<kristianpaul> wpwrak: I'm going to give a small talk to the local dorkbot people about copyleft hardware
<kristianpaul> I will talk about nanonote, milkymist and wpan  (may be gps-sdr for get people interested on development too)
<kristianpaul> I want talk about the part of the atena design in wpan
<kristianpaul> Is okay said, it is a rev eng process coming for already similar products, and you developed the tools and integrated existent one as usrp2 in order to make that trial and error process easier?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: i didn't really reverse-engineer the antenna. i took this design: http://focus.ti.com/lit/an/swra117d/swra117d.pdf
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: what i changed was the size. TI describe that the size depends on the PCB thickness, but don't explain how exactly it changes. (their design is for a 1.0 mm board, mine are 0.8 mm)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: finding the right size is what the experiments were for
<kristianpaul> ah, okay !
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: i used the usrp2 basically as a spectrum analyzer. i didn't complete any software that talks directly to the USRP2 (there's that partial spectrum analyzer i did, but that doesn't produce correct results yet)
<kristianpaul> ah...
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: instead, i used the gnuradio tool usrp2_rx_cfile.py to capture a transmission and then perform FFT (and some other filtering) on it
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: so i integrated the USRP2 and an existing gnuradio tool into my test/experiment setup
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: what about RF consideratios for board design, is it also documented on the aplication note you pointed to me?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: see also ben-wpan/usrp/sps/collect for collecting the traces, and ben-wpan/usrp/fft.c for the FFT. ben-wpan/usrp/sps/ has more scripts for visualization and such. they are what i used to generate http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/people/werner/wpan/20110303/
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (RF) a little. but most comes from http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc8092.pdf
<kristianpaul> yes, i'm aware of FFT part
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: plus a bit of googling around. see also ben-wpan/ecn/ecn0007.txt
<kristianpaul> okay, software part is the implementation of MAC by bit banging RF CHip registers?
<kristianpaul> one of the functions of software part*
<kristianpaul> I just like to make clear how a "Wifi" chip differ from yours 802.15.4 one
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: there are two sets of software: the tools in ben-wpan/tools/ and the linux stack. the linux stack uses the ieee 802.15.4 drivers and mac of the linux-zigbee project. i just made a few small corrections and added the platform-specific initialization (gpio setup and such)
<kristianpaul> And the benefist in software
<kristianpaul> ok
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: the tools under ben-wpan/tools/ don't implement a proper mac - they just send "naked" frames without address fields or such
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: well atrf-txrx, which is the most complex of the tools. the others have other roles, e.g., atrf-id just identifies the chip, atrf-rssi shows the signal strength (without actually receiving any data), and so on
<kristianpaul> ACK
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: any wishlist for wpan thay you feel missed now, and wanted for future versions?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: better RF design testing. more compact (use a four-layer board with microvias). maybe better testability for atben (lacks an easy way to test the crystal). maybe antenna diversity. maybe an RF amplifier for range extension. find out if a dedicated MCU can be useful and act accordingly (or not).
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: also, some real-life experience with wpan may add more items :)
<kristianpaul> (real-life experience) agreed :-)
<qi-bot> [commit] Ayla: The method FileLister::browse() now takes an optional boolean argument. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/d820470
<qi-bot> [commit] Ayla: If the "sections/" directory is missing, we create it as well as some default sections (settings, applications...). http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/8336c83
<qi-bot> [commit] Ayla: The sections directories shall now be found under the user-specific directory. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/114fe59
<qi-bot> [commit] Ayla: The skin images will now be loaded using SurfaceCollection::getSkinFilePath(). http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/fe25cf3
<qi-bot> [commit] Ayla: Define a default wallpaper path, that will be chosen if no wallpaper is defined on the config. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/301e16e
<Ayla> hello
<Ayla> I'm looking for a picture I could use as the default wallpaper for gmenu2x for the nanonote
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: so now the community news feature deep inside jokes ;-))
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: not sure it you saw these:
<wpwrak> | potential entries for the 04-04: 1) the ben-wpan samples http://lists.en.qi-hardware.com/pipermail/discussion/2011-March/007457.html
<wpwrak> | the decision that tuxbrain will lead the production (and which may potentially have started already)
<wpwrak> oops, let's try this again ...
<wpwrak> | 2) the decision that tuxbrain will lead the production (order already issued)
<wpwrak> | 3) that we have a kernel that allows atben to communicate via ieee 802.15.4
<wpwrak> | not sure if 3) is newsworthy yet. there are still a few more things missing before it's actually useful
<wpwrak> | regarding 2), there's also the integrated process for producing fab files, but i haven't documented it yet. at its core is ben-wpan/makefiles/Makefile.kicad, which is semi-generic
<wolfspraul> yes sure I saw it, thanks a lot
<wolfspraul> no worries
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: what is the deep inside joke?
<wolfspraul> I just try to collect a few nice things...
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: the money falling from the sky :)
<kristianpaul> at medellin
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: ah. that may be subconsciousness :-)
<wolfspraul> I just flipped through the mimi&eunice comics and liked that one...
<wpwrak> it resonates rather strongly with current events ;-)
<kristianpaul> I liked that comic too :-)
<wolfspraul> ok I think all sections except NanoNote are finished
<wolfspraul> this is what I'm talking about http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Community_news_2011-04-04
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: do the new visual patches have any images ?
<wolfspraul> he
<wolfspraul> fbgrab (screenshot) is also just being added
<wolfspraul> so there are few screenshots of m1 still
<wolfspraul> but that should soon improve :-)
<wolfspraul> ctrl-f12, done
<wpwrak> aah, fbgrab. very important indeed !
<wolfspraul> so I don't know whether we have screenshots, I didn't see any otherwise I would have included them
<wolfspraul> one by one
<wolfspraul> we also have 05-01 news
<wolfspraul> the old way to take screenshots was only in qemu, afaik
<wolfspraul> Sebastien uploaded the 2 shots of his new color theme, not sure whether he took them in qemu or already with fbgrab
<wpwrak> should be easy to find out ;-)
<wpwrak> hmm. maybe.
<wpwrak> larsc: i just read about zram ... could this be something useful for our ben's poor little memory ?
<larsc> maybe
<Ayla> yes, it works quite good
<wpwrak> Ayla: you've tried it on the ben ?
<kristianpaul> where do you tested or saw it working Ayla ?
<kristianpaul> at hostel
<Ayla> it's enabled by default on opendingux
<Ayla> the new linux kernel for dingoo a320
<Ayla> so it should work quite good on ben too
<wpwrak> Ayla: how does the system's performance differ with/without it ?
<Ayla> well, if it's not used, it does not eat any memory or processing power
<Ayla> in use, it uses some processing power to compress/decompress the data. However, it's still faster than swap on a flash device like SD
<wpwrak> Ayla: do you did notice a performance improvement ? i mean, not only on paper
<Ayla> yes, eduke32 is less laggy when using swap
<Ayla> I mean, zram swap over SD swa
<Ayla> swap*
<wpwrak> great. that's a useful data point, thanks
<wpwrak> i wonder what it does for systems that don't use swap. may have an even more dramatic effect
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: so sebastien's screenshots were taken to fbgrab
<wolfspraul> saw it
<wolfspraul> PROGRESS
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wpwrak> yay ! :)
<whitequark> is xiangfu very busy now?
<wolfspraul> ok I will do more NanoNote editing (in the news) tomorrow
<wolfspraul> slowly getting there
<rjeffries> wpwrak assuming Nanonote 8:10 SPI --> UBB --> ribbon cable --> [some flavor Arduino]
<rjeffries> what would one look for so the target Arduino can exchange data with Nanonote "master"
<rjeffries> for now we ignore whether the Arduino can or can not be programmed from this lash up.
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: i think long time ago that questions you made is answered as posible
<kristianpaul> but maybe i lost the point.. :/
<roh> there are spi serial converters
<roh> in the end only a programmed avr, but possible
<roh> one could programm another ardiuino via that
<rjeffries> thanks roh maybe I am unclear myself. I know tuxbrain connected Aeduinno to Ben Nanonote long ago using Ben's serial port
<rjeffries> that would work with any Arduino or clone  model
<rjeffries> when using SPI to talk to Arduino, I am not sure if ont certain Arduinos can do that, or
<rjeffries> maybe a "shield" with an extra SPI to serial chip is needed?
<rjeffries> where i am headed is thinking of an Arduino of some ilk connected to Nanonote over
<rjeffries> a reasonably high speed connection. then (just a matter of software...;) it would be possible
<rjeffries> to connect Nanonote to Ethernet
<rjeffries> or interface (via arduino) to I2C periferals
<rjeffries> the major smarts are Linux Ben Nanonote, the Arduino is a semi smart semi independent slave pod
<rjeffries> the Arduino ecosystem offers so many cool and cheap modules but suffers from being quite low level
<rjeffries> new topic: this seems mildly interesting and very open:
<whitequark> rjeffries: the problem with ethernet is, you don't have any external interface with sufficiently high speed and host capability
<whitequark> maybe you'll be able to find SDIO ethernet card, but it won't work with SPI
<rjeffries> whitequark well, if goal is connectivity, I think it can work. wpwrak measures (if I recall right...)
<rjeffries> well over a megatbit per second over the 8:10 spi interface.
<rjeffries> most access to internet does not require very high speed.
<rjeffries> I am so old i remember using dial modems to connect to internet at various speeds
<rjeffries> at 56Kbps, the internet is useable. works great for email or irc and ok for light casual browsing with a text browser
<whitequark> rjeffries: there are two points
<whitequark> first, not everyone uses ethernet for internet. it's sometimes useful to transfer a file to internal media
<whitequark> well, that may be not very useful as there's usb-device and sd-card anyway.
<whitequark> second, pages were loading at acceptable speed then in 56k days. now average homepage may be around a megabyte of rounded corners and transparent PNGs
<whitequark> hm, third is that it'd be hard to fit a good browser in ben's 32M
<Ayla> that's fine using zram swap ;)
<kyak> whitequark: is "links -g" a good enough browser for you? It fits well into Ben's 32Mb :)
<tuxbrain> whitequark: sure and ethernet module with spi interface will not work? I have been reported with diferent opinions about this
<whitequark> kyak: please, try using it for, maybe, a day or two, and you'll answer your question yourself
<kyak> whitequark: i don't get your point
<whitequark> kyak: it isn't really usable with modern sites
<whitequark> at least it wasn't last time I've checked it
<kyak> "modern sites"? what is it?
<whitequark> tuxbrain: of course it will work. somehow. looking at PM, SD pins are not multiplexed with SPI, and so you'll need to use bitbang driver in kernel
<whitequark> that isn't very fast and is very cpu-hungry
<whitequark> kyak: try opening qi-hardware.com, or maybe google.com, or github.com
<kyak> this is "opening qi-hardware.com" :)
<wpwrak> rjeffries: (comm with avr) SPI with the ben the master and the avr the slave should be convenient
<wpwrak> rjeffries: (from yesterday, SIE with jz4760) not a bad idea. if someone was to redesign the SIE, that would certainly be a better starting point than the aging 4720
<whitequark> kyak: links cannot be used for day-to-day tasks
<whitequark> it is only good to say "hey, our device can load web-pages", but hardly more
<kyak> it depends on which tasks you do day-to-day
<kyak> i use elinks regularly to access gmail without any problems
<kyak> have to go now
<rjeffries> wpwrak how much new Ben software is needed to achieve bi-direcetional data transfer between Ben NN and AVR (read Arduino)
<wpwrak> rjeffries: just to communicate ? not a lot. you could just reuse my spi code for ben-wpan. the harder bit is the avr side, plus some meaningful protocol that rides on top of spi.
<rjeffries> wpwrak ubderstood regards need for a Ben to AVR protocol
<rjeffries> if objective is using AVR to handle real time data collection via say I2C or whatever, with AVR/Arduino as a smart beffer or even some data reduction before handoff to ben that could be feasible
<rjeffries> but to get real, why not use a cheap netbook as master and simply communicate to Arduino via USB.
<rjeffries> a low end netbook running linux is prolly $200 new oe slightly used
<wpwrak> sure, you can do that. i would try to cut out the man in the middle, i.e., the avr :)
<wpwrak> hates statistical distributions that don't make sense
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: what distribution are you talking about?
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: the transmit timing, measured by the ben. i'm trying to determine the atben's clock frequency without direct access to the clock signal.
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: really, don't use my name followed by black magic power words like frequency , direct access or signal... it really scares me.
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: the method is to load a packet, then initiate transmission with a pulse (there's a dedicated gpio for this). then measure how long it takes until the tx complete interrupt arrives
<wpwrak> ah wait .. lemme check the chip-internal interrupt latency ...
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
<tuxbrain> wpwrak: biboca garagem favela fubanga maloca bocada Maloca bocada fubanga Favela garagem biboca, porra !!! Ze do caixao zumbi lampiao
<wpwrak> grmbl. two set of values, an unexplainable 150 us apart
<wpwrak> i understood the first and the second, but you threw me with the catalan ;-)
<tuxbrain> I think is portugues , is a the Rattamahatta lyrics from sepultura, I don't know what it really means but the song looks like a vudu conjure :P
<tuxbrain> or maybe a recieipt to do some cake but well , it sounds like vudu cake
<tuxbrain> 150us seems a lot of time on transmision scale, isn't it? (OMG I'm starting to intuit your tech mambo jambo nonsense)
<wpwrak> the drugs are starting to work ;-)
<tuxbrain> drugs+lack of sleep+a lot of qt programing readed is causing me to feel sick....  I think I'm gonna remedy at least one of the three, good night
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: a good way to look at it is, after gunzip'ing, with gnuplot   plot "<sort -n tx-100-counts" with lines
<wpwrak> to zoom in,  set yrange [30000:33000]  (or zoom manually)
<wpwrak> yaxis is the number of counts between send trigger and interrupt. one count is about 100 ns
<tuxbrain> well no need to see that it seems that it tends to be stable at 31300 aprox but with random jumps of 400 to 1000 units .... whatever it means
<wpwrak> x axis is the cumulative number of samples. e.g., we have about 7000 samples with ~31300 counts, ~2000 samples between ~31300 and ~32800, and then another ~1000 around 32800
<wpwrak> this is a ben with everything that could get in the way dead. including interrupts. actually, let me verify that ...
<wpwrak> yeah. everything switched off
<tuxbrain> well if the input is the same something should be altering the values.... in theory same input sould give you output ... extrange...
<wpwrak> it gets worse: plot "tx-100-counts" with dots
<wpwrak> now you can see that there are a lot of samples at the ~31300 baseline. but there's a pattern over time with the ones that don't quite fit. they're also very systematic.
<tuxbrain> yes I even saw that with the numbers directly.... I think something is happen on the ben on x period
<tuxbrain> something is not off
<wpwrak> yet i do set ICMSR to 0xffffffff
<tuxbrain> or the sistem or the CPU is doing something we don't know on that moment cyclic
<wpwrak> hmm. maybe the frame buffer. switching it off, too ...
<tuxbrain> I suppose this will complicate the creation of software on the ben side for communications isn't it?
<wpwrak> in the end, my program will look worse than gmenu2x ;-)
<tuxbrain> ha!
<wpwrak> (complicate) no, not at all. this is only for production testing.
<tuxbrain> also with an advert before the screen shut down... don't move, don't breath, you may alter the values stay froze for a seconds please....
<wpwrak> naw, the system is only unresponsive for about 3-4 ms
<wpwrak> of course, 10000 times in a row ;)
<tuxbrain> wow how long is the test?
<wpwrak> 4 ms * 10k = ~40 s. of course, 10000 is a bit excessive. once things work properly, a lot less should do.
<wpwrak> yes ! that did the trick ;-)
<tuxbrain> was the frambuffer?
<wpwrak> yup. tuned the lcd clock off and now i get ...
<wpwrak> (tuRned)
<wpwrak> that's with different trim values. t0 is the lowest extra capacitance -> clock runs fastest, t15 the highest -> slowest
<wpwrak> and this is indeed what we see :-)
<wpwrak> distribution looks vaguely gaussian, which is also good
<tuxbrain> ok again im  lost in translation from wpwrakish to tuxbrainian, but if you are happy and you said is good , I'm happy too :)
<tuxbrain> gn8
<wpwrak> (trim) the load capacitors of the crystal are programmable
<wpwrak> so changing the trim is an easy test for whether i can accurately measure the clock frequency. the objective is to detect SMT problems. so a whole capacitor would be missing. that would cause a greater divergence than these trim changes.
<wpwrak> hmm. something in the ben doesn't like it if i turn off the lcd clock. hangs after a while :-(
<wpwrak> tuxbrain: you may get your wish for a "don't touch while testing" mode after all :)