be found.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <Unicode note that I can't reproduce on windows>
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: whydows windows?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a vidja game
<ELLIOTTCABLE> civ vi time
<alexgordon> civvy?
<dimaa> tail -f query.log | grep -i 'dimaa'
<dimaa> :D
<alexgordon> there are so many kleenex surrounding me right now
<ELLIOTTCABLE> this channel's logs are all up there somewhere
<ELLIOTTCABLE> there's like
<ELLIOTTCABLE> different locations
<ELLIOTTCABLE> look hard enough and maybe somebody mentioned you in like 2009
<alexgordon> kill me
<ELLIOTTCABLE> where do you live?
<dimaa> so is this channel just a fan club for you ELLIOTTCABLE
<dimaa> ?
* ELLIOTTCABLE points to the /topic
<dimaa> yeah......
<dimaa> #ELLIOTTCABLE is not about ELLIOTTCA
<dimaa> hmmmm
<dimaa> ok
<alexgordon> dimaa: yes
<alexgordon> it's a fan club
<dimaa> lol
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE is an interesting person
ELLIOTTCABLE changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a-ฬงฬ€ลฬ–รผอˆpฬฉฬฅฬฟฬพแปฬซฬปล•อˆฬชฬiฬกฬฉฬ”ฬ€รณฬชฬ™ฬ…rฬ›อ•ฬญฬˆฬ-ฬฃฬฎฬฏฬผฬคฬฑฬ—อ—ฬ†ฬฬฟอ›ฬ•ฬ•ฬšอ˜อœอœcอšฬผอ‰ฬ อšฬ˜อšฬอ—ฬฬˆฬฬพฬ‘อœอœอ ออ uฬซอ™ฬคฬฅอ–ฬ ฬปฬฒอ“อŠฬŒฬ“ฬ‚ฬŽฬ‰ฬ‰ฬ“อฤบฬ›ฬ ฬ˜อ‰ฬ ฬฉฬฌฬฬฐฬฃฬ”ฬ†ฬ‡ฬ“ฬ’ฬ‘ฬ‰tฬœฬผออ‰ฬœฬ™ฬคฬซอŠฬ…ฬŽฬอ‚อ›ฬ„ฬ‘ออ…-slash-๐•ฏ๐–Š๐–“-๐–”๐–‹-๐•ฏ๐–Š๐–™๐–Š๐–—๐–’๐–Ž๐–“๐–Š๐–‰-๐•ฏ๐–†๐–’๐–˜๐–Š๐–‘๐–˜ || #ELLIOTTCABLE is not about ELLIOTTC
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ugh you mangled my zalgo
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: god that topic breaks my computer
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which is ... admittedly ... pretty meta
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: that's the second-nicest thing you've ever said about me
<alexgordon> what was the first?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+cuttle> whitequark: alexgordon said it well
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+alexgordon> what did I say
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+alexgordon> I did?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I could speak for an entire month,
<alexgordon> there's a chinese curse that goes: "may you live in elliottcable"
<ELLIOTTCABLE> exclusively by copy-pasting snippets from this channel's logs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+alexgordon> here is an excellent place to have arrived
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <Determinist> yes, definitely
<alexgordon> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> anyway, the nicest thing was definitely
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+elliottcable> I find it hard to imagine that alexgordon gets laid.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+alexgordon> elliottcable: the feeling is mutual
<alexgordon> xD
<ELLIOTTCABLE> or possibly
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+alexgordon> I'm not sure if being called sephr is less or more of an insult than being called elliottcable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+alexgordon> sephr is just a troll
<ELLIOTTCABLE> <+alexgordon> elliottcable is ACTUALLY evil
<alexgordon> what I meant was that I find it hard to imagine that _you_ get laid
<alexgordon> that was a spectacular own goal, I admit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> god Sorella
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that's still probably top five things ever said in here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: does alexgordon have "anal sex" in his hilights?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Sorella: Expected Boolean, got Maybe.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: depending on how you interpret that sentence, either "yes" or "no"
<alexgordon> haha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: what does the eboyjr do?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ec: and the eboyjr is mean and makes me feel bad and deserts me forever v.v
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: this channel really suffered when micah got a life and later you went to college
<ELLIOTTCABLE> more just that I don't write code anymore ;_;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> okay how is that even funny though
<ELLIOTTCABLE> terrible bash, terrible
<alexgordon> it's great
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: As a discussion about a language in ##paws grows longer, the probability of someone calling it "rut" approaches 1.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well, it's four(?) years later, and we're officially out of the rut
<alexgordon> indeed!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> unfortunately, we left the rut for Functionalism
<ELLIOTTCABLE> which is worse than the rut
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so idk back to my hole
<alexgordon> we left the rut for javascript
<ELLIOTTCABLE> that is also true
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh lord I just had an uncompfortably holistic vision of The State of Programming in 2016
<alexgordon> javascript is the new rut
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've been mercifully distracted until this very moment
<ELLIOTTCABLE> rutscript
<alexgordon> I mean, it's pretty good
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: I remember browsing through this ruby code and it was so riduclously cramped, like it had been written on a tamagotchi
<alexgordon> :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: micahjohnston: eboyjr: "it turns out that" clang doesn't support grapefruits
<ELLIOTTCABLE> many of these are better without the included context
<alexgordon> ^ javascript is so entrenched that now people add type systems to javascript :O
<ELLIOTTCABLE> who wrote that, Devyn I think?]
<alexgordon> which is correctly a fucking ridiculous concept
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -stranger
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: YES
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -stranger
<alexgordon> I was about to make that a couple months ago
<alexgordon> I missed it so much
<ELLIOTTCABLE> judofyr: ignore elliottcable, acquire currency!
<alexgordon> I really don't like the world we live in
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's okay alexgordon;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> you can always write Java (=
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I reallllllllllllly need to look up the timestamps and update this post
<alexgordon> -java
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because iirc that conversation lasted like, three days
<ELLIOTTCABLE> * inimino predicts that elliottcable will redesign Paws completely while benefiting from the clarity and light that comes with intense physical pain
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -didja, alexgordon?
<alexgordon> man I forgot jeanni used to be in here
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -didja didja? >:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I miss jeannicolas
<alexgordon> wish we could get the gang back together
<alexgordon> but they all have jobs, and/or children
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly still exists; when I'm active, he's pseudo-active
<ELLIOTTCABLE> idk I think the various dev[iy]ns dislike me now,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> a few of the trolls thankfully are just Forevergone
<alexgordon> this place used to be the shit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +inimino: poor elliottcable cuts his hand and it's comedy hour in ##Paws
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +inimino: but it's not always at elliottcable's expense
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: it isn't?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +inimino: you make two excellent points
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: it's always comedy hour in ##paws
<alexgordon> when you cooked your hand it was hilarious
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: micahjohnston: therefore, cheese
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +micahjohnston: alexgordon: you should look into a career of theology
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm basically just copy-pasting all the alexgordon-involving quotes at ths ppintp
<alexgordon> ppintp
<ELLIOTTCABLE> +alexgordon: elliottcable is only in pokemon taupe
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my neighbours hate me right now
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: this says that your penis, or "pp" is introverted, intuitionistic, thoughtful, and perceptive
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i'm *acutally* LOL
<ELLIOTTCABLE> poor locks
ELLIOTTCABLE is now known as purr
<purr> elliottcable: I miss him
<alexgordon> :joy:
<purr> oh shit
<purr> I can't change back
<purr> I guess I'm a bot today?
<alexgordon> hahaha
<alexgordon> hahahahhaa
* purr rrrrrrrrrr
<purr> +alexgordon: Judofyr: don't worry, micahjohnston is practically in kindergarten
<purr> +alexgordon: though github DOES sound like a porn site
<purr> alexgordon: come play Civ VI with me?
<alexgordon> no
<alexgordon> first, I would need Civ VI
<alexgordon> second, I would need windows
<purr> solvable
<alexgordon> third I would need a computer
<purr> less provable
<purr> wait what
<alexgordon> QED.
<alexgordon> I should go to bed
<alexgordon> the sooner I got to bed, the sooner I can wake up
<purr> no why
<purr> horrible life choices, alexgordon
<purr> bye, black mirror time
<purr> nice to meet you, dimaa
<purr> lurk
<purr> join the cult
<purr> it's a pretty good cult, as the topic says
<purr> (in a rather mangled fashion)
<alexgordon> man I wish we could have german hacker chick in here
<dimaa> lurk.start('#ELLIOTTCABLE')
<alexgordon> sleep(28800);
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
<dimaa> :D
<purr> -ujd
<purr> dammit
<purr> -ujd @ dimaa
<purr> so just, uh, ignore the bot commands that do nothing
<dimaa> where do i make offering to elliotcable?
<dimaa> if this is a cult....
<purr> dimaa: git push Master:Master
<dimaa> in one of my channels i have a bot generate an rsa public key as an offer to our devops deity
<dimaa> a fresh offering each time its called
<dimaa> :D
<purr> Devops Deity
<dimaa> yes
<dimaa> lol
<dimaa> make offering, and all your cronjobs and daemons will run smoothly
<purr> that's pretty great
<purr> port it to purr
<dimaa> git link?
<dimaa> or is it that one above?
<purr> oh lol
<purr> hm hes not open
<purr> but send me a javascript function and I'll stuff it in
<purr> oh rsa
<dimaa> if purr is python ill port it
<purr> smeh can probably pull it
<purr> nah javascript/node
<dimaa> aww then i am of no use to u
* dimaa kills himself
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<pikajude> pursuing legal action yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<pikajude> finally
alexgordon has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
<jfhbrook> legal action towards what?
<jfhbrook> o_o
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<pikajude> someone took my money for a domain and didn't transfer it
<pikajude> almost got boned, but sedo's purchase contract has a clause that states that if you don't get the domain, you can demand specific performance instead of a refund
<pikajude> which is pretty sweet
<jfhbrook> a pretty important domain, I take it?
<jfhbrook> also, "specific performance" ?
<pikajude> specific performance is legal speak for the judge will tell the seller to transfer my domain
<pikajude> just a refund does not suffice
<jfhbrook> exciting!
<pikajude> so exciting
<pikajude> this is almost going to fix my intense depressive episode
<ljharb> what's the domain?
<pikajude> i'm not telling! i'm so paranoid about losing it now
<ljharb> lol k
<gnomon> Speak not of the devil, lest they appear [and gank your domain name].
<pikajude> i'm gonna get ganked
alexgordon has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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meowrobot_ has quit [Quit: let us connect our intestines and mutually digest]
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purr is now known as ELLIOTTCABLE
<ljharb> โ˜š(๏พŸใƒฎ๏พŸโ˜š)