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relatingdata has joined #zig
<relatingdata> Hi
<relatingdata> been playing with Zig for a couple of weeks and had a bit of time to look at some of the documentation over Easter :-
<relatingdata> :-) ;-)
<relatingdata> a few questions come to mind: is there any notion of C++ type operator overloading functions envisioned for Zig?
<relatingdata> having worked in many different languages in the past 40 odd years having a definite language indentation style is a definite advantage the one i have been favoring ober the last couple of years is
<relatingdata> seems to work for me for C python and javascript :-
<relatingdata> :-)
<MajorLag> operator overloading: short answer is no. Longer answer at end of this issue
<MajorLag> As I understand it, there will be a zigfmt, but the compiler won't enforce an indentation style except in cases where it might cause confusion, like a bracketless if with two indented statements under it.
<relatingdata> ok understood
<relatingdata> the reason I was asking is that I deal a lot with vectors/matrices/tensors and also complex number both in f32 and f64 a lot of wich can be off loaded onto GPU in various ways Julia does this nicely in some ways but I am still looking for a way of doing this in a low level language
<relatingdata> Typescript type generics?
<MajorLag> There are generics, they work using the comptime functionality:
<MajorLag> I'm not familiar with typescript, anything special about their generics?
<relatingdata> No, must do more reading and much more coding to get familiar with the set of features of Zig :-)
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, I have the static linux build working. I just need to integrate it with travis ci now
<relatingdata> how close is zig to generating web assembly from the llvm code?
<andrewrk> relatingdata, I believe it works now, but LLVM has webassembly as an experimental target (not included by default)
<andrewrk> I expect it to become default in llvm 7
<andrewrk> about 6 months from now
<relatingdata> so should I try to create something like for zig ?
<andrewrk> sounds like a fun project
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<tiehuis> relatingdata: if you were interested in wasm compilation see here:
<tiehuis> you don't to patch the compiler anymore either, so the only main requirement now is to have LLVM compiled with WebAssembly support
<tiehuis> the static docker build has this enabled so that should actually work right now
<tiehuis> i'd also modified parcel to recognize zig files and get automatic conversion from js here:
<tiehuis> that was a WIP though and hadn't got the tests passing on that yet
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kvuser7 has joined #zig
<kvuser7> Hi all, anyone have any ideas why one of my test passes, and the other fails, in this code? -
<kvuser7> var buf_stream = io.BufferedInStream(io.FileInStream.Error).init(&;const st = &;
<kvuser7> I see code like this in std/io_test.zig, where the stream is init'd in one line, then a reference to a member is done on another line, but if you do it all in one line "BufferedInStream(...).init(...).stream" it causes strange behavior
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Hejsil has joined #zig
<Hejsil> kvuser7, this: Basicly, right now if you copy the interface field (aka `stream`) bad stuff happens
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Braedon has joined #zig
<Braedon> mem.alloc() is used to assign ptrs right? That is pointers on the heap that aren't based off the stack?
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<Hejsil> Braedon, Simple answer: std.heap.c_allocator.alloc() and std.heap.c_allocator.create()
<Hejsil> Complicated answer. You should probably look into allocators and why they are useful
<Braedon> Ahh yeh that's what I was looking for
<Braedon> Yeh I was using a self made allocator
<Braedon> In my own code, and wanted to know if there was a std one
<Hejsil> std.heap.c_allocator is an allocator wrapping malloc/free from C's standard lib. Zig doesn't have a general purpose allocator yet
<Braedon> I think it should eventually have one, but yeh I had mine just wrapping around C's
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<Braedon> Alignment in the call has to be passed in right? Probably best as @alignof(T)
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<Hejsil> Alignment of allocated memory?
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<Braedon> The alignment field in the call type of u29.
<Braedon> *parameter not filed
<Braedon> *field
<Braedon> `fn cAlloc(self: &Allocator, n: usize, alignment: u29) ![]u8` is the type declaration
<MajorLag> The allocator implementation takes it that way, but the allocator interface takes a type and passes @alignOf(T) for you: `fn alloc(self: &Allocator, comptime T: type, n: usize) ![]T { return self.alignedAlloc(T, @alignOf(T), n); }`
<Braedon> Ahhh nice
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<Braedon> I'm looking towards helping MacOS/Linux Dev with the compiler (got quite a bit of compiler building experience under my belt, though mainly toy languages).
<Braedon> Is there a todo list for each target? Like how there are milestones?
<MajorLag> andrewrk: Having that artifact avaialbe just like the windows one will be so slick.
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<kammd[m]> Hey guys is there any plan for hpux target??
<andrewrk> kammd[m], that is entirely decided by llvm
<andrewrk> oh that's an OS, not an architecture isn't it?
<andrewrk> you can write freestanding code for hpux today
<andrewrk> so the question is, is there a plan to flesh out the standard library for hpux
<kammd[m]> andrewrk: yeah arch is ia64
<andrewrk> you can also use libc on hpux now
<kammd[m]> andrewrk: hmm is there is any documentation on how I can try it out? just a pointer would be great..
<andrewrk> is ia64 the same thing as x86_64?
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<kammd[m]> andrewrk: sadly nope.. Itanium
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<sandwit> I don't know how to express this without coming across as caring too much about frivolous things, but I feel like "const Name = struct" is valuing consistency too far above pragmatism? Pretty much everyone else does "struct Name {}" and that even leads to less noise on the screen imo.
<sandwit> though if struct is thought of as a type of sorts, then of course having the name on the left side does fit better
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<andrewrk> another reason to support that would be for interdependent structs inside a function definition
<andrewrk> we could read the struct definitions out of order. whereas with const decls in a fn we have to do it in order
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<MajorLag> for now, i'm still hoping for fn to go the struct route: const name =fn(...) ... {...}; Then I don't need to wrap inner functions in a struct.
<GitHub188> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub188> zig/master aadc14f Andrew Kelley: upload static linux artifacts on successful travis build
<andrewrk> MajorLag, ^ this works. I'm hoping that travis CI will display the URL to the uploaded artifact
* hobomatic vibrates with anticipation
<Hejsil> MajorLag, one day, hopefully :)
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<GitHub183> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub183> zig/master 65e4bb1 Andrew Kelley: travis artifacts: don't upload extra stuff
<andrewrk> MajorLag, argh. I think I have to implement something more complicated, because travis does not list the uploaded artifacts visibly. you'd have to click "download raw log" and then scroll to the bottom
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<MajorLag> apparenty it can be automatically pushed to github releases, but you need to jump through hoops with an api key
<GitHub106> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub106> zig/master 21b47b3 Andrew Kelley: travis: don't upload build/ folder as artifacts
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, I don't want to create a git tag for every commit
<MajorLag> can it be as simple as just having the build process push it over sftp or something?
<GitHub192> zig/master d1f8e72 Andrew Kelley: travis: don't upload other files as artifacts
<GitHub192> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<andrewrk> MajorLag,
<andrewrk> it's just a matter of exposing the URL to the most recent file
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<walac> hi there, was trying to build, but it feels like there is a conflict between the builting
<walac> * conflict between builtin and zlibc symbols
<andrewrk> walac, are you using the build script?
<andrewrk> it looks like the build script only does addObject which would not produce builtin.o which is the conflicting object
<walac> andrewrk: nope, I implemented memcpy and a simple test, then ran ~/work/zig/build/zig test string.zig
<andrewrk> I see
<andrewrk> walac, I suggest following compiler_rt's pattern from zig:
<andrewrk> essentially, set the linkage to internal on all the exported functions when testing. This way the symbol does not conflict with another object file
<walac> andrewrk: thanks :)
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<brannock> Would this kind of iterative development work on windows if I'm using Microsoft C compiler?
<andrewrk> brannock, in theory yes. there might be a bug or two currently
<andrewrk> or a missing feature such as
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<GitHub22> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub22> zig/master 9dfd1a7 Andrew Kelley: remove more signal handling stuff from std.os.ChildProcess...
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<Braedon> How do you convert array literals to their generic array format? Like pass in "true" as []u8 rather than [4]u8?
<Braedon> A ptr cast?
<Braedon> More info: While I know I can probably create a c""/normal literal then do a memcpy to get it into proper array format (and do it at comptime so its not 'effecting runtime') I feel there must be a better way
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<Braedon> No worries, I just realised I can implicitly cast to '[]const u8' duh
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<andrewrk> Braedon, you can slice arrays with array[a..b] syntax
<andrewrk> if you slice a mutable array you get a mutable slice
<Braedon> It isn't a mutable array though