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<pikajude> so i have to do a survey for work
<pikajude> and the questions are all along the lines of "do you feel valued here" and "are you motivated by our company philosophy" and stuff
<pikajude> how misguided can you POSSIBLY be
<pikajude> to be asking these questions
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<nuck> incomprehensibly: shut up nuck you are a nuck
<ec> is the *actual* nuck's purpose now to serve as a replacement for the dead not that once compared people to it
<ec> I love all of you (โ–ฐห˜โ—กห˜โ–ฐ)
<nuck> pikajude: "These statistics suggest people who are invested in their company's success will perform better and work longer hours! Let's enforce mandatory emotional involvement"
<pikajude> lmao
<pikajude> I guess I'm internalizing it a bit too much
<pikajude> fucking assholes took me on for 35% below market and I'm still not at parity with my coworkers
<pikajude> I've received no support whatsoever from the revolving door of managers I've had
<ec> This reminds me of the latest b99 episode
<pikajude> so asking me these questions is a bad idea
<ec> "To improve morale, smiling is now mandatory"
<ljharb> pikajude: 35% below market? why would you stay then
<pikajude> ljharb i was 18
<pikajude> i had the work experience of a newborn chicken
<pikajude> i thought it was a good salary lmao
<ljharb> right but now
<ljharb> there's zero wrong with trading experience for below-market pay
<pikajude> well, i'm still here because i'm apparently terrible at coding interviews
<ljharb> but once you've got a few years under your belt, time to get what you're worth
<ljharb> ah
<pikajude> although i've actually only gotten to that step twice
<ljharb> i guess work on that then :-/
<pikajude> the other 3 i didn't even get to that step
<pikajude> which is weird because the code screen is usually the first thing they do
<nuck> I'm currently ridiculously below-market, but mostly because we're stretching our runway as far as it can go
<pikajude> but i'm starting to give less of a fuck
<ljharb> nuck: that's sensible as long as you get enough stock
<pikajude> This was not a good first place to work
<pikajude> there's been a super high amount of management churn so
<pikajude> for the first couple years i didn't have anyone actually guiding me w.r.t. what I should be learning to be effective in the workplace
<nuck> ljharb: Indeed, iirc it's something like... 5%? I don't remember the exact number, but it's also just a project I've been working on for 2 years turned into a company
<nuck> And the potential of eventually managing my own team
<pikajude> but also the process of changing jobs is incredibly stressful for me
<pikajude> and for the past two years or so I had ZERO extra room for stress for obvious reasons
<pikajude> so i was kinda just getting by
<nuck> And hey, 50k is a lot more than I've made before
<pikajude> if I hadn't been in that situation I probably would have started working somewhere else months and months ago
<nuck> Really at my experience level I *should* be making probably 90-100k, but damned if I'm not getting the most amazing opportunity to work full-time on something I love
<nuck> pikajude: This sounds like a standard "abusive relationship"
<nuck> Where the stress causes you to be unable to get away
<pikajude> It was mate
<nuck> The job causes you stress, the stress keeps you trapped in that job. So you can't leave the job because you're staying
<pikajude> Well I'm also a total sperg and career changes are very stressful for me regardless
<pikajude> Oh no I mean
<pikajude> That's just a reality of my life
<pikajude> The fact that I was in an abusive relationship just made it more difficult to change things up
<ljharb> nuck: fwiw it's not super hard to get paid market and work full time on something you love and having management potential etc.
<nuck> Yeah, I'm still doing some final work for the guy who gave me my first work
<nuck> Even though I hate him
<pikajude> i'm about to brownnose for the guy that originally hired me because he's on a successful new project now
<pikajude> and theoretically anything is better than this job
<nuck> My first "boss" was a convicted child molester...
<nuck> Who thinks that all trans people are perverts...
<nuck> And thinks gay people need to repent...
<pikajude> that's some tasty irony
<nuck> Yeah, it's hilarious
<jfhbrook> I mean
<jfhbrook> I would have chosen "depressing" as my verb but
<jfhbrook> do you XD
<nuck> He "turned to christ" but really he just had it hammered into his skull by some priest that "What you did was witchcraft, witchcraft bad, no more BDSM with little girls"
<pikajude> He got christed
<nuck> ljharb: I'm not generally enticed by stacks or things. I need to love the *product* and for me that's really difficult to find
<nuck> But now I get paid to be an anime fan who programs shit for other anime fans
<nuck> I'm literally setting aside part of each paycheck to fund cosplay
<pikajude> wanker
<nuck> That being said, my first paycheck is probably gonna be tech shit
<gnomon> ec, pingeroo?
<nuck> I need a standing desk, my spine is dying from sitting all day :(
<pikajude> i have a standing desk! I like it
<nuck> What model you got? I'm eyeing the uh
<nuck> Jarvis Powdercoat
<pikajude> Idk it's the godaddy gave me this desk desk
<nuck> wat
<pikajude> I'll find the branding later
<nuck> Do you work at godaddy?
<pikajude> nuck dude
<pikajude> pay attention
<nuck> I don't know your workplace, I just know your workplace is sucky
<nuck> And GoDaddy sounds like they'd suck to work at
<pikajude> genius
<nuck> I mean shit, their mascot is a woman with big breasts in tight clothes
<nuck> There's no way they *don't* have a brogrammer culture
<pikajude> their mascot is a weird looking dude with glasses
<pikajude> Idk what you're talking about
<jfhbrook> I work at
<nuck> I'm at
<pikajude> That's danica patrick, she's a professional NASCAR driver
<jfhbrook> sorry, let me finish that thought
<jfhbrook> if you look at fusion's content, you can probably guess something about the demographics here
<nuck> haha
<jfhbrook> it's a net positive, my table is actually fairly gender-balanced
<nuck> pikajude: And she was basically used by GoDaddy as their mascot for quite some time
<pikajude> well yeah
<nuck> Heh. Right now we're not very gender balanced, though we have like... 2 trans moderators and me?
<nuck> But we also only have 3 full-time staff
<pikajude> hey i need a good subject line for the email I'm sending to my old startup boss
<pikajude> seeing if they have any openings
<pikajude> any suggestions folks
<nuck> pikajude: "Dude I hate my job here can you help me"
<pikajude> everywhere i've asked this, first response is always a super hilarious clearly bad idea
<pikajude> so i appreciate it, but it's kinda getting old
<pikajude> and i am actually looking for advice here
<nuck> "Remember that company you jumped out of because it was going to shit? Yeah, I'm still here, can you help?"
<nuck> I'm rather fond of brutal honesty
<pikajude> keep em coming mate
<pikajude> good stuff
<nuck> Honestly, pikajude, it depends how well you know the guy
<pikajude> ok
<pikajude> not too well
<pikajude> but he gave me my first big shot
<nuck> If you didn't know him really well, it's effectively a cold call and you need to be pretty professional
<pikajude> nah, I'm comfortable being somewhat informal
<pikajude> he was my direct superior for several months
<gnomon> pikajude, are you looking for a job from said manager, or just looking to touch base for professional networking purposes?
<pikajude> mostly the first
<pikajude> but the second is fine too
<ec> "notify on all messages" MAKE IT STAHP
<ec> lol hi gnomon
<ec> did I get you in here previously and forget, or did you just join?
<nuck> Shit guys
<gnomon> ec, I joined sometime around 1000h EDT (-0400Z) this morning, rather than immediately after your invitation last night because I was watching a show with @k8eb and @sagelechat at the time.
<nuck> My coffee cup is broken... it's empty :(
<nuck> Time to debug my coffee cup
<gnomon> pikajude, my instinct would be to emphasize the networking thing, at least for the first touchpoint.
<pikajude> okay
<pikajude> what do you mean by that
<nuck> Add him to your TwinkedIn
<nuck> I'm gonna invent TwinkedIn I think. "It's like Grindr meets LinkedIn. Gibe me funding pls"
<gnomon> pikajude, I mean that asking for time to briefly check in and freshen up a professional network graph edge is a lighter-weight request than checking up on open job positions, is all.
<pikajude> ok, sounds good
<pikajude> I thought it was ok to check because he recently sent me an invite to an event in SJ
<pikajude> and they specifically mention that they're looking for devs
<pikajude> so I thought it was a good segue
<pikajude> i'm somewhat confused actually lol
<pikajude> there's EventBrite branding on the invite email, so it was sent by them
<pikajude> but he is listed as the sender
<pikajude> so whether he actually specifically chose me to send it to or whether I was just part of some mailing list is a pretty important question
<pikajude> and I don't know which one it is
<gnomon> pikajude, oh! If the manager brought up the potential staffing spot first, definitely lead with that! Beg your pardon, I was not privy to that context.
<pikajude> sure thing
<pikajude> yeah i didn't give much context
<pikajude> it's pretty much "hey, i saw the event invite, sorry I couldn't make it for <reasons>, but I saw you're looking for devs"
<gnomon> "also here's my resume wrapped around a bottle of Lagavulin 16 and a recent well-lit headshot in a format suitable for most swipe-card access badge systems K THAAAAAANKS (call me)"
<pikajude> basically yeah
<pikajude> oh I really should include the resume, phew
<pikajude> good idea
<gnomon> o BLOODY hell
<gnomon> That reminds me that I have to update mine too. Feh. FEH.
<pikajude> but back to the subject line
<pikajude> need to figure out what it is
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<gnomon> ec_, oh, I forgot - that bash alias I mentioned last night that snarfs down a Twitter image URL, runs it through tesseract (or ocrad or gocr), and gives you text on stdout? Here you go:
<gnomon> url_tw='' ; fn="$(mktemp -p /dev/shm/ --suffix=.jpeg)" && url_img="$(curl -L -s "$url_tw" | awk '/property="og:image"/{i=$0;sub(/.*content="/,"",i);sub(/".*/,"",i);print i;exit 0}')" && curl -Ls -o "$fn" "$url_img" && tesseract "$fn" stdout -l eng | less ; rm -v "$fn"
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<gnomon> pikajude, "Missed your event, but let's catch up!"
<pikajude> cool
<pikajude> aaaaaaand
<pikajude> sent
<gnomon> NICE
<gnomon> Fingers crossed, pikajude.
<pikajude> thx mate
<gnomon> or tentacles or whatever your manipulation appendages might be, no judgement
<pikajude> There's no fingers crossed emoji
<pikajude> My bod
<gnomon> pseudopods
<pikajude> My god
<pikajude> clearly I have paws
<pikajude> pika pika
<gnomon> Paws. Yes. Those.
<nuck> My manipulation appendages are called "dongs"
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<alexgordon> sup cablers
<nuck> hihi alexgordon
<alexgordon> nuckcable!
nuck is now known as nuckcable
<nuckcable> alexgordon: alexcable!
<alexgordon> ec has a whole family and he doesn't even know it!
<ec_> I'm very aware of my family
<ec_> They're all beautiful people
<alexgordon> WE ARE
<ec_> not you
<ec_> you are a different kind of beautiful people ;)
<ec_> I'm sitting with a good view of my car in the only chic-fil-a in the city, in the middle of downtown
<nuckcable> ec's cousins include nuckcable, diplomaticcable and underseacable
<ec_> *while sitting here* no less than five people have stopped, given my car the walk-around, and taken photos
<alexgordon> elliottcablegate
<alexgordon> ec_: haha, set up a webcam
<nuckcable> What do you drive, ec_?
<nuckcable> inb4 tesla
<alexgordon> TESLA
<alexgordon> .com
<nuckcable> Wait elliott has a tesla for real?
ec_ is now known as ec
<nuckcable> ec: buy me a tesla thx
<ljharb> ec: model S?
<nuckcable> I don't have a license but who cares I'll just leave it on autopilot 24/7
<ec> lol "a Tesla"
<ljharb> ec: i wish i'd known, i'd have put you in as a referral
<ec> yeah I guess Alex is the only one who knows, oops
<ljharb> i signed for a model x for my wife last week :-p
<alexgordon> ec: I shall not reveal its unique modality
<ljharb> ec: or do you have an original roadster
<alexgordon> he has a model 3!
<alexgordon> when he's not riding the falcon 9, that is
<ec> that's Verity
<nuckcable> alexgordon: I'm just imagining ec riding a rocket like a horse rofl
<nuckcable> flitting across the sky
* alexgordon waits for nuckcable to click the link
<nuckcable> ec: it's... pink
<nuckcable> Very pink
<ec> why is this even slightly surprising to you
<nuckcable> Well
<ec> is the real question :P
<nuckcable> I didn't know you were working for Mary Kay
<ec> โ€” original photoset
<ec> ljharb: model & options? if you aren't already, start obsessively browsing TeslaMotorsClub. A fucking wealth of information.
<alexgordon> one day I will have enough money to buy a tesla
<alexgordon> although not if brexit continues as it is
<ljharb> wait what? the model 3 isn't out yet
<ljharb> ec: i got the 60kw battery, but the 6 seater, with the premium pkg, autopilot, and faster charger
<alexgordon> ljharb: did you read the next line?
<ljharb> oh lol
<ljharb> sorry
<nuckcable> alexgordon: It's okay, brexit is just never happening. It's gonna continue to murder you with its uncertainty though
<alexgordon> nuckcable: why isn't it happening?
<ljharb> ec: i assume it didn't come in that color. repainting it didn't void some part of the warranty?
<ec> ljharb: faster charger is almost certainly a waste; but not a big one. six-seater: definitely the best choice, lord above this thing has wild roominess and visibility.
<ec> 'snot paint, 's plastidip
<ljharb> ah
<nuckcable> alexgordon: It's not passed by parliament yet and they don't seem too eager to approve it, devolved parliaments are looking to veto, nobody has the balls to pull the trigger and make the first move in your standoff w/ EU
<ec> yes, I dipped a super car, fuck off :P
<ljharb> ec: re the faster charger, i figured it was relatively cheap considering, and if it sped up charging at all it'd be worth it
<alexgordon> nuckcable: I hope so, but wishful thinking got me into this mess :P
<ec> ljharb: which trims? tbh the matte woods get SUPER gross in Teslas after about two years โ€” abort abort if you chose one of those
<nuckcable> alexgordon: It sounds like Scotland is gonna fight it tooth and nail, tbh
<alexgordon> they got no power
<nuckcable> According to the stuff which devolved parliament I guess they do
<nuckcable> Like, there was something that explicitly predicated on their remaining in the EU
<ljharb> ec: carbon fiber, black everything inside, white outside
<alexgordon> nuckcable: well the courts are going to settle it
<alexgordon> nuckcable: it's 50/50 I'd say
<alexgordon> good arguments on either side
<alexgordon> nuckcable: the problem is more that our prime minister is a paid up brexiter now (apparently) and she is insanely popular
<alexgordon> nuckcable: so if parliament ever vetos it, she can just call a new election, and get more seats, then pass it
<nuckcable> alexgordon: Even if it passes that, parliament is making a really good argument that the referendum was nonbinding (which it is), *and* even if *that* happens, you guys still need to work out the details of brexit
<alexgordon> the referendum was nonbinding
<nuckcable> And the EU refuses to work out the details until you guys leave, and you guys refuse to leave until you work out the details
<nuckcable> Neither side looks willing to budge, so I don't see brexit happening
<alexgordon> the issue is other whether the executive can invoke article 50 without parliament being involved
<nuckcable> I don't think your PM actually believes in brexit, I think she just wants to ride populism
<alexgordon> no, she does believe in it
<nuckcable> You sure? She wasn't super eager on brexit before, and most statements I've seen have been "well, the people have spoken, so let's do this"
<alexgordon> or rather, she believes in eliminating immigration
<alexgordon> nuckcable: yeah, look at her actions before she became PM
<nuckcable> mmm anti-immigrant?
<alexgordon> nuckcable: e.g. she hated foreign students coming to study in british universities, because it made her immigration statistics higher
<nuckcable> There's always the road she could take of "brexit won't stop immigration, let's focus on things which will"
<nuckcable> I dunno, like... it seems horribly unlikely to ever happen
<alexgordon> hahaha
<alexgordon> that's what everybody said!
<alexgordon> she hates any kind of immigration
<alexgordon> not just people coming to work here, but people coming to study (even when they're spending lots of money on universities) and tourists
<alexgordon> _that_ is why brexit will happen
<alexgordon> because she's a total fucking xenophobe!
<alexgordon> now that she's PM she can turn all her anti-foreigner wet dreams into reality
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