ChanServ changed the topic of #zig to: zig programming language | | be excellent to each other | channel logs:
<Braedon> The problem is with hash_map, it wants a []u8 comparison function
<Braedon> And it really should want a []const u8 comparison function
<Braedon> Wrote issue about it, because otherwise you can't pass in string literals, since you can't 'downcast' (I agree with never letting anyone downcast from const to non-const)
<andrewrk> Braedon, I believe this will be solved by
<Braedon> Oooh that would solve it
<Braedon> Though I still think hash_map should be changed perhaps?
<Braedon> Since not labelling it as const makes it seem like the comparison function can edit the values
<andrewrk> Braedon, feel free to make a pull request
<Braedon> Swell :)
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<relatingdata> Hi, anybody using fedora rawhide (F29) to compile zig / zen?
<relatingdata> getting error messages from Symbol Table file(s) needing copy constructors
<andrewrk> relatingdata, good news. I have just got 100% static linux builds of zig working, and they are automatically built for every push to master branch
<andrewrk> wait 10 min for this travis build to complete and I'll send you a link
<MajorLag> sweet
<andrewrk> MajorLag, I have a good solution. I figured out how to upload HTTP redirects to s3
<andrewrk> so we will have an url like zig-linux-x86_64-master.tar.xz and it will redirect to the latest successful build
<MajorLag> that sounds a lot easier than what I'd read about pushing to github release
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<andrewrk> ugh. s3cmd version on travis is old enough to not have the cli args I expected
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<andrewrk> now to wait 15 more minutes to see if this fixes it
<relatingdata> sounds good, soon we will have zen self hosting :-) how much remains to be done on the self hosting compiler?
<andrewrk> lots. we have a partially complete parser, and we have linking against LLVM/clang working on all platforms
<andrewrk> and that's about it
<andrewrk> I'm planning on finishing up my proof-of-concept of multiplexing coroutines onto a kernel thread pool first, because I'm planning on making the self hosted parser multi-threaded
<andrewrk> and also work out some major language changes
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<relatingdata> some years ago I was quiet impressed with and the associated tiny C compiler have you had a look? its just a little bit dated
<andrewrk> neat
<Braedon> Ahh okay you can't have generic types then 'add const' like `fn(a: const K, b: const K)`
<andrewrk> Braedon, this is why I think the problem is #733
<Braedon> Yeh, I agree
<Braedon> Though the question is raised about generics and whether or not you should be able to add type modifiers to them since you can add '[]' to a type
<Braedon> But you can't add 'const' for example
<andrewrk> you can add []const to a type
<Braedon> Yes
<Braedon> I would say that seems weird?
<andrewrk> what are you trying to do?
<hobomatic> does 'const T' even make sense for an argument type currently? if its a byval argument, its effectively const anyhow from the outside.
<Braedon> Well for example in the hash map stating that the comparer should be const
<andrewrk> right. const only makes sense in terms of pointers
<Braedon> Yes in some cases
<Braedon> For example you could pass in type '&MyStruct'
<Braedon> It makes sense that the comparison flags it as 'const'
<Braedon> But for other non-ptr types you wouldn't care if it was const or non const
<andrewrk> if you specify &MyStruct as the type of the hash, it's harmless to have the comparator take mutable args
<andrewrk> you're allowed to pass a fn(&const T) where a fn(&T) is expected
<Braedon> Yes but it requires you to have possibly two comparison types
<Braedon> For example with strings
<Braedon> You aren't
<Braedon> I'll double check, I felt you couldn't
<andrewrk> oh my god it finally worked
<hobomatic> static?
<andrewrk> yes
<hobomatic> woo
<MajorLag> "shell script is the worst language ever"
<Braedon> You can't pass in fn([]const T) where fn([] T) is expected
* MajorLag nods
<Braedon> The error is: error: expected type 'fn([]u8, []u8) bool', found 'fn([]const u8, []const u8) bool'
<Braedon> Unless that rule only applies to pointers and not arrays?
<andrewrk> Braedon, that's a bug in the compiler, I'll fix it
<Braedon> Ahhh okay haha, I'm happy to give it a look if you want :0
<GitHub172> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub172> zig/master 2676da6 Andrew Kelley: travis: better s3 artifacts
<GitHub157> zig/master 6050b9d Andrew Kelley: travis: don't skip tests...
<GitHub157> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<andrewrk> ok. fresh master build for linux ETA 27 minutes away
<aiwakura> hey relatingdata, let me know if you run into issues compiling zen
<aiwakura> I have a branch of zig called zen_stdlib because I frequently change the ABI
<aiwakura> it's still a moving target - but if people are interested I'll try to make things more reproducible / have some kind of continuous integration going on
<aiwakura> there's a loadProcesses branch where I take some dirty shortcuts to load user programs from the shell, but I'm working on making that work properly on the master branch right now
<aiwakura> self-hosting zen is definitely a long-term goal. the next milestone in that direction is to cross-compile some non-trivial C/C++ program. we'll need to be able to cross-compile LLVM to get the zig compiler running inside zen
<aiwakura> which means we need a reasonably POSIX-compliant C library. we'll write in zig of course :)
<MajorLag> ok, this is weird. I'm crashing when calling DirectAllocator.alloc() on windows. It is happening at the system call itself. If I throw a debug.warn line near it, it becomes an error.OutOfMemory instead.
<andrewrk> MajorLag, hmm. it's crashing at HeapAlloc?
<MajorLag> HeapCreate, yeah.
<MajorLag> ...I'm fairly certain I've done allocation on windows before, but it's even failing in a simple test right now. I think I might be doing something stupid, but I don't know what.
<andrewrk> MajorLag, is it maybe this?
<andrewrk> not taking the address of direct_allocator.allocator
<relatingdata> ok I will have time in a couple of hours to try this will be on rawhide / fedora 29 gcc 8.0.1 / clang/LLVM 6.0.0
<MajorLag> ....possibly? let me try something
<MajorLag> andrewrk,ok, yeah, that seems to be it. Not sure what I've suddenly done differently to run into it though.
<relatingdata> back in an hour and a half
<andrewrk> MajorLag, I'm hoping we can come up with some way to catch this with runtime safety, or otherwise do this pattern in a safer way
<MajorLag> yeah, I ran into a similar issue when using an ArrayList of structs. returns a copy.
<MajorLag> which is what the code says, but not what I was expecting.
<andrewrk> that's fair
<andrewrk> perhaps after pointer reform that should return a pointer to 1 object
<MajorLag> or getting a pointer would be a separate fn, ArrayList.ptrAt() or something. In my case I could have got away with something like ArrayList.overwrite() too, but due to the way I was using it pop()+append() worked fine.
<MajorLag> Ah, I see. In most of my other code that I was doing a lot of allocations with I was doing linux stuff, where there is no heap_handle to screw up with a copy.
<andrewrk> MajorLag, oh that's interesting. if there's no state in the struct then a copy is actually ok
<andrewrk> this is a pretty sinister footgun
<MajorLag> yeah, but the whole point of the pattern is to keep state.
<andrewrk> right
<MajorLag> I suppose you could do something like is done with context in format
<andrewrk> that would require making all these interface things generic
<MajorLag> yeah, this is a bit hairy.
<MajorLag> awww yis
<andrewrk> $ ldd zig-linux-x86_64-
<andrewrk> statically linked
<MajorLag> yeah I did that test on my static build too. Then I spent some time wondering what the difference between "statically linked" and "not a dynamic executable" was.
<andrewrk> I was just wondering that
<MajorLag> I wasn't finding good ifnormation and didn't feel like digging through the gcc source tree. from what I could gather, it means it has, but doesn't use, a dynamic section.
<andrewrk> oh, that makes sense, I think
<andrewrk> hmm, I'm still confused. if I pass --static to zig build-exe, it still says "not a dynamic executable" instead of "statically linked"
<andrewrk> the linker line is: lld --gc-sections -m elf_x86_64 -static -o hello ./zig-cache/hello.o ./zig-cache/builtin.o ./zig-cache/compiler_rt.o
<andrewrk> maybe it has to do with binutils ld vs LLVM's LLD
<MajorLag> I dunno. I suppose we could find out by disecting the elf if we really want to know.
<andrewrk> I'll find out the answer to that mystery after we release 1.0.0 ;)
<GitHub159> [zig] MasonRemaley opened pull request #888: Ignores .DS_Store (master...feature/ignore-ds-store)
<MajorLag> I've already updated my site to link to the new static build.
<andrewrk> great
<andrewrk> relatingdata, if you have trouble with the build, you can use the download links from
<Braedon> Btw andrew I think I found out what is the issue (or rather I've narrowed it down)
<andrewrk> I'm guessing that we need to add some new switches for gcc 8.x if you want to try to get it building from source
<Braedon> It only breaks when you try to cast from a []u8
<Braedon> Other types work, and I'm thinking its due to the cast from a string to a []const u8
<Braedon> That is causing an overlap?
<andrewrk> what code are you referring to?
<GitHub131> [zig] andrewrk closed pull request #888: Ignores .DS_Store (master...feature/ignore-ds-store)
<Braedon> The issue with passing in a function with const parameters to a function without
<Braedon> Like in the previous issue I outlined with hash_map
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<heakins> Hi all, I see there are native implementations of hashing algorithms in std.crypto, but no encryption algs yet.
<andrewrk> hi heakins
<heakins> Anyone working on those? Thinking about spending some time porting DES, AES, etc. to native Zig with comptime, etc.
<andrewrk> heakins, neat. if anyone were working on it it would be tiehuis
<andrewrk> he's not in the room right now but he reads the logs
<heakins> ok
<andrewrk> Braedon, I'm kinda at the end of the day right now, so my brain is turning to mush. I'd need to see some code examples to help you
<MajorLag> I know that feel. Between projects and work I feel like I haven't slept in a week.
<Braedon> Yep, I was up to 2:30am last night finishing stuff haha know how you feel
<Braedon> Line 20 won't compile because the types don't match
<MajorLag> It occurs to me that if we had privat struct fields this interface problem goes away. DirectAllocator.allocator would be private and you'd get a &mem.Allocator from DirectAllocator.allocator() instead.
<Braedon> But line 18 is happy to pass in that const function
<Braedon> Private struct fields would be good in lots of other ways, maybe a way to hide them?
<MajorLag> Usually I'm not a fan of private anything, but in this case as a footgun prevention measure it makes sense. I can always use @ptrToInt() + @offsetOf() + @intToPtr() to get around private if I really need to.
<Braedon> Or maybe just make it a compile time 'info' thing, like not a warning just some side information to be careful
<Braedon> Or like '@overrideHidden(X.y)'
<MajorLag> I feel like Zig's philosophy is that warnings should be errors and it's better to force you to be explicit. So something like @justGiveMeTheFieldAlready() would probably be preferable.
<Braedon> Yeh I would prefer the builtin function way
<MajorLag> but that could always just be implemented by the programmer as a comptime fn using @ptrToInt() + @offsetOf() + @intToPtr()
<MajorLag> of course that can be said of a few builtins, like @fieldParentPtr.
<Braedon> It could but if it is going to be done by most programmers why not make it standard
<Braedon> Yeh
<hobomatic> couldn't just a gross naming convetion work to make it obvious you are doing something bad, like ____allocator____
<Braedon> Nah because its not so much your doing something bad
<Braedon> but something you gotta be careful with
<MajorLag> ....yeah, I can get behind that.
<Braedon> Gotta be careful too with '__' and C
<MajorLag> well taking the value of something with a bunch of underscores around it should give you pause
<Braedon> True
<Braedon> But then is that a syntax rule or just a programmer standard
<hobomatic> it could be a language style convention, documented in the style guide
<Braedon> Yeh
<hobomatic> i am just thinking in terms of 'what introduces the least amount of complexity'. Personally i like the idea of private struct fields, but i think i like fewer weird corner cases from interaction between features
<hobomatic> ... more
<MajorLag> yeah, I like your suggestion. It's so simple.
<MajorLag> `var dalloc = dalloc_outer.__allo`... oh right, don't do that. `dalloc_outer.allocator();`
<Braedon> Would have to be three underscores
<hobomatic> no less than 5!
<Braedon> As to not produce potential conflicts with C
<Braedon> Since their stuff is 2
<Braedon> Haha holy hand grenade of allocators
<hobomatic> or maybe, since zig's source encoding is utf8, we could add '😵' or '💣' to the character set for symbools you would have to do some serious hand gymnastics to even type the fields name
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<GitHub100> [zig] andrewrk pushed 5 new commits to master:
<GitHub14> [zig] andrewrk closed pull request #864: Getting dir entries on OS X (master...wip-macos-dirent)
<GitHub100> zig/master e1e536e Andrew Kelley: Merge branch 'wip-macos-dirent' of into hellerve-wip-macos-dirent
<GitHub100> zig/master 7e951e5 hellerve: st/os: address @andrewrk concerns
<GitHub100> zig/master f5b43ad Andrew Kelley: std/os: getting dir entries works on OS X
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<tiehuis> heakins: i haven't done anything with DES, AES so feel free to have a go at them
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<Braedon> Just finished my JSON compiler yay
<Braedon> Don't particularly like the JSON spec but its used enough that I felt it was probably worth it
<relatingdata> in Zig?
<Braedon> Yeh
<Braedon> Most of the time was spent figuring out a few compiler bugs and working around them
<Braedon> It produces a 'tree' that you can traverse, it only deserialises currently, I'll work on serialization when I get another burst of time
<Braedon> Just uploading to github then I'll send the link :)
<relatingdata> :-) Thanks
<Braedon> The one annoying thing about Zig right now is how it handles string literals
<Braedon> For example I can't index my string hashmap with a string literal since it isn't marked as const and can't be because you can't add const flag to types
<Braedon> So I'm hyped for the changes that andrew is doing to how you can pass things in
<relatingdata> what is the equivalent of const (char *) const for an immutable array of immutable strings?
<relatingdata> like month names or day names etc
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<Hejsil> Array of imutable strings: const arr: [Size][]const u8 = ...
<Hejsil> Const slice to array of imutable strings: []const []const u8
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<Braedon> It needs a few more unit tests but it works :)
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<relatingdata> catch all tomorrow I am off
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<GitHub0> [zig] tiehuis pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub0> zig/master f68c2e0 Marc Tiehuis: Fix off-by-one error in all crypto functions
<GitHub73> [zig] tiehuis opened pull request #890: Add Hmac function (master...hmac)
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<GitHub57> [zig] BraedonWooding opened pull request #891: String Utilities (master...StringUtils)
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<man213> Hello, guys. I'm learning zig build system, and, using provided examples, composed the following script: When I enter the command "zig build" in windows console cmd.exe, I receive the following message: Am I doing something stupid or windows build pipeline is broken somehow? Thanks.
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, that's a really great point about private fields
<andrewrk> man213, damn, if we had windows stack traces it would tell exactly what happened
<andrewrk> your code looks fine to me. I'll try this on my windows laptop later tonight
<andrewrk> another option is to debug it with msvc
<man213> andrewrk: Thank you, Andrew! I'll try to dig it further. At least we can debug already compiled executable with visual studio. And this is really awesome!
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, private field isn't a perfect solution. Because you get a pointer to the struct field, but then it's not obvious that you have to keep the struct alive for the same lifetime
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<GitHub30> [zig] andrewrk closed pull request #890: Add Hmac function (master...hmac)
<GitHub113> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub113> zig/master 8938429 Marc Tiehuis: Add Hmac function (#890)
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<MajorLag> @andrewrk, but isn't that the case now? DirectAllocator.init() returns a DiretAllocator struct that you later have to deinit().
<MajorLag> I honestly think Hejsil's idea about just naming the field differently to make it obvious it is internal and using an allocator() fn is better than a private filed, but I'm biased against private fields.
<Hejsil> I don't think that was my idea :)
<Hejsil> But on that note, I think explicit copy is the way to solve this
<Hejsil> Maybe
<Hejsil> Actually no, people will just do the copy
<MajorLag> Explicit copy isn't a bad idea, as `a = b` is sort of a hidden memcpy if b is a struct. However, there are many cases where structs are just small containers of data (like a Vec2) where that's fine and explicit copy would be annoying. I almost think there should be another type, like `Object` or something that is a struct with more protected characteristics.
<andrewrk> MajorLag, here's what I mean:
<andrewrk> even with a private (or weirdly named) field, this footgun still exists
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<andrewrk> maybe if we had really good detection of returning stack data from functions
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<MajorLag> Hmmm... yeah, it won't always be as obvious as in the DirectAllocator case.
<heakins_> In andrewk’s recent talk at RC he said that the Zig version of SHA256 is faster than the C/asm implementations because the use of comptime/inline allowed LLVM use the rorx instruction. My understanding from the Zig docs is that comptime/inline don’t make the compiler do optimization any differently, it’s just that compilation will error if it’s not possible to evaluate at compile time. So is the i
<heakins_> mproved performance really due to comptime/inline?
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<Hejsil> Sometimes backends (llvm) can't unroll loop completely (source: some llvm optimization talk on youtube), and when that happends it can't take advantage of the extra knowlagde gained from this. Zig's comptime forces evaluation (unrolling in this case)
<Hejsil> I haven't looked at the asm of SHA256 btw
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<andrewrk> heakins, in theory, if the optimizer is perfect, it wouldn't matter if you use comptime/inline. in practice, the optimizer is heuristics based and so sometimes misses things
<andrewrk> if you use inline to unroll a loop, it does generate different code
<andrewrk> there will not be a loop in the generated LLVM IR in this case
<andrewrk> Hejsil, I'll have an accepted proposal to solve #760 by the end of today
<andrewrk> I want to unblock you on the parser
<Hejsil> Well, I'm not blocked
<Hejsil> I've started rewriting the expression parsing, anyways, because I think my current precedence code is not very good
<andrewrk> that's what I would do too. I would just make it the state machine equivalent of the current recursive descent parser
<Hejsil> Ye, that's what I planned
<Hejsil> The only "hack" I have to do to make that work, is to use DestPtr as a return, between expr states
<andrewrk> I wonder if DestPtr is overcomplicated now that we use an arena allocator for the parser
<andrewrk> it used to be a solution for using a normal allocator where we had to carefully free correctly on error return
<andrewrk> but this arena allocator makes it waaaay simpler
<Hejsil> Well, we still wonna avoid ""leaks"" as that will take up memory during the execution of the rest of the compiler
<andrewrk> right - but when the parser returns an error, we just free the entire arena
<Hejsil> Indeed
<andrewrk> oh, you're referring to if we waste memory on a successful return
<Hejsil> Yes
<andrewrk> e.g. if we prepare some memory, and then don't end up using it
<andrewrk> got it
<Hejsil> But for expr, I have to go AssignExpr -> UnwrapExpression -> ... -> AssignExpr, if (token == assign_token) alloc assign op; else do nothing
<andrewrk> I agree that's a thing. But I wouldn't worry about it *too* much. this kind of wasted memory happens regardless because of alignment guarantees
<Hejsil> Well, expressions are common, and in this case I think I would allocate to many "dead" expressions if I did it the easy way
<andrewrk> good point
<Hejsil> Aka, to parse '+' i would alloc an "assignment", "unwrap", ... down to the state that parses '+'
<andrewrk> I think the recursive descent parser avoids that
<Hejsil> Yes
<Hejsil> It can return values, so it's trivial for it to check the next token and return expr if the token does match
<Hejsil> DestPtr have to have an allocated node to store the expr in
<Hejsil> doesn't*
<andrewrk> I think there is a way to represent that logic in the state machine
<Hejsil> I've been thinking about it, but the solution I came up with would require alot of states
<andrewrk> it would be 1 for each of the expression types in the grammar reference, right? e.g. BinaryOrExpression and friends
<Hejsil> Yes
<andrewrk> I think that is reasonable
<Hejsil> Hmmm
<Hejsil> Ok. Option 1. Return states for all expressions
<andrewrk> that maps to how it works in the recursive descent - every expression has to go through these states, except they end up on *the* stack instead of a heap allocated stack
<Hejsil> Option 2: Use the DestPtr we get from the statment that wants an expr as tmp storage
<andrewrk> oh, is option 2 what you were describing above?
<Hejsil> Ye, was trying to lol
<andrewrk> that sounds neat
<Hejsil> We only ever need to store one expression
<andrewrk> right
<Hejsil> The one returned by prev state
<andrewrk> sorry - my attention is split while I'm at work
<Hejsil> Np
<Hejsil> I'll just do my DestPtr solution. Then you can see it and decide if it's any good
<Hejsil> Introducing the extra returns states is trivial
<andrewrk> sounds good
<Hejsil> Hmmm, I might need the extra states anyways
<Hejsil> Lol
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<Hejsil> andrewrk, why does async use "<" ">" instead of "(" ")" for the allocator?
<andrewrk> syntax ambiguity
<Hejsil> Hmmm, thought so. I just don't see it myself
<MajorLag> thinking about this issue with allocators & interface pattern: at least in the allocator case one solution would be to allocate whatever you need to keep track of, like the HeapHandle, and the handle in the struct is just a pointer to that so copies don't actually keep any state. Of course that does nothing for other non-allocator interfaces, however I would like to point out, andrewrk, that your example does have
<MajorLag> without a "deinit()" that should be a clue. Still, feels like there is a better solution.
<andrewrk> Hejsil, async (is_this_a_fn_or_allocator) ()
<Hejsil> OOoh right
<Hejsil> Ye, thx
<andrewrk> also, we want to be able to fn(calling_convention_enum) but it's the same problem
<andrewrk> so this precedent lets us do fn<calling_convention_enum>
<MajorLag>, I didn't think this through about how the allocator interface actually works, nevermind.
<Hejsil> Not to argue to much about syntax, but did you consider "[" "]" instead?
<Hejsil> Ooh way
<Hejsil> No
<Hejsil> async [0]u8(some_expr)
<Hejsil> Not that you can do an async cast anyways
<Hejsil> But still
<Hejsil> Back to parsing!
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<zolk3ri> andrewrk: Do you have the file "test-sha256.zig" uploaded somewhere?
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<andrewrk> zolk3ri, I'll dig it up for you
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<andrewrk> with line 10 changed to @import("sha-2.zig").Sha256
<andrewrk> sorry, @import("sha2.zig").Sha256
<zolk3ri> andrewrk: Ah, thank you!
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<Hejsil> That was one hell of a refactor. Bedtime for me!
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<andrewrk> hejsil: wow!
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