<GitHub109> [scripts] xiangfu pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/dFCYtQ
<GitHub109> [scripts/master] reflash_m1.sh : update help message - Xiangfu Liu
<Thihi> m
<qwebirc39462> hi
<qwebirc39462> what doe the milky mist do
<wpwrak> it's quiz time - you have 10 seconds to answer ! ;-)
<lekernel> "ERROR:PhysDesignRules:797 - Illegal placement. Component dummy must be placed in a bonded site." grmbl. obviously, if I figured out the undocumented UCF constraint to use unbonded I/O sites, I do want to use an unbonded I/O site ...
<lekernel> the whole P&R runs correctly on those sites, except it won't let me generate a programming file
<lekernel> I wonder if there is a hidden "skip DRC" option in bitgen. it would be convenient, for that and for reverse engineering purposes ...
<lekernel> flickernoise 2.0 patch editor should be like that :-)
<mwalle> lekernel: what can you do with unbonded io sites?
<lekernel> use the I/O delay elements internally
<lekernel> without wasting package pins
<lekernel> also, the Spartan-6 soft DDR PHY uses a dummy I/O site to help calibrate against PVT drift
<lekernel> I'm sure I saw unbonded I/O sites used in some designs... but maybe not in S6
<lekernel> there could be a good reason for that, e.g. if they no longer test unbonded I/Os
<qi-bot> The Firmware build was successfull, see images here: http://fidelio.qi-hardware.com/~xiangfu/build-milkymist/milkymist-firmware-11062011-2242/