xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Just ask your question, don't ask if there are people | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : http://goo.gl/T8W5V | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.bbqdroid.bbqtools
<a3Dman> yo wassup.
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<Orginator> Jiangyi still around?
<Jiangyi> Ya
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<Jiangyi> .....................
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<ManuSingh> hey quick question sir
<ManuSingh> i have the gs2 tmobile
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<NoorideeNAE> hello
<NoorideeNAE> how are you all?
<Jiangyi> Good day.
<NoorideeNAE> every day is a good day,right? :)
<brinsjt> Good day
<NoorideeNAE> anyone could help me?
<brinsjt> With What?
<NoorideeNAE> i wanna start coding php
<NoorideeNAE> i just dont know from where to start
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<chachin> wow
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<j4> bbqdroid looks pretty awesome... i'm not gunna lie
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<flipden> hey guys
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<Polemarxos> hi again.can i ask.cm10.1 has other modem?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Apaixtos> hello.i clean install cm10.1 to galaxy s2.restore apps from titanium,reboot phone.everything works perfect.i just wanna ask if cm10.1 cleans dalviccache at every boot cause i see "android is updating" message everytime i started for 1sec.not a big issue.but i wanna now :P thx for your great work
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<Space-> 4.2's WiFi turning off in sleep bug is very annoying
<bealtine^> i think theres a setting for that
<Space-> yes, but doesn't help
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<GabMus> hello
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<GabMus> i have a little problem using the update manager
<GabMus> when i update it says that the signature isn't verified
<GabMus> so i abort the installation
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<GabMus> ...never mind
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<nebkat> KOUSH STOLE MAH YACHTT!!!!! ^
<cdesai> wtf
<nebkat> <nebkat> xxxxDDDD
<nebkat> <nebkat> he does the "common typo" twice xD
<nebkat> <nebkat> "pls gays. it's a common typo , i think"
ThePot has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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<DuperMan> what do you get letting a... "lab"... attempt fixing your gear? just so one would feel proper-like weighed against the price of the damn thing? I got 4 days without my n7100, nothing fixed, didn't pay. FFS
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> ah. anna merry xmas
<nebkat> DuperMan:
<nebkat> <nebkat> KOUSH STOLE MAH YACHTT!!!!! ^
<nebkat> <cdesai> wtf
<nebkat> <nebkat> <nebkat> this is hilarious: https://plus.google.com/115648906480549580667/posts/2RRWGMUfakC
<nebkat> <nebkat> <nebkat> xxxxDDDD
<nebkat> <nebkat> <nebkat> "pls gays. it's a common typo , i think"
<nebkat> <nebkat> <nebkat> he does the "common typo" twice xD
<cdesai> neb neb neb
<DuperMan> ><
<bealtine^> kitkat
* DuperMan works his way up to 'what'
<nebkat> hey bealtine^
<bealtine^> halp gays!
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: lolwth? ._.
<nebkat> EVERYONE
* Jiangyi waits for cody to -2 it lol
<Jiangyi> or koush :-P
slainer68 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<nebkat> Jiangyi: cody will +1 it for sure
<nebkat> Jiangyi: go +1 it
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Nah, it's not April 1st :-P
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [HOW DARE YOU?!?!?]
Rewolution has quit [Quit: leaving]
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<Jiangyi> :-/
Rewolution has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> Jiangyi: DOIT OR _ELSE_
Rewolution has quit [Client Quit]
<Jiangyi> Done :-P
Rewolution has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> Jiangyi: good boy :)
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [I will unban when you +1 it]
<nebkat> that fucker -1'd it!!!!
<nebkat> cdesai: fail
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<nebkat> DuperMan: +1 ITT
<Baskey> nebkat: I +1'D
<nebkat> Baskey: +1
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Even though I -1'd it, this is the funniest thing I've seen today xD
<Pulser> lolol
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<nebkat> Pulser: +1 it :D
Rewolution has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Real reason why I -1'd it: I didn't want to translate Koush steals yachts xD
<nebkat> Jiangyi: good reason, I must admit
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<datagutt> @kickban enbakt
<datagutt> @kickban nebkat
nebkat was banned on #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [nebkat!*@*]
nebkat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [nebkat]
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<Earthman86> hi @ all
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<captainmac> hi
<nebkat> hi gays
Baskey is now known as enbakt
<captainmac> how are you?
<datagutt> nebkat :MIZU
<nebkat> im good
<nebkat> sorry gays. a common typo
<nebkat> gays*
<nebkat> oh fukn autocorrect
<Jiangyi> -rolls eyes-
<nebkat> guys*
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<Frosty> >.>
<datagutt> @unban enbakt
<enbakt> MIZU
<datagutt> CHRISMIZU
<nebkat> Earthman86: captainmac: wattupp
<jomp16> nebkat: good job with trebuchet
<nebkat> enbakt: +1000
<datagutt> JIANGYI
<datagutt> MY FRIEND
<nebkat> jomp16: yas, tank u
<jomp16> I no testes trebuchet yet, my PC is broken
<Jiangyi> datagutt: Chinese new year is like, another month o-o
datagutt is now known as CHRISMAZU
enbakt is now known as BASBAS
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: my trebuchet be broken
<CHRISMIZU> Jiangyi: I know
<nebkat> Jiangyi: orly? LOGCAT OR GTF
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [out]
<captainmac> it's debug superuser on CM 10.1 ?
g_byers is now known as Frosty
<jomp16> lol
Frosty is now known as g_byers
BASBAS is now known as HOLYBASBAS
<Earthman86> 2.3.6 (CheckROM RevoHD V6) to CyanogenMOD10. Do i have to do something different than flashing from other Android Versions??
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<nebkat> Earthman86: might need to wipe data
<nebkat> Jiangyi: GIEF LOGCAT
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat: might need to wipe all samsung phones of earth*
<nebkat> never. ever. say you borked trebuchet without giving logcat
<Earthman86> kk. thats what i do with every new rom
<CHRISMIZU> Jiangyi: why do i not have flyme os 2.0 on my mx yet?
<bbqbot> derp
<jomp16> nebkat: you will implement more functions on trebuchet to compete with apex and nova?
<nebkat> jomp16: it isnt meant to compete with them
<Earthman86> thanks nebkat
<nebkat> but i will be adding new features ofc
HOLYBASBAS is now known as Baskey
<nebkat> !geo use Earthman86
<nebkat> !geo user Earthman86
<nebkat> DAMN BOT
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat: make a mizu-like launcher
<CHRISMIZU> i am serious
<Earthman86> lol
<nebkat> !help
<clibot> nebkat: Available commands: !help, !plugin, {!8ball}, {!admin, !moderator, !userlevel}, {!bomb, !nuclearbomb}, {!changelog}, {!geo}, {!google}, {!js}, {!math}, {!money}, {!ban, !deop, !invite, !join, !kick, !kickban, !message, !mute, !nick, !op, !part, !raw, !unban, !unmute}, {!encode, !hash, !text}, {!timer}
<nebkat> oh
<nebkat> I borked
<CHRISMIZU> i see folks porting flyme os to all teh devices
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat: java borked
<nebkat> ah yes, testing java 8
<CHRISMIZU> so why not make a flyme-like launcher
clibot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<nebkat> fixd
<CHRISMIZU> a new node.js release would not break in that way
<nebkat> CHRISMIZU: no, I tried lambda
<CHRISMIZU> clibot: *quits*
<nebkat> which is new in java 8
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat: fixed
<captainmac> nebkat>it's debug superuser on cm10.1? but it's actually crash
<Jiangyi> nebkat: tis graphical error
<nebkat> Jiangyi: dock?
<jomp16> Merry xmas and happy new year for all folks here!
<CHRISMIZU> jomp16: tanks.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: http://imgur.com/MPZdJ
<Jiangyi> This happened after I enabled fullscreen
<Jiangyi> Even disabling it didn't help
<nebkat> Jiangyi: what happened?
<CHRISMIZU> Jiangyi: i love symbols
<nebkat> hidden icons?
<nebkat> or not hidden status bar?
<CHRISMIZU> screw teh alphabet
<Jiangyi> no, the labels for the apps are gone
<jomp16> nebkat: with your bot i used java 8...
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<jomp16> No problem
<nebkat> jomp16: did you enable that in settings?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> I BET YOU DID
<jomp16> :'(
<captainmac> slainer68 > developpeur?
<slainer68> captainmac: hi bro
<captainmac> sa va?
<slainer68> yup
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I want my my app names back :-(
<nebkat> on ne parle pas francais en #teamhacksung-support !
<bealtine^> use englis you slaphead
<captainmac> slainer68 > tu dev ou simple utilisateur?
<nebkat> bealtine^: that should do it ^
<nebkat> captainmac: on ne parle pas francais en #teamhacksung-support !!!!!!!!
<bealtine^> except for chad:)
<captainmac> nebkat > sorry
<nebkat> bealtine^: he speaks quebeccan, so its ok
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<nebkat> as long as its broken, its ok
<slainer68> captainmac: i'm a dev
<captainmac> slainer68 > ok :)
<whitequark> irclogger just got live update support! http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
<whitequark> you might find that amusing.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: mais pourquoi pas?
<jomp16> nebkat: you will implement the configurable layout grid? Example: 5x4 on app screen and 4x4 on main screen
<nebkat> whitequark: awesome
<nebkat> jomp16: maybe
<nebkat> Jiangyi: mais je deteste francais!
<bealtine^> heh
<captainmac> nebkat> roo
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [cheeky! trying to catch me out on my french!]
<nebkat> Baskey: +1
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<jomp16> lol!
<nebkat> ^Ethilanie
<whitequark> which is quite amusing in this channel
<Baskey> ETHILANIE <3
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Mais pourquoi?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> whitequark: that is amazing
<Baskey> xplodwild: GIEF ETHILANIE
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Wgat about xplody?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: mais le francais est trop dificile!
<nebkat> plody has earned respect!
<Jiangyi> je sais
<bealtine^> putain...
<Jiangyi> mais j'ai besoin d'etudier :-/
<jomp16> Here anybody talked in portuguese? :-P
<nebkat> je sais que tu est stupide!
endstille has quit [Quit: endstille]
<nebkat> Jiangyi:
<whitequark> всё равно русский никто не знает
<Jiangyi> 平安夜快乐!
<Baskey> whitequark: I DO UNDERSTAND
<nebkat> српски
<bealtine^> gabhsa fucasa
<Baskey> nebkat: SPRSKI
<whitequark> Baskey: BUT DO YOU KNOW IT?!
<Baskey> YAS
<whitequark> OW. U WIN
<jomp16> Pena que não tenho alguma coisa para falar agora...
<Baskey> caralho
<jomp16> lol
<whitequark> bedaŭrinde google povas traduki el tiu lingvo tro
<Jiangyi> No one knows what i said?
<whitequark> Jiangyi: merry xmas.
<bealtine^> you typed squiggles
<nebkat> whitequark: add colored nicks
<nebkat> so we can tell who is talking
<whitequark> nebkat: in the queue!
<nebkat> whitequark: and make my nick sparkly somehow!
<Jiangyi> whitequark: You're one day off lol
<whitequark> Jiangyi: no, all my timestamps are in UTC
<whitequark> nebkat: lol. make me a working russian IME in 10.1 on i9100! :D
<bealtine^> exploding shit everytime nebbie talks
<Jiangyi> whitequark: No, i meant that I wrote merry christmas.eve
<Jiangyi> hence, you're one day off :-P
<whitequark> Jiangyi: ahhh. I never actually understood that distinction
<whitequark> let me check wiki now...
<whitequark> oh.
<nebkat> whitequark: this is your own irc logger?
<whitequark> nebkat: yeah
<nebkat> amazing stuff
<nebkat> make it better than that other one
<whitequark> it's opensource tho, but I care to host a database of 500+ MB
<whitequark> it's alive for almost 1.5 years already
<captainmac> nbkat >debug superuser?
<nebkat> whitequark: you should do all the stats
<nebkat> like
<nebkat> most lines per user
<nebkat> (and allow users to have multiple nicks, or check by hostname)
<whitequark> nebkat: it can simply track nick changes
<halakar> hey guys
<whitequark> it already does, in fact
<nebkat> longest average lines
<halakar> anyone got a guide to root the galaxy tab 2 7.0 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> whitequark: link to open sauce
jomp16 has quit [Quit: Bye]
<CHRISMIZU> [16:13:05] <whitequark> also, http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/search?q=kickban:&page=3
<CHRISMIZU> awesome
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<whitequark> nebkat: it's an IQ test
<whitequark> if you can find it on the main page, then >0
<whitequark> :p
<nebkat> :O :D
<nebkat> I GOT IT
<nebkat> IQ=1
<jomp16> nebkat: your website (nebkat.com) is cool, i found a easter egg
<nebkat> jomp16: lolz
<nebkat> Ruby
<CHRISMIZU> ruby > java
<nebkat> ew
<nebkat> java > ruby
<CHRISMIZU> java < *
<nebkat> java > *
<whitequark> nebkat: it can be ran on JRuby
<nebkat> ChanServ: I was going to say the exact same things, even before you did!
<nebkat> ChanServ: SERBIAN, CLOSE ENOUGH
<nebkat> CHRISMIZU:
<whitequark> nebkat: that is, if you want it to eat thrice more RAM
<nebkat> I go to the chinese market all the time
<nebkat> in serbia
<whitequark> without any apparent improvements ;)
<nebkat> thats where I buy all mah laz0rs
<halakar> anyone? and can i do it with heimdall on my linux rig?
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat: we are getting an asian supermarket where i live
<nebkat> whitequark: the improvement is in the coding style :D
<CHRISMIZU> will be fun
<CHRISMIZU> i think
<nebkat> CHRISMIZU: :O
<nebkat> no
<nebkat> it'll be flooded with Jiangyis
<nebkat> and crazy people
Baskey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<whitequark> nebkat: you can write java in any language!
<nebkat> CHRISMIZU: +1
<CHRISMIZU> i hate sushi
<nebkat> whitequark: what you mean
<whitequark> nebkat: for example, in C
<whitequark> you just need lotsa #defines
<nebkat> java code is so much nicer than c
<bealtine^> write java in c huh?
<whitequark> I prefer beautiful, handcrafted, locally made machine code!
<whitequark> it's important that it does not contain GMO
<whitequark> or soya beans
<nebkat> I love OO
<nebkat> I know there is OO C/C++
<halakar> anyone? there are a few guides on xdadevelopers - which one should i use to root? please
<bbqbot> derp
Baskey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> but, java is so perfect
<Baskey> /join #pogaduszki
<nebkat> I hate how in c++ there are 50 ways to do stuff
<whitequark> nebkat: funny thing is, the guy who invented OO, Alan Kay, said that he *surely* didn't have C++ in mind
<nebkat> its so confusing
<nebkat> whitequark: eh
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat
<nebkat> CHRISMIZU: xD
<bealtine^> ban *.*
<whitequark> ban -_-
<whitequark> ban O_o
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-03 14:28 bbqbot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild_work [bbqbot]
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-03 14:29 datagutt was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by xplodwild_work [datagutt]
<nebkat> whitequark: do you still have the old stats page?
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat: your bot does not have skynet.
<CHRISMIZU> mine does.
<CHRISMIZU> mine is better.
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<CHRISMIZU> argument settled.
<whitequark> nebkat: I never had one
<CHRISMIZU> forever.
<nebkat> CHRISMIZU: exactly why your bot shouldnt be trusted
<nebkat> whitequark: hmm who had it then
<whitequark> nebkat: no idea
<whitequark> I think I've seen it
* CHRISMIZU does not trust javas ram usage
<nebkat> hahaha
whitequark changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Just ask your question, don't ask if there are people | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : http://goo.gl/T8W5V | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.bbqdroid.bbqtools
whitequark changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Just ask your question, don't ask if there are people | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : http://goo.gl/T8W5V | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.bbqdroid.bbqtools | logging at htt
<whitequark> dammit
<whitequark> too long :/
<nebkat> lemme clean
<CHRISMIZU> nebkat: don't remove commands
<Jiangyi> Well then.
<CHRISMIZU> don't.
<CHRISMIZU> people use it.
nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | logging at htt
<CHRISMIZU> your nice
nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | logging at htt
nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
<whitequark> augh, that "htt" is alsmost as painful as an unmatched parentheses
<whitequark> (
<halakar> jesus, guys
<CHRISMIZU> 94 results
<CHRISMIZU> lemme see for meizu
<nebkat> halakar: use google
<CHRISMIZU> 206 results.
<CHRISMIZU> it is official
<CHRISMIZU> this channel loves mizu.
nnnnjl has quit [Client Quit]
<Baskey> CHRISMIZU: 2012-12-09 14:26 <Baskey> WE'RE TEH MIZU-BROTHERS
<nebkat> 10079 results for nebkat
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-05 18:56 <Baskey> @google NEBKAT, A MEIZU EMPLOYEE
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-07 14:47 <datagutt> he works for meizu.com
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-08 21:59 <Baskey> and he's meizu employee
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-08 22:03 <Baskey> datagutt: IDIOTTE, BEER HAZ MEIZU
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-08 22:03 <beer> Baskey: I *AM* Meizu
<CHRISMIZU> i love this
<nebkat> whitequark: add search for total lines per user
<nebkat> well
<nebkat> like kickban, but for messages
<nebkat> see all messages from user
<halakar> nebkat, i am
<whitequark> nebkat: yessir
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-25 22:10 <datagutt> meizu has a deal with them
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-25 22:11 <datagutt> and the other meizu bosses
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-25 22:12 <datagutt> just pissed at meizu
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-25 22:16 <datagutt> destroying meizu would do chinese a favor
<halakar> i have two images, recovery.img and cache.img, they won't load in heimdall
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-26 12:16 <datagutt> i hate exynos because meizu uses it
<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-26 12:34 <datagutt> im not racist when meizu or miui is not involved
<CHRISMIZU> i really hated mizu didn't i?
<bbqbot> derp
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<CHRISMIZU> 2012-07-22 17:08 <datagutt> miui is heaven compared to meizu software
<CHRISMIZU> did i hate meizu software?
<CHRISMIZU> because they blocked root?
CHRISMIZU is now known as datagutt
<halakar> heimdall won't let me load anything, can anyone lend an assist?
<whitequark> kill `cat tmp/viewer.pid`
<datagutt> kill java
<datagutt> killall java
<whitequark> datagutt: afaik if you just `killall' on a BSD, it'll do exactly what it says on the tin
<whitequark> kill every single process, and then commit suicide
<datagutt> Works good on linux and osx
<datagutt> i use osx
<datagutt> because i am insane and like mizu products
<datagutt> whitequark: is ruby worth learning?
<datagutt> i did tryruby.org tutorial
<datagutt> rails is next i guess
<whitequark> datagutt: absolutely, your productivity will improve tenfold, and that's not an overestimation
<whitequark> I rewrote several C++ projects from scratch in ruby in weeks whereas original design took months
<whitequark> for example
<datagutt> And i can finally say "this website is not written in php"
<whitequark> datagutt: note that rails is not The Single True Way
<whitequark> there are rubyists who hate rails
<datagutt> rails is more like a framework rite
<whitequark> yup
<whitequark> rails makes you do things like it wants
<whitequark> not like you want
<whitequark> 99% of time it's actually quite cool
<whitequark> especially if you compare to PHP :D
<datagutt> I like PHP
<datagutt> even though it has issues
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> if i wrote sometihng like wordpress
<datagutt> i would write it in PHP, more people have that available on their hosts
<whitequark> datagutt: wordpress is free, people would do whatever they should in order to get free stuff
<datagutt> no matter what i do i can't hate PHP
<datagutt> whitequark: wordpress is terrible
<datagutt> i mean
<datagutt> PHP is not the best language
<datagutt> but wordpress could have been written MUCH better
<whitequark> it summarizes every single point nicely
<datagutt> ofc
<whitequark> oh
<datagutt> i read that
<whitequark> well I started with PHP, quite a while ago
<whitequark> going to ruby was best career decision evar
<datagutt> wordpress is a mess.
<datagutt> honestly
<datagutt> php and html mixmatch
<datagutt> globals everywhere
<datagutt> functions instead of mvc
<datagutt> bloated
<whitequark> datagutt: I guess that's because it was written even in pre-PHP5 days
<datagutt> yeh
<datagutt> based on coffelog or something
<datagutt> and just built upon
<datagutt> wordpress was based on coffeelog from 2004
<datagutt> or 2003 or something
<whitequark> php itself was built in pretty much the same way
<whitequark> I guess the part is destined to repeat the fate of the whole
<datagutt> don't remember the function name? bad luck then
<datagutt> check php.net
<datagutt> good luck guessing the name, no real pattern
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<whitequark> mysql_real_escape_string :S
<datagutt> PDO
<datagutt> if you don't use po
<datagutt> mysql_* is getting deprecated
<whitequark> datagutt: again, when I stopped using PHP the PHP5 was in its infancy
<datagutt> in the future
<whitequark> afterwards, I couldn't care less
<datagutt> i think knowing both is good
<datagutt> does your client have a godaddy.com webhost?
<datagutt> (well, except the other obvious issues with that)
<datagutt> if he does
<datagutt> no ruby
<whitequark> datagutt: the sites I write are all deployed with chef.
<jomp16> I'm using codeigniter to create my website project, the development stopped because of my PC...
<datagutt> ruby still does not have support everywhere
<whitequark> LOLWHAT
<whitequark> ruby runs on any modern OS
<datagutt> Yes it does
<datagutt> BUT
<tuhoojabotti> Node!
<whitequark> tuhoojabotti: do. not. mention. node. when. I'm. here.
<datagutt> does everybody have theihr own vps or dedicatd server
<datagutt> ?
<whitequark> datagutt: vps are literally dirt cheap.
<datagutt> Yes they are
<whitequark> I have one which is 2 RUR a day. which is less than 10 cents.
<halakar> okay, i just rooted the gt-p3113 with heimdall
<datagutt> I am all for ruby
<datagutt> But PHP still needs to be used in places
<tuhoojabotti> whitequark: you have something against it?
<datagutt> tuhoo: node hates
<whitequark> datagutt: I mean, shared web hosts are an artefact from the past
<halakar> i think anyway
<datagutt> haters*
<datagutt> don't argue with them
<whitequark> datagutt: they're insecure and oversold
<datagutt> white ofc
<whitequark> tuhoojabotti: "let's make one of the worst of popular languages and write EVERYTHING IN IT in the MOST MORONIC WAY POSSIBLE!!one"
<whitequark> that's what
<halakar> hmm, the device is stuck at the'samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0' loading screen after flashing with heimdall...how long should it sit here?
<whitequark> when your web framework deems it acceptable to run HTTP gzipped responses through shelling out to gzip
<whitequark> in production
<whitequark> it becomes actually worse than PHP
<whitequark> s,run,output,
<whitequark> datagutt: also re killall: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=killall&sektion=1#end > implementation notes
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> that's historic probably
<tuhoojabotti> How does it deem it acceptable?
<whitequark> tuhoojabotti: express.js does exactly that
<halakar> anyone here? come on guys. i need some assistance if someone can help
<bealtine^> with what?
<tuhoojabotti> express is not Node, though
<whitequark> tuhoojabotti: it represents the average level quite nicely, through.
<halakar> everything went great, but the tablet isn't rebooting. it's been at the splash screen that says 'samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0' for about 3 minutes now.
<whitequark> halakar: wiped user data?
<halakar> the guide didn't say to do that
<bealtine^> in cwm
<bealtine^> do it
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<halakar> i don't have cwm on it yet, i just followed the same guide i used for the last time
<halakar> the last time i rooted a tab2 7.0 that is
<halakar> should i just wait, and hope and pray it comes up? the white 'samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0' text keeps getting really bright every couple minutes
<whitequark> halakar: just plug it in and try to connect with adb
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<halakar> i already did
<halakar> i was able to invoke the commands
<halakar> but still, nothing.
<whitequark> actually you can flash recovery via heimdall and that's how I do it, but I'd let someone more experienced to confirm
<whitequark> not sure why it requires PIT there
<halakar> well, right now i have nothing but a frozen device at the splash screen.
<halakar> keeps restarting over and over, i can't power it off.
<halakar> okay, now the screen is completely blank. nothing there at all. not sure if it's powered off or not. terrible
<halakar> can i talk to it with adb when it's in download mode?
<nebkat> !geo user Earthman86
<clibot> nebkat: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<nebkat> !geo host
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "Germany", region: "Baden-Wurttemberg", city: "Calw", latlong: {48.716705, 8.733307}, time: "Mon 17:04 CET"}
<whitequark> er
<whitequark> TO GERMANY
<halakar> anyone......
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<halakar> i'm in an adb shell, but don't know what else to do. i followed the directions perfectly. why is this happening?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> What are you trying to do
<halakar> root the gt-p3113.
<halakar> using hiemdall on my linux rig, followed these instructions perfectly http://www.androidauthority.com/galaxy-tab-2-7-0-p3110-root-clockworkmod-recovery-96473/
<halakar> now i boot it up, it gives me the samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 splash screen
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<halakar> then it goes away and completely black screen, then comes back to the samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 screen, and doesn't seem to want to boot fully
<halakar> the lettering gets dim, then bright, then dim, then bright every minute or so
<halakar> i can talk to it with adb but don't know what else i can do.
<frankdrey> You type those command in adb shell
<frankdrey> ./su
<halakar> sure did, and it didn't complain
<frankdrey> ./gtab2-root.sh or whatever
<frankdrey> Oh wait
<frankdrey> You you're fucked
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<frankdrey> If it's not booting
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> Flash stock
<frankdrey> And don't use random guides online
<halakar> I used that guide for my other galaxy tab 2 and it worked just fine.
<frankdrey> Find one on XDA that's for your androidversion
<frankdrey> It was probably on a different android version
<frankdrey> Also, why just root?
<halakar> i found a guide on XDA, but couldn't follow it. do you want to lend an assist?
<frankdrey> Install cwm, cm10.1, profit
<halakar> i want to do root, cwm, and then cm10.1 on the device like my other tab 2
<jomp16> I rooted my tab with cwm and cm10 ...
<halakar> well, can anyone help? i can get into download mode with the device and heimdall detects it
<frankdrey> You don't need to root -.-
<frankdrey> You only need to install cwm
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<jomp16> I flashed cwm and cm10 without root...
<halakar> have no idea what file to get, and where to put it in heimdall.
<frankdrey> jomp16, care to help him out?
<frankdrey> I have food waiting lol
<frankdrey> Ehh....wait
<spoonman> Anyone having a problem in CM10.1 where the GPS turns on every now and again with no apparent reason?
<spoonman> Samsung Galaxy S2? Anyone?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> spoonman, Google be creeping on you
<halakar> sigh. anyone?
<whitequark> spoonman: cm10.1, S2, not seen
<whitequark> bbl
<frankdrey> halakar
<frankdrey> What os on pc
<bealtine^> find your device here and follow the guide
<bealtine^> if you cant follow give up and take up knitting
<frankdrey> No
<frankdrey> No
<frankdrey> No
<frankdrey> Gtab2 cm wiki guides are flawed
<frankdrey> Listen to me
<halakar> okay
<halakar> i'm on Linux.
<frankdrey> Cool
<frankdrey> Do you have terminal skills
<frankdrey> Lol
<halakar> i'm going to try to get back into download mode
<halakar> I can use adb if that's what you mean.
<frankdrey> Download that IMG ^^
<halakar> and i do have some terminal skills. i make my living administering windows servers though. i just like linux for my personal rig.
<frankdrey> Cool
<frankdrey> heimdall flash --recovery /path/to/recovery.img --no-reboot
<frankdrey> Is the command
<halakar> yep
<halakar> well, i'm using the front end
<halakar> i'll close it and use the CLI
<halakar> one sec.
<halakar> error:failed to receive response
<frankdrey> Is tab in download mode and plugged in
<halakar> yes
<halakar> the heimdall-frontend program says the device is detected
<frankdrey> Restart download mode
<frankdrey> It times out in my experience
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<halakar> ok
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<halakar> successful.
<frankdrey> Cool
<halakar> reboot?
<halakar> into recovery?
<frankdrey> Press power and left volume and hold
<frankdrey> Wait for Samsung logo to show, turn off, then show again and let go of power
<frankdrey> Yeah, but careful not to go into rom
<halakar> power and left volume...the one right next to the power button
<frankdrey> Yuo
<frankdrey> Yup
<frankdrey> Now, you fked up your stock rom
<frankdrey> So we need to copy zips with adb
<halakar> have a blank screen
<frankdrey> Wait
<halakar> okay, i'm in clockword mod recovery
<halakar> excellent
<halakar> i have an extSdcard in that has CM10.1 and gapps
<frankdrey> Download latest nightly at get....OK :D
<halakar> :)
<halakar> do i need to copy them to the /sdcard first?
<frankdrey> Flash cm, gapps, wipe data, reboot
<frankdrey> No
<frankdrey> Chose flash from external
<halakar> opening update package...
<halakar> installing update...
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<halakar> flashing gapps
<halakar> i'm confused though, will i still have root access to the device?
<halakar> formatting /data, /cache, /sd-ext, /sdcard/.android-secure, completed
<halakar> rebooting
<halakar> cyanogen mod logo, spinning circle
<frankdrey> Yes, cm has root by default
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<nebkat> frankdrey: Duuuuuud
<nebkat> +1 DIS
<halakar> ah jeez
<halakar> i was going about it the wrong damn way
<frankdrey> Lol halakar, yeah
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<halakar> i flashed the cm10 20121220, should i go ahead and do the 20121223 ?
<frankdrey> Yeah
<frankdrey> nebkat, WHY
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<frankdrey> I don't even have an account
<nebkat> frankdrey: Y NUT??!?!?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> madmack: did we merge your t0 stuff?
<halakar> frankdrey, thanks for lending an assist
<madmack> that's why am here man !
<nebkat> halakar: do you have a gerrit account?
<madmack> the defconfig got merged
<nebkat> madmack: hehehe :D
<nebkat> madmack: +1 this, then i'll help! xD http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/29043/
<frankdrey> I gotta go lol
frankdrey has quit [Quit: Bye]
<halakar> gerrit account?
<madmack> lol, that's funny. I'll +1 it
<madmack> Koush stealing? Hell yea
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<madmack> why my merged commit does not have my name on it :(
<madmack> lol, crap i saw it
<madmack> nvm
<halakar> nebkat, what's gerrit?
<madmack> i got a few questions about getting the i317 officially merged.. anyone home to help with that?
<nebkat> madmack: yes
<halakar> weird thing going on here...this tablet is automatically downloading facebook, youtube, kindle etc etc
<halakar> it shouldn't be doing that, should it?
<bbqbot> derp
<madmack> will you guys accept cm10 on the i317 running with stock audio hal ? (loads of libraries)
<nebkat> madmack: if it works...
<madmack> I wasn't able to get audio routing for in call to work so far and it might be a while
<madmack> i'm working on that for the cm10.1 tree. But the CM10 version is running perfectly well.
<nebkat> madmack: would probably be best to merge on cm10.1 when you get it working
<nebkat> so what is left on 10.1?
<nebkat> are you using our gralloc/hwcomposer?
<madmack> yep. my tree is forked from the work you've done on the n7100 so all of that is intact
<madmack> thing is, we're not using the same in call audio routing. Heck, we're not even using libsecril-client at all
<madmack> which the audio.primary.smdk4x12 links to at runtime
<madmack> when we're making calls, the stock hal calls some functions in libaudio-ril (never seen this file before on any sammy device) and that calls stuff in libcsd-client.. a qualcomm proprietary library. So I'm trying to replicate stock behavior by calling different exposed functions in that library instead of libsecril-client.. little luck so far
<madmack> I was wondering whether that stock HAL in CM10 can be merged meanwhile while we work out the audio issues to make em work with the open source files that we have
<halakar> yikes
<halakar> question - if i flash the new cm10.1 that is three days newer, it'll just upgrade won't it? no data loss?
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<sid|laptop> hi guys
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<nebkat> madmack: sounds like derp
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<madmack> lol, totally.
<madmack> what to do?
<nebkat> madmack: if you get cm10.1 working ping me and i'll check it out I guess
<nebkat> not sure anyone wants to merge cm10 devices now lol
<madmack> well, we have cm10.1 running except for in call audio.. :|
<nebkat> madmack: we require that for official :/
<madmack> lol
<madmack> i imagine
<nebkat> nice troll on last comment
<captainmac> nice coding nebkat :)
<nebkat> yes
<nebkat> wanna donate? :D
<bbqbot> derp
<EgotisticalElf> cm gerrit hates us
<captainmac> great job for debug
<nebkat> captainmac: veux-tu me faire un don?!
<nebkat> EgotisticalElf: how so?
<nebkat> the colors?
<EgotisticalElf> nebkat, keeps enforcing that i login, then won't let me
<nebkat> EgotisticalElf: yes, its a bitch
<captainmac> nebkat> how much?
<nebkat> however much you want!
<captainmac> December 26 I am a corporate gift because I have my business :)
<nebkat> :O
<nebkat> yay
<EgotisticalElf> go figure, now i can't see anything. argh! :)
<captainmac> remains the problem of batery which empties quickly.
<nebkat> nous pouvons parler francais
<captainmac> if you wish.
<captainmac> ok
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<nebkat> !geo user captainmac
<clibot> nebkat: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<nebkat> !geo host
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "France", region: "Poitou-Charentes", city: "Échiré", latlong: {46.387497, -0.4151001}, time: "Mon 18:23 CET"}
<EgotisticalElf> bbqdroid.org doesn't seem to show the d2 changes for the sgs3
<nebkat> EgotisticalElf: link
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<nebkat> full link
<captainmac> lol i am in dyn ip from Orange F
<captainmac> isn't my geo localication mdr
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<EgotisticalElf> doesn't show in --> http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#d2att/cm10.1/1356333868
<EgotisticalElf> or http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#d2att/cm10.1/1356251220
<EgotisticalElf> it isn't just that one, it isn't showing any d2, d2-common or d2att repos
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<captainmac> !geo user nebkat
<clibot> captainmac: Error resolving ip for host cyanogenmod/ui/nebkat
<captainmac> tu te cache bien nebkat avec ton host mdr
<nebkat> captainmac: oui
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<captainmac> !geo user captainmac
<clibot> captainmac: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<nebkat> !geo host
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "France", region: "Poitou-Charentes", city: "Échiré", latlong: {46.387497, -0.4151001}, time: "Mon 18:34 CET"}
<captainmac> !geo user captainmac
<clibot> captainmac: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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<captainmac> !geo user captainmac
<clibot> captainmac: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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<captainmac> !help
<clibot> captainmac: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog}, {!geo}, {!google}, {!math}, {!money}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<captainmac> !geo user captainmac
<clibot> captainmac: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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<Zatar> Good evening. Sorry to bother. I'm having an issue on the latest 10.1 nightly (and the previous ones, and CM9) playing certain FLAC files (all the other work fine). The files that are causing the problem work fine on any stock (or stock based ROM) and refuse to play on any AOSP/CM ROMs. I think that the issue might be related to MediaProvider.apk. I've noticed that on stock ROMs this has been removed (from the symlink fol
<Zatar> other than that, CM 10.1 works perfectly fine on my SGS2.
<Zatar> any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
<Zatar> oh, forgot to mention : there are no visible differences between the files that work and those that don't work.
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<jomp16> nebkat: you can port your IRC client in java to Android?
<jomp16> To create a cool IRC client
<Baskey> BBQIRC
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<jomp16> If i get my PC again i will create a IRC client with netty (i'm working to create a own IRC bot)
<jomp16> Stability? Don't know
<bbqbot> derp
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<nebkat> joethc: im making a client, but there is no "porting" involved
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Sorry, bug != bug :-|
<Jiangyi> I made a derp
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.... So apparently, there's no real way to translate hack into Chinese ._.
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* Jiangyi just noticed that
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<khartaras> Hi there
<khartaras> Can I just ask something, not necessarily support but a question
<khartaras> How "dirty" are the current CM nightlies? As in was a lot of hacking about done to make cm run on n7100
<Jiangyi> Exynos4 has all teh hacks :-P
<BREW> Hey I have a question as well, when ever I go to download a build of CM it just sits there loading, any idea why?
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<ivdorelian> Hello
<ivdorelian> I have a galaxy s 3. I read on xda that you should upgrade to CM 10.1 only from stock ICS, if you want wifi working. Is that still a requirement, or is it safe to do it directly from stock JB?
<Jiangyi> Yes it is, do what the thread says.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Nuuuuu Entropy +1'd it too
<ivdorelian> ok. if i put ICS back with odin, do i need to factory reset before putting CM?
<bbqbot> derp
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<addi> ivdorelian, always do a factory reset before installing a custom ROM, even if you may have done it while flashing a stock ROM beforehand
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<chachin> hey what's the best cwm for galaxy tab 2 10.1 p5113ts?
<jomp16> chachin: the latest?
<chachin> or most stable
<chachin> new at this and also need to root unlock bootloader if it has one :P
<addi> you only need to flash CWM directly, no need to root beforehand, and there is no bootloader unlocking involved on Samsung devices :)
<chachin> oh cool well where can i find a good cwm?
<chachin> i been looking for an hour throughout xda and nothing >.>
<jomp16> Sammy loves custom ROMs :-)
<chachin> oh and um i want to use official cm10.1? which one out of the ones im looking is good enough for DR?
<jomp16> I flashed cwm with a tutorial on cyanogenmod wiki
<addi> yeah, they help in reducing bloat and improving their badly coded software :P
<chachin> should i use this one
<Jiangyi> chachin: Use the p5110 builds
<chachin> yeah im doing that :)
<chachin> hey how do i get into recovery to install cwm?
<chachin> >.>
<Jiangyi> You go into download mode to install CWM....
<nebkat> HELLO
<nebkat> Jiangyi: +1 I saw
<chachin> how do i go into download mode >:
<chachin> im n00b at this lol 1st day with a tablet like this
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Any moar Trebuchet features for the day? If not, Imma submit translations :-P
<bbqbot> derp
<chachin> is it powerdown then +v and power
<nebkat> Jiangyi: probably no
<Jiangyi> kewl
<chachin> grr
<Jiangyi> chachin: Voldown + power
<chachin> okk brb
<chachin> hey wheni went to download moad it installed cmw automatically?
<chachin> it said # Manual mode #
<chachin> -- Appling Multi-CSC...
<chachin> Successfully applied Multi-CSC
<Jiangyi> That's stock recovery.
<Jiangyi> You did the wrong combo :-P
<chachin> ugh
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Just an observation: You should make it so that Trebuchet will reload itself upon changing hidden apps
<chachin> ok how do i do it then
<nebkat> Jiangyi: I did idiot
<Jiangyi> Today?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: yes
<Jiangyi> That'd explain things, I'm on yesterday's build lol
<Jiangyi> Sorry
<chachin> grrr
<Jiangyi> Jenkins randomly failed nightlies today :/
<Jiangyi> chachin: Go volup then
<chachin> okk
<chachin> hey i did volume + and its on "downloading...." do not turn off target!!
<chachin> what do i do now?
<chachin> odin mode
<chachin> product name: gt-p5113
<chachin> custom binary download: no
<chachin> current binary: samsung_official
<Jiangyi> that's right
<Jiangyi> now go flash CWM
<chachin> turn off then back and down then go to rercovery?
<addi> flash the CWM image using Odin on PC
<chachin> so i need that cable for the tablet and flash boot.img?
<addi> yes, but it's not boot.img in this case. it's a .tar file
<addi> that thread has CWM I see
<addi> for P5113
<addi> and this page has lots of guides to help you flash CWM, you just need to use Google: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=install+cwm+p5113 >.>
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> nebkat: z0mg dat GB feel menu D-:
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: u buthc
<Jiangyi> buthc?
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: You know that I only do this to you cuz I know that you won't kill me right? xD
<nebkat> Jiangyi: thats what you think
<nebkat> for all you know I could be standing right outside you
<nebkat> your house holding a shotgun
<Jiangyi> nebkat: No openly carrying guns allowed in Canada :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: what is that? the law? pft
<Jiangyi> lol
<nebkat> Jiangyi: I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE
* Jiangyi no haz cookiez
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* jomp16 is sad :-(
<nebkat> Baskey: +1
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<chachin> hey addi so I dwonload the p5113 .tar and install it into the sdcard?
<chachin> gah
<chachin> i really need halp
<chachin> lol
<Harmonica> y i may have the same doubt as you, are you using heimdall?
<addi> chachin, there are so many guides, just follow them
<addi> IRC is not for getting step-by-step instructions, there are many guides for that
<chachin> lol
<netw0rx> but but but i need someone who holds my hand while i flash
<netw0rx> :(
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<jomp16> I flashed cwm without problems, only count 1 2 3 and flashed
<jomp16> Using heimdall
<netw0rx> wow, you are my hero now
<netw0rx> merry xmas everyone
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<EgotisticalElf> anyone here know of a solution for the cm10.1 modem crashing on sgs3?
<EgotisticalElf> if i disable mobile network and then re-enable it, it blinks on, then the entire modem crashes
<EgotisticalElf> and spams the radio logcat with I/RILC ( 5437): qmi_ril(0/5437): [main] qcril_delay_timed_cb: STK service still not ready!
<EgotisticalElf> D/RILC ( 5437): qmi_ril(0/5437): [main] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 81
<EgotisticalElf> if i play with the mobile data setting and the wifi settings i can get it to start up
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<chachin> hell yeah this thing is fucking sweet fast with 4.2.1 :D
<chachin> now i need a good kernel
<netw0rx> cms kernel is a good kernel ( ͡°ʖ ͡°)
<chachin> this one good?
<bbqbot> derp
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<bealtine^> dont flash random kernels
<chachin> should just leave it as is then?
<chachin> man this thing feels 2x faster :D
<chachin> 4.0.4 = slowpoke compared to 4.2.1
<bealtine^> yes the cm kernel is fine and supported
<chachin> i wonder how the nexus10 feels compared to this tab >:
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<chachin> where did all the samsung stock apps go D:
<bealtine^> eh note the samsung apps part of that statement...
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<chachin> pfft so fast and smooth
<addi> so Samsung apps and features in CM
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<Zator> sorry. Got disconnected. with your permission I will restate my question.
<Zator> I'm having an issue on the latest 10.1 nightly (and the previous ones, and CM9) playing certain FLAC files (all the other work fine). The files that are causing the problem work fine on any stock (or stock based ROM) and refuse to play on any AOSP/CM ROMs. I think that the issue might be related to MediaProvider.apk. I've noticed that on stock ROMs this has been removed (from the symlink folder), while it still appears on
<MacDrunk> hello
<Zator> there are no visible differences between the files that work and those that don't work.
<Zator> other than that, CM 10.1 works perfectly fine on my SGS2. any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
<Zator> thank you :)
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<MacMiller> sup
<MacMiller> hello
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<fabi> hello?
<fabi> anyone here?:D
<fabi> since i flashed my samsung galaxy s3 on cm 10.1
<MacMiller> hello
<MacMiller> siup
MacMiller is now known as MacDrunk
<fabi> i have got a question
<fabi> i flashed my s3 on 10.1 jelly bean 4.2.1
<fabi> but
<fabi> whatsapp
<fabi> doenst functionate
<fabi> what can i do?
<MacDrunk> hmm
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<MacDrunk> did you look over accounts and sync
<MacDrunk> and see if the whats app acount is on
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<fabi> are u german?
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<MacDrunk> nop
<MacDrunk> im mexicaN
<MacDrunk> why do you ask
<fabi> okok i try it wait a second please :D
<fabi> because i am germany and my englisch isnt the best so far
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<fabi> no chance other ideas?
<bbqbot> derp
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<fabi> maybe you can help me?
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<frankdrey> boo
<Baskey> BOO YOU
* frankdrey is working on cm10.1 for G1 :3
<Baskey> you're crazy
<frankdrey> I'm not
<Baskey> sure you are
<halakar> hey guys
<halakar> frank! can you ask another question again?
<halakar> If i want to upgrade from CM10.1 dated 12/20/2012 to last night's build, any issues? i won't lose apps, settings etc?
<frankdrey> just flash
<frankdrey> won't touch anything
<frankdrey> don't need to reflash gapps even
<halakar> cool, that's what i thought
<halakar> thanks mang
<halakar> if a newer gapps comes out, can i just flash that without losing stuff too?
<frankdrey> yep
<halakar> sweet nectar
<halakar> mmm, the update failed, said problem with the zip
<frankdrey> bad download?
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<frankdrey> did it say bad zip?
<bbqbot> derp
<halakar> yeah
<halakar> aaaand now the thing won't boot...greaaat
<halakar> this is a different tab 2 7.0 than earlier btw
<halakar> yeah, it said bad zip. faail
<halakar> trying to put 20121220 CM10.1 back on
<halakar> that worked, hopefully all my stuff will still be there
<halakar> play store says "app isn't installed" wha??
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<halakar> fixed it, had to reinstall gapps
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<captainmac> !help
<clibot> captainmac: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog}, {!geo}, {!google}, {!math}, {!money}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<captainmac> !money$
<clibot> captainmac: Unknown command "money$"
<captainmac> !money
<clibot> captainmac: Usage !money <amount> <from> <to>
<captainmac> !8ball
<clibot> captainmac: My sources say no
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