<HostFat> "suppose no blocksize limit, and naughty miner makes a 10TB block this afternoon. what would happen?"
<HostFat> someone will make a smaller block that will spread faster then the one of 10 TB
<HostFat> and it will be the winner
<HostFat> even if it was discovered after the one of 10TB
<HostFat> miners will not release heavier blocks that can't spread faster on the network
<dgenr8> okay, I will rephrase: "what very bad thing will happen?"
<HostFat> maybe there aren't so much bad things as some are saying
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<HostFat> if the bandwidth isn't enaught to spread faster blocks, and blocks aren't enaught large for every transactions, then there will be a marker of fees
<HostFat> if there is enaught bandwidth, there will be a "market of blocks". miners will try to have bigger blocks, but at the same time will try to have them smaller enaught to spread faster then other miners's blocks
<HostFat> I think that the limit of 20 MB is useless
<Taek> HostFat: if blocks had no size limit, miners could intentionally release blocks that are too large to spread to all other miners before the next one is mined
<Taek> As long as it reaches 50-70% of miners in time, it will be accepted on the main chain
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<HostFat> it's the same for the nodes
<Taek> those miners who are in the minority, have worse infrastructure, etc, will get left out
<HostFat> I don't think so
<Taek> and as a result they will have a much higher rate of stale blocks
<HostFat> a smaller block will be faster to spread then the bigger one, even if the bigger was discovered then the smaller
<Taek> yes, but not every miner has the same infrastructure
<Taek> some can download a big block faster than others
<HostFat> you have to think how the block spread to the nodes more then the miners
<Taek> If I'm a malicious miner who can download big blocks very quickly, it's to my advantage to try and isolate the slowest 30-50% of the miners on the network by releasing blocks that they can't download inside of a few minutes
<Taek> what are you arguing?
<HostFat> how can you isolate other miners? if you are the only one that has received the big block
<HostFat> the others have reaceived the smaller one, and they are mining it
<Taek> you aren't the only one who has received the big block, 50+% of the network got the big block
<HostFat> heavy block will be orfan
<Taek> it's just the other 50% that got left behind
<Taek> I'm not making a 10TB block, I'm making one that's just big enough to isolate a minority of miners
<Taek> but a large minority
<HostFat> if the block is eavier, it has less probability to spread faster then the smaller one
<Taek> right, that's the entire goal
<Taek> the big is going to have a head start most of the time because blocks on average only appear every 10 minutes
<Taek> if a big + small appear at the exact same moment, the small will win
<HostFat> so it's better to release smaller blocks
<Taek> but if the big appears with a 5 minute propagation advantage, it's likely that it'll reach most of the faster miners before it reaches the slower miners
<HostFat> even if there is no limit
<Taek> no
<Taek> it's better to isolate your competition
<Taek> if my competition has a higher rate of stale blocks than I do, they will not be in business for very long
<Taek> and since mining is a 0-sum game, that benefits me
<HostFat> the bandwidth and the power of miners aren't directly related
<Taek> correct
<Taek> that doesn't matter
<Taek> what matters is that some miners have better bandwidth/connectivity than others
<Taek> that disparity is much easier to exploit when you get to choose your own block size
<HostFat> so, more then then power, it will be important to have a good connection
<Taek> no
<Taek> no matter what your power is, it's important to have a good connection
<Taek> your stale rate is directly related to your connection
<Taek> when there is a 1mb cap, it's not that big of a deal, because a cheap connection vs an expensive connection is going to affect you not very much
<Taek> a cheap connection is pretty much good enough
<HostFat> but we are still talking about the miners, and not the nodes
<Taek> why do the nodes matter/
<Taek> *?
<HostFat> nodes are more important than the miners
<Taek> for what?
<HostFat> they have the controll of the rules of the network
<Taek> ok
<Taek> are you arguing that nodes would arbitrarily enforce limits on the block size?
<HostFat> yes, wait .. :)
<HostFat> what I'm saying is that, even if miners will find the bigger block at first, they will choice to use the smaller one
<Taek> the nodes will choose to accept the set of blocks that have the most pow
<HostFat> because they know that nodes will get it first, so it will be better for them (for the miners) to start mining on the next of the smaller
<Taek> which blocks the nodes have *right now* has no bearing on what choices the miners will make
<Taek> miners only care about getting their block onto the longest chain
<HostFat> miner want to be first than the other miner to find the next block
<Taek> and they care about the longest chain being accepted *eventually* by the nodes
<Taek> so they won't make invalid blocks, but that doesn't mean they are compelled to make small blocks
<HostFat> if there is a block of 1 mb, and one block of 20 mb, the miner will chose to mine after the block of 1 mb, because he know that nodes have already received it
<Taek> why?
<HostFat> because the block of 1 mb spread faster
<Taek> you're missing something in your logic
<Taek> the miner is going to choose to mine on the block that's most likely to be extended
<Taek> and the block that's most likely to be extended is the block that most other miners have seen first
<Taek> nodes have nothing to do with it
<Taek> if 51% of miners are already mining on the 20mb block, there's absolutely no reason to switch to mining the 1mb block
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<HostFat> miners need to be sure that the block of 20mb has been recevied from the majority of the nodes
<HostFat> if they are sure about this, than it's ok
<Taek> _no_they_don't_
<Taek> the speed at which the nodes receive blocks is not related to which blocks the miners choose to mine
<Taek> it's okay if the nodes are several minutes behind the miners
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<HostFat> if 51% of miners are mining the 20mb, and only 10% of nodes has it, but the 90% has the 1mb blocks, than the miner that will mine after the 1mb has more possibility to get the next block (if it is smaller) validated from the network
<HostFat> he will probably mine a block smaller than 1mb :D
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<Taek> HostFat: that's simply not how validation works
<HostFat> the validation comes from nodes
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<Taek> the nodes have no input into *which* chain is the longest, they merely verify that the longest chain doesn't violate any consensus rules
<gwillen> HostFat: the only thing that affects what's in the longest chain is the miners
<gwillen> non-mining nodes have no way to control what chain ends up longest
<gwillen> if they get a block first, but that block doesn't end up in the longest chain, they will all eventually reorg that block away
<gwillen> so they _will_ briefly use it, but it won't matter in the end
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<HostFat> yes, nodes doesn't know that the miners are mining actuly, they only get blocks, and these blocks need to be connected with the past one
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<HostFat> so if the minority of nodes haven't the bigger block, but they know the smaller one, than a miner will try to give them (to the nodes) a new block connected with the smaller one, because he know that there is an higt probability that the majority of the nones know the smaller block than the bigger block
<HostFat> because, the smaller block spread faster
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<gwillen> you haven't explained why you think the miner would care what nodes get his block
<gwillen> the only thing he cares is whether his block ends up in the longest chain
<gwillen> and that is only affected by what other miners get his block
<HostFat> as I said there will be a "market of blocks", where miners will try to find the bigger BUT faster block that can spread on the majority of the network
<gwillen> the non-mining nodes have no effect on whether his block ends up in the longest chain
<HostFat> the chain of the smaller blocks is faster of an heavy chain of bigger blocks
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<HostFat> it's faster because smaller blocks spread faster, just this
<HostFat> if 51% or even more of miner will start to ming blocks of 1 GB, and the minority will mine blocks of 1 mb, the minority will probably win on the long run
<gwillen> HostFat: that _could_ be true but it's only affected by how long it takes block to get to _other miners_
<gwillen> if those 51% all have very fast connections to each other, they will always win
<gwillen> if they don't, they could have problems
<HostFat> to get to the nodes, nodes are more important than the miners
<HostFat> they are chosing the chain
<Taek> why are you so certain that the nodes are more important?
<HostFat> because this is how it works bitcoin, nodes are where the bitcoins are spent, where tx are checked
<HostFat> they check the blocks and the chain
<gwillen> but they will always choose the longest chain no matter what
<HostFat> it is impossible to make an hard fork without changing the nodes
<gwillen> so if one group of miners can produce a longer chain, the nodes will always choose that chain
<gwillen> _always_
<gwillen> so what you have to figure out is who creates the longest chain
<HostFat> the longeest that they get, and if the nodes have a modem of 56k, they will get the chain of smaller blocks
<gwillen> even if a node accepts one block over another, it will discard that block again if it's not in the longest chain
<HostFat> it seems easy to me ..
<smooth> dgenr8: the bad thing that will happen is that miners will be able to control who is able to access the network
<gwillen> HostFat: that would only be true if their connection were so slow that they _never_ get the bigger blocks
<gwillen> HostFat: as long as they _ever_ get the bigger blocks _eventually_, and that chain is longer, they will switch to it
<Taek> and in that regard there's a consensus risk
<Taek> because faster nodes may end up picking a different chain
<gwillen> right, if fast nodes use one chain and slow nodes use another, then you get in real trouble
<HostFat> if they will get the bigger block, than it's ok, the miners are chosing to relase a right block, of the right size, for the majority of the notes
<HostFat> than it will be ok
<HostFat> the miner want to relase a block for the majority of the nodes, because he wants to have a network that works, that gives money to him
<HostFat> miner will "always" chose to relase the "right" block for the majority of the nodes
<HostFat> if the majority have a 56k, then the majority of the miners will chose to relase smaller block, even if all of them have 1000 GB of connection
<HostFat> because, nodes are more important than the miners
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<smooth> there is to be fair some logic in that
<smooth> i think it might be work short term, but longer term i think miners and big nodes will want to restrict access and charge those without the ability to operate nodes
<amiller> BlueMatt, how is the mining backbone going?
<BlueMatt> amiller: seems most miners use it, software has stabilized mostly
<amiller> any stats on it?
<amiller> which miners?
<HostFat> "i think it might be work short term, but longer term i think miners and big nodes will want to restrict access and charge those without the ability to operate nodes"
<HostFat> maybe, even if I understand that miners want to restring the network from other miners, but I can't find why some big nodes will want to do the same
<HostFat> nodes aren't getting any income to be nodes ...
<smooth> HostFat: they will get income if you cant operate your own node but still want to transact
<smooth> e.g. coinbase
<HostFat> hmm
<HostFat> yes ... this can be a problem if will be difficult to be nodes, or ... of users will prefer to use coinbase than SPV client
<BlueMatt> amiller: not readily at the moment...I need to fix one more bug then I want to reset and gather stats for a month
<smooth> HostFat: nodes don't have to provide SPV service for free either
<BlueMatt> amiller: afaik pretty much all miners with big chunks of hashpower use it +/- one or two
<HostFat> yes, true ... but they it doesn't cost so much, even less if there are many nodes (and pruning will help to get this)
<amiller> BlueMatt, ok. i'd be interesting in seeing any stats or info you have about how much it's used and like which miners use it
<HostFat> it's late here, good night!
<BlueMatt> amiller: yea, I want to reset everything and see what happens
<amiller> ok :) (though resetting is unrelated to publishing more about it anyway)
<BlueMatt> amiller: well, trying to parse out the stats right now would be a pita as there'd be a lot of false sources when nodes were acting up
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<gmaxwell> Is anyone aware of a web block explorer front end for bitcoin that only uses the rpc? (like the ncurses tool)-- I mean something that lets you explore blocks using getblock / gettransaction verbose exclusively, not something that does its own block parsing. And I don't care if it doesn't have address indexing.
<gmaxwell> (basically I want exactly the ncurses tool, but in web form. :)) ... bit handicapped with bitcointalk and the wiki being down.
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<kanzure> gmaxwell: well it's in php but... https://github.com/stolendata/rpc-ace
<gmaxwell> woot, just found the first; hadn't found the second yet.
<adlai> is http://webbtc.com as simple as you need?
<adlai> might have a bit too many frills
<kanzure> he needs rpc
<gmaxwell> Need something that works even if the transaction format is wildly different. :)
<gmaxwell> its nice though I wish the rpc things were that nice.
<kanzure> tbh it would be faster to write a quick python wrapper around rpc output
<gmaxwell> yea probably, would be interesting to just display the json output and do minimal parsing to add hyperlinks.
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<www> hey, one quick q. can a bitcoin tx contain multiple OP_RETURN outputs?
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<Luke-Jr> www: there is no such thing as "OP_RETURN outputs" at the protocol level; if you mean Core's reference spamfiltering, then no
<Luke-Jr> www: why do you think OP_RETURN is useful?
<www> trying to fit a signature of a msg into a bitcoin tx. signature seems to be 88 bytes
<Luke-Jr> hash it
<www> i hash the message
<Luke-Jr> no, hash the signature
<www> and then where to publish the sig?
<Luke-Jr> with the message
<www> the message is on chain
<Luke-Jr> then the recipient verifies the sig matches the message, and the H(sig) matches the commitment
<www> and less than 80 bytes
<Luke-Jr> well, then you're just doing it wrong :P
<Luke-Jr> you might also find https://github.com/Blockstream/contracthashtool useful
<www> using bitcore for message signing and verification
<www> is bad?
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<Luke-Jr> www: using the blockchain for messaging is bad
<www> ah, no, it is useful
<Luke-Jr> no, it isn't. it is clueless.
<www> ok mr overlord
<www> i obey
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<www> i will try to keep your blockchain clean and pretty
<Luke-Jr> you asked how to do X, so I advised you how to do X. your hostility is not appropriate.
<www> i don't feel advised, i feel commanded
<www> maybe there is a way to make the sig shorter..?
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<www> WTF Early on, the miner Eligius started putting Catholic prayers in English and Latin in the coinbase field of blocks they mined. Here are some samples: http://www.righto.com/2014/02/ascii-bernanke-wikileaks-photographs.html
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<fluffypony> www: take it somewhere else, thanks.
<www> is this the same Luke-Jr here who put CATHOLIC prayers into bitcoins chain?
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<Luke-Jr> fluffypony: I'm biased. Ought he be +q'd?
<fluffypony> if he shuts up or leaves of his own accord then no, but if he carries on blathering then yes
<fluffypony> now let's make that a smart contract and put it on the blockchain
<fluffypony> :-P
<Luke-Jr> :p
<www> have fun guys
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<akrmn> I wonder if Bitcoin core devs restrict what they say publicly to avoid being targeted by a hitman hired by a powerful entity, or something like that
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<nsh> (you can wonder about that in #bitcoin)
<akrmn> nsh: I thought it was on topic, because of the large proportion of Bitcoin devs here, but ok...
<akrmn> also, no mods here :)
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<akrmn> o ok
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<nsh> on-topic is vaguely defined, but if you wanted to enquire of the devs, perhaps the via the mailing-list. on-topicness seems to have a preference for conceptual/theoretical/technical aspects of blockchain and related technologies, over more social or hypothetical topics. but it's elastic, hence i made the suggestion parenthetical :)
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<nsh> *perhaps via