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<MajorLag> because of the limitations of comptime, even FixedBufferAllocator isn't really very useful. For instance, you can't use ArrayList at comptime.
<andrewrk> Oh that's right. Allocator depends on @ptrCast. That's one reason I want to make it work at comptime
<andrewrk> There's a problem though - types that don't have a guaranteed byte layout, such as structs
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<MajorLag> It is possible to get an instance of type `(block)` into a variable. This doesn't appear to have any useful implications, I just thought it was interesting.
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<Braedon> Hey all, hows it going :) Just want to gather a little more opinion on locales, currently I'm planing to use CLDR (the official unicode repository of data) and at compile time downloading the relevant files and baking that information into the application
<Braedon> Though only doing it for the locales that the user requests in their build.zig
<Braedon> Which of course they could select all of them :), then lets say they select 'tr-TR' they would get information like `locale.getLocaleByTag("tr-TR")` which is a compile time function only :)
<Braedon> If they wanted to do a generic any tag kind of solution they would have to import all locales in their build.zig file which would of course bloat the binary a little then they would have to call the function `locale.getLocaleByTagRuntime(tagName)`
<Braedon> Locales will have effectively the same information as the 'defaultLocale' which can be loaded in by well `locale.getDefault()` or `locale.getCurrent()` (since default != current in all circumstances), but that doesn't require baking (though it would for some functions such as toUpper/toLower)
<Braedon> Side note: locales like Ascii and the Full unicode which really are not 'locales' but just kind of piggy back on the system to get functionality desired like doing an ascii locale would be used for archaic systems are baked without user input, since they will also often be used for the generic functions like `atoi` which are dependent on locale :)
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<abique> Hello
<abique> I did not understand well how the namespace works in zig
<abique> Does zig have namespace?
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<tiehuis> is this in regards to imports or just if you can namespace things in a file, like C++ namespaces?
<tiehuis> you can pretty much do namespaces by just using a struct and not defining any member functions/variables
<tiehuis> have an INFLATE implementation working by the way
<tiehuis> just doing some round-trip testing against zlib but will probably finish that tomorrow
<tiehuis> spent an hour wondering why it wasn't seeming to work and it turned out I was using a wrong test vector
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<abique> Thank you for the struct info
<abique> But the drawback of using a struct for namespace is that you can't have many files into the same namespace
<abique> If you take in c++ for example std is defined in many places and can be extended in new files
<abique> But you can't do that in zig right?
<tiehuis> no, not like that
<tiehuis> although, you can re-export multiple files into the same namespace and link different files into the same namespace
<tiehuis> if you look at the std library, it does this a lot with all the `index.zig` files
<tiehuis> this does have the advantage over c++ namespaces in that it's just a tree all the way up so if you wanted to scan sub-dependencies of imported files you just need to follow the imports
<abique> cool
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<abique> tiehuis: what stage is currently zig?
<abique> is the language more or less finished?
<abique> and only the standard library remains
<abique> or you expect that the language will change a lot until version 1.0?
<tiehuis> no, i still think there are various things that we want to be solved, definitely best to ask andrewrk this
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<abique> I'm looking for a new langage, tired of C++, I don't understand rust at all but zig still seems early stage..
<abique> By the way
<abique> I did not find vector type
<tiehuis> that is named ArrayList
<abique> I mean like llvm's vector type
<abique> so you can do SIMD
<abique> For math
<tiehuis> oh, simd hasn't really been looked at as far as I'm aware
<abique> Make it a priority
<abique> Also LLVM already provides everything you need
<tiehuis> yeah, i'd like to try a few things with it at some point and have seen the llvm support
<abique> you just have to expose the llvm vector type :)
<tiehuis> i'll make an issue now to make a note and get any discussion going
<abique> Great :)
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<abique> how many people are developing zig?
<tiehuis> a few people somewhat actively maybe, ~6-7 with regularity?
<tiehuis> that's just on the compiler stuff, there are others who are writing their own projects which also helps in figuring out use-cases/bugs etc
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<abique> Who's behind this project? Is there any company?
<tiehuis> not that I'm aware, it was started by andrewrk
<abique> And most of you are in America / Europe ?
<tiehuis> most are i think, although im not
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<tiehuis> made an SIMD issue here:
<tiehuis> it is pretty barebones at the moment since it's late and i don't write much simd
<tiehuis> if anyone is more familiar and/or has some strong opinions then post any discussion there
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<abique> ok
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<raytracer[m]> andrewrk: I was able resolve my problem with smallpt( I was returning a &const Vec(T) in the radiance function for some reason. I changed it to a regular Vec(T) and that resolved the issue though I don't know why it ever worked in debug mode.
<MajorLag> Something strange is going on in debug mode. I had a similar issue, but it only seemed to affect win32.
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