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<MajorLag> andrewrk: this is what I imagine for a @TypeInfo struct:
<MajorLag> Of course this from the perspective of having no idea about compiler internals.
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<aiwakura> @andrewrk what was .setBuildMode(b.standardReleaseOptions()) all about?
<aiwakura> I'm trying to build that mixed 32/64 bit executable
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<aiwakura> I think I found a good solution
<aiwakura> I can ask GRUB to load a 32-bit module which switches to 64-bit mode and then jumps to the kernel
<aiwakura> which is loaded as a module
<andrewrk> aiwakura: it adds release fast and release safe build options to zig build. You can see them with zig build --help
<andrewrk> MajorLag: thanks for putting that together. I'll have a look tomorrow. I think somebody made an issue for this at some point. Look for the text "reify"
<aiwakura> cool
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<jacobdufault> andrewrk: for, where would you expect Aaaaaa to show up in `CodeGen`? I'm not seeing it in type_table and nothing else seems obvious to me
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<aiwakura> run into a lld bug
<aiwakura> so annoying
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<jacobdufault> going through codegen->import_table seems to get it
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<jacobdufault> (though, it is registered as a TldIdVar, but the `var` structure in `TldVar` is null, which seems to imply I cannot get any information about it)
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<GitHub32> [zig] Hejsil pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub32> zig/master 689e241 Jimmi Holst Christensen: Merge branch 'master' of
<GitHub32> zig/master 51b2f1b Jimmi Holst Christensen: Translate C can now translate switch statements again
<hoppetosse> Hejsil: thanks for the translate-c switch fix XD
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<GitHub116> [zig] Hejsil pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub116> zig/master b288762 Jimmi Holst Christensen: Translate C will now handle ignored return values
<MajorLag> @andrewrk, I added the example to the issue.
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<GitHub78> [zig] Hejsil pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub78> zig/master 2e010c6 Jimmi Holst Christensen: Translate C now correctly converts ints, floats, ptrs and enums to bools...
<andrewrk> jacobdufault, in the TypeTableEntry for the struct, the name field
<andrewrk> oh I understand your question. yes the import table is the correct way to find it
<andrewrk> thanks MajorLag
<andrewrk> I'm merging llvm6 branch into master
<GitHub170> [zig] andrewrk pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub170> zig/master 3200ebc Andrew Kelley: Merge branch 'llvm6'...
<GitHub170> zig/master b57cb04 Andrew Kelley: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into llvm6
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<jacobdufault> andrewrk: okay, I'll probably upload a WIP PR tonight, as I've been having trouble getting data from the import table as certain useful fields are null, maybe something obvious I'm missing
<andrewrk> jacobdufault, I look forward to seeing that. I'll help you figure out the missing parts
<andrewrk> alright, llvm 6 branch is merged into master. Now it's a 1 week bug squashing palooza and then zig 0.2.0 is released March 15
<hoppetosse> andrewrk: awesome!
<hoppetosse> if you were to name the next 3 milestones, what would you call them?
<andrewrk> and I'm not allowed to use semver? :P
<hoppetosse> That's a copout!
<hoppetosse> I mean like if they were chapters of the development book
<hoppetosse> or the main focus for each one
<hoppetosse> "The Stability Update", "The Concurrency Update"
<hoppetosse> 0.2.0 might have been the async update
<hoppetosse> Though I realise how that takes the focus out of all the other stuff that happens
<andrewrk> 0.2.0 is error redesign and coroutines
<andrewrk> 0.3.0 is the self hosted compiler update
<andrewrk> 0.4.0 is the documentation update
<hoppetosse> self hosted is exciting!
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<hoppetosse> documentation, less so, but fundamentally important
<andrewrk> a bunch of bugs and features are only going to exist in the self hosted compiler, such as auto generated documentation
<andrewrk> *bug fixes, sorry :)
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<jacobdufault> oh, self hosting compiler is targeting 0.3.0? that's a lot sooner than I expected :)
<andrewrk> jacobdufault, don't worry. we're not getting rid of the c++ compiler ever
<jacobdufault> actually I find it kind of strange you want to maintain both, seems like a lot of work for a stretched team :P
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<jacobdufault> Any idea when you're aiming to release 0.3.0? ie, this year, next year, etc?
<andrewrk> I'm thinking, at least for pre-1.0.0 releases, I'm going to release each minor version 1 week after the major llvm release
<andrewrk> their release cycle is 6 months
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<jacobdufault> ah, I'll be really impressed if you manage to land the self hosting compiler in 6 months :)
<hoppetosse> He's a machine XD
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<GitHub62> [zig] andrewrk pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub62> zig/master 2db28ea Andrew Kelley: travis ci: update ubuntu llvm repo and CC,CXX env vars to 6
<GitHub62> zig/master aa9902b Andrew Kelley: translate-c: add missing case labels
<andrewrk> I have travis linux and appveyor (windows) building master branch with llvm6 successfully
<andrewrk> macos build is gonna fail until either I try to build it and upload a tarball or homebrew adds llvm 6
<andrewrk> I think maybe 0.4.0 for the self hosted compiler update. 0.3.0 is the "implement everything that breaks the language" update
<andrewrk> so that we can stabilize
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<Hejsil> Uuuh, llvm6 on master. That's exciting!
<andrewrk> Hejsil, yep. now I'll spend 1 week fixing bugs, and then release 0.2.0 on Mar 15
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<dtz> is there expected to be a zig release for use w/llvm 6? :D
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<andrewrk> dtz, next thursday
<andrewrk> I'm taking 1 week to fix bugs
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<dtz> \o/ good plan
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<GitHub111> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub111> zig/master 028ec0f Andrew Kelley: enums with 1 field and explicit tag type still get the tag type...
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<MajorLag2> andrewrk: I can't `@import("folder_local_to_source_file");`? That only works for folders in zig/lib?
<andrewrk> @import accepts filenames, or package names
<andrewrk> you can pass packages to the compiler with --pkg-begin command line arg, or you can use the zig build API
<MajorLag2> what defines a package? It looked to me like it was just a folder with an index.zig
<andrewrk> index.zig is not special
<andrewrk> a package is just a mapping from a name to a file
<MajorLag2> ok, so the std lib mapping is just known to the compiler
<andrewrk> correct, all zig packages get "std" and "builtin" package dependencies
<andrewrk> s/dependencies/mappings
<MajorLag2> got it
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<GitHub120> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub120> zig/master aaf2230 Andrew Kelley: fix partial inlining of binary math operator using old value...
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