Luke Leighton master 89b49e0 source .be/adf28467-7295-4f22-ac3a-2fb76796b955/bugs/ 6db4a3a9-9f36-44e3-967e-78e5ee7d65fe/values 9cf2eb35-0e8a-4bad-8154-0c10adb5e969/values c4ee6914-3ede-469c-9ecc-0e977b7e2a34/values update more status * http://source.rhombus-tech.net/?p=source.git;a=commitdiff;h=89b49e0
lkcl: i dunno how to do it, but maybe it makes sense to rename the clamshell microlaptop to a more general "Portable QWERTY Computer". At least until there's a consensus on accepted form factor
anyways, i just updated it with some information and changed the layout a bit
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mozzwald: yep i can do that with a git mv... except "portable QWERTY computer" could be anything up to a 20-in laptop. can i suggest thinking of a more specific name?