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<hoppetosse> andrewrk: I'm soooo close to getting a win32 framebuffer up
<hoppetosse> ?.c:1:1: note: integer value 2147483648 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'c_long'
<hoppetosse> ?.c:1:1: note: use of undeclared identifier 'int'
<hoppetosse> I've basically traced the first error to the parsing of an enum which has an element of value -1 and another 0x80000000
<MajorLag> Huh, I think I am doing more or less the same thing as you. Ran in to the same problem, with CW_USEDEFAULT?
<MajorLag> translate-c makes a mess of it: pub const CW_USEDEFAULT = if (@typeId(@typeOf(2147483648)) == @import("builtin").TypeId.Pointer) @ptrCast(c_int, 2147483648) else if (@typeId(@typeOf(2147483648)) == @import("builtin").TypeId.Int) @intToPtr(c_int, 2147483648) else c_int(2147483648);
<MajorLag> I replaced it with: pub const CW_USEDEFAULT = @bitCast(c_int, c_uint(0x80000000));
<hoppetosse> pub const DISPLAYCONFIG_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY_INTERNAL: c_int = -2147483648;
<hoppetosse> Yeah, thats's the second error
<hoppetosse> I think it happenss before that point though
<hoppetosse> I also get this in the importc output: const __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ = int;
<MajorLag> oh, wait, that CW_DEFAULT line I pasted says c_int, that must be from a correction attempt because I swear translate-c inserted 'int' instead.
<hoppetosse> Yeah, I think something goes weird before
<hoppetosse> Are you importing windows.h with WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN?
<MajorLag> Yep, I have the same line in my windows.h.zig
<MajorLag> I ran translate-c over windows.h and import it as zig. Lets me manually correct it.
<hoppetosse> const c = @cImport({
<hoppetosse> @cDefine("WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", "");
<hoppetosse> });
<hoppetosse> @cInclude("stdlib.h");
<hoppetosse> @cInclude("windows.h");
<hoppetosse> That cDefine makes a lot of stuff not get included
<hoppetosse> makes the output a lot smaller with less room for error
<MajorLag> I just commented out everything but the constants, and I manually go and uncomment the procedures I need since I'd have to manually touch each of them to get them to link properly anyway.
<MajorLag> translate-c doesn't handle the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro, so it missed a bunch of stuff from winuser.h I had to manually add.
<hoppetosse> That actually sounds pretty clever
<hoppetosse> yeah, I had to recreate MAKEINTRESOURCE
<hoppetosse> I'm gonna try what you did, running translate c and importing as zig without the offending lines
<hoppetosse> thanks for the idea!
<hoppetosse> how do I run just translate-c?
<MajorLag> There are several instances where translate-c inserts "int" as a type for some reason, now that I've searched for it in places Id idn't already touch. Interesting.
<MajorLag> zig translate-c windows.h
<hoppetosse> do a regex search for \Wint\W
<hoppetosse> thanks
<MajorLag> Yeah, I got them all, I'm just surprised it happens.
<hoppetosse> Is there any way to define that WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN?
<MajorLag> I'm not aware of a way to do it from the commandline. When I've had to do that I've just created a new header file with the define and then the include of what I wanted
<hoppetosse> I was running it with --verbose-cimport and piping the output to a file
<hoppetosse> PS E:\Projects\Tick\platform\framebuffer> zig translate-c windows.hunexpected error from clang: error reading 'windows.h' unable to parse C file: C compile errors
<MajorLag> interesting, I didn't have any problems with it. Oh, are you sure you're pointing at all the right system include paths?
<hoppetosse> I didn't specify any, but I'll try that now
<MajorLag> -isystem "./" -isystem ".../VC/BuildTools/include" -isystem ".../VC/BuildTools/ucrt" are what I've got
<hoppetosse> No luck =/
<MajorLag> odd.
<hoppetosse> I don't have those BuildTools folders
<hoppetosse> I have them at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include
<hoppetosse> tried it with 12.0 as well
<MajorLag> You're using VisualStudio I imagine. I'm just using the BuildTools without VS. I'm not sure where the equivelent VS folders are.
<hoppetosse> Yeah, pretty sure these are the equivalent ones
<MajorLag> I can confirm that translate-c doesn't error for me, I just ran it again to make sure I wasn't crazy.
<hoppetosse> there's a windows.h in there, so...
<hoppetosse> I'm a few commits behind master, but I dont think anything's been done sice
<hoppetosse> are you running a debug build or release build?
<MajorLag> whatever the build artifact is. I'm pretty sure it's release.
<hoppetosse> Then yeah, same here
<hoppetosse> I mean, I compiled it, but it's release
<MajorLag>, alsoa few commits behind
<hoppetosse> Could you send me your windows.h.zig?
<MajorLag> in addition to the include with windows.h, you also need the base one (contains stdint.h) and ucrt one (contains wchar.h)
<MajorLag> Sure, one sec
<MajorLag> It's ~63k lines.
<hoppetosse> Yeah, nevermind
<hoppetosse> let me make sure those other files are there
<hoppetosse> Yeah, the files are there
<MajorLag> well, if you change your mind, paste.ubuntu took it but is choking on it a bit:
<hoppetosse> thanks!
<MajorLag> I don't know if it will apply to you or not, but I get "error: link error" when building with that unless I manually designate where each extern fn comes from and make it stdcallcc. Which is why most of them are commented out.
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<hoppetosse> MajorLag: Well, at least now I'm not getting import errors, but the compiler crashes =)
<hoppetosse> MajorLag: Well, at least now I'm not getting import errors, but the compiler crashes =)
<hoppetosse> (sorry, wrong window)
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<hoppetosse> And now at least it doesn't crash, but I'm getting a linking error.
<MajorLag> Is it "error: link error"? I get that with the older version of LLVM unless I go in and manually make the extern fns specify the library they're in and mark them stdcallcc. pub extern "user32" stdcallcc fn CreateWindowEXA(....
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<MajorLag> Is there a way to make lld not treat all warnings as errors?
<andrewrk> MajorLag, hmm I'm not sure. here's a list of options:
<andrewrk> oh yeah, I see it
<andrewrk> WX
<andrewrk> I would need to add a way to pass linker args with the zig command line, or decide that we should default to that setting on windows
<andrewrk> what are you running into?
<MajorLag> That was going to be my follow up question.
<MajorLag> Eh, just playing around trying to build against MinGW64 libs. Supposedly they fixed this issue with -aligncomm in .drectve at some point, but not in this one. It'd be fine if I could tell LLD to just ignore it, though I'm pretty sure the next thing I'll run into is "error: link error"
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, what's stopping you from using the llvm6 branch?
<andrewrk> (sincere question - maybe I can help you get it working)
<andrewrk> do you need a pre-built binary for llvm? or do you need me to make the llvm6 appveyor artifacts work?
<andrewrk> Hejsil, yeah that's still not supposed to be allowed. You're successfully creating an identifier named "type" but that conflicts with the existing "type" identifier. same error for trying to declare a variable with the same name twice
<MajorLag> I'd rather have the artifacts work, but it isn't a big deal. Though if you know of a place I can get a prebuilt llvm6 for windows I can compile to obejct and link with that to see if it works.
<andrewrk> I don't know of a place, but you could follow the instructions for building one yourself, if you want to wait a long time:,-libclang,-and-liblld-from-source
<andrewrk> files are here:
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<jacobdufault> andrewrk: curious if you have any thoughts on go vs zig language design (ignoring the fact that go is not really targeting a similar performance model), it seems like the languages have some shared ideals/goals w.r.t. simplicity
<MajorLag> Thanks andrewrk, I'll maybe take a look at that in the near future.
<andrewrk> jacobdufault, my main complaints about go are: hidden memory allocation which it is impossible to check for failure, tedious and therefore easy to bungle error handling, lack of generics
<andrewrk> also, I *just* finished async/await support in the async branch, which I will be merging later today. I think this is a better concurrency model than goroutines
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<hoppetosse> MajorLag: Yeah, that's the error
<hoppetosse> I'll keep y'all posted =)
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