chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get
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<Thiagovfar> Hmm, I left my client logged in somewhere else. Did somebody talk to me in the meantime?
<frankdrey> everyone
<frankdrey> you're so popular
<Thiagovfar> Well, I made a question
<Thiagovfar> then left
<Thiagovfar> Now I'm back. I think its fair if I don't get my answers.
<frankdrey> we have logs you know :P
<frankdrey> @google #teamhacksung-support
<bbqbot> No search results returned for that keyword.
<frankdrey> :/
<Thiagovfar> Do we?
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<Thiagovfar> Yup, nobody answered
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<frankdrey> told ya
<Thiagovfar> And you were one of the ones who didn't answer.
<Thiagovfar> Evil boy
<frankdrey> what was the question?
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<Thiagovfar> If anybody still care about CM9
<frankdrey> probably not
<frankdrey> why would they?
<Thiagovfar> Because it works better (at least for i9100)
<frankdrey> that's what you think
<xtacocorex> why is the frankdrey angry?
<xtacocorex> Thiagovfar, i wasn't near the keyboard, sorry for not answering your question
<Thiagovfar> xtacocorex: not a problem
<xtacocorex> i only ran cm9 for a couple of weeks on my gtab2, i don't have an i9100
<frankdrey> because my PC REALLY sucks
<xtacocorex> i do have a gs3 that still has 4.0.4 while my wifes came with 4.1.1
<xtacocorex> #firstworldnerdproblems
* xtacocorex is looking at cases for his gs3 and not working on his 4.2 gtab2 project
<xtacocorex> why would you buy a case that makes your phone look like a duck
<xtacocorex> phone case + beer bottle opener = genius
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> powermac g5
<frankdrey> can i build android on that?
<bbqbot> derp
<xtacocorex> don't think it's 64 bit
<xtacocorex> it's also a power pc based processor
<xtacocorex> which i don't think any new linux distro supports readily
<frankdrey> ubuntu
<frankdrey> its 64 bit
<xtacocorex> they still have ppc buids?
<xtacocorex> oh
<xtacocorex> hmm
<frankdrey> 10.04
<xtacocorex> the problem is getting java to play nice
<xtacocorex> if you can get it cheap, wouldn't be a bad thing to try
<frankdrey> openjdk
<frankdrey> my bro has one laying around
<frankdrey> got it for $30 :D
<frankdrey> YAYYAYAYAYA
<frankdrey> he says i can use it until he finds a buyer
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> he's trying to sell it :P
<frankdrey> he fixed it, cuz it was broken
<frankdrey> ok, well, i need this monitor + pc's power cables
<frankdrey> brb on phone
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<Jiangyi> Hmm....
<Jiangyi> So apparently, Adam Outler speaks German too. ._.
<frankdrey> HALLELUJAH
<frankdrey> I CAN PUT PC2700 in here
<frankdrey> This is gonna mean like 6gb of ram possibly
<frankdrey> Maybe :P
<xtacocorex> sweet deal frankdrey
<frankdrey> I just have to find matching pairs :P
<frankdrey> 8 slots though :D
<Jiangyi> 8 slots? ._.
* nevyn has a shiny new phone. (galaxy note II)
* Jiangyi only has 4 in his desktop ._.
* nevyn has 8gig in his laptop
<nevyn> 2x4gig
<frankdrey> Ok what the fuck...
<frankdrey> My dad took my box of pc parts and threw his shit on top of the stuff inside
<frankdrey> Heavy stuff
<frankdrey> On top of my motherboards, gpus, and ram
* xtacocorex realizes that his gtab2 and gs3 are almost more powerful than my 8 year old macbook
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, my last pc had 2 :P
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, not really
<frankdrey> Clock speed doesn't mean anything
<xtacocorex> true, but the gs3 matches the amount of ram in my computer
<Jiangyi> xtacocorex: I have a Powerbook 280 sitting on my shelf right now. lol
<frankdrey> Hmm I can't find more than 2.5 gb
<frankdrey> My dad probably threw the rest away
<frankdrey> Because "we don't need it"
<frankdrey> >.>
<frankdrey> Hmm maybe these two 1gb sticks will work in here
<frankdrey> They didn't work in my other pcs
<frankdrey> I hear that stupid dun sound :D
<frankdrey> Woo an apple :D
<frankdrey> Aw, it just ignores them
<n0credit> so japan > korea ?
<frankdrey> That's kinda cool. Each pair gets its own clock. So no underclocking because of 1 stick being slow
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<frankdrey> This broken ram is samsung ram xD
<frankdrey> Ok seriously, what the hell
<frankdrey> Why is there a saw blade with my pc parts?o.o
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<frankdrey> Woot 3gb total now
<frankdrey> Don't think ill find any more
<frankdrey> Wait, I lie
<frankdrey> 2.5
<frankdrey> Doesn't recognize these two 256mb sticks
<xtacocorex> dude, you never know if you need to cut a hole into a chassis or something
<frankdrey> What
<frankdrey> Oh
<frankdrey> XD
<frankdrey> Its a circular one :P pretty big
<frankdrey> Might as well take off the side :P
<xtacocorex> it's fun to watch my wife play with the new phone, way too advanced than the old android phones we had
<frankdrey> Lol
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<chadouming> Frankdrey it's not good to use different ram stick and timing together
<frankdrey> chadouming, on normal PCs
<frankdrey> Because it underclocks all the ram sticks to the slowest one
<frankdrey> Powermac gives each one separate timings
<chadouming> Hmm, only that, but i'm out
<nevyn> my phone now has as much ram as the 8 yearold server we still have at work.
<nevyn> does anyone know if the I7105 is different to a I7100 other than the radios?
<Jiangyi> Probably just the RIL.
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<nevyn> ok.. every time I try vendor android it makes me want to stab someone in the face.
<nevyn> I can browse the filesystem from my linux laptop but I can't transfer files.
<nevyn> wtf.
<nevyn> I get a message that says..
<nevyn> "unable to identify software on your pc for file transfer"
<frankdrey> This guy in ##apple is telling me that building android on ppc will be worse than on my old computer
<nevyn> on ppc?
<nevyn> what ppc?
<bbqbot> derp
<nevyn> and what old computer ;)
<nevyn> cause it might be.
<nevyn> Jiangyi: can you expand RIL for me ;)
<frankdrey> Powerpc
<nevyn> so there are no new powerpc's there's new power7's and power8's but I doubt you're taking about those.
<frankdrey> Powermac G5 :P
<nevyn> and what was your old pc?
<frankdrey> Shuttle pc 1.7ghz amd athlon
<nevyn> it's probably about even
<frankdrey> The ppc is 2.0ghz dualcore
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<Jiangyi> @google Radio Interface Layer
<bbqbot> Radio Interface Layer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<Jiangyi> nevyn: ^
<frankdrey> Oh, I coulda answered that ._.
<Jiangyi> lol
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<nevyn> heh
<frankdrey> That link crashed andchat
<nevyn> Jiangyi: so the RIL is what runs on the base mgt controller? or is it a function within cm?
<Jiangyi> It's what communicates with the underlying hardware.
<frankdrey> Its a driver
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<nevyn> frankdrey: but in the android lib bit not the kernel right?
<frankdrey> Don't remember
<xtacocorex> it sits between the user stack and the kernel
<xtacocorex> that's where i would assume it's at
<nevyn> that makes sense.
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<Jiangyi> Blah. I just realized how broken recovery is on 10.1 :-|
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<xtacocorex> it seems that the multi-user stuff was hacked in
<Jiangyi> What do you mean?
<xtacocorex> i think a lot of the problems in 4.2 stem from multi-user support
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<frankdrey> Cm10.1 chugging along nicely :D
<xtacocorex> oh yeah?
<frankdrey> Yeah
<frankdrey> No point in trying now, I guess
<frankdrey> My eta for gtab is 1 week :p
<frankdrey> My educated estimate
<xtacocorex> for me getting what i'm trying to do working?
<xtacocorex> i should have had it working already
<frankdrey> My eta for cm 10.1
<frankdrey> You figured out the sd thing and the assert thing yet?:p
<bbqbot> derp
<xtacocorex> no
<frankdrey> Oh
<xtacocorex> cyanogen uses a different script to build their updater-script
<xtacocorex> and it supports writing multiple device asserts
<frankdrey> Ah
<frankdrey> Well, like I said, find the point where the zip is about to be packaged
<frankdrey> And use sed and cat to edit the script :D
<xtacocorex> the problem is that i'm trying to do it the right way
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<Assid> heya
<xtacocorex> howdy
<Assid> whats cookin?
<Assid> so im just thinking normally one would expect maguro to be ported to cm10.1 almost instantaneously
<Assid> but theres no build out so far.
<Jiangyi> Yep, I definitely need to figure out what the flip is wrong with CWM on CM10.1.
<Jiangyi> Won't flash zips (Except for CM10 zips weirdly) and won't restore backups.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: any problems?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, the sdcard is weird in 4.2
<frankdrey> Separated into users
<frankdrey> !!google youtube the horribly inefficient murderer
<frankdrey> @google youtube the horribly inefficient murderer
<bbqbot> The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient ... - YouTube -
<frankdrey> ^watch
<Jiangyi> z0mg cody's awake :O
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Really random CWM issues. It'll flash CM10/CM10.1 zips, but it won't flash anything else (Like GApps).
<Jiangyi> Not sure if Koush borked something or something in 4.2's causing weird things to happen. =|
<Assid> theres 10.1 zips ?
<Jiangyi> OK, definitely a cm10.1 thing.
<Assid> how come i didnt see anything on xda ?
<Jiangyi> Just went back to a CM10 build with the same CWM version and it works fine.
<Jiangyi> Assid: Just experimental stuff for I9100G :-P
<Assid> oh
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: experimental?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, your build.
<Assid> google needs to add new stock on the n4.. the next 1-2 days is my last chance for shipment
<Jiangyi> brb
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: Y U CALL IT EXPERIMENTAL?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, the sdcard is weird in 4.2
<frankdrey> Separated into users
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, the sdcard is weird in 4.2
<frankdrey> Separated into users
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, the sdcard is weird in 4.2
<frankdrey> Separated into users
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> Said it :P
<frankdrey> Already
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, considering part of the zip's name was 'EXPERIMENTAL'...... xP
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: How would that affect CWM though?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> It moves the files into folders by user
<frankdrey> And does shit with em
<frankdrey> Dunno :/:P
<Jiangyi> :/
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<Assid> hmm im using 4.2 i dont see any sdcard being divided into users
<Assid> atleast not on maguro
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<Assid> anyoen managed to get photosphere to use proper pictures?
<frankdrey> Assid, you won't unless your out of android
<frankdrey> Android won't let you notice anything
<frankdrey> Try adb shell or something
<frankdrey> I know that when I installed 4.2 on my gtab2, it moved everything into /sdcard/0
<xtacocorex> well Assid has a point, multi-user is only for tablets
<Assid> frankdrey: A> they should let you take non 360 degress.. like i want 180 degres only
<xtacocorex> but it probably does move everything to /sdcard/0
<Assid> i dotncare whgats behind me
<frankdrey> Ahhh
<frankdrey> Multiuser is tablet only
<xtacocorex> i just started a build frankdrey
<frankdrey> Nice
<Assid> also getting the right perspective of how to to use photosphere is a pita
<Assid> apparently you cant move your arm while taking the pictures.. you need to just twist the phone
<Assid> this should make a guide on suggested way to use photosphere
<Assid> i.e. dont strtch your arms out as the perspective goes off.. instead you want it be as close as to the center as possible
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<frankdrey> Well, I hope 512mb is enough RAM for an Android build machine xD
<frankdrey> We've had this discussion before...
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<codeworkx> frankdrey: lul?
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, lul
<frankdrey> I think I fried the PC
<frankdrey> So I'm gonna use the powermac after all :P
<Fissurez> \o/
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<kunehox> hi iam upgrading firmware 4.1.2 cynogen 10. please help
<diegoviola> how about you ask a proper question first?
* diegoviola sighs
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<kunehox> please help me it stuck at cynogenmod after flashing
<kunehox> i just follow instruction here
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<FOoa> hi
<FOoa> i have i9100g and cm10 stable
<FOoa> every time i remove battery(and replace it) phone did not turn on until i leave phone without battery for 5-10 min and then i put battery on phone and it turn on correctly
<FOoa> !
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<FOoa> :)
<FOoa> hi
<FOoa> i am still here :?
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<FOoa_> hi
<addi> that seems to be more of a hardware problem than something to do with the ROM, if the phone is not turning on at all
<FOoa_> !
<FOoa_> so it is not from cm10?
<bbqbot> derp
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<FOoa_> can i return to official rom or it risky?
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<FOoa_> it is possible that phone die when i go from cm10 to official rom with odin?
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<addi> nope, flashing stock ROM is quite safe
<FOoa_> i must use odin?
<FOoa_> without pit?
<FOoa_> need wipe befor?
<addi> yes. you should flash a stock ROM and try if that fixes the issue.
<addi> flash stock ROM, it will get stuck at the Samsung boot logo. to fix that, remove and re-insert battery, boot to recovery, wipe data, reboot. done
<addi> FOoa_, just open Odin, put the ROM's in the PDA field, don't touch any other option, and flash
<FOoa_> thank you so much
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<FOoa_> thanks
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<suikhei> Hello. I need help - I tried updating the bootloader for p4 in order to install cm10, as per guide, but I got a big red fail in odin and dont know what to do now. I am afraid to switch off the device and so on.
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<brinsjt> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
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<Guest1114> I didn't get that?
<bbqbot> derp
<Guest1114> you there?
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<Thiagovfar> We here
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<Jiangyi> Well, I woke up and cody put up 10.1 already. :-/
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: Y U SLEEP?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I kinda dozed off heh
<Jiangyi> :-D
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: plx help Guest1114 to find the camera settings. burst mode, jpeg, timer mode, iso, color effect
<Jiangyi> Urh..............
<Jiangyi> Guest1114: If you're talking about CM10.1, it's non-existent.
<Jiangyi> If you're talking about CM10, then you're just blind. ._.
<Jiangyi> And there's something crazy going on with my computer right now.
<Jiangyi> Can't open anything except Quassel :S
<Umberts> is there any owner here of the Galaxy S Plus? i9001
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<Jiangyi> Internet, y u no faster =|
<logcat> pay more / month = better internet
<Ravensoul> 100Mbithere
<logcat> 42 enough for me
<Jiangyi> logcat: It's more the upload speed.
<logcat> 2.5mbits
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<Jiangyi> 1Mbit here =|
<Thiagovfar> 10Mbit here
<UmbeAway> ....3mbps here....
<Thiagovfar> @money 146 brl usd
<bbqbot> 146 BRL = 69.94 USD
<logcat> we have 3 server with 100mbps upload and 1 with infinite
<logcat> eh
<Thiagovfar> How does infinite scale?
<logcat> well, i suppose the maximum the nic support is 10GBPS but we must be connected with 1gbps
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<mikelimb> Hello
<Thiagovfar> hi
<mikelimb> Is this tutorial right for Samsung Galaxy S3 ?
<logcat> no
<mikelimb> ok thanks
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<Jiangyi> Alright, time for the "Send new CM version thread for I9100G as news portal tip" ceremony. xD
<Jiangyi> Whoa, it's snowing outside. :O
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<mikelimb> Where exactly is snowing ? :)
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<iXanza> I'm having trouble setting up a new APN in cm10.1 experimental on my i9100G
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Noob question, but what's trace config? :-P
<Jiangyi> iXanza: Have you tried HiAPN?
<bbqbot> derp
<iXanza> HiAPN gives me a force close instantly.
<Jiangyi> Hmm... Probably incompatibility with 4.2 then.
<iXanza> When I manually set it up in APN settings it doesn't save. Is that a bug?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dunno
<Jiangyi> Umm......
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So you enabled it but you don't know what it is.....? :-S
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it's required
<Jiangyi> Oh ok. ._.
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<iXanza> :/
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<iXanza> Jiangyi any idea?
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<Jiangyi> iXanza: No sorry.
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<Jiangyi> 10.1's new, none of us have much experience with it :-P
<Jiangyi> (Except Cody I guess)
<iXanza> Okay. I'll provide a logcat of my problem with the apn settings in the xda page. hope theres information to work on.
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<bealtine> this sauce any good?
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<bealtine> or same old crap?
<nebkat> bealtine: same
<bealtine> uhuh
<bealtine> sammy are pimping it as "the solutionn"
<Espenfjo> same old
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<Baskey> Fissurez: DOOD
g_byers[Away] is now known as g_byers
<Jiangyi> Yay internet's fixed.
<g_byers> soo jellybean 4.2 for Galaxy Tab 2 ?
<g_byers> *crickets*
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<Jiangyi> logcat: Update changelog for 10.1! :-P
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<logcat> hmm, no
<logcat> xplodwild is already working on something new tho
<logcat> :D
<logcat> for a peak preview
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<Fissurez> Baskey: DOOOOOOD
<Fissurez> _bt: fuck you. (for this
<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
<bbqbot> Fissurez: what up dood
<Jiangyi> logcat: oooolala
<Fissurez> not much
<g_byers> logcat cool you have a compiler mc jigger now
<Jiangyi> Is that a translation button I see?
<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
<bbqbot> Fissurez: what up dood
<logcat> dafuq ?
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<g_byers> codeworkx still alive?
<Fissurez> nope
<Fissurez> the release of the 5250 in a device killed him
<Fissurez> too much exynos
<g_byers> thats why The galaxy tab has not been updated since the 6th november :P
<Fissurez> yup
<Fissurez> blame logcat
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I spy with my little eyes, a new I9100G ICS source code update. :-P
<g_byers> ics .___.
<logcat> @kick Fissurez
<bbqbot> logcat: You are not allowed to run that command!
<logcat> -_-'
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by logcat [Fissurez]
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<g_byers> logcat why did you kill codeworkx :L
<logcat> i no kill codeworkx
<logcat> i help all the devs
<g_byers> Looks like he died here:
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ics is out-outdated
<g_byers> I woke him up
* g_byers hides
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: So no help? :-|
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<codeworkx> g_byers: flash p3110 ron
<codeworkx> didnt you read the xda thread?
<logcat> lol, you think user read ?
<g_byers> but umm thats not my device o.o
<g_byers> does that not brick it as they say
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no. everything works, whats the prob?
<codeworkx> g_byers: cm for p3110 is 100% same than for p3113
<g_byers> ah so no point in uploading twice ;)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That crap about Bluetooth not working on your CWM for stock kernel? :-P
<Fissurez> LIES
<Fissurez> al of it
<g_byers> lol I though you stopped updating it because you were working on 4.2 or something codeworkx :P
<Jiangyi> g_byers: Nightly builds are automatic lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i dont care about stock
<Jiangyi> Fine fine :-P
<g_byers> I'm a noob idk how any of the builds work lol
* Jiangyi shuts up now
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: cwm kernel is for getting cm on it
<codeworkx> nothing else
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright, any idea why CWM's so borked on 10.1?
<codeworkx> not finished yet
<codeworkx> EXPERIMENTAL
<codeworkx> u know?
<bbqbot> derp
<g_byers> soo is 4.2 out on the galaxy tab ?
<Jiangyi> Why you ask me why I call it experimental last night then!? xP
<xtacocorex> g_byers, have you seen any 4.2 related threads in the xda forum?
<g_byers> now I have to wait on cwm to backup .___.
<g_byers> nope
<xtacocorex> probably a safe assumption that there isn't anything yet
<xtacocorex> btw, do you have to have the latest cwm to flash 4.2 based roms?
<g_byers> yea but 4.2 is a minor update so it might have been pushed in a nightly or something
<codeworkx> aha
<codeworkx> changes to audio hal, hwcomposer...
<Jiangyi> Not as minor as you might think lol
<codeworkx> that minor update killed exynos devices
<g_byers> heh the tab has some older processor in it right ?
<xtacocorex> the omap 44xx isn't old
<codeworkx> no
<n0credit> omap is godlike
<codeworkx> its just not from samsung
<xtacocorex> ti is a little more open about stuff g_byers, so the soc is easier to develop on
<g_byers> texas instruments I think
<Fissurez> cody - 4.2 killed exynos? how?
<logcat> change ALL THE HALS
<n0credit> codeworkx: from 1 to 10000000, how good are the chances to get hwc working before 2020 for the i9300?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> 1
<n0credit> I should have say between 0 and ~
<logcat> you mean -1 :P
<n0credit> said*
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<g_byers> zoo my tab has more of a chance :P
<g_byers> *soo
<codeworkx> maybe we can do some compat patches, but... will still lag like a crappy old device
<codeworkx> g_byers: tabs are already working. just not released
<g_byers> you guys are quick
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm guessing you're working on XT now?
<codeworkx> i9100g, tab2, sony devices, exynos devices
<codeworkx> thats my prio list
<codeworkx> xperia v
<Jiangyi> Right, dat waterproof phone. :-P
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<codeworkx> yea
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<n0credit> xperia v? is that new?
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<codeworkx> yes
<codeworkx> more than new
<codeworkx> try to buy it
<n0credit> not released right?
<codeworkx> ;-)
<g_byers> I think sony has the worst skin out of all the handset makers :P
<n0credit> dat contact
<n0credit> g_byers: never tried tw right?
<codeworkx> sonys skin is close to aosp
<codeworkx> so the best
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<Jiangyi> I actually wanna try out the Sony skin. :-P
<n0credit> I see sony as doing their stuff without bloating the shit out of android itself
<Jiangyi> TW is just too GB-like. =|
<codeworkx> w00t?
<codeworkx> samsung is pure bloat
<n0credit> yes
<codeworkx> smartphone + nature -.-
<codeworkx> wtf did they smoke?
<n0credit> i can't live without that bird sounds
<n0credit> it makes so happy
<codeworkx> childish
<n0credit> maybe in korea that's popular
<codeworkx> like korean cartoons
<codeworkx> ugly
<n0credit> never saw any korean cartoons, i wont even bother searching...
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What's your opinion on anime? :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> colors + sounds + more colors + lazorbeam + more sounds + colors
<codeworkx> omg
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<n0credit> codeworkx: that sounds like epilepsia
<codeworkx> power on i9300, get colorshock, cry about blubb blubb sounds
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<codeworkx> those phones are worthless without cm
<codeworkx> not usable
<n0credit> most people dont care about usability
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<n0credit> i know people using the i9300 only for calls
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<Exterminatus> I installed cm in second day after buying i9300
<Exterminatus> Samsung's skin is annoying
<n0credit> what, you didnt like tw? smh
<Jiangyi> I gave up on Samsung ROMs when ICS came.
<n0credit> it's not a skin, is like cancer
<n0credit> and for the i9300 is terminal
<g_byers> zoo sony finally upgraded from the gingerbread look ?
<g_byers> *soo
<g_byers> damm you autocorrect
<Jiangyi> Man, I wish Google would've updated the Nexus S to 4.2
<Jiangyi> Probably would've caused a less messed-up HDPI layout :-|
<g_byers> looks the same to me
<n0credit> codeworkx: so the xperia v is pretty much the xperia t + water proof
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<codeworkx> n0credit: t + waterproof + lte
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<Exterminatus> I'm sure, that if I'll buy any sony device, they'll suddenly get back to closed sources
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<Exterminatus> In 2011 I heard so much about samsung's help to developers, and now I fucked up with this exynos4
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<n0credit_> codeworkx: edge is the best speed i can get here lol
<n0credit_> no buy from me
<n0credit_> :p
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<datagutt> [19:34:33] <Exterminatus> I'm sure, that if I'll buy any sony device, they'll suddenly get back to closed sources
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<datagutt> A simple way to avoid taht
<datagutt> buy a nexus
<datagutt> an international one if possible
<Exterminatus> They haven't sd-card slots
<addi> Exterminatus, Google themselves believe Sony is the best when it comes to contributing to sources
<addi> they aren't going back to closed source anytime soon
<addi> even Samsung is on quite a roll nowadays with updates to their flagship devices since 2011. back porting new features to them as well. guess except HTC they all improving :P
<datagutt> sony has open sauced so much nice stuff
<datagutt> addi: exynos5 does not look that bad
<datagutt> but 4?
<datagutt> die in a fire
<addi> not bad how? ^^
<addi> I guess being on a Nexus device will help with Exynos 5
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<Jiangyi> I'm waiting for my hard drive order to be approved.
<Jiangyi> Cmon NCIX, why u no process faster? :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<n0credit_> exynos 4 is awesome guys, what are u talking 'bout
<addi> in performance, sure
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<addi> but I think datagutt is talking about something else
<datagutt> source-wise
<datagutt> samsung has released more source for exynos5 (mainly because of nexus 10)
<datagutt> But they will probably haxx all teh non nexus devices that use exynos5
<addi> are the Nexus 4 binaries fully out yet? or is Qualcomm still playing hard ball?
<datagutt> no idea
<datagutt> i am stuck with i9300
<datagutt> can't wait for gingerbread 4.2
<datagutt> BLOP BLOP
<datagutt> BLOP BLOP, BLOP
<addi> xD
<addi> I go kill some Templars in AC3 now, bai bai doods
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<codeworkx> datagut: i9000 vs nexus s.
<codeworkx> i9000 software was a nightmare
<codeworkx> binaries mostly unusable for aosp
<codeworkx> we needed to recreate the whole board upon nexus kernel
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<codeworkx> otherwise this device would never have seen the light
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<datagutt> [20:30:54] <@datagutt> But they will probably haxx all teh non nexus devices that use exynos5
<datagutt> woah iwas right
<datagutt> :P
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> but still, no s4 for me
<codeworkx> only s4 kraits ;-)
<wifi> haha
<n0credit_> lol
<codeworkx> i9300 was the most bad decision
<n0credit_> yeah, i thought it was a safe bet
<n0credit_> not such thing
<codeworkx> dont complain, it was for free
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<n0credit_> for you maybe
<n0credit_> lol
<Jiangyi> Cody, you still haven't sold it? :-P
<Fissurez> cody, sell my i9100 too
<Fissurez> sell it for LOTS OF MONEYS
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: not yet
<Jiangyi> No one wants to buy cody-signed S3?
* Jiangyi is shocked
<n0credit_> should be an easy sell
<Fissurez> sign my S2 too!
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<datagutt> [20:45:42] <@codeworkx> i9300 was the most bad decision
<datagutt> i thought
<datagutt> "oh xplodwild and codework is getting one"
<datagutt> so it can't be bad
<datagutt> how stupid can i be
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> I got this I9100G thinking it was an I9100
<datagutt> and now i can't get a new one yet
<Fissurez> Jiangyi: wat
<Jiangyi> When I found out, I was like NUUUUU No CM D-:
<datagutt> because of idiotte parents (oh hi, guess i am netchips brother)
<Jiangyi> And look at where we are today lol
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: They sold I9100 and I9100G in identical boxes in Asia.
<Fissurez> lol?
<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> why.
<Jiangyi> Yeah 9100G had basically nothing before cody came along :-P
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<Fissurez> why would you want to put 4.1 on a 4.2 device.
<datagutt> Fissurez: that guy does not understand it is probably an driver issue
<Fissurez> yeah
<Fissurez> but WHY
<Fissurez> why in the first place
<datagutt> because of wifi issues
<datagutt> he thinks
<datagutt> that 4.2 is the cause
<datagutt> because he is an idiotte user
<wifi> eh, i no has issue
<Fissurez> datagutt: what a moron
<datagutt> wifi: we are talking about nx4 not shitty g
<Fissurez> datagutt: 10/10
<wifi> i was talking about me :(
<Fissurez> where is baskey
<datagutt> no idea
<datagutt> last time i saw him was with asha
<Fissurez> he wants a hwcomposer
<Fissurez> asha?
<datagutt> and a bunch of people from mizu
<Fissurez> WAT
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<datagutt> @google asha cuthbert
<bbqbot> Asha Cuthbert - Supermodelme Season 3 | Facebook -
<Jiangyi> datagutt: I feel offended
<datagutt> she was in mizu ad
<Jiangyi> :-(
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<datagutt> Jiangyi: why=
<datagutt> "a bunch of people from mizu"
<snapple> hello everyone
<datagutt> how is that offensive?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> :)
<Jiangyi> You called my phone shitty >_>
<datagutt> Ah
<datagutt> for a sec i thought you worked at mizu
<datagutt> Jiangyi: so you got optimus g
<Jiangyi> No that's Thracky. :-P
<datagutt> [21:00:26] <@Jiangyi> You called my phone shitty >_>
<Jiangyi> OK, too many Gs now lol
<datagutt> i called optimus g shitty
<datagutt> or well
<snapple> May I kindly ask for some assistance about flashing a rom?
<datagutt> it is not shit
<datagutt> BUT
<datagutt> why buy a optimus g just to flash aosp on it?
<Fissurez> snapple: you'll have to pry my answers out of my cold dead hands
<snapple> lol fair enough
<Jiangyi> datagutt: SDcard slot and LTE apparently.
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<datagutt> Wifi is from canada
<datagutt> nexus 4 can use lte in canada
<Fissurez> those canadians, what will they think of next?
<snapple> Seriously may I ask some questions?
<Jiangyi> snapple: Go ahead.
<Jiangyi> datagutt: Well, people didn't know that til yesterday lol
<Jiangyi> But yeah, good for us Canadians :-D
<snapple> Okay! So I got the international sgs3. I kept reading and wondering about all the rooting. When I finally got a grip of my b@lz I decided to go ahead follow instructions use odin etc and install the normal stock of jb 4.1.1
<datagutt> oh you got an sgs3
<datagutt> that is sad
<codeworkx> sell it as fast as possible
<datagutt> terrible buy dude
<snapple> now I got more excited and I flashed the recent 4.1.2 rom! but I would like to have a CM10 rom on it. I dunno if that is possible or i will brick my phone? So is there a CM10 for the 4.1.2 and is it stable?
<snapple> well its my first android phone and I got it for 470 $ unlocked so its not such a bad buy!
<Jiangyi> If no one wants to buy cody-signed S3, then definitely no one wants to buy a regular S3. :-P
<snapple> As I said I am knew to all this. Didn't even know about rooting etc before I bought it. So I gotta suck it up for some time before I switch! (speaking of which) which devices are better ATM
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<xtacocorex> the us versions of the gs3 have a qualcomm dual core, i wonder why the difference
<xtacocorex> frequency range?
<snapple> I guess here in the Netherlands get discriminated against :P
<snapple> When I found out after the purchase it had no LTE that was the biggest let down
<snapple> sux!
<xtacocorex> i don't have lte either, but i got the think for $50 usd
<snapple> dunno here its still 600 euros at the mobile shops! and the one without the best processor or LTE in it. what a rip off this country is
<codeworkx> s3 lte doesnt have cm
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<Jiangyi> xtacocorex: Don't think they figured out LTE on Exynos back when that came out. :-P
<Jiangyi> Either ways, my friend's d2tmo on CM10 isn't exactly very stable =|
<xtacocorex> ah, makes sense Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> Cam would stop working after a bit (only a reboot would fix it), and here's the strange one
<snapple> But is there any stable rom or safe to speak for the JB 4.1.2 or not?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> there was no lte modem available except from qcom which needs qcom soc
<Jiangyi> It would sometimes reboot during a call, but the thing is, the call will still be connected and working during the reboot ._.
<codeworkx> so no lte for exynos
<codeworkx> but now theres i9305
<xtacocorex> wtf Jiangyi, that doesn't seem possible
<Jiangyi> That's what I thought, but apparently it is.
<snapple> lol Jiangyi thats fun! fone rebooting but the call is still connected fun!
<codeworkx> just a gui crash
<codeworkx> no full reboot
<xtacocorex> interesting
<Jiangyi> Well, the whole bootanimation played and all.
<xtacocorex> the stuff i work on doesn't have gui's, so when there is a crash, all rf stops
<codeworkx> kill system_server via adb
<Jiangyi> Wonder why that device has stable anyways =|
<codeworkx> and you'll see
<snapple> so best thing to do is go back to the stock rom 4.1.1 then?
<codeworkx> sell it
<snapple> codeworkx: talking to me or ?
<codeworkx> yes
<snapple> okay lets say I go ahead and do so! What andorid device should I get
<snapple> suggestions
<n0credit_> go for the meizu mx
<n0credit_> good soc
<snapple> wth is a meizu mx
<Jiangyi> snapple: Nexus 4.
<codeworkx> nexus 4
<wifi> snapple, never ever get a meizu
<datagutt> [21:14:01] <n0credit_> go for the meizu mx
<datagutt> [21:14:04] <n0credit_> good soc
<datagutt> /sarcasm
<datagutt> snapple: get nexus 4
<snapple> lol gtocha
<Jiangyi> Avoid the Chinese phones!
<Jiangyi> And this is coming from a Chinese guy :-P
<wifi> <datagutt> Meizu was sold out as well
<wifi> <datagutt> But i still got one
<snapple> sounds good that many people involved and knowledgeable to a great extent with android are suggesting the N4
<wifi> <datagutt> :)
<snapple> lol I thought I read something about the meizu its this chinese rip off
<datagutt> snapple: nah not ripoff
<datagutt> but it has zero custom roms
<n0credit_> maybe the chinese can leak something good
<n0credit_> you know, never lose hope
<snapple> but now if I need to sell the sgs3 I need to get back the guarantee etc. so I need ro reset the flash counter etc stock. and I don't have so much exp in this yet
<snapple> lol came here to ask about flashing a rom, ended up wanting to sell my phone. what a helpful bunch you are :)
<datagutt> we are hating samsung more and more recently
<snapple> well I had an iphone and to be honest, even without knowing all that much about open source I still prefer not to have an iphone
<snapple> its a boring device
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<frankdrey> xtacocorex, bootloop
<xtacocorex> damn
<frankdrey> I have no working PC to get a logcat from
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> I could have used this mac...but it doesn't have wifi
<snapple> thank you for the chat everyone
<frankdrey> My mom gave my little bro the iphone
<frankdrey> And he won't let me use it for a little to tether internet
<frankdrey> >_>
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<xtacocorex> hmm, i guess i should man up and flash the p3110 build i made
<frankdrey> And I don't know any other way I can reasonably download adb binaries
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> Oh, flashing failed xD
<xtacocorex> seriously?
<frankdrey> Towards the end
<frankdrey> Let me flash again to get the error
<frankdrey> At the beginning it gives a warning
<frankdrey> No file_contexts
<frankdrey> Then No file_contextsset_perm: some changes failed
<frankdrey> Then status 7
<frankdrey> Imma try fix perms
* frankdrey crosses fingers
<frankdrey> The boot anim darkened, like always, but not going away
<frankdrey> You know how it darkens right before it goes away?
<xtacocorex> yeah
<frankdrey> Looks like a loop
<xtacocorex> well file_contexts is in the zip
<frankdrey> I was talking to my dad about my lack of computer :P
<xtacocorex> you get it taken away?
<frankdrey> He said, as always, "I'm gonna build a new one and give you my old one."
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<frankdrey> Nah
<frankdrey> I just don't have a working halfway decent pc
<frankdrey> I could put the shuttle pc back together, but yeah...
<frankdrey> But he's been saying that for 3 years :P
<frankdrey> I might ask him if we can just share again
<xtacocorex> wouldn't hurt
<frankdrey> But in that case, I need a sata drive, since my only sata drive is almost dead
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<frankdrey> I wonder if there's anyway to shutdown my tablet :P
<frankdrey> I did it from adb last time...
<Espenfjo> Put it in a bowl of water
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, maybe check out the cm10.1 gtab work?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> Original gtab
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<frankdrey> They've gotten 10.1 up and running on it
<frankdrey> Check out the sd mounts?
<frankdrey> datagutt, nice :p
<datagutt> logitech released a new device called ue smart radio
<xtacocorex> will look for the github for that device
<datagutt> ue smart radio firmware seems to work on squeezebox radio
<xtacocorex> that's the p4 right?
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, dunno
<xtacocorex> hmm
<frankdrey> datagutt, keyword: seems
<datagutt> frankdrey: people have done it
<datagutt> and i think they even added an option to their webpage
<frankdrey> Ok
<xtacocorex> so how did you get it to fully flash frankdrey?
<datagutt> "upgrade to ue smart radio"
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, it flashed, the error was at the end
<xtacocorex> ah, ok
<frankdrey> Setting permissions I assume
<xtacocorex> damn thing is, permission setting is identical to the original .zip i made
<xtacocorex> (i've kept them to compare against)
<frankdrey> This might sound odd
<frankdrey> But the first zip, I added 5113 to assert
<frankdrey> And got the file contexts error
<frankdrey> I got rid of it by removing the device assert completel
<frankdrey> *completely
<frankdrey> I don't remember exactly though
<xtacocorex> only difference in this latest is a symlink to a couple of fonts, the device asserts, and the setprop on install-recovery is gone
<xtacocorex> hmm
<frankdrey> It was some error related to those 2
<xtacocorex> i'll check that file
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<frankdrey> The tablet is still trying to boot xD
<datagutt> frankdrey: a alarm clock running linux
<datagutt> you can compile your own apps that can run on it
<datagutt> ssh into it
<xtacocorex> can you hard re-set it by holding the power button down for a long time
<datagutt> 64mb ram
<datagutt> really nice
<datagutt> i would rather have one running linux tho
<datagutt> err
<datagutt> i mean one running android
<xtacocorex> frankdrey, this is why i wanted to get a cwm zip made, seems to me that it might work better
<xtacocorex> no idea why i think that
<xtacocorex> a cwm zip doesn't have the file file_contexts
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, yes I can reset, but that's reboot
<frankdrey> Ah
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<xtacocorex> is there a long reboot into recovery option?
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<frankdrey> I can reboot into recovery fine
<frankdrey> With the key combo
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<frankdrey> I just want to turn it off to save battery
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<xtacocorex> man this new phone is the shiznit
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<frankdrey> no luck tethering internet from my g1
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> I *could* tether from my tablet, but id need stock :P
<frankdrey> And I bet kies is only for intel macs
<xtacocorex> that's probably true
<xtacocorex> brb
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<ritwik> hi! i am a newbie to rooting
<ritwik> need help with rooting the cm10 nightlies
<ritwik> i have a doubt - i am currently on Stock 4.0.4 ROM (XWLPW) rooted
<ritwik> Do i need to change the kernel to install CM10 nightlies?
<frankdrey> What device?
<ritwik> i9100
<ritwik> SGS2
<frankdrey> I can tell you that yes, you need to flash a kernel, but I don't know anything about which one to flash
<frankdrey> Wait for someone who knows
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, fk it, I'm going back to the shuttle pc
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<ritwik> ok..thanks for your response...would wait for a response on the kernel reqd
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<xtacocorex> good idea frankdrey
<frankdrey> I also stole the wireless antenna off an old router for my pci wifi card :P
<frankdrey> Its bigger :D
<frankdrey> Twss
<frankdrey> I figured out why my other 2x1gb ram sticks don't work
<frankdrey> They're ecc registered
<xtacocorex> what does that mean?
<Fissurez> they won't work.
<Fissurez> \o/
<frankdrey> Pretty much :P
<xtacocorex> hmm
<Fissurez> <- genius
<xtacocorex> i wonder if i freeze touchwiz, will the touchwiz required apps still work
<frankdrey> Ecc is error correcting
<frankdrey> Registered, no clue
<frankdrey> I know that unregistered ecc works in non-ecc motherboards
<Fissurez> registered to specific motherboard?
<frankdrey> Ah maybe
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, 5 minutes and I can get ya a logcat :p
<frankdrey> Meh on my G1
<frankdrey> Links crash irc :P
<xtacocorex> sweet deal
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<frankdrey> Halp me choose
<frankdrey> Windoze or bbqlinux?
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<xtacocorex> i'm more partial to *nix's
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<frankdrey> Alright
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<frankdrey> Dafuq
<frankdrey> This thing takes like 20 seconds to turn on now
<frankdrey> You hit the power button and 20 seconds later it turns on
<frankdrey> Heeeeeeyyyy
<frankdrey> I can make on of dem ti-83+ serial cable adaptors
<frankdrey> *one
<frankdrey> I have a useless serial cable laying around :P
<frankdrey> So I may get $125 soon
<frankdrey> I posted my PSP on craigslist
<frankdrey> Some guy emailed me thinking its a motherboard O_o
<frankdrey> I wrote "has a rare hackable motherboard" :P
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<frankdrey> xtacocorex, still that libc error
<frankdrey> fatal signal 11 at deadd00d :P
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<frankdrey> xtacocorex,
<xtacocorex> sorry, little dude woke uo
<frankdrey> ah okay :)
<frankdrey> im gonna try with an sd card in
<xtacocorex> it really likes to try calendar upgrade receiver
<frankdrey> also, i can't find sdcard from adb shell now, even
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> before it was in /storage/sdcard0/
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, have you started messing with 10.1 for gtab 2 yet?
<codeworkx> yep
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, got any clue on how the hell this sdcard thing works?:P
<codeworkx> see p5100
<codeworkx> branch mr1-staging
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> oh, sweet
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, hear that?:P
<frankdrey> im gonna go check it out, and you should too, xtacocorex
<xtacocorex> i've updated to that
<xtacocorex> this last build had a repo sync prior and that device updated
<xtacocorex> the p511x's pull info from the p5100 device
<xtacocorex> but i'll check again
<xtacocorex> i've been doing non-optimum edits without branches and all that jazz
<codeworkx> repo init mr1-staging branch
<xtacocorex> do that inside the device directory?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> inside cm root
<codeworkx> then resync
<codeworkx> repo init -b mr1-staging
<codeworkx> or something like this
<frankdrey> cody, does it have x86 build support patched in yet?
<codeworkx> dunno
<frankdrey> i wonder if i should try :P
<xtacocorex> hmm, looks like i'm downloading all of cm source now
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, yes it'll be a cm 10.1 build
<xtacocorex> lets put this 1.5MBps download speed to good use!
<frankdrey> hmm im getting 404 error
<frankdrey> hmmm, should i go with 5100 or 5110?
<frankdrey> 5100 was worked on more recently
<frankdrey> so i guess that
<codeworkx> both are done
<frankdrey> hmm?
<codeworkx> 5110 depends on 5100
<frankdrey> ah :)
<codeworkx> 5100 is master
<codeworkx> theres nothing to do
<frankdrey> alright
<codeworkx> work on cm core
<frankdrey> ah my time was set wrong, and ssl didn't go through
<frankdrey> it seems to require authentication
<xtacocorex> frankdrey, codeworkx didn't change any of the mount point stuff, which means to me that cyanogen is working around the multi-user stuff a different way than aosp
<frankdrey> okay
<frankdrey> i can't even get the repo to init ._.
<frankdrey> if i do https it asks for username and password
<frankdrey> if i do git it says repo not found
<frankdrey> i wonder if i remember my github password
<codeworkx> read cm wiki
<codeworkx> how to build
<frankdrey> i am
<xtacocorex> frankdrey, you're having horrible luck this past week with computer stuffs
<frankdrey> ^
<frankdrey> ok, about time
<frankdrey> it randomly worked :P
<frankdrey> now for downloading the source :D
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<frankdrey> the bigger antenna seems to have boosted my wifi from 10% to 40% :D
<xtacocorex> that's because it has a bigger pattern and can radiate more
<xtacocorex> gotta go close up a cabinet quick since the little dude is destroying a room
<frankdrey> haha alright
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<frankdrey> approx how much space will 4.2 take up?
<frankdrey> i have at least 80gb free
<frankdrey> is it possible to switch what device you are building, keeping the same source?
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<frankdrey> or even switch to jellybean?
<frankdrey> i owe my friend a cm10 build
<frankdrey> for his touchpad
<frankdrey> so i can switch devices through lunch
<frankdrey> but what about branches?
<bbqbot> derp
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<frankdrey> damn, i might as well set up a separate folder for it
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<frankdrey> damn
<frankdrey> my bro is downloading stuff...
<frankdrey> my speed is about 6 kb/s ._.
<logcat> eh, enjoy dialup connection
<logcat> when we first had internet, it was at that speed all the time
<logcat> xD
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> dafuqq....
<frankdrey> adb is saying no permissions now ._.
<frankdrey> this is bbqlinux, it should be set up
<frankdrey> it was working 10 min ago
<logcat> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
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<frankdrey> @pong
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
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<frankdrey> @op frankdrey
<bbqbot> frankdrey: You are not allowed to run that command!
<frankdrey> 40% of dalvik :D
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<frankdrey> ugh, i hate when i forget that ctrl-c is close, not copy in terminal
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<datagutt> frankdrey: shit my alarm clock is open source
<frankdrey> datagutt, i know, nice :P
<frankdrey> have you heard about the linux toaster?
<datagutt> no
<frankdrey> @google linux toaster
<bbqbot> NetBSD Controlled Toaster - The UberReview -
<frankdrey> fetching projects: 6%
<frankdrey> ._.
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<datagutt> menus written in lua
<datagutt> so awesome
<frankdrey> lol
<Baskey> datagutt: I KNOW LUA FROM GARRY'S MOD
<frankdrey> xtacocorex|afk, the updater-script calls /system/bin/ and that doesn't exist
<datagutt> BASKEY
<frankdrey> i know lua from making my PSP game
<datagutt> frankdrey: psp is nice
<datagutt> psvita sux
<datagutt> for homebrew atleast
<frankdrey> yep
<datagutt> cma is fail
<frankdrey> u haz homebrewed psp?
<datagutt> so much fail
<datagutt> yes i have
<datagutt> psp1000
<frankdrey> DOOD
<Baskey> DOOD
<datagutt> import from japan
<frankdrey> PLAY MAH GAME
<datagutt> my dad bought an imported one from japan because it was not released anywhere else
<datagutt> frankdrey: android port?
<datagutt> awesome
<datagutt> ill try this on my psp tommoro
<datagutt> Sounds good
<datagutt> i need to find my psp tho
<datagutt> no idea were i left it
<Baskey> datagutt: UNDER YOUR BED
<frankdrey> datagutt, we're working on the android port
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<frankdrey> xtacocorex|afk, removed the line that runs that nonexistant script and flashing is fine
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<xtacocorex|afk> ok
<frankdrey> damn, libc error
<frankdrey> i think im gonna save myself a PITA building, and try just build libc and push
<xtacocorex|afk> in the rom?
<frankdrey> eff, nevermind
<frankdrey> idunno
<frankdrey> might as well build 10.1
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