the rest of these, are sub-categories, so to speak: they're nested within another object, at creation-time, with another label.
`infrastructure label clone()(label)`: create a new Label with the same codepoint-content, and empty object-data.
`infra label compare()(a)(b)`: only resumes the caller if both are labels, and both have the same codepoint-content (so, symbol comparison)
labels = symbols ?
yes? Labels are most similar to Ruby's symbols, or, errr, is it atoms, in lisp?
yeah that whole thing
comparison-oriented string-ish type
interned strings.
then how can you even have a new label with same codepoint-content?
it will be by definition be same label.
because, duh, interned.
`infra label explode()(label)`: returns a newly-created list, with each codepoint from `label`, as an individual label, placed into the list at the corresponding index (starting at 1).
maybe I misunderstand interned. It can't *always* be memory-location-comparison for the *object itself*, because different Units could have different objects for a given label, with different object-data.
i.e. different objects with the same string-content.
It's the *string-content* of the label that's interned, not the Label object.
glowcoil: help? idk cs words enough.
whitequark: like, making a *new* label gives you like:
glowcoil: no need, I got it
oh, goodie
pointer to same string
ELLIOTTCABLE: you can have both ways
but different paws properties
eg in ruby it's the same object
I used to want all Labels with the same content, to be the same object.
you totally can have different objects but still with fast string comparison, yeah.
glowcoil actually talked me out of that one, and with good reason.
ELLIOTTCABLE: don't even remember that
really fucks up the data-graph, and the OO-ey seperation-of-concerns stuff that's fairly important to writing sane Paws (not to mention concurrency-sane.)
yeah that's right.
`infra execution branch()(xec)`: clones the execution-data in question, as described yesterday, and returns it to the calling execution
`infra execution stage()(xec)(value)`: think `yield`. queues the execution in question for evaluation, with `value` as the resumption-value. does not return to the caller.
how is that different from "xec value" ?
the default-handelr for executions preforms what's called a “call pattern.” That's actually, conceptually, *three* operations composed:
1. unstage the caller,
2. clone the callee,
3. stage the callee.
in reality, since it's a handler, the first operation is unnecessary, because it's implicitly unstated by the fact that it's processing a combination using that handler … so, it boils down to the last two. clone-and-stage.
yep, was going to say that.
whereas `infra exe stage` is *direct* staging, without cloning first. substantially different.
`infrastructure execution unstage void`: conceptually, unstage the caller.
now, this one's a bit gnarly:
in the current design, it's basically a no-op.
but there's a lot, a *lot*, of talk about re-designing the reactor to not treat holes indiscriminately, as it currently does … at which point, the purpose of this would be to create an ‘untagged hole’ that can receive any value.
ugh, really hard to words, maybe glowcoil can. But later.
point is, right now, it's a no-op. You call it, and it doesn't resume you, so you're paused.
whitequark: i want syntactic lambdas to replace priming
glowcoil: you keep saying that, and I don't think it means what you think it means
yeah agreed with ec
rephrased, not what I'm talking about
I don't think we necessarily need lambdas and scoping on this level
whitequark: (oh, that's something *else* he wants, but, not this thing)
it's really an IR
ELLIOTTCABLE: they're linked
just, hold on
three to go, that I can remember, an then we can talk about it
whitequark: what i mean is, i think this is too high level for an ir
whitequark: and too low level for a syntax
glowcoil: nah, it's just right for an IR
whitequark: ok i guess i'll trust you
I mean, Foundry IR was on about the same level
`infra exe charge()(value)`: queues the caller, with a responsibility mask-request for `value`.
i just think that this ir like, precludes certain causality-network-topologies
without requiring runtime connections
whereas llvm SSA lets you accomplish everything you want
`infra exe discharge()(value)`: discards the mask for `value`, if the caller has it. does not return.
if your surface language isn't C/C++, it's a wrong idea to use it
in general
e.g. even Rust has a lot of pain related to IR being a C IR.
`infra exe share()(value)(exe)`: up in the air right now, but theoretically should both allow for A) sharing of existing responsibility that the caller has, with `exe` in question … and B) of requesting responsibility that the caller *doesn't* have, on *behalf* of `exe`.
meh. done.
what came up up there, for a moment, was a long-standing issue with the design, and one that I've waffled back and forth on for a solid three years.
what you've learned right now, is the “simple” staging/ordering mechanism.
whitequark: right i don't want llvm
whitequark: what i'm saying is like, suppose you want two things to depend on the same function, you have to introudce a runtime variable/opererty or whatever and a little object that passes things on
at minimum
whereas you can just write f(g) and then f is hooked up to g
glowcoil: ah that, yeah, I was going to say it
that's why i want scope
and thus lambdas
like watch:
a <- g
there ya go
not sure if this is related to scope
like not necessarily scope i guess
i just mean named things
glowcoil: re-phrase for me, I'm confused
but there are locals
I think you can do like
oh, got it
set () a (g)
something like that
still not sure how syntactic names are inherently superior to graphed names.
you *know* I prefer putting everything Paws does into/on the graph. Makes it more modifiable, flexible, introspectable …
glowcoil: hold on before you reply
glowcoil: lemme finish what I was saying above, because it clearly requires syntactic names *anyway*. I see no point for them in your example, but …
basically, if something wants to pass a value into a paused execution, it's first-come, first-serve: the first person to queue that execution for evaluation, with a value, will get their value in to the *first* hole (i.e. where it's waiting), and somebody else who wants to pass a value into the *same execution* will have their value instead go to the second
‘hole’ (i.e. it'll be left on the queue, and the next time the execution unstages, it'll immediately resume with that value as the result.)
the issues with that are obvious; there's also solutions, and good-caveats, which are less obvious, and all of which I won't go into right now
combined with dynamic typing, this is disastrous
yep. exactly. or, sounds like it is.
(well, it's only possible with dynamic typing)
one of the solutions involves modifying the semantics of staging, as a whole, to *include responsibility*. Basically, treat resuming an execution as sequentially modifying it (which you are. lol. that's kind of the point)., meaning “call-pattern” necessarily involves acquiring responsibility-lock first.
that's why i don't want theym to be mutable executions by default
more on that at another date. Point of this conversation is to talk about the long-discussed alternative:
glowcoil: no, mutable executions are important for freezing computations
tagged holes and resumptions.
ok whitequark's way smarter than me he's promoted to paws codesigner
i steop down
basically, the innovation is, all ‘holes’ (unstagings-which-are-waiting-for-a-resumption-value) are not created equal.
glowcoil: lol'ing hard
glowcoil: you'll always be paws codesigner in my heart, bby
-learn CodeSigner = glowcoil
ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `CodeSigner`.
we introduce a *huge* amount of extra complexity to the design, but the idea being that that is an acceptable cost, because it reduces a *huge* amount of back-flips necessary to safely use indiscriminate-holes in the real world.
ELLIOTTCABLE: go on, but there is a very simple solution to your problem
idk if you ever considered it
(it's not as much of a U/X issue as it sounds, as all of those backflips would necessarily be abstracted away … it's really more of a performance issue, actually.)
okay tell me when I finish
oh god elliott speculating about performance again
* whitequark
didn't you tell me, years ago, that you explicitly don't care about perf?
Yes. That's supposed to be the case.
I'm just bad at explicitly-not-caring-about-perf. ;)
basically, re-design the staging system so that when something calls *out*, it gives enough extra data that the later resumption, by the callee, goes into the hole it's supposed to.
that concept is called first-class holes
alexgordon: exactly as complete as it was last time.
so it's done?
i.e., very complete, as long as all you want to do is say “I am able to run Paws code,” without actually running any meaningful Paws code.
yes. spec is done.
it's *terrible*, but done.
what's missing, is all the ‘natives.’
really simple libside functions to, you know, ACTUALLY DO THINGS.
create a new list. append to the list. search a list. compare two labels.
I just described them all here in chat, to whitequark, because I can't be arsed to add them to the spec, because the current spec is doomed, and because they're wildly simple.
ELLIOTTCABLE: hm well I have a bit of free time
alexgordon: yay!
alexgordon: let me listen to whitequark's response here, and then I'll happily hand-hold you through getting started.
anyway … long story short, that idea is called ‘first-class holes.’
* alexgordon
is this the official name? xD
introduce a new data-type, that represents a **particular** unstaging of an execution.
alexgordon: if it happens, yes, the Sillyname™ for the type will almost certainly be Hole.
glowcoil: if it is not clear
the problems I have with this are both complexity added to the design, *and* complexity added to the concept.
I'm playing Goat Simulator
ELLIOTTCABLE: whatever you do, don't let the feminist software foundation know about it
whitequark: ARE YOU REALLY
whitequark: OH MY GOD DYING LOL
I am, for like hours on end already
got it running under linux like
lemme check
six hours ago
and playing nonstop
oh gods :P
making me want to do so.
hang on
so! alexgordon! you beautiful bastard!
so basically two possible solutions
to your hole problem.
whitequark: oh ok haha
one is to introduce traditional CPS. you disregard mutable executions, instead you have something like a global table of currently executing stuff or something
and then you just pass an execution which should be launched upon completing whatever it is you want to run, explicitly.
it's a variation on the topic of foo(), but the thing is, since they're now immutable, there is absolutely no ambiguity.
god i'm glad we have whitequark on this
the idea is that when you call anything, the current execution disappears, and a new one, for the rest of computation, appears and is passed to whatever it is you're calling
goat simulator looks cool
so it's not the regular continuations you (rightly) dislike, it's basically delimited ones
it is a variation on the existing concept of executions essentially.
now, there is another possible way!
you keep mutable executions, but you perform a kind of inversion of control
hm, how do I explain.
since it is basically a clone of OCaml's Lwt (which looks *very* similar to Paws's asynchronity, except for the holes, which is another interesting thing),
I'll start by quickly explaining Lwt
so, basically, Lwt is a monad and your main tools are the bind and return endofunctors
joking :p
(though it is)
comment after I finish.
so, Lwt has a really really simple concept at its core.
you have so-called "lightweight threads". internally (since we're talking about Paws internals, it's relevant),
a lightweight thread is a single mutable cell with three possible states.
(by the way, what you're calling immutable executions, is basically Paws-conveyable as “ALWAYS CLONE.” Conflating cloning and staging permanently.)
these states are, Sleep, Result and Fail. (you probably won't have Fail.)
there are two main functions in Lwt, upon which everything else is built.
well, three, actually. anyway.
there's "Lwt.return a", which creates a thread in state "Result (a)"
there's "Lwt.bind a b", which waits (in an abstract way) until "a" transitions from Sleep and when it does, invokes "b" with the result.
a in the second case being a ‘cell?’
er, a thread?
b also being a cell thread?
no, b is a function here
basically, despite being called "threads", Lwt threads don't actually have any code to run.
mmmm, I see that
they're synchronisation primitives, essentially, coordinating execution of some other code on some other VM
what's the purpose / use?
also, something just came up, and I have to jet very soon
glad we got over the natives in time D:
if alexgordon needs help, whitequark / glowcoil, are you two capable of providing it?
I'll still be on IRC via phone for any crucial shit.
just not super interactive. (Dinner with friend's mother.)
Lwt is a sane solution to the problem nodejs fails to solve
mmmmmm, how so
I mean, the concept is simple enough, but I'm not seeing the whole picture. How it's applied / useful / whatever. Just looks like a simple lock-ish thingie to me.
nah, it's orthogonal to locks.
basic usage is like this.
wait hold on
"return" *creates* a cell, already in result-state?
how do you change an existing cell?
yep, creates a cell
wat. now I'm totally confused. So, they're mutable … how?
hang on
5AM here, explanation abilities may suffer.
so the idea is that there are basically two modes of usage for threads.
the first is chaining them together, e.g. suppose you have a function http_get which does the obvious thing
do you want js-syntax or ocaml-syntax?
JSON is ideal structure-conveying format, and JS itself is a fairly ideal boring-code conveying format.
first: http_get and http_post immediately return a thread, regardless of whatever happens with IO.
then: bind immediately returns a thread, too
so basically, that whole construct immediately returns a thread, most likely in Sleep state, when it's executed.
the main idea here is that you don't *pass* a callback, an ephemeral argument-y thingy, you *get* back a Thing You Can Feel, store, basically do whatever you want,
which serves the same purpose as a callback.
makes sense?
mostly, except,
why the Lwtreturn in the middle
because bind accepts a thread, not a result.
why not just return the value directly; it's available.
so it's just wrapping an already-extent body into it.
in general, the value will not be always available
if it's not, you only have a thread
and there is no function for giving you value of a thread now!
I see no way that anything except http_get and http_post get to *use* this.
I can't generate a lwt, do some work, and then fulfill it.
you can, it's called waiter/wakener
there's really nothing to explain, it's just the backside of the same API
you have a "waiter" function, which returns you two objects,
essentially, a thread in permanent sleep, and a function to transition it from Sleep to Result or Fail.
that's actually the way the Lwt reactor binds epoll() unix async IO to the Lwt infrastructure
when you make a request, it schedules it wherever, returns you a waiter, and attaches wakener to that scheduled thing.
when it completes, it invokes wakener.
another *very* important thing in Lwt is that there are no errbacks.
it's more or less tainting.
if you bind on a thread which Fails, then the thread bind just returned will Fail, too.
so there's no way to just forget or ignore errbacks by default, they propagate up not unlike exceptions
Lwt, unlike node.js API, is *incredibly* convenient to write.
traditional sequental code is just a sequence of binds.
in fact, I find Lwt markedly similar to Paws you described in the spec (hence my earlier commentary on your PL design abilities.)
bbrbr >.<
ihave to go.
read it later then
whitequark: will have to read response later, but: I'm not connecting the dots on how this solves the concerns with resumptions filling the wrong holes.
how do you mean, "turn it inside out?"
currently, the problem with your system is that a thread of execution must return a value to something that mutates independently of it
i.e. shared mutable state
both proposals limit this shared mutable state in a way that becomes manageable;
the first one gets rid of it entirely (a pure functional way, in its essence)
the second one reduces it to an object with very strict rules, i.e. which only can transition from Sleep to Result once and that's it.
the "inversion of control" is just an apparent surface effect resulting from implementing the second one,
since you come from the callee telling the caller what to do, to the caller binding to the callee's result.
(in Lwt case)
in CPS case, there's none of this apparent inversion, BUT you must convert *all* of your code into CPS form, i.e. essentially make combinations and executions one thing.
so, there would be no "execution which independently executes a tree of combinations". there would only be a mutable set of currently pending (staged, I think?) immutable combinations
there really isn't a lot of arguments for either of these styles, except aesthetics.
I mean, arguments to select one over another, for an IR.
prophile has quit [Quit: The Game]
I understand the purist CPS version; it's very un-paws.
Trying to wrap my head around how to apply the second to Paws.
In fact, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Holes are, in a way:
A hole is a single-use "target" into an Execution.
Execution is still shared mutable state, but holes are a lens through which it's immutable, kinda, then?
ummm, not quite, I think.
I would imagine that you will make Executions itself single-use.
(in a way, they are now)
I think that this is actually really similar to your current approach, except to successfully make the Lwt-Paws, you'd need to remove the Node-tree-traversing stuff.
* whitequark
ponders at it
okay, let's try it another way
so, there's an Execution. it can be Finished and Unfinished. if Finished, it has some value.
it's perfectly legal for an execution to be permanently unfinished (an counterpart of your never-returning combinations).
Execution can only change its state from Unfinished to Finished. how exactly this happens is of no concern to the code *referring* to the execution.
ELLIOTTCABLE: don't let whitequark get you down... the main thing is to get the interface down -- any implementation can choose to implement it any way it wants
alexgordon: we were arguing exactly about the interface, lol.
ELLIOTTCABLE: so, continuing.
whitequark: oh ok. elliott said earlier that the spec was complete but he didn't like the way it was specified or something
yes, it's really really ambiguous
incredibly so
nothing new there :P
ELLIOTTCABLE: in particular, every Expression (hence combination) in the source gives rise to an Execution
when that combination finishes executing, the resulting Execution receives a value.
now, what about the expressions it refers to? basically, it seems that in cPaws the bind operation would be essentially implicit
i.e. a combination binds, *concurrently*, to all other combinations it refers to (Expressions nested into it syntactically),
whitequark: errr hold on
and when they all finish, that combination is evaluated.
Crap. Later. UGH.
Maybe about an hour. This is absorbing all my attention and I'm rudely buried in my phone.
so, what you have is an Execution-dependence-graph, with the leaf nodes being the ones which are going to execute earliest (at next "tick", using your terms),
and the root node would be the main program.
well, main script or whatever. main something.
i.e. when the root node Finishes, Paws VM quits.
before you ask: yes, the dependence graph is a tree. it is capable of representing loops via some magic which is completely irrelevant to this high-level explanation.
(tl;dr: you need magic because otherwise nothing ever gets GC'd and you just insert new and new executions when you loop. a certain trick allows you to actually run such programs in limited memory space. :p)
ELLIOTTCABLE: so to summarize: in this model there is no mutable pc, because every Execution corresponds to exactly one Expression,
there is no stack in Execution, because the stack is *laid out explicitly in the Execution graph, which is also Paws object graph*--I think you'll really like the ability to easily examine what waits on what
(it's actually very useful on Lwt, too)
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oh, also, a few words on the () and {}
basically, "foo (bar)" means: create an execution for "bar", then bind execution of "foo" to it and, when the "bar" is Finished, evaluate the combination "foo <value of bar>"
whereas "foo {bar}" means: create an execution for "bar", then *immediately* evaluate the combination "foo <execution for bar>"
I think this is just truly beautiful.
the Ultimate Asynchronous Language™
in fact this is so fucking beautiful, I'm probably going to implement it regardless of what you sau
this also solves the Freezing problem (explicit dependency graph), the spec-ing problem (I've just explained the semantics in a few sentences), and likely a few others
so. now let me describe a set of primitives (proper term for "natives") for this scheme
1. `ignore (expr)', most likely used as `ignore {expr}' though. Schedules expr for execution ("stages") without binding the tree of executions to it. Essentially, creates another root node in the dependency tree.
2. `seq (expr1) (expr2)', most likely used as `seq (expr1) {expr2}' again. Ignores its first argument, when invoked, binds the second one and returns its value (Finishes with it. Essentially, the Execution for the seq combination just becomes the Execution of {expr2}).
used, obviously, for doing things sequentially.
3. `choose (expr1) (expr2)', most likely used as `choose {expr1} {expr2}'. Finishes with the value of whichever of expr1 and expr2 finishes first.
Could, for example, ignore tainted values, if you so like it, and become tainted itself if both expr1 and expr2 become tainted.
2:09:06 <+whitequark> I think this is just truly beautiful.
2:09:44 <+whitequark> the Ultimate Asynchronous Language™
2:09:55 <+whitequark> in fact this is so fucking beautiful, I'm probably going to implement it regardless of what you sau
so happy
okay, now how the fuck do I actually loop here
need some kind of y combinator I guess
not unlike regular paws though
ah, well, trivial. put the Execution which wants to recur into locals.
oh no, that would not quite be it
4. `clone (expr)', most likely used as `clone {expr}'. creates a new Unfinished execution performing the same computation as expr.
ah, talking about the locals problem, this is solved too.
both the implicitly created Executions inherit the locals of whatever created it. clone also sets the locals reference to the same object.
therefore, 5. `call (locals) (expr)', bla bla `call (locals) {expr}'. does the same thing as `clone', but sets the locals to whatever is provided.
in fact, could get rid of call. just make clone accept two args by default. so, you'd just usually call it `clone (locals) {expr}'.
s,by default,,
so, 5. `set (obj) (expr)'. could be used to set an lvar as `set varname (expr)'. read is performed simply via `varname'.
now I can make recursion!
hm, no, wait, I can't read just via `varname'
* whitequark
what did I miss?
ah, the resolution
all of the above must be prefixed with "infra" to have a valid receiver
1. `infra ignore (expr)'
2. `infra seq (expr1) (expr2)'
3. `infra choose (expr1) (expr2)'
4. `infra clone (locals) (expr)'
5. `infra get (obj) (name)'
6. `infra set (obj) (name) (expr)'
ahhhh right, another thing missing.
or not. hm.
I need an identity wrapping for binding expressions
* whitequark
actually, why the fuck even *have* infra? I don't need it!
at all.
let's rather use the cool functionality Paws provides and do this properlt.
basically, set the default receiver on executions to handle several predefined messages.
1. `exec ignore'. detaches it to another root node.
holy shit whitequark
whitequark is a White Russian
I thought it was about Paws.
whatever, cocktails, not interested.
<+whitequark> whatever, cocktails, not interested.
don't let elliott hear that
0. `exec call'. if Finished, returns the value. if Unfinished, waits until Finished and returns value.
whitequark: so this is a derivative of paws?
1. `exec ignore'. immediately returns, schedules exec as a separate root node.
(welcome to the club)
alexgordon: it's a proposal for redesign.
2. `exec1 seq (expr)'. expects (expr) to evaluate to an execution. waits until exec1 is Finished, ignores its value; then waits until exec2 is Finished and returns its value.
3. `exec1 choose (expr)'. expects (expr) to evaluate to an execution. waits until either exec1 or exec2 are Finished, returns the value of whatever was quicker.
4. `exec clone (locals)'. returns a clone of exec with locals field set to result of (locals). (locals) may be omitted.
5. `locals set name (value)'. that's right, the locals object will have another custom default receiver!
now, recursion is trivial.
{ locals set f { (f clone) call } } seq { f call }
I've made elegant Paws, capable of conveniently expressing any interesting computation, with precisely 6 primitives.
though it's probably more like this
{ locals set f { ((f) clone) call } } seq { (f) call }
{ (locals) set f { ((f) clone) call } } seq { (f) call }
otherwise it would be impossible to send any messages to Symbols
*shrug* or you could bite the bullet and make that impossible as well. irrelevant.
jesusabdullah has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
brb implementing
though I feel like this has, like
literally nothing whatsoever in common with old paws execution model
hm, could actually make this a bit more elegant
jesusabdullah has joined #elliottcable
really, the hardest thing to track in this scheme is where an Execution is explicit and where it is implicit
okay so. the 2nd element of an expression is a message. could be a symbol literal, could be another expression evaluating to a symbol literal.
or maybe just any object whatsoever
the 3rd and next elements of an expression are parameters. could be a symbol literal, in which case it evaluates to itself, could be an expression, in which case the current one is bound to it, could be an execution, which is then created
an execution literal.
which is created as an execution.
ah, I think I know what I've missed
yeah, right, I accidentally introduced smalltalk semantics here. it's not really how it should perfectly be
and in fact invalidates everything I said about primitives
okay, scratch almost everything on the above
I think I figured it out, though I'll explain later
ok, on a second thought it actually makes perfect sense, but not for the reasons I thought it does
though it means that for >0-ary calls you essentially want a mechanism to construct curried functions
I *think* it can be built on top of seq, with slight modification
essentially, reversing the order of its arguments
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
whitequark: on my way home.
If you're around.
<vil> it's like, programming is the problem, java is a poorly-molded nail, and Eclipse it a rock made of nails
omg ELLIOTTCABLE GW2's April Fool's joke
purr: which is why vil should be using IntelliJ
* Nuck runs back to the 90's
I'm tempted to trade Twitter accounts with someone for the day as my April Fool's thing
eligrey has quit [Quit: Leaving]
sharkbot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Paws.ml/master 0acf339 Peter Zotov: Rename to Paws.ml.
Paws.ml/master df4bc01 Peter Zotov: Tests for Lexer.format_error.
Paws.ml/master f3c0905 Peter Zotov: Implement LL(1) recursive descent parser for cPaws.
[Paws.ml] whitequark force-pushed lwt-style-async from a594de7 to 4290ae5: http://git.io/VxNktw
Paws.ml/lwt-style-async 4290ae5 Peter Zotov: Implement combination evaluation.
so basically, what I figured out yesterday was how to refactor the advance() and stack madness
I do have some more ideas though
upgrayeddd has joined #elliottcable
THAT POST. whitequark
So, I need to go read everything from last night
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
ELLIOTTCABLE: don't bother
half of it was my mis-reasoning, and the other half has *extremely* confusing terminolog
like, it is actually better if you don't read that
because we have it bad enough already
basically I accidentally swapped executions and combinations
I think I just had an epiphany
and I've untangled your Paws VM mess into well-known CS concepts
ohhmaar: so, the exciting part starts after you've learned enough JS and ObjC to be relevant in those fields. Focus on them for a few months, preferably *build something* in each (hey, wanna write a Paws? :P ),
And then come ask me that question again. :P
lol I tweeted a fragment of anime and nine people unfollowed me
And I'll get to tell you to learn LISP and Haskell and maybe OCaml with whitequark and I and Lua and Factor and …
OR I have finally got a grasp on the twitter bug, where I *suspect* that it randomly unfollows people for you
because I'm pretty sure it did that on me at least once
I mean, if it happens on a @monthly cronjob, that's at least plausible. need to wait another month.
sounds good
-pong @ whitequark
-ping @ whitequark
whitequark: pong
hi all
now we just need alexgordon …
7:19:55 <+whitequark> lol I tweeted a fragment of anime and nine people unfollowed me
ohhmaar: just let me know when you're coming into downtown. :P
ohhmaar: you got a Facebook?
glazed donut~
glowcoil: what?
eating one
lol that's all
and it's sweeter than this macchiato :/
why do all of you hate me
ELLIOTTCABLE: I don't but I'll let you know
glowcoil: wat
you're here?
wanted to discuss.
I want to shower and dogs and shit, but yes, am here
I think I actually found a critical bug in the spec
glowcoil: you here, too?
as in, it simply cannot work as it is described
whitequark: wouldn't be surprised. that's what were here to catch.
so for example the idea is that the current execution is stopped after each combination and resumed whenever it explicitly passes itself to something else and *that* resumes it, right?
"Notes: The current execution is implicitly stopped after each combination; that is, it has been processed, and then the call-pattern invoked in step 3 of this algorithm leaves it stopped."
so for example you want to do `infra clone()(thing)'. I assume it's the actual Paws code, I believe it is
go ahead
think I've run into this one before, and just forgot about it
so the first combination is `infra clone'. the default receiver for `infra' receives the `clone' symbol, and the execution executing this is stopped
and it will *never be resumed*
because, duh, nothing knows that it should be resumed.
“This came to me from much of my reading on all sorts of matters but mostly from the Aztecs calendar ending on 12-21-12, the difference of the first two, 9, and difference of the last two, 9. And with the geomagnetic reversal this year, Solar Cycle 24, while I am 24, I figured why the fuck not try now, because I also don’t believe in luck or
coincidences, and that god is in the details.”
“If I transposed EVERYTHING is my life, could my difference be 9? Could I be 90% fulfilled with my life when I was done if I did this for one year?”
“… even dumped a whole cup of water on my Mac to show my sister those things don’t matter but also to show her that if you let the water dry completely, then it will actually do no damage to the computer,”
… I think I *gave* her that Mac. ಠ_ಠ
* alexgordon
is here
so if all combinations receive the calling execution
then why `infra prefix()(thing)(val)' should even include `()' at all?
“ where my family are the naturally selected rebirth of Greek Gods, me being Gaia, my Dad Apollo, my baby sister Uranus…and the second coming of Jesus Christ!”
ELLIOTTCABLE: I suppose she needs some serious medical help. *shrug*
whitequark: **combination receivers** receive it. And that's a hack. It's not *specially* treated, from the point of view of libside, anywhere else.
eligrey_ has joined #elliottcable
if you want somebody to have a handle on you, you *give* them that handle.\
this is intentional:
alexgord_ has joined #elliottcable
* whitequark
lots of useful invocation-patterns involve *multiple* ‘callers’ passing value in.
We originally had an implicit caller-passing pattern (i.e. you could “get the caller” from the API), but the problem is, ‘What does caller mean?’ got trapped up in that, and ended up preventing some invocation-patterns.
it's much easier to let the routine in question define, and document, its own invocation pattern; and then in that definition it can require that its callers pass themselves to it, if necessary (the way `infra prefix`, for instance, is documented to be coconsumptive.)
as nice as that system is, it doesn't work for combination receivers.
rather obviously. although I didn't notice it for ages.
eligrey has quit [Disconnected by services]
eligrey_ is now known as eligrey
receivers *require* three arguments. and coconsuming three arguments, require three stagings. Which would mean that every single staging, requires three more stagings … yep. infinite recursion, a mess of it.
yeah yeah
solved by making combination-receivers operate on exactly one staging.
go ahead
basically your problem is, as I understand it
that *between* any ticks, all executions are essentially stopped
and when it is stopped, it can be resumed by whoever sending it a message
and the result of sending such a message is basically (N of possible messages × M of possible stopped states, i.e. number of words)
which quickly becomes a mess to understand.
in other words, in presence of concurrent execution, you don't really know what the execution will do when it gets a message
it will get inserted *somewhere* and *something* will be combined with it
sorry, was reading the rest of that ‘friend's’ post
okay, reading
yes, exactly.
ok, good.
Mind you, I'm not dead-set on “solving” that problem, because it's eminently solvable lib side.
documentation, sane invocation patterns, the aid of locking …
but. yeah.
here's my issue with the two systems you proposed yesterday:
I think I can change Paws VM so that this problem will simply disappear
the first, is very un-Paws-y, but I can cover that more, later.
the bigger issue with them both, is that they both intentionally remove what I consider to be the most important design-aspect *of* Paws, which is the mutability of Executions:
I want to solve this problem *without* taking away from the fact that two locations in the code can be holding an Execution, and they can both resume it separately.
(basically, the way it works now Is A Feature, Not A Bug.)
I just want a way around the-way-it-works-now, when the-way-it-works-now is *inconvenient* or *dangerous*.
so, what glowcoil's tagging / holes / whatever is, is basically wrapping your solution *around* the current system, instead of replacing it.
in the same way that you propose *all* Executions be inherently “call it once, and it's destroyed, with a new one being created next time”,
we instead provide a sort of call-it-once *interface* to Executions.
ELLIOTTCABLE: I told you I do not actually propose that.
19:17 <+whitequark> half of it was my mis-reasoning, and the other half has *extremely* confusing terminolog
19:17 <+whitequark> like, it is actually better if you don't read that
19:17 <+whitequark> because we have it bad enough already
19:17 <+whitequark> basically I accidentally swapped executions and combinations
oh, you meant the stuff we'd already talked about, too?
okay. cool. so we're on the same page, already, then, lol.
go ahead.
well, I went ahead and tried to implement something, that gave me some insight into my ideas
so basically, Lwt threads I proposed yesterday aren't really equivalent to Paws Executions
instead, Lwt threads ≡ Combinations.
Executions would be entirely independent and, yes, still mutable
mmmmmm, sounds closer, isn,
alexgordon: hi!
alexgordon: sorry, missed that in the conversation
ELLIOTTCABLE: so basically, so far I've replaced your horrible pc-mutating node-traversing stack-push-popping thing with something much simpler.
and it actually works, even more so, with a direct implementation of term rewriting
*direct* impl of rewriting?
I would think it would, but remember, that's really messy with mutable Scripts.
so remember to account for that in your attempted design changes, even if you aren't implementing any sort of homoiconicity or mutation APIs or whatever
well, it's a bit cleverly done
lol whitequark is micah 2.0
alexgordon: wat.
I'm for now explicitly leaving the {} (scripts/executions) thing unexplored
could as well not exist.
whitequark: you think you get it now, but then you'll meet the crushing realization that elliott has other ideas
alexgordon: if he would have too much, eventually I'll simply stop giving a fuck
@ alexgordon
specify the goddamn context
and @ your reply
“if he would have too much” what?
ELLIOTTCABLE: remember strata?
I mean, I'll describe my beautiful idea, and you will break it with some usecase I didn't know about
and after that happens a few dozens of times I'll stop caring probably
there is an object called Combination.
as in, first-class?
mm, it will appear in object graph and will be serialized for transfer
I don't know if that implies that you can somehow explore it, by default
if yes, then first-class.
go on
ok. Combination has two states (for now. when I actually add {}, there will be a third, I believe.)
A) Finished(value).
B) Unfinished(subject, message).
`value' could be any Paws object. it's simply whatever the combination has evaluated to.
`subject' and `message' are strictly other Combinations.
glowcoil: wake up, you
yep, tree approach to Scripts, again, makes sense
so basically, when you invoke a Script, the VM translates the expression tree into a bunch of nested Combinations
how are they “in the object-graph?” suddenly realizing you probably didn't mean by that, what I thought you meant.
and then, when the VM 'ticks', basically each tick just finds one Unfinished combination which refers to two Finished ones,
does a Combination have members, too? i.e. Relations, references to other objects.
and passes it to receiver.
ELLIOTTCABLE: I don't see a reason it must be exposed to user code, except debugging
okay, so, not first-class, good, makes sense
was just mildly confused
mkay, so, several questions:
if you're done? sorry. go on, if not.
hang on, I'll just demonstrate how it works
for the purpose of the demo, combining Nothing with a Symbol produces that Symbol, and combining two Symbols concatenates them.
glowcoil: talking with whitequark has me waffling back towards hole'd execution.
glowcoil: fyi.
so we'll see how that goes.
ELLIOTTCABLE: so basically the "diagonal" shit was just going to be the syntactical way to express the graph (tree)
I don't see how.
ELLIOTTCABLE: so do you see how did I fix your issue here? there's nothing that actively pokes a mutating process
it's making it non-tree, more graphy.
whitequark: errrrrr, mutation wasn't the issue
don't see how fix
ELLIOTTCABLE: if you combine something with an object, or an execution, or whatever, the caller already knows where to get the result
because it explicitly binds to that result, as opposed to the result being pushed back by the receiver
Hold on, k, reading that a couple times. :P
need to climb out of bed and shower soon, fyi
then I'll be back
i like "combination"
but not until I understand this.
I mean, if you have "a b", the receiver doesn't combine the caller with whatever it wants to respond to "b"
glowcoil: yeah, exchanged jux for comb, at least for now
glowcoil: read the spec if you haven't, btw
rather, the receiver essentially mutates the *combination `a b' itself*, setting its value to whatever it wants to respond
lot of terminology changes (AGAAAAAIN *rips hair out and screams and dies*)
and then the next combination *already waits* on this one, because that was preset by the expression-to-combination translation process
hold on
oh, I getcha, I think
I don't think it solves the problem.
but let me double-check that i understand, first:
errrrrrr, lots of issues here, because it fucks up ordering of operations, I think, errrrrr,
no, with my fix
* whitequark
patiently waits
[Paws.ml] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to lwt-style-async: http://git.io/QmW13g
Paws.ml/lwt-style-async 286f98d Peter Zotov: Make reduction strictly ordered.
so *specifically*, that default receiver for combinations on Objects, instead of re-staging the caller, simply directly modifies the Execution that called it, with a result of the combination.
and your new architecture for Executions allows that direct-modification.
ick damn
in my model, receivers don't even know about executions. I mean, I could add proper custom receivers right now and I don't have any executions at all.
essentially, you could view it this way: it directly replaces the combination that invoked it with the value which was the result.
yes, that I get
it's basically syntactical. static. it doesn't in any way depend on the state of any hypothetical Execution
so how doesn't this fix the problem?
how does that work for a libside execution? *How* does it replace a combination, in the caller, with ‘a result,’ when it has one?
or rather, I suppose this could fix only part of the problem
i.e. how do you write a custom receiver?
I must be misunderstanding, because this only seems relevant to native implementations of handlers
as opposed to libside implementations
it's pretty simple actually. basically the receiver would be something that returns a value
whitequark: how does this interact with multiple returns
or non-returning
which is a *big part* of paws
I mean, that's the wrong question
the logic inside the VM which invokes the custom receiver takes care of taking that returned value and putting it inside the combination which invoked the receiver.
what does “something that returns a value” even *mean* in the context of the Paws VM?
ELLIOTTCABLE: yes, or non-returns,
okay, so, that makes sense
basically, your logic has to be moved post-resume
in which case the calling combination will never resume.
same as our current logic is
ELLIOTTCABLE: "what does it mean in the context of the Paws VM?"
I have some ideas about that,
when/if the receiver produces a value, it stages the caller, and then *in that process*,
the least radical of it is simply that the receiver does "infra yield()(value)"
the value is injected into the tree of Combinations.
or rather could say the Combination is resolved.
that's a correct way to view it, I suppose.
except there's no "staging" anymore really
… that absolutely makes no sense
how so?
well, there is, except it is merged with other things
okay, so, slow down.
in other words, Finishing a combination allows the Execution which is stuck waiting for that combination to proceed,
we can talk more about this later: I frankly don't see how it *changes* anything, seems very much like an implementation detail, for the most part,
hence, Finishing a combination is equivalent to staging.
go on?
it is not by any means a radical change. it's essentially a reinterpretation of your existing semantics, hence the "implementation detail" vibe you get
no, I'm definitely not with you. my fault, not yours, but let me munch.
“the execution which is stuck waiting” … define
well, that sentence refers to what, in your current spec, is defined as unstaging the execution after encountering a combination
except instead of an explicit staging/unstaging model, in my model whether combinations will be processed is defined by and only by whether it is possible to process them,
i.e. whether there exist any Unfinished combinations for which both subject and message are Finished.
well, that makes sense
the term “staging” then refers to the exact same semantics, though.
in your implementation, the act of staging would be made a little less confusing, and a little more explicit, so that's nice.
well, no, if you take natives into account
since you can't stage an execution at your whim
you could say I implement your intent a bit more clear.
‘staging’ becomes ‘the act of giving a value for a pending Combination’, such that the next combination can be dispatched
but I don't see how this solves any problems.
fuck dude it's terrifying that my credit score can be affected by me forgetting to pay off my credit card, with money that i do have in my checking account, for one day more than i'm supposed to
I'm all for term-rewriting as a thingie, trust me.
I've long since seen how clean it would be if it were *possible* (again: reservations about mutable Scripts.)
staging thing doesn't really affect anything, it's an accidental minor cleanup
glowcoil: yes. that's why I haven't gotten around to getting a credit card yet. o_o
I never explicitly intended to modify it.
gotcha, so, let me read the scroll back again
you mentioned how it fixes something, so let me see if I can suss that out
yep, it does have a very subtle semantic difference
ELLIOTTCABLE: i believe i just incurred a few dollars of interest
because the due date was *yesterday*
i just really don't want to spend debit cards online yknow
glowcoil: why do you live on credit?
also building at least a bit of credit score seems important
whitequark: yeah i never ever spend w a credit card that i don't haev
yes, right, forgot about that
re online: I dunno about USA
but here if something is stolen from your credit card, the bank security will fuck you in the ass
i.e. they will pester you for hours on the phone before they give the money back
and that probably may have some other ramifications
[Paws.ml] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to lwt-style-async: http://git.io/wzjnkQ
Paws.ml/lwt-style-async 6c8e7a4 Peter Zotov: Fix broken nested match.
and re credit: I don't have a credit card even for that purpose, simply because there are wide instances of abuse by banks
such as, despite never having any outstanding debt, they will still claim that you do, and keep your account forcibly open, and that apparently counts as a huge negative if you are getting a visa
* glowcoil
i'm with a credit union which is hopefully less abusive
like I want to see bitcoin do well even despite the fact that it is a horrible store of value, banks are basically a bunch of mobsters I wish I would never ever have any business with
still don't see it.
so, obviously there must be some, as you put it, subtle difference,
if it solves the issue in question.
so let' work backwards
show me *how* it solves the issue in question.
code example:
ELLIOTTCABLE: probably not possible yet
not you, me, was going to try and show
with pseudo-code / pseudo-paws
lemme explain. I don't fully have a mental model for executions
so let me rather just say what it does fix
basically, say, you have an Execution, executing `foo bar baz'
yeah in theory i like cryptocurrencies
but not ones that are inherently pyramid schemes
so it just evaluated `Nothing foo' and is now evaluating `<foo> bar'
it unstages (I'm demonstrating the issue on spec-Paws) the current execution and stages the custom receiver of <foo>,
which happens to be a bunch of Paws code.
now, *something entirely else*, possibly just unrelated, possibly invoked by the custom receiver before it returns, invokes the execution which was just unstaged.
and all hell breaks loose; nothing that happens in it makes sense anymore.
because whatever it was invoked with, will now be combined with `bar'.
in my scheme, that's not possible.
do you see it?
I mean, you could say that you can work around that with higher-level code, but I think it's nice to have a VM which behaves consistently :p
hold on slow down reading
never forget that ELLIOTTCABLE is dumb
well, you described the problem, but not how it's prevented by your scheme, at all.
what does that : mean ?
(rather agreed, about the consistency thing. or, rephrase, YES I KNOW THIS IS PROBABLY A PROBLEM)
whitequark: emote
lol good, my work wasn't in vain them
w no mouth?
(just remember that, to me, *complicating* the core language is anathema. It just shows *how much* I am concerned about this issue, that I would even *consider* adding something like Holes to the language we have.)
ELLIOTTCABLE: so it's very simple
yes yes I agree about complicating
Paws shouldn't get more complex than it is, this is 100% my design constraint
If your minor change in semantics here actually solved it, that'd be spectacular
I just still don't see how it does :P
ok, so
oh, it will.
it *absolutely* will.
The problem is, my complexity has a *budget*
and I've got huge, huge writeoffs coming for distribution and time-travel.
oh, you didn't mean you got my solution
sure, sure
I know
explaining then.
“it absolutely will!” <excitement>
okay listening
in wq-Paws, unlike in spec-Paws, the receiver is not communicating back the result of combination by re-staging the execution (aka combining the execution with a message)
since these two are independent processes not using any shared resource, they cannot interfere with each other.
in more practical terms, this means that the Execution is now (only/mainly) a unit of communication,
oh. that change is *completely* independent from what you've been describing.
you're basically talking about what issue, uhhh,
just with different words and a different reason.
um, no, it's not about performance. it's about communication between executions.
yes I know
I know I know
basically, you now have the same mechanism responsible for two things
but it's the *same discussion* in a way
getting back the result of combination and communication between executions
I just untangled them
hold on hold on.
of *course* executing some subset of receivers “on the stack” so to speak (without going through the staging queue, or any form thereof), would make **those** receivers not susceptible to interception (the name for the problem we're dealing with).
but A) there's problems with doing so, (get there in a sec), and more importantly B) that *doesn't solve the problem overall*. Just for the most common **instance** of the problem.
let's not talk about receivers for a moment.
yep, I told you it probably was solving only part of the problem
the *canonical* example of interception is a situation like this:
xec AA “calls” xec MM. Call-pattern involves unstaging, so AA is waiting for a ‘return value’, synchronous-style, for from MM.
xec AA is *also* designed to wait, in a queue, for coroutine-style resumption with work-to-do.
however, *in this particular instance*, instead of AA being paused at one of the ‘holes’ where it expects results from that queue, it just **happens** to be waiting for a response from MM …
yesyesyes this is the same exact problem I am talking about
you just didn't listen to the end
… so when the queue-handler, BB, calls AA with a value, that value is dropped into the hole expecting a return from MM.
please do realize that when you call MM, you combine MM with something
and when MM `returns' that something to you, it also goes through the same mechanism I just described.
same <something> in above two sentences? not making sense
er, different
why would the result be the same as the ‘something’ you combined to it?
okay thought so, just checking
basically, when AA calls MM, nothing else can physically interfere here, because of what I described above
I don't see how.
how it would?
AA calls MM, MM takes five minutes to make a network request on a very very slow network …
Paws is asynchronous, at all junctures, that's Sort Of The Point™ of the entire project, bottom to top, every nook and cranny …
re-reads your suggestions again
ooooooh I think I realize
in old-Paws, after AA called MM, it would be unstaged, but *something else* could stage it and in theory make it do useful work.
isn't it?
basically, you're suggesting that we make all of paws non-asynch (or, a subset of paws, such as “just receivers,” which is just as bad to me), as far as I can tell :x
'course, yeah
AA can do useful-work for multiple sources-of-work. That's what staging is, I suppose, at some sort of high, conceptual, level. Providing work to be done.
the patch I just put in was wrong.
problem is interleaving the sources-of-work.
*my* solution to that is to remove the sequencing restriction from Execution.
i.e. *that* combination with MM will still wait, but other combinations in AA will proceed.
for instance, the *result* of a simple function call (the simplest example of interception-problem), which is what you were endeavoring to fix, is a source-of-work in a way
yes, that's a verrrrry big change, and requires a lot of redesign work
that's also what micah wanted
but, and here's the key,
that solution is two things, conflated:
I believe that your current scheme is internally inconsistent, and the "interference" you're seeing is just the result of that inconsistency
so, in my view, there's no way to avoid this or similar change.
A) basically, another way of doing ‘holes’ (the *place* that a particular combination-result will be placed, still has to somehow be identified or named or key'd),
and B) finding a way to ‘speed things up’ so to speak, by concurrentifying *more* things within a Script
nonononono, you're wrong about B)
absolutely wrong.
(i.e. when a particular Hole isn't filled yet, finding a way that that *doesn't* have to mean that we can't process any *other* holes.)
how so?
basically, the `speeding things up' was already present in spec-Paws.
compare this:
A) in spec-Paws, Execution gets processed by reactor when it it staged, either by result from MM or a request from (say) QQ, ...
B) in wq-Paws, Execution gets processed by VM when there is an available result from MM or a request from QQ.
same thing
how's different?
wq-Paws don't "concurrentify" more things than spec-Paws already does
well duh, I know that
but your design isn't fixing anything except, and only sometimes even this, receivers. it's special-casing native receivers to not be intercepted.
unless I'm still missing something.
it absolutely does not special case native receivers in any way.
it is *all about* Paws code.
I don't even *have* any native code to think about.
then I'm clearly confused :x
it fixes, for starters, an issue where Paws script calls an object with a Paws receiver
because native receivers, *by definition*, will not be interleaved with *anything*
I need to shower and procure food, I'm *starving*. Thought this discussion would reach a stopping-point sooner
I'mma have to afk, for a bit. Be back soon?
ELLIOTTCABLE: I need that too
so, let's go get some water and food.
[Paws.ml] whitequark force-pushed lwt-style-async from 6c8e7a4 to 4290ae5: http://git.io/VxNktw
I don't want *everything* you have to be a hole.
I still want indiscriminate resumption, in places where the pausing was indiscriminate.
just gotta figure out a way to reconcile the two.
ELLIOTTCABLE: you can make it userspace
ELLIOTTCABLE: the same hole results in different things based on state
that is entirely possible
but you *choose* to do it rather than it accidntally fucking things up
{ a <- <HOLE>
case some state:
OSMETHING: print a
SOMETHING ELSE: shit your pants
that's not, exactly, my issue.
I should really be in the shower i suck at life
upgrayeddd has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
it returns a *different hole*
ELLIOTTCABLE: eh don't listen to glowcoil
listen to me
so basically, I got it.
whitequark: this makes things ridiculously cleaner
whitequark: but i'm very wiling to admit you have a deeper understadning
glowcoil: I guess that also makes it unpawsy and hence irrelevant
whitequark: ...lol
no, I'm very open to glowcoil's thoughts
we've discussed this at some length, before,
I believe I understand what he means and considered this too
I'm very turned off by adding to the Script representation.
(no, I'm not adding anything to the Script.)
so actually i guess every "function"/"hole" you're holding *is* a continuation
not delimited because it has to call back to give you a value
whitequark: not you, glowcoil
but there's built-in call/cc
go on
no whitequark can explain
lemme explain.
i haven't fully understood what he proposes really
I mean, whitequark, go on
yeah do taht
glowcoil: obviously, I didnt even start
your systemic problem is that Execution is, fundamentally, a mailbox,
and the operation to fetch messages from that mailbox is implicit and unavoidable.
this directly results in the receiver-fiasco I fixed,
and in the interference-fiasco I did not, as you've entirely correctly noticed, in fact fix.
hey before you go on
side-note, just so you're on the same page, and we're all considering the same problems:
continuing. your systemic problem is that Execution is a mailbox, because you want everything to be asynchronous in the sense that you can drop a message and possibly do anything else,
not a bad description, bteedubstep
what the fuck is happening here
glowcoil is singing, because he's glowcoil,
and you're explaining something. gogogo.
glowcoil: please temporarily don't do that
ELLIOTTCABLE: waiting for your side-note
you said ‘continuing’
well I was typing it earlier
I know you dismissed the GH issue I linked as irrelevant, but it *does* bring up the second problem I had with your other solution, there: if we take ‘receivers’ out of the queue (for any reason, for the reason the issue is discussion, *or* for your reason),
then I'm really worried about the concurrency side-effects. The queue is a centralized, ALL-POWERFUL place that controls ordering.
I realllllly need to get nasty with the details and figure out whether it's possible for it to actually cause problems for receivers to jump the queue, but … I suspect it is. So I need to look into that in detail. And, at the moment, I don't like the idea, because of those fears.
just so you're on the same page I'm on, on the topic.
no, receivers aren't entirely taken out of the queue.
only *the returning of the value* from a receiver gets taken off the queue,
and in fact in my new proposal that probably won't happen anyway.
go on
so. (putting this back) your systemic problem is that Execution is a mailbox, because you want everything to be asynchronous in the sense that you can drop a message and possibly do anything else,
but in several places, e.g. the combination-receiver interface, the interference issue you've mentioned, and possibly other places too, what you want is a request-reply pattern.
a pattern for controlled blocking, essentially.
problem boils down to:
no, don't
A) me wanting a request-reply pattern that doesn't add *too much* complexity,
ok, yes, A)
continue then
and B) me wanting both to be available. request-reply and mailbox.
yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking about.
kk assumed as much
just clarifying go on
I believe I have the most minimalistic sane way to do exactly A) and B), I'm thinking in exact same terms.
so I'll cut to the chase.
we make combinations first-class. we already have executions first-class. then, we combine them to get both mailbox and request-reply.
(pretty close to holes, sounding, go on)
1) the receiver will not get an "execution" caller. rather, it will get a "combination" caller. when it wants to return, it combines the combination it just got with the value it wants to return.
2) when you combine an execution with something, it doesn't interfere with its normal processing. rather, it (the calling combination, again, and the message) gets posted into an (explicit) mailbox associated with the execution.
when the execution wants to get a message, it invokes `() get' or `infra get ()' or something, which basically returns the incoming thingy.
<sullytaylor> I just spent three minuits looking for somthing, then I realised it was in my mouth
brb, food needs attention
so, yes, implicit, passed holes, with explicit general-yield.
so, glowcoil, you remember your suggestions here, and the objections I raised, I presume?
two really big problems here, for me, well, almost the same problem, but two aspects of it:
oh, of note, first:
btw, I finished
there's no 3). I thought there was, but there isn't
so, first, I guess I need to validate / ensure, that holes and this are the same thing. So we can sanely talk about it. Best to sync-up before processing more data.
whitequark: i feel like we don't need executions to be a thing
whitequark: they can emerge as particular organizations of the graph
glowcoil: save for later?
ELLIOTTCABLE: thought i was being perfectly relevant?
hole is a first-class representation of a *particular* pending-resumption of an execution.
glowcoil: then I must not understand it :P
taking a hole *out* of an execution, implicitly prevents that execution from continuing until the now-first-class hole is filled.
well i think executions are too linear
we shouldn't think of a program as a bunch of executions
it makes things all lumpy
weird implicit dependency shit
a program is:
a graph of dependencies
that's probably the least coherent objection to Paws I've ever heard, by the way. congratulations new record.
a tree with y combinator or whatever like whitequark said
or whatever
but like
“it makes it lumpy.” <3
you can have things that depend on completion, or on values
but like, writing {} would only be a syntactic tool for expressing graphs
all going over my head. *specific* suggestions.
what're you saying we change? give me examples.
stop making executions even a thing
they're not values
they're not types
all this CS stuff is both over my head, *and* not of interest to me.
the thing you can *hold*
is a hole
a continuation basically
I get that.
idsee how holes == continuations, at all,
but before you explain that,
all I can see that you're suggesting is that we require *all* resumptions to be of a particular hole, instead of of either a particular hole, or in general of an execution.
like insisting on having executions be a thing is needless complexity
I believe the opposite to be true,
having only holes vastly simplifies the whole thing, and resolves *every* problem you're having
but sans ‘needless.’
glowcoil: re unnecessary executions: not convinced really
No, it doesn't.
It *does* resolve a lot of problems, but it's also a **very different language**.
ELLIOTTCABLE: please on my suggestions.
it's not at all a different language
whitequark: huh?
er, please comment
hold on one at a time, glowcoil's grabbed my attention, lemme try and coherently respond
* whitequark
it's just that glowcoil's objections are very similar to mine
but ok
okay jesus, glowcoil, you'll have to wait a sec, then. whitequarking.
yes you're a verb.
I mean, it's like, the suggestion I laid out really addresses quite a bit of glowcoil's objections
Yesyesyes I know, hold on
without using terms that aggravate ec
it addresses all of them, basically, because it's the same thing
and, for the sake of continuity with previous discussions, I'm just going to keep calling this ‘holes.’
ELLIOTTCABLE: I disagree with both points
I think they're not same and maybe calling them holes would hence be confusing
that's *really*, at least as I see it, a pedantic difference.
Either you only have pends *sometimes*, in which case executions are still somehow accessible and usable, or you have them *all* the time, in which executions are invisible, and basically an implementation detail.
i.e. how I read micah's suggestion.
but, back up. just, hold on.
how would you use an execution without pends?
can't wrap my head around the problem I'm trying to convey
Paws discussions always make me feel impossibly, unreasonably dumb.
first off, with pends *or* holes, there's another necessary change, or part of the puzzle, that hasn't been discussed at all.
micah always bugged me about this: naming.
if we pass a given “handler procedure” to, say, a server routine … as a random example, something that handles HTTP requests, or something … whatever. If we pass a handler in, and store it in a queue as one possible thing to resume *later* with a value to be handled, how do we say **at which point** in that execution, the resumer's
value-to-be-handled will go?
badly written. ugh.
okay. with traditional coroutines, there's an element of syntax that says “here, here, and here are where I put incoming values.” `yield` and similar constructs.
oh my god this pork is *delicious*
with coroutines, you'd be passing in a stateful/mutable object that could potentially be resumed while it's sitting in the queue, changing where the server will resume to
I love my cooking so much
that's intimately tied into a discussion of holes, or of these: How do I get a handle on *a later hole* for an execution? If there's an element of syntax, we can do that by names, but I hate adding syntax; and if there's *not* a way to do that (i.e. no syntax, unless somebody can think of a way to do it only with semantics), then there's no way to do that at
Rusky: yes.
Rusky: that's **exactly** the problem we're discussing, and that micah hopes to solve with holes, and whitequark with his stuff.
ELLIOTTCABLE: my answer to this: same as earlier. you used to get a handle of execution *somehow*
it's called interception.
whitequark: yah, I get that.
now, if you don't have a specific pend to put your result in, you just post it to the execution mailbox
so do you want to allow interception, or ban it, or both
by both I mean make it depend on the implementation of the resumee
Rusky: I want to allow a way around it. In Paws, as with coroutines, it's a problem right now … but that problem is *literally everywhere*, because literally everything is asynchronous like that.
Rusky: like, with Paws, the *result of a function call* is a coconsumption just like that.
Rusky: which means somebody somewhere else could intercept the routine in question, and the value it's trying to pass in gets used as the “result of the call to X procedure.” Very very bad.
like you hand the function you're calling a handle to resume you, which is actually async?
Rusky: yep, that's paws in a single-line nutshell.
or at least the Paws machine we're designing here.
and then somebody else could get that handle as well and say "haha take this instead of what you really expected"
there's ways around it WITHOUT all of this, just to remind everybody present.
ELLIOTTCABLE: so basically, the only difference that instead of being resumed at whatever place, the execution will be resumed at any pending `infra getmail()' call
I'm still not sold on *any* of these, even after this conversation, I intend to explore examples of solving it using only ownership.
But, for now, I'm very pro-holes, at least compared to where I have been in the past.
whitequark: yah, I understand, believe me
so. back to what I was saying pre-rusky.
trying to express my issues with this.
Hey. Guys.
I'm sorry to disrupt, but I'm moving us. This tears me to pieces, because I love the life that Paws-discussions bring to my little community, and all, but,
/join #Paws.Nucleus
Sorry for the trouble. I have good reason, believe me. /=
alexgordon, glowcoil
ELLIOTTCABLE: it should just be ##paws
ELLIOTTCABLE: everyone will be chill with that
* alexgordon
is in ##paws
and that other place
##Paws is dead, you can leave that.
It was “off-topic discussion by the developers of Paws.” That's #ELLIOTTCABLE now, clearly. :P
and #Paws is taken, so .Nucleus it is.
I'll ask Freenode, later, I guess.
this'll do, for now.
<prophile> is the Y combinator defined on boobs?
yorick has quit [Remote host closed the connection]