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<GitHub131> [zig] dbandstra opened pull request #1300: A few new functions in InStream/OutStream (master...more-stream-functions)
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<GitHub173> [zig] dbandstra opened pull request #1301: add SliceOutStream, rename SliceStream to SliceInStream (master...slice-out-stream)
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aesl has joined #zig
<aesl> what is the correct way to return a string from a function?
<aesl> I'm trying []u8
<aesl> but the compiler tells me I'm wrong
<aesl> this is what I'm trying to do. and this is really my first time writing Zig code
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<kristate> woke up -- I slept longer than I anticipated, but it is the weekend :-)
<dbandstra> aesl, i believe the problem is that you are trying to modify a literal string
<dbandstra> aesl, "axexixoxu" has the type `[]const u8`, not `[]u8`
<aesl> I tried that because I didn't know how to allocate a string lol
<dbandstra> if you first do `var string = "axexixoxu";` then at least it can be modified
<dbandstra> you probably will have to use the slice operator to pass it to the function - `replace(string[0..])` - because the `string` var is an array, not a slice, and arrays don't get implicityl converted to slices
<dbandstra> (unless they are const)
<aesl> oh alright
<dbandstra> with that out of the way, to compare strings you have to use a function `std.mem.eql(u8, first, second)` , not ==
<dbandstra> zig is pretty c-ish when it comes to strings
<aesl> alright
<aesl> and what about the error I get compiling
<aesl> error: expected type '[]u8', found '[9]u8
<dbandstra> that says it's expecting a slice, you provided an array
<dbandstra> solution is just as i said to tack `[0..]` to the end of the array you were trying to pass
<aesl> oh okay that's simple
<dbandstra> (`array[0..]` is short for `array[0..array.len]`)
<aesl> cool it compiles
<aesl> I have experience from Rust and C
<aesl> so its really really nice to have a middle ground
<aesl> and thank you dbandstra
<dbandstra> np
<aesl> is there a standard library reference?
<dbandstra> nope
<dbandstra> it's just a collection of stuff for the time being
<dbandstra> it would be nice to write some docs but things are still changing frequently
<aesl> that's alright
<aesl> and say I wanted to allocate my own string instead of writing to the string that's passed into the function
<aesl> what could I do to copy that string
<aesl> kind of like strdup from string.h in C
<dbandstra> first of all allocation-related stuff is really explicit in zig
<dbandstra> so if there was strdup function, it would take an allocator as a param
<dbandstra> i haven't dealt with allocators a lot personally, not sure if such an alloc-and-copy function exists
<dbandstra> but you need first an allocator, such as std.debug.global_allocator (warning: crappy, but i'm not familiar with the others)
<aesl> oh okay
<aesl> well I actually saw mem.copy and tried to use it but I got an error using s.len as the size of the array
<dbandstra> you have to use comptime-known array sizes
<dbandstra> if you want to do it that way
<aesl> alright
<aesl> oh could I take slice
<aesl> :3 I can
<dbandstra> a slice is just an alias, it doesn't copy the values
<aesl> var out = s[0..];
<aesl> nah like that
<dbandstra> slice is basically a struct{ptr,len} which is passed around by value
<dbandstra> so if you modify values of `out` it will be modifying `s` as well
<aesl> oh really
<aesl> heck
<dbandstra> i think slices are the same in golang
<dbandstra> anyways, you have to use an allocator. so `var newstring = try allocator.alloc(u8, s.len); std.mem.copy(u8, newstring, s);`
<aesl> alright I'll go figure out the allocators
<aesl> thanks
<dbandstra> note the `!` prefix in the return type, not sure if you've come across that yet, but it means the function may return an error
<aesl> oh okay, and no I have not
<dbandstra> briefly, errors are just another value that gets passed around and returned, and there's a few different syntaxes in the language to make it convenient
<aesl> okay
<aesl> I'll need to look into errors
<aesl> yup I <3 zig
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<kristate> andrewrk: you online?
<kristate> hmm, 1:28 am in NYC
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<bodie_> Implementing ReFaL in Zig would be a really fun project.
<bodie_> I wonder if I can find good enough docs to make a go of it.
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companion_cube has joined #zig
<companion_cube> hi, I'm curious about zig (can't say I need it, but still)
<companion_cube> there are some interesting design points such as the ability to parse .h files — wouldn't that tie the compiler to a C compiler, long term?
<companion_cube> is there a goal of, some day, having several compilers, perhaps a gcc frontend?
<companion_cube> maybe even automatic translation from C?
<companion_cube> (in a tool, not in the compiler)
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<companion_cube> I quite like the rust-inspired syntax, and the simplicity of the design centered around comptime
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<andrewrk> dbandstra, std.mem.dupe
<andrewrk> hi companion_cube
<companion_cube> hi andrewrk
<andrewrk> yes, ability to parse .h files ties zig to libclang
<dbandstra> andrewrk, ah nice
<companion_cube> are you the main author, andrewrk?
<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> although several others have made substantial contributions
<companion_cube> heh, nice. I like the design, mostly, there even are sum types ✔
<andrewrk> we have a proof of concept of automatic translation from C
<andrewrk> zig translate-c foo.c
<companion_cube> I was reading about Jai earlier, and it's underwhelming, but the "struct of arrays" transformation is cool, and probably doable comptime in Zig
<andrewrk> it's missing a lot of stuff
<companion_cube> that's pretty cool!
<companion_cube> even though it ties even further to having a full C compiler…
<andrewrk> it does, but there's a clear subset of the language that is divorced from C
<andrewrk> if you don't use @cImport, and you don't do --library c, we don't actually need the libclang dependency
<andrewrk> err, sorry I confused 2 things there. if you don't do --library c, then your binary doesn't depend on libc.
<andrewrk> if you don't use translate-c (which is the same feature as @cImport) then zig compiler doesn't depend on libclang
<andrewrk> so, once the world is done using C we can delete that dependency ;)
<companion_cube> :D
<companion_cube> it'd still be nice to have several compilers (like D has), with something lightweight like dmd in addition to more optimizing, heavier compilers
<andrewrk> that's a possibility. personally, I'm focused on language stabilization and getting to 1.0.0
<andrewrk> which I don't consider a dmd equivalent a prerequisite of
<companion_cube> oh, of course
<companion_cube> (I'm just worried that some features that would make it to 1.0 would preclude the existence of such lightweight tools)
<companion_cube> (by requiring a full C compilation chain)
<andrewrk> the current plan for the language specification is that it will define a clear subset which is "C-less Zig" and so a zig implementation could be compliant with the note that it is "C-less"
<companion_cube> makes sense.
<andrewrk> zig really does not depend on C in any way. it just has features to interact with it
<companion_cube> thanks for your answers!
<andrewrk> well, sorry that's not technically true. zig depends on llvm, which is written in C++, which depends on C. So there you have it
<companion_cube> I suppose it stills makes a lot of sense to reuse some C stuff (e.g jemalloc to get a good allocator)
<andrewrk> but we also have plans to build our own libc and use it to bootstrap ourselves:
<companion_cube> zig translate-c musl.c? 0:-)
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<andrewrk> you're joking, but much of the zig std lib has been ported from, or at least heavily inspired by musl
<andrewrk> I can only sing the praises of that project
<companion_cube> I mostly looked at the data structures of std/, so far, but having a generic HashMap in a C competitor is exciting
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Bas_ has joined #zig
<Bas_> Hey guys
<Bas_> I put some of the things I was trying out to git, so if you feel like it you can check it out here
<Bas_> I actually think so far my two favorite features from Zig are the error handling and the build-in unit test capability
<dbandstra> nice!
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<Bas_> It means I can actually do test driven development very easily. Even if it's a bit troublesome currently on windows without stack traces ^^
<dbandstra> yeah the unit testing is awesome
<Bas_> And compared to C++ I notice that I need less code, so that's also great.
<dbandstra> hmm speaking of which, is there a better way than this to assert an error return? `assert(if (func()) false else |err| err == error.SpecificError);`
<Bas_> Yes....
<andrewrk> std.debug.assertError
<andrewrk> I think we can just add == and != support for comparing error unions against error codes though
<dbandstra> :nerdface:
<andrewrk> so after that it would be assert(func() == error.SpecificError)
<andrewrk> I don't know if there's an issue open for that. maybe I'll just open one right now
<dbandstra> that sounds similar to comparing optional to non-optional
<dbandstra> which i think i said i would make an issue for but never did
<Bas_> How would you check if you correctly deallocated all memory? Is there some debug allocator that does that?
<andrewrk> Bas_, not yet! but that's certainly a good idea to have in the standard library
<andrewrk> here's a 3-step strategy that works today:
<andrewrk> 1. use std.heap.c_allocator and --library c
<andrewrk> 2. use the --no-rosegment workaround
<andrewrk> 3. run your tests or application with valgrind --leak-check=full
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hooo has joined #zig
<hooo> gg, I cant even figure out how to get the length of a string. var xy: []const u8 = "HI"; warn("{}\n", cstr.len("hi")); ===> error: expected type '[*]const u8', found '[2]u8'
<Bas_> maybe try without the const? Or just omit the type :P
<Bas_> Also I'm not sure if "hi" is a c string
<dbandstra> what is cstr?
<andrewrk> dbandstra, std.cstr is a namespace
<dbandstra> ah i see
<andrewrk> hooo, arrays and slices have a .len property
<andrewrk> "hi".len; xy.len
<andrewrk> cstr is for when you have null terminated strings
<hooo> Okay I tried to google it for a long time and searched through the std
<andrewrk> once this issue is implemented, this will get pretty seamless:
<andrewrk> if you need a c string literal right now, you can use c"this syntax"
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<GitHub144> [zig] andrewrk closed pull request #1300: A few new functions in InStream/OutStream (master...more-stream-functions)
<GitHub197> [zig] andrewrk pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub197> zig/master f884381 Andrew Kelley: Merge pull request #1300 from dbandstra/more-stream-functions...
<GitHub197> zig/master f36faa3 dbandstra: add skipBytes function to InStream...
<GitHub197> zig/master 3ce0ea8 dbandstra: add int writing functions to OutStream...
<GitHub167> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub167> zig/master 608ff52 dbandstra: add SliceOutStream, rename SliceStream to SliceInStream (#1301)
<GitHub117> [zig] andrewrk closed pull request #1301: add SliceOutStream, rename SliceStream to SliceInStream (master...slice-out-stream)
<Bas_> I have a question. When implementing functions that work on self, I usually do:
<Bas_> fn bla(self: * const Self)
<Bas_> Would it also work the same with just:
<Bas_> fn bla(self: Self)
<Bas_> ?
<andrewrk> yes
<andrewrk> you should use *const Self only if you need to guarantee that it's not a copy
<Bas_> Ok, usually I don't care.
<andrewrk> right. the example is if you're using @fieldParentPtr, then you would care
<Bas_> I see
andi3 has joined #zig
<andi3> one more reason to have less use cases for @fieldParentPointer
<andi3> ...and hello everyone :)
<andrewrk> yes andi3 I know you hate @fieldParentPtr :)
<andi3> yes my brain is still not ready for it, that's certain :D
<Bas_> It's weird, I agree.
<andi3> the function itself is fine, its just its (wide) usage :)
<andi3> there is some issue about return types and how it should be discouraged to return var because it hinders readability which I totally agree
<andi3> just how feasible would it be to have smart fix its that would replace those vars in my code so I could actually type the way I want but get the good documentation/ high quality code corrected by the compiler ?
<andrewrk> quite possible, if the rest of your parameters were not generic
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<andi3> yes sure there are some cases where its not possible
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<MajorLag1> Early someone mentioned general purpose allocation. It comes up a lot, but I'm personally not finding I'm missing it. I think this is an advantage of zig's not having a default allocator; you just don't really need a single allocator to handle dozens of different use cases because you can choose a more appropriate one for every case. I use DirectAllocator when experimenting, but when I nail down how something works I'm always using a more
<MajorLag1> uned allocation strategy. Between arenas, fixed-buffers, and my rpmalloc-inspired pooling allocator I don't really feel any need for something more general purpose. Just my 2c.
<dbandstra> i'm personally using a custom thing which is a fixed buffer, with two allocators working as stacks on each end
<MajorLag1> kinda like the Quake Hunk allocator, IIRC?
<dbandstra> 'free' does nothing, but you can do a 'mark' and 'clear to mark'
<dbandstra> exactly haha
<MajorLag1> If it was good enough for Carmack, it's probably pretty good.
<dbandstra> yeah you can basically use one side for persistent allocations, and the other side for temporary stuff
<dbandstra> well suited for a game where you don't need dynamic allocations (fixed max number of entities)
<andrewrk> MajorLag1, that's good to know
<andrewrk> the first real use case I've had for one is the allocator for coroutines, but I think that can be a pooling one
<MajorLag1> Or if having an upper limit on allocations is acceptable. For instance, if you have a particle system at reach the limit of allocations, it's probably not a big deal to just not create any more particles.
<dbandstra> yeah although when you run out of space for one thing you run out of space for everything
<MajorLag1> only if you haven't separated the memory spaces by use.
<dbandstra> yeah you would just allocate a particle system with room for N particles, inside the hunk
<MajorLag1> right, and if allocating a new particle OOMs, just shrug and keep going.
<MajorLag1> andrewrk, I haven't had to use anything with coroutines yet so I don't have any experience with them in zig. Isn't the allocator for a new stack or something though?
<andrewrk> I need to do some experiments but here's my working understanding
<andrewrk> an async function call can be guaranteed to not allocate memory under these conditions: 1. the async function is known at compile time. 2. the promise is awaited in the same stack frame/ coro frame as the async function call
<andrewrk> further, most asyc function calls fit this category, although not all of them
<andrewrk> the memory that is allocated is a single stack frame - the "coroutine frame" for the async function
<andrewrk> so if you, for example, did this: while (true) { await async foo(); await async bar(); }
<andrewrk> that looks like: alloc N bytes; free those N bytes; alloc M bytes; free those M bytes
<andrewrk> there's probably a really efficient allocation strategy for this
<andrewrk> sorry, in the above example there would be no allocations
<andrewrk> but assuming that there was, it would still look like that pattern
<andrewrk> for example if you had a hash table hashed on allocation size, it should be pretty efficient
<andrewrk> because these N and M values are static and there are a relatively small number of async functions possible
<andrewrk> the number of async functions is fixed at compile time; the allocation size is not determined at runtime
<MajorLag1> Yeah, pooling allocator seems appropriate since you have fixed sizes. In mine I stole an idea from rpmalloc and align my spans of blocks on a po2 boundary, so I can find the span a block belongs to with a single bitwise and.
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